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A bit broken-hearted

Guest Protoman2050

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Guest Protoman2050

I'm a bit broken-hearted today (not totally depressed like I was a while ago, but kinda sad). I have this friend Will. He's a student radiographer I met at LGBT bowling a month ago. He's sweet, kind, funny, smart, and oh so eccentric (like myself!). We get along so well together, we're like the same people, except he's a dude and I'm a trans-chick. We even exchanged Valentine's Day cards!

We had great fun at Wendy House (an alt/goth/rock night at our uni every month), even though he had a UTI (he thinks it could be chlamydia) and was trying to take care of his exceedingly depressed friend. Since he had a UTI, I went into the men's room when we were at Wendy House together to check on him. A guy told me to get in the ladies. First time I've ever been told off in the men's!

Will said he had a lot of fun! But sadly, despite the fact me and him fit together so well, he's just not physically attracted to me, even though our personalities mesh together so well, and we're both lonely and awkward. He hopes I achieve all I hope to, and we're still great friends. He told me that "I hate 90% of people, and I think you're awesome; I actually enjoy hanging out with you. I got more care and affection from you, who I've only known for a month, than the entire two years I spent with my ex-girlfriend. And you have an awesome personality. Don't let anyone put you down. Don't ever change. There's a guy, girl, or Transgender that's the one for you out there somewhere. I am so sorry I can't take this any further, you really deserve it. It's just that I can't get over my ex, and your penis makes me nervous. I hope you achieve all your dreams, and rock on!"

He's looking forwards to when I fully feminize, and says I'm the sweetest and coolest person he's ever known.

So yeah, I'm a bit broken-hearted. We totally had something together. But he really lifted my spirits!

Edited by MaryEllen
Sexually explicit paragraph removed
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Guest angels wings

Sorry to hear it didn't work out as you had hoped . A good thing is he was honest with you and thinks very highly of you . That is priceless .


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I have had so many people in my life that seemed to be such great fits for me but they knew that there was a better match for them and moved on.

Sometimes they just never were really the right one for us anyway but we have a hard time believing that because we wanted them so badly.

There are over 7 Billion people in the world, the odds are pretty good that you will meet another, I always believe that the next one will be the right one.

Just hang in there and never give up hope.

Love ya,


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