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A dream that made me understand myself more.

Guest Adelaide

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Guest Adelaide

Perhaps this is the wrong place to post this, but I think it is the right place. I had a dream last night, where I saw myself as a woman. The woman I see myself as all the time. I had been taking hormones for 5 days, and I was getting some minor bad side effects. But I remember feeling perfect, and it made me happy to feel like a woman. It was interesting how different she was to me, she seemed a lot more together mentally. The dream even let me be her for a moment, which felt even better. I think either my dream was telling me that I'd be happy as a woman or letting me understand how I would feel as a woman. But anyways that dream made me feel so good I'm more willing to pursue happiness. Though to be honest I wonder should I trust what I feel in a dream?

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  • Admin

This is the perfect place for your post, Adelaide. I am really happy for you. I had many such dreams leading up to, and after starting HRT. They show how much all of this has been on your mind, and how much you look forward to the changes in store for you. Congrats!


Carolyn Marie

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  • Admin

Without a dream, how can you have a dream come true??

I am not an expert on dreams or dream theory, but from childhood I have had similar dreams from time to time. At six weeks post op, we know how my dreams resolved themselves. You may not need to go as far as I have, but you now have something to follow.

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Guest Sascha

I've had two of those dreams. One even prevented me from suicide.

Well, no matter what the so called experts say about dreams just being random brain activity, I 100% believe that dreams are more than that. It's a direct connection to our subconscious, the REAL. The mind has had enough influences on our lives, from indoctrination to conditioning. I certainly trust a good (prophetic) dream more than the rational cold mind, any day of the week. Intuition is also linked to the subconscious, the "gut feeling". it's usually more accurate than that "overrated mind" we got.

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Guest Adelaide

Gotta love that gut feeling. Especially when it conflicts with your logic. Personally I've had a great deal of situations with dreams, I used to have nightmares every night for a long time, which ended up showing me a fear, and once the fear was gone the dreams stopped. I'm just happy I have a subconscious willing to show me, something to look forward too.

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Guest SusanB

I have had similar dreams for years, at least as far back as i can remember.

It was just one of the pieces of the puzzle that finally led me to seek out a GT

Yes i was a little slow on the uptake LOL

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