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Interesting though as being Transgender as one of God's gifts.

Guest BeccaC

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Guest BeccaC

A friend shared this with me several days ago, and while I have come to a certain understanding with my faith and myself I thought it might help someone else that might be struggling with their faith and being trans.

The Bible doesn't mention transgender people at all. There's no reason it should, of course; it's a religious handbook, not a medical text.
Here's a view you might not have considered;

"The Gift"

Wouldn't it be refreshing to see transsexualism viewed as a positive good instead of a negative, or at best neutral, phenomenon? Some psychologists characterize it as a sexually motivated disorder; psychiatrists treat it as an aberration imprinted by upbringing. Transsexuals themselves see it as a curse.

But what if they're all wrong? What if these characterizations fail to describe what transsexualism really is? What if instead we try to look at transsexualism as a gift; and not just any gift, but a gift created by Almighty God Himself and deliberately bestowed by Him on certain chosen individuals to fulfill His divine plan. Zounds! Awesome! Radical! Yes, and frightening, too.

God reveals a vision of His gifts to us in all their wonderful diversity through Paul: "There are different gifts but the same Spirit; there are different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone. To each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good...preaching, teaching, faith, healing, miracles, prophesy, recognizing spirits, tongues and the interpretation of tongues. All these are the manifestation of one and the same Spirit, who distributes different gifts to different people just as he chooses" (1 Cor 12:4-11).

What's that? You didn't see transsexualism in the list? Paul does not pretend that this short list includes all of God's gifts to us. He itemizes more in Romans 12:6-8 and Jesus names others in the Beatitudes such as meekness, thirst for justice, peacemaking and the rest. Indeed there are many gifts - named and unnamed - given to us "for the common good".

So why not transsexualism? There is not one shred of evidence that this is not a divine gift. Of course when most people think of divine gifts they think of musical ability, artistic talent, intelligence, charisma, good health, etc., but that is obviously too narrow a view. In a very touching story Jesus showed even blindness could be a gift: "He saw a man who had been blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, for him to have been born blind?' 'Neither he nor his parents sinned, Jesus answered, 'he was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him'." (Jn 9:2-3) Then He gave the man sight.

Christians have always had difficulty comprehending how a loving, good, and merciful God could permit conditions that are contrary to their concept of good. Birth defects, arthritis, an untimely death, - all the frailties of human existence - seem cruel. Some ascribe these to sin while others become callous or turn against their God. Their faith is lacking and Jesus calls them blind: "If you were blind, you would not be guilty, but since you say, 'We see,' your guilt remains." (Jn 9:41)

Is it not possible that even these so called evils are also gifts of God? And perhaps not just gifts to those stricken, but to all of us - to give us an opportunity to show care and love for all our brothers and sisters. Consider the story of the Good Samaritan: Was not the victim an opportunity for the Levite, the priest, and the Samaritan to show love for another human being? But only the Samaritan saw the "gift" in the situation and helped the victim.

In the same way Christians and others often fail to comprehend how transsexuality could be God's blessing to certain chosen persons - for their benefit and the benefit of us all. Instead, some set themselves up as judges and condemn what their pride cannot accept. "You must love your neighbor as yourself; but as soon as you make distinctions between classes of people, you are committing sin", James warns them. Besides, "who are you to give a verdict on your neighbor?" (Jam 2:9, 4:12) Jesus Himself told Peter: "What God has made clean, you have no right to call profane." (Acts 11:9)

However, any gift may be used for good or evil. Everything God has created is good but its ultimate value depends on what we do with it. If we realize that it can no longer remain a mere aberration to be tolerated. Rather, it becomes a positive good - a calling or vocation. It is right and morally good to express it and morally wrong to suppress it. See what power, what confidence, what affirmation we gain from accepting this as a gift! "If God is with us, who can stand against us?" (Rom 8:31) But wait! Before we charge off to conquer the world, take note: God's gifts do not come without strings. Remember the parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30)?

Three servants were given gifts. Two dared to risk their gifts in investments and won a profit. The third suppressed his gift - and it was ripped from him and he was thrown out. If the two had risked and failed, would they have been punished? I think not. God does not allow us to be tested beyond our strength (1 Cor 10:16). The point is, the two acknowledged their gifts and accepted them. With faith in their master they tried and succeeded.

God's gifts are His investments in us and He expects a return on the investment. Paul's advice to Timothy applies equally to us: "You have in you a spiritual gift... do not let it lie unused" (1Tim4:14). The third servant did not use his gift and it was taken from him. The fig tree that did not bear fruit was ordered to be cut down (Lk 13:7-8). The Spirit who distributes these gifts "just as he chooses" gives some more gifts than others. Do not envy them; for the more they have been given, the more will be demanded of them (Lk 12:48)

And what return can transsexuals make on the investment our God has made in them? Transsexuals are born with a gift. They can no more teach someone without the gift to become one of them than a therapist can take the gift from one who is born with it. Like it or not the gift is given - it is theirs, - in them as an integral part of their unique being.

So what do you do with it? Certainly we have to acknowledge it and accept it. Then what? For starters we can learn from it. We can learn a deeper appreciation and respect for all people. As a minority we can see more clearly the stupidity of prejudice. We can embrace this gift, treasure it, enjoy it, explore and develop it to its full potential, and share it with others. We can help those similarly gifted: removing their fears and roadblocks so they can become all they were meant to be. "Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourself at the service of others" (1 Pet 4:10).

And when we've learned to appreciate ourselves and others, and when we've given help to others, then we can reach out to the public who do not share the gift. We can step out with pride in the full light of day as ornaments to society. After all, "We are God's work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant us to live it" (Eph 2:10).

We are needed in society - precisely because we cross a gender boundary which is taken for granted so complacently by the majority. Just by being who we are, we challenge false assumptions about gender and genuinely help the public reassess their attitudes. We demonstrate in our being the diversity of God's creative genius, and we help deflate the arrogance that leads to discrimination - against us and against other minorities.

We are all members of the same crew on spaceship Earth and we will all grow or die based on the contributions of each individual member. No one could contribute much if we were all the same, could we? "If your whole body was just one eye, how would you hear anything? If it was just one ear, how would you smell anything? Instead of that, God put all the separate parts into the body on purpose. If all the parts were the same, how could it be a body? As it is, the parts are many but the body is one. The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I do not need you,' nor can the head say to the feet, 'I do not need you.'.. God has arranged the body so that... each part may be equally concerned for all the others. If one part is hurt, all parts are hurt with it. If one part is given special honor, all parts enjoy it" (1 Cor 12:17-21, 24-26).

We all have a place and a purpose in this world whether we understand it yet or not. Rednecks, Jews, men, women, whites & blacks, Baptists, bankers, transsexuals- even Democrats - all are here at His command. Is this difficult to swallow? Even Paul had trouble with it but he understood: "I should like everyone to be like me, but everybody have his own particular gifts from God, one with a gift for one thing and another with a gift for the opposite" (1 Cor 7:7).

Accepting transsexuality as a divine gift means accepting also the purpose for which it was given. That may be too uncomfortable for most. But those that do accept acquire also the power and confidence that comes from being right - not just correct according to human logic - but morally right. "

I hope you enjoy the different perspective this brought me.

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At the end of our Great Vigil Of Easter service tonight, my priest and I were talking for a very brief moment, but on a subject we have discussed before, that my gender issues are indeed a gift. I have had an opportunity to experience death to what the world tried to create in me, and to experience a ressurection as I gave in to what God had made my life in a way that no other person can truly experience. By accepting yourself as different, you have died to conformity. Just so many little parts of our lives needs to die to become our true, new born self that is no longer a lie, or half truth. I have felt a new awakening in my life. I have a story to tell that others can listen to and learn how I have changed in pain and then when the pain was worst, breaking through a barrier into a totally new and joy filled life.

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Guest BeccaC

I suppose by that reasoning infertility is a gift to women, then?

Maybe the gift isn't given to the infertile woman, but to the abandoned or unwanted child that she might adopt.. If it wasn't for the inability of some people to have their own children there would be many less of those children finding lovig homes..

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I do see being transgender as a gift. I accepted it and use it to God's glory. It has opened doors in that

others will be blessed. Each person has his or her particular gift. What is done with it is up to the person.

There's much more that we understand now than back in biblical times. We are to use those things that

are available.

There is much anti-intellectualism in some circles which it says. It does say that we are to present ourselves

to God approved by Him (2 Tim. 2:15). It may mean changing our belief systems and preconceived notions, not

easily done by many. The story of the Good Samaritan is a fine example. Each person is different and those

differences make up the mosaic and tapestry called humankind.


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Guest BeccaC

I do see being transgender as a gift. I accepted it and use it to God's glory. It has opened doors in that

others will be blessed. Each person has his or her particular gift. What is done with it is up to the person.

There's much more that we understand now than back in biblical times. We are to use those things that

are available.


I so agree Gennee :) I have been attending an incredible church and have been in the choir now for several months. Being able to be up front and visible to everyone in the congregation is a great feeling. While everyone in the church has been so accepting I still feel that being so visible is only doing good for others perceptions of us. While God also gifted me with a love for singing, I won't comment on how I sound lol, I love, love, LOVE singing in the choir and feel compelled to get up and sing.... I never had that strong of a desire before.. The church has been so uplifting to me, I can't use plain old words to describe just how much.

Take today, after the second service after we performed I had two individuals invite me to enjoy Easter dinner with their families. They knew I lived on a small boat, and my family is 12+ hours away and didn't want me to spend Easter alone and were so willing to accept me into their home.. It was an overwhelming experience. Had a good friend not already invited me to dinner, it was an amazing feeling to still feel that welcomed..

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Sarah was infertile to the glory of god.

Add in Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, and Hannah, the mother of Samuel, the prophet/Priest who ended up anointing King David.

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Guest Always Good

A question then... Did all of these "infertile" women end up having children? Because short of being made a superstar through miraculous conception I can't really see how preventing a woman from being capable of bearing children is any sort of gift.

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Always Good ---

All three of the women mentioned above did in fact have children LONG after their age sisters were in menopause, and all three bore children who became extremely important in the history of the Jewish and Christian religions. Sarah bore Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham who began the line to Judaeism and Christianity, Hannah bore Samuel who was a major Priest/Prhophet at the time of King David, and who first annointed David as king to be of Israel. Elizabeth bore John called The Baptist, who preached and prophesied the arrival of Jesus. Even though infertile in their young days, their patience and faith was the blessing that allowed them to eventually have a brief window of fertility and the production of rather remarkable children.

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Guest KimberlyF

A question then... Did all of these "infertile" women end up having children? Because short of being made a superstar through miraculous conception I can't really see how preventing a woman from being capable of bearing children is any sort of gift.

We're all different. Even here some find being Trans a gift, while others a curse.

Some find comfort in God and some find anger. I hope everyone finds comfort in whatever way works best for them.

As for the question, I think there is a whole lot on this planet that I can't begin to understand. When I start to think of the beginning of the universe and origin of man, forget it. But I do believe that sometimes out of the pain and sacrifice of one, somehow the world can be a better place for us all.

One can google the name Jayden Lamb and see how a child's death from cancer has impacted people across the globe. Why him and not one of the other thousands of kids who died? I have no idea.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest BeingMe

I'm astounded by your logic. Being a Christian and knowing what I've been taught and reading your perspective... very interesting to say the least and I tend to agree. Sometimes I wonder how many things we have misinterpreted or missed completely... we can never understand His wisdom or His ways. We simply do not have the understanding to do so.

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Guest Always Good

I'm more inclined to believe that my father sold my soul before I was born and some demon used that as a license to screw with my body. A life of misery can never be called a gift unless it leads to some happiness beyond what one would have otherwise obtained. This is as much a gift as mutilation and spaying.

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we can never understand His wisdom or His ways. We simply do not have the understanding to do so.

Perhaps our true gift is honesty to know that, and courage to seek as much understanding of God's wisdom as we can. It is that search that gives addicts the gift of stable and ongoing recovery. It is the same search we go through in our transitions as we shed what we thought was the worlds wisdom, only to be confronted by God's greater wisdom that brought us to our knees with humility so God could lift us up on His shoulders. It is not the impossibility of having the wisdom that charts our lives, it is the devotion to finding what we can of it that gives the greatest riches. The journey is a gift, and the arriving will be the surrender of ourselves finally.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest robin3

each day I turn my life over to lord and seek his guidance. I am still left with the need be in touch with my female self, so I wear panties and paint my toe nails .He seems to love me and not care about my wearing panties.

I do worry that this may be a sin so thanks for the topic

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Guest LizMarie

Perhaps it is neither gift nor burden intended to us individually, but a test for those around us? A pastor I've met once said to me that he viewed being transgender as a test, of compassion, humanity, caring, and kindness. And he then said to me that sadly, so many are flunking that test.

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Guest Gregg Jameson

Perhaps it is neither gift nor burden intended to us individually, but a test for those around us? A pastor I've met once said to me that he viewed being transgender as a test, of compassion, humanity, caring, and kindness. And he then said to me that sadly, so many are flunking that test.

Liz, I have also often heard pastors mention this as their own personal understanding and the understanding they also hope to impart in their behaviors, words and in their more formal messages to their congregation(s). It makes sense to me that there are, potentially, all kinds of possibilities/potentials for the personal and spiritual growth of all people touched by, or witnessing, any challenging situation. Compassion, loving -kindness, unconditional love -- we all need to feel this in our lives and we all need to learn to sincerely demonstrate the same to everyone. I tend to think every challenge holds potential for soul growth.

Thanks for mentioning this, Liz! :D

Warmly, Brad

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Laura Beth

I have from my own experience found that it is a gift. We are the tools of God to teach the others about love, compassion and acceptance of all his children. I came out to my wife a little while before she got a phone call from her mother telling her that one of their cousin's daughter was transsexual. I feel that I have been used a number of time to do various tasks as my purpose on earth and still have more to do. I could have died my times over by now but the LORD still has plans for me to fulfill. When ever a door closes a window is opened.

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Guest chargrl1

I used to question why God made me the way that he did. Not just questioning myself, but at the climax of it questioning God himself. I found that God is not to be questioned, in his ulimate wisdom he has made creation very diverse and nature has many variations. In the beginning, God made male and female, and they were perfect. That was the begninning, and they made a perfect error in disobeying God. He made them with a free will because he did not want robots who blindly gave him reverance. He wanted us to love him and worship him out of our own desire to, not because we had to.

Since that time, there have been many variations of people who have been born with things that are not considered as "normal". Remember this is a fallen world, flawed now and imperfect. God still loves us and wants our worship and reverance, as much as our companionship and love. To question him in things like gender variations is a sin, the only other sin of that would be to not reverance him in our bodies and to do things with it that would be profane in his sight. To me it was a sin to iive outwardly as a man, trying to hide from everyone and even trying to hide from God himself. God is not mocked, he is omnipresent and knows all things, there is nothing hidden from him.

The right thing for me was in realizing that I am more female than male, and to live as a female and not do things that would profane that image. That brought outward confession to people about who I really was, and a great relief to finally be myself. It was hard at first, and there was a lot of conflict with some who could not accept it. Most of them finally came around to realizing what this truly is about, it's not about sex it's about gender identity. Thinking it's only about sex and going on a tangent about that is not being true to the higher place within ourselves, and not placing faith in God to understand our flaws. For some to think that some variations exist and others do not, is very ignorant and judgmental. If others do not understand us, we can only do so much to help them understand and beyond that it's between them and God to reconcile within themselves, they too have a free will and must willingly come to the truth that they do not see.

I hope that this exposition of what I believe to be true is helpful to others who question themselves or God. May you all find peace with yourselves and your creator as much as I have.

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Guest Mickey

I saw this post today, read the title and wondered to myself "Why is this post NOT showing a reply from me?" Only to scan it and find there is none. Being a deeply spiritual person I can only say that I get emotional about this subject and that I may have just gotten too emotional about it each time I saw this post before. Well if I start to cry then I'll just wait until I am done and then continue writing.

I also see this as a gift. And I know why God saw fit to gift ME with this particular gift. He knew the kind of person I would be today and knew the understanding that I would have of His Word and that I would understand HOW to study His Word on any particular subject matter. He knew that my only desire would be to take His Truth to His lost children, who have been alienated from His church by false teachings.

I was born and raised in Memphis Tennessee. I grew up in church and was first hand witness to this alienation. I knew I was different from an early age and as I got older, what I was hearing in the church was that God hated me. Just because of who I was. I was a girl in a boys body and I was going to hell. Well I left the church as soon as I could and took the long way around to coming back. I've been back studying the Bible for about 10 years now. Was going to church for a lot of those years and will find an accepting church. If not I'll just start a home church and invite those that thought God hated them because of who they are, so they can learn the Truth and see it for themselves.

This is why I believe it IS a Gift from God.

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  • 10 months later...
Guest Razilee

When I confessed to envy again recently, the priest told me to accept myself as I am. After a life of struggling to deal with myself as I am, I rarely have just accepted myself as the transgendered person God s allowed me to become, if He did not actually make me this way. I know He made us all unique and that His ways are not our ways. Thinking of this as a gift to use for others rather than a cross to bear all by myself is an interestng idea, one that I'm sure I'll entertain more seriously. Thanks, Becca.

Edited by Razilee
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Guest alissa16

I have to say sorry before I begin..It is not easy for me to accept this burden that has been placed upon me/us.

And just say God's will..glory to God etc.

Yes; I have also for years and years prayed for the Lord to grant me a miracle (crumbs on the floor).

Yes and Paul did pray that his thorn be removed and part of the response is that the Lord's strength is made

perfect in weakness..

I just don't know!...Yes; the whole history and make up of the bible and mankinds history is that of foolish self will and the

battle of vanity..Iam not saying this good...Iam just wanting to progress..Yes!!!! I definitely would like my life long

prayer answered more positively and more than just no or wait..

I realize that their is a lot of spiritual growth happening with this burden/thornsplaced upon us...I can't say it!..

Iam missing something..acceptance?? Gods will..I guess I have the intellectual part in the inner that I still

haven't come to grips with.

What is the purpose of man(kind)? To worship the Lord

What is the purpose of man(kind) to worship the Lord!

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      I am sorry for your struggles. I cannot empathize, but I can surely sympathize. I wish only the best for you! 
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      This exactly ^^^   I actually really liked games where I was required to play a male character. It felt homey, in a way. 
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      Welcome to the forums, M.A.! We’re happy that you found us. Jump in where you feel comfortable!
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      Can you look elsewhere?
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      Welcome to the party, M.A.     Sounds chaotic haha, I can confidently say that living with only two children the same age is stressful enough, much less three!
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