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"Gender Bender Day" At School Seen As a Conspiracy

Carolyn Marie

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Guest -guest-

Having engaged in countless (and fruitless) online exchanges with this type of individual, I can tell you that one of their go-to lines is "It's not normal." Try to point out that red hair, being left-handed and heights over 6'6" also fit that description and you get absolutely nowhere.

What they really mean is "It's not like me." When a person moves from a simple discomfort with the unfamiliar to a visceral hatred, he's on a slippery slope: marginalize, trivialize, ostracize, brutalize, euthanize. We've been there before, folks, and we're not letting you take us there again.

When minds are that narrow, there's no room for facts to enter. I'm sure they can't envision a scenario in which they are not the ones who decide what shall be deemed "normal". Who among us or them doesn't have some characteristic or quality or activity that fails to meet some arbitrary standard of normalcy?

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Guest Bellexia

I'm starting to wonder if stupid people should in fact have the right to opinions at all. Little by little daily the idea of censorship of bigots and stupids is sounding wonderful.

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Guest -guest-

I'm starting to wonder if stupid people should in fact have the right to opinions at all. Little by little daily the idea of censorship of bigots and stupids is sounding wonderful.

I think stupid people have a right to be themselves because that harms no one. But bigotry is willful ignorance that hurts others when it affects their rights as human beings.

Ignorance can be cured with a single dose of facts, but you have to be willing to swallow it. There's no cure for stupid.

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Having engaged in countless (and fruitless) online exchanges with this type of individual, I can tell you that one of their go-to lines is "It's not normal." Try to point out that red hair, being left-handed and heights over 6'6" also fit that description and you get absolutely nowhere.

What they really mean is "It's not like me." When a person moves from a simple discomfort with the unfamiliar to a visceral hatred, he's on a slippery slope: marginalize, trivialize, ostracize, brutalize, euthanize. We've been there before, folks, and we're not letting you take us there again.

When minds are that narrow, there's no room for facts to enter. I'm sure they can't envision a scenario in which they are not the ones who decide what shall be deemed "normal". Who among us or them doesn't have some characteristic or quality or activity that fails to meet some arbitrary standard of normalcy?

Kay, you're spot on. If you aren't like them, then you have no value in their belief system.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to be like them.

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Guest Jenn348

Any article that starts out with

"With the reelection of Barack Obama, the most liberal U.S. president in history, there’s little argument that the far-left is as emboldened as ever in pushing its agenda on the country."

Instantly loses all credibility.

Yes, all LGBT people and all educators (from the Ed Department head to the janitor) are in on the massive left wing conspiracy to turn kids into trannies. Oh, and don't forget that if you're not a homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic authoritarian theocracy activist you are automatically an ally of Obama. Moderates, libertarians and the like are just his allies, donchaknow. If it ain't left or right, it doesn't exist.

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Guest -guest-
If you aren't like them, then you have no value in their belief system.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to be like them.

I wrote a response just yesterday to the effect that the writer's world is an interesting place to visit but I sure wouldn't want to live there.

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Guest -guest-

Any time someone mentions the gay agenda in a comment, I ask them if they have the 2013 edition with the updates because I'm still using the 2009 edition and might be doing something wrong.

I actually enjoy playing with those people. Someone told me yesterday he was praying for me and actually wrote out what he was saying to God - some gibberish about removing demons, I think. I asked if I should be chanting or something.

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Guest chngnwnd

Does anyone have a copy of this agenda the commentators are talking about? I am suddenly feeling like I know why I am late to everything...


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Guest -guest-

Does anyone have a copy of this agenda the commentators are talking about? I am suddenly feeling like I know why I am late to everything...


Oddly, none of the gay people I know has a copy....unless they do and they're not telling me because I'm not gay, which I suppose could be part of the agenda as well. Maybe there's a substantial penalty for showing it to a straight person. Maybe if you do you're not allowed to be gay anymore.

I only know I can't find it on eBay.

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  • Admin

An interesting note on history is that several of the earliest (circa 110 CE -350 CE) Christian Gospels that never made it into the Bible are known only from the writings of the early Church Fathers attacking those writers for their beliefs who quote large passages from those writings. The actual documents were destroyed by the "right thinking" folks on the other side, so we know nothing of the original proto Gospel from those that hated the writer. The GLBT agenda things that I have ever been allowed to read are similar, since the remaining writings are by the haters talking about them?? This is a similarity I have noticed, and not an attack or put down, although irony may be present.

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