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Guest Summersun

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Guest Summersun

Hi everyone!

I have never used a forum or online group for help with my identity before. I've known there was something about me that nobody could relate to for a long time. My time has come to start relating.

Soon (but not immediately) after this post I'll be asking questions and opening myself up to what I read from you.

I can't wait! :)

In this mean time here are five things I adore:

1) Godzilla

2) Star Trek: The Next Generation

3) Beaches

4) Cats

5) Cheese

What are five things YOU adore?

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  • Root Admin

Hello Summersun,

Welcome to Laura's Playground. :)


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Guest Sarah Faith

Welcome to Laura's Playground Summersun! :)

You've definitely come to the right place, I think you'll find there are a lot of people that you can probably relate too. Take a look around the forums there is a lot of helpful and interesting information to be found and feel free to post in any that interest you.

We do ask that new members check out terms and conditions at least which can be found on the bottom right hand corner of this page.

There are lots of things that I adore, like various genres of Metal, the Denver Broncos <3, pretty much all things Disney, and RPGs. I could go on but far too many things i could list.

Looking forward to seeing more from you.


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Guest MichellePetite

Hi Summersun,

Welcome to LPG dive strait in the water's lovely and warm!

As to things I like ........ mmmmmm If I have to restrict such a list to 5....

for number one: Your nos. 2,3 & 5 as long as 5 includes wine! and No 2 also includes Dr. Who, Stargate SG1, Starwars....

oh heck! lots of stuff! Yeah I know this is a bit of a cheat!

two: Honesty

three: Thoughtfulness

four: Kindness

five: Empathy

and many more ... read my profile when you are able.

Have fun!



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Guest ClareJuliette

Welcome. I'm new too and have only skimmed the very surface of this place.

Here's five, not in any order of importance

1. Let's be controversial here and say Babylon 5 (actually lots of things like that)

2. Honesty and the truth (which is a bit of a problem as I am currently living a lie every day with nearly everyone I am with)

3. Friendship, family and relationship

4. Silence and space

5. Finding out who I am

6. Being able to misbehave and break a rules like "stop at five" in order to add music, books and then fifty more things if I didn't need a bed, which is itself important to me.

Cheese is good too.

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Guest miss kindheart

Hi SummerSun,
<<< hug >>>
Welcome to Laura's Playground.
Please feel free to come over and chat sometime.
The Chat room does require another registration that is separate from from your forums one.
Please read the chat room rules before coming in, and expect a short interview with one of the chat room moderators.
One of the things that they will ask you is if you read the rules. :)
We all look forward to seeing you.
:wub: vanna

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Guest Summersun

There are lots of things that I adore, like various genres of Metal, the Denver Broncos <3, pretty much all things Disney, and RPGs. I could go on but far too many things i

I used to be one of those people that denied the awesome power of Disney, but now I'm one of those people that look in horror when people don't have an immediate answer when I ask "what's your favorite disney movie?" The only thing I like more than disney movies is talking about them for hours with friends. And maybe wine.

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Guest Summersun

for number one: Your nos. 2,3 & 5 as long as 5 includes wine! and No 2 also includes Dr. Who, Stargate SG1, Starwars....

oh heck! lots of stuff! Yeah I know this is a bit of a cheat!

I still have not been able to get into Doctor Who but my partner says I'll have no choice if they choose a lady to play the next doctor, which I guess is fair :)

I've always wanted to visit Scottland! If I was rich I'd go there and buy my family's Chisholm Clan kilt and tartan, along with all the other added necessities. I'd also learn to play the bagpipe lol but I doubt any of my neighbors would appreciate that later on.

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Guest Summersun

1. Let's be controversial here and say Babylon 5 (actually lots of things like that)

2. Honesty and the truth (which is a bit of a problem as I am currently living a lie every day with nearly everyone I am with)

6. Being able to misbehave and break a rules like "stop at five" in order to add music, books and then fifty more things if I didn't need a bed, which is itself important to me.

ClareJuliette, I loooved Babylon Five! The politics, the acting/character development? I know so few people that are with me on that!

As for your number 2? I feel that Honesty and Truth are good things, but that Honesty is not always appropriate. Honesty should take a backseat to truth, and it sounds like you're being truthful to yourself just by being here. Baby steps!

6. Cheeky! :)

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Guest MaybeLeslie

Welcome and hmmm.. adore...in no order i'd say

Cats <3

Pixar movies over Disney :P (just saying) but movies in general comedies and romantic comedies

Video Games - MMO nerd here.

Science Fiction - Walking Dead addict

Chinese food

I could prolly think of more but I'll play by the rules this ONCE...

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Guest MichellePetite

Hi All,

I admit to liking Babylon 5, I liked the story line that ran through the series. Hey while I am in the area.... did any one like Farscape? But there again I must admit to quite liking Claudia Black! I was glad when she turned up on SG1! Yeah I have a 'yen' for long dark hair and dark eyes! .... but I have admitted to this elsewhere! (Kate Middleton topic!) Hey! so did Ben Browder! and he was also a sheriff in Dr. Who! yep six steps indeed!



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Guest ClareJuliette

I admit to liking Babylon 5, I liked the story line that ran through the series. Hey while I am in the area.... did any one like Farscape? But there again I must admit to quite liking Claudia Black!

Me! It was great and I still use words like dren in everyday conversation. Full set of DVDs at home. Full set of SG1 too. And B5. Geekling alert. I have a sneaking suspicion that my wife fancied Claudia Black more than I did (and Gigi Edgley) but that wasn't something we would have talked about back then. Facebook is good for B5 - several cast members and JMS (the Great Maker himself) are very active and communicate lots with fans and there's not a hint of "I'm better than you because I'm an actor" pride among them.

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Guest MichellePetite

Hi Clare Juliette,

Re Farscape.......

Phew!, I was beginning to think it was just me! Didn't like the way the 'suits' canned the series at the end ..... you know any back story as to why they finished it so abruptly. I did get the impression that they were sorta going round in circles with little idea how to end it all...... the series story line that is!



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Guest ClareJuliette

I think they finished so abruptly just because the men in charge of TV companies can be idiots!

(At least we eventually got The Peacekeeper Wars to round off most of the plot lines. And don't get me started on all the interesting directions that were planned for B5 Crusade of which JMS has revealed just some. And don't get my wife started on Firefly. Or either of us on those intelligent series canned after a series when there are so many brain-dead ones that run for years.)

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Guest MichellePetite

Hi Clare Juliette,

I'm afraid Firefly passed me by.* Was it only available on the likes of Sky and such?

I have Some ethical reservations re buying Sky time so don't do it. .....

I feel a bit guilty watching their 'Pick' channel 11 on Freeview..... but it is the only place I can get my 'fix' of SG1 :lol:

I am presently 'mopping up' the episodes I missed thru one thing and another. ....... Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :rolleyes:

*Though it does ring a bell ...... did they do a 'movie' called Serenity? if so I have that somewhere in my collection......




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Guest ClareJuliette

Greetings Michelle

Firefly was a Joss Whedon thing that got cancelled. People say it was brilliant and still hate TV bosses for cancelling it. Yes, Serenity followed. Don't think the Beeb ever bought it. My family are currently Whedon obsessed and they outnumber me.

Can't beat Pick apart from the mass of adverts - unless you have DVDs! And unless Quest is showing new episodes of Mythbusters.

Compromise we used to do (as it was the only way where we were living to get Channel 4 not S4C) was to have a Sky dish but only buy the card that gave access to all the free channels. Many more channels than freeview including many terrible ones. And now that we live in England and have no dish I find I actually miss things on S4C even though I never learned Welsh. Does cost quite a lot to put the dish up though, unless maybe if you have a friend who is in the trade. But at least Sky aren't profiting every month.

Hugs and smiles


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Guest MichellePetite

Hi Clare Juliette,

Yeah, I do have a Freeview dish for use with the caravan when out and about.

I just couldn't bring myself to pay for anything that would contribute to the profits of the reptile that owns Sky..... but that's just me being po faced!



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Guest sophia.gentry58

Sorry, I clicked the wrong button before finishing my last thread.

3. Sincere friends

4. Waking up everyday to a new beginning

5. cats


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Guest ClareJuliette

Sophia - I need a facebook style 'like' button for your post!

Michelle - I know the feeling. But if you lived in Wales and at the time could only get bad BBC reception and S4C then you too might sacrifice principles and hand over £20 to the Sky monster for a viewing card! It was a tough decision. And I was an over-fundamentalist Christian at the time so was very happy to get all the over-fundmentalist God channels

Summersun - hello again, sorry we hijacked your introduction with geeky sci-fi talk. :poster_oops:

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    • awkward-yet-sweet
      From what I see, the legal system gives wildly varying results.  And the difference between civil proceedings and criminal proceedings changes things as well.  I have never been on a jury, but I have been through the court process after I was attacked in 2022.  The guy was found guilty and sent to prison, but I definitely didn't get a million dollars.  Of course he had basically no property or money that could be taken, so even if there had been a ruling of that sort it would have been like asking for blood from a turnip.  Maybe Summer Bushnell has a lot of money?  Who knows.   I understand that comparing being hurt by lies and being physically hurt and left with some permanent damage is like comparing apples and oranges, and that comparing results from one location to another has similar issues.  Still, it seems strange that one thing is worth a million dollars and the other is not. 
    • Jani
      Very sad about Jim Gordon, such a talent.
    • Lydia_R
    • Vidanjali
      I had an inspiring weekend. Our vet detected a large splenic mass in our beautiful husky Saturday morning requiring immediate emergency surgery. We transferred her to the hospital our excellent vet recommended where she had a successful, uncomplicated surgery to remove the spleen and mass, and stayed over one night without any post-op complications. We were able to bring her home last night and she's so happy and content. So now I'm focused on nursing her through her recovery. Throughout this episode, after an initial brief feeling of panic, I found my mind calm, focused, and optimistic throughout. I spent time meditating and being with my girl in spirit while she was still in the hospital. She is so brave and strong and good. I thank God for the mental stability I've developed through grace which was tested this weekend, for the superb healthcare providers we are blessed with, for the means to be able to afford healthcare, and for the life of this amazing girl who is the embodiment of sweetness, determination, and endurance. All so very inspiring. We await the pathology report, but I have not been dwelling on that. Just so blessed to be together with this girl.
    • Ivy
      So, it's treating this specific "condition" that is forbidden.   Sometimes it's hard to believe how much they hate us.
    • Ivy
      "Sunak and the Conservatives have used the row over gender and trans rights as a key plank of their election strategy against Labour and Keir Starmer."   Just like our GOP   "The change would allow political parties to restrict trans women with a GRC from benefiting from “women-only” shortlists and other measures aimed at increasing female participation."   Guess that GRC won't mean much.
    • Betty K
      I had a difficult weekend. I was upset to hear that the NHS had outlawed puberty blockers and spent much of Saturday in tears. I find the thought of trans kids suffering sooo triggering.
    • LucyF
      from here (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2024/727/made) it states that it doesn't apply if:   "...(5) Condition D is that the purpose for which the private prescription was issued is a purpose other than treatment for the purpose of puberty suppression in respect of gender dysphoria, gender incongruence or a combination of both."   So the ban only applies to specifically for treatment of gender dysphoria/incongruence.
    • KymmieL
      My weekend was OK, Took the wagon to the car show on Saturday. It was quite a few cars. After I just mellowed at home. Not much yesterday. Was feeling a little cruddy. After the wife got home, we took a drive to Centennial for ice cream. Then took the long way home. Went up and over the Snowy range and  back around to the interstate and home. all the while the left side of my face was building pressure, sinus infection. But got home it must have went its course because it subsided.   Decided to put in for the store manage position at our local Sportsmans Warehouse. It was late yesterday evening so nothing yet.   Hugs, Kymmie
    • RaineOnYourParade
      Are they also banning puberty blockers given to cis kids who start puberty too early?    If not, that's not even targeting a medication, that's targeting a use of a medication. It would be like saying if you had a medication perfectly capable of treating both pneumonia and bronchitis, but you're only allowed to use it on one patient or the other. The stupidity is real 
    • Charlize
      Having sat on several juries one realizes how little folks beyond the courtroom know about the decisions made.  The juries conversation about the evidence as presented by the sides involved can be exhausting.  I would hesitate to question a decision especially, in this situation, when the 12 jurors are from a conservative area.    That being said some in the political world are attacking not only the basis of our democracy but now find it advantageous to attack the legal system.  No system is perfect but in my opinion ours works fairly well.     Hugs,   Charlize  
    • Willow
      Good morning    We drove about2 ½ hours to go to a different church’s service.  It was very different, but very much the same.  I went there to meet the minister that will be standing with our minister.  As soon as she saw me she treated me by names and gave me a big hug.  A lot more music and fire and brimstone, but still the same church traditions we had since I was a child.  It is a larger congregation than ours.  But still very homey and friendly..  we were welcomed by all.   Busy week! My son and DIL are coming tomorrow.  I haven’t seen them in quite a while.   but now, I have to go to work.     Willow
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
      Incling of growth happening, am happy.
    • Heather Shay
      Did you have a good weekend? Why or why not?
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