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Me And Hrt

Guest angie

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:D Hi All,

My name is Angie,and i have been on HRT for four months.

What is it like,and how do i feel?In a word,Wonderful, it is the most satisfying thing i have ever done for myself.The effects and changes and the time it has occured in, have been surprizingly swift.

The feeling of absolute calm and rightness has not diminished one bit.THIS IS RIGHT.

Finally,i get to turn into the woman i always knew i was.My skin has softened,the body hair is diminishing,the fat is redistributing to a more feminine appearance and i am getting hair regrowth.

But,the best and most pleasing change,is my breast development.

I did'nt know what to expect,how much growth would happen,or how long it would take.

When those nodules,which some consider painful,started to grow,develop and slowly expand,

i was thrilled!Tender?,oh yeah.If i carried a book,pressed to my chest,whoa girl did i know it.

My girls may be small,but they are all me.And they are definently noticeable.

My face,neck,torso and legs have become much more female in appearance also.A more rounded thigh,bigger bottom,slimmer waist,much smaller arms,are noticable to people that know me.

But the change that really surprized me,was not physical.

I am still a rock n roller,but sports?I have very little interest in something i was passionate about.

Be it football,which i lived for,baseball or basketball,eh,who cares?

Hello!,am i talking about the same person here?Yep.Angie likes fashion,womens magazines,and how to improve the look i am trying to achieve.I like makeup,perfume and nail polish.

All the things that i ignored as my former self.

Ahh,womanhood,i do like being here.And it is only just begining.

Big Hugs To All,

Miss Angie :P

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Guest Traci Nicole

Miss Angie,

Being female is not only just enjoying the things you want, it is also enjoying the person you want to be, and being the female of your your dreams. It's also about being of the life you should have a long time ago when you was a child. Just like me, I've had these thoughts along time ago, the dreams and the visiions of being female, and I wondered was there something different about me. Being on HRT, is great enjoyment and is a wonderful thing and a great new experience.

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Hi Miss Angie & Traci Nicole:

HRT has been a great experience for me, too.

Calmness and sense of freedom would be the two biggest pluses for me.

I have much more patience and more energy.

I like my body a lot more.

To get me actually interested in women's fashions would require a brain transplant, though.


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Hi Miss Angie & Traci Nicole:

HRT has been a great experience for me, too.

-As for me, I couldn't agree more with that!

Calmness and sense of freedom would be the two biggest pluses for me.

-When I first started HRT way back in the mid 80's, I went through a complete change in my thought processes. I find myself

a different person altogether, and all for the better. Some of those included a much greater sense of compassion, empathy, caring and understanding of others, among other thing as well. I am so super-sensitive that its crazy at times, but I've always been like that. Do you feel this way as well? What do you experience in the way of emotions, like how have they changed for you since you began your HRT? (or anyone else who would like to share their experiences - by all means, please do)

I have much more patience and more energy.

-I agree with the patience part! But the energy issue, well, we already went into that one :-)

I like my body a lot more.

-Totally agree with you. I, like most women, only wish I could reverse the aging process. It is something you seem to take for granted when you are, say, in your twenties. Then reality begins to hit home as the tears roll on by. That is life, I guess.

To get me actually interested in women's fashions would require a brain transplant, though.

-Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?


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Hi Rach:

I'm a bit of an odd case. I've never felt like a boy and never shared their interests like sports, etc. I was always envious of girls, but never really interested in their trappings.

To me, passing has not been the ultimate goal. I'm too independent. I don't want to change my walk. Strange as it may seem, walking is one of my big joys in life. Freedom of motion, unconcern with everything, the oppourtunity to think. My voice? A (some might say) pleasing baritone. I'm not going to start singing sea chanties in a different key just to fit in. Adopt different mannerism? I can't be bothered, although I always cross my legs because I like it. Hair? I've got decent hair for a man, but way short of the glory of female hair. I would never wear a wig or do hair transplants. Besides, I don't have to look at my own hair. Clothing? Clean and hopefully ironed is about the best I can manage. I've worn khaki shorts most of my life and I do get a bit wistful when I go into a store and see khaki skirts. I wouldn't mind wearing one, but only after the bits underneath fit.

With no disrespect for those who discover a whole new world by being female, I haven't abandoned all the idiocy of being a male to fall into the clutches of female conformity.

I guess some people might say that I'm an androgyne. To me, by myself, with no one to judge my appearance, I'm a female. But most of all, I'm pretty much happy with myself.


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Guest Sophie Jean

Well said, Z. I made up my mind when I started dropping my artificial male persona several months ago that I would not replace it with an artificial female one either; whatever persona came to the surface would be mine. As a result, I don't try to follow trends or styles. I try to find clothes that look good on me and feel comfortable when going out. With a few simple accessories, I can simply be a female me--unique, but not garish.

BTW: I have only been on low dose antiandrogens for two weeks. It doesn't change the things that interest me, and I doubt whether estrogen will either. The antiandrogen only affects my mood, and my physical appearance, and I suspect the same will happen when I start estrogen treatment, whenever that may be.

- Sophie Jean

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Short synopsis on the above report:

For MTF's on HRT:

The improvement in well-being greatly exceeded their expectations.

The sensitivity to negative emotions was not increased as much as feared.

For FTM's on HRT:

The increase in sexuality greatly exceeded their expectations.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Ladies,

When i said fashion,i don't mean designer,i mean the styles that"I"like.

I'm more of a GirlyGirl than anything else.I love high heels,frilly blouses and

skirts of varying length,all depending on where i'm going.And i have always had a love affair wth dresses.

As for my mannerisms,I Changed Everything About Myself.Walk,hand gestures,sitting and standing.My voice i am working on,and it's still a work

in progress.My goal is to have a close to a normal womans voice as i can

realistically achieve.

If there is one thing i have learned in all my years out.Is that transwomen come in all shapes,sizes and personal taste.There is no one pattern that fits us all,just like GG's.If you feel good about yourself,go with it.No matter what anybody else may say.You are an individual,you are a woman,be yourself.

Hugs Sweeties,


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I have to say that the idea that the personality can be changed through the HRT sounds quite strange to me..... I mean that I am really surprised to listen that hormones can make you more compassionate or peaceful....

I do not doubt that it happens, but it just sounds a little strange to me..............

I wonder whether these phychological changes occur only during HRT or whether they are permanent..

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Hormones do affect you very strongly. Your personality does basically stay the same, though.

Certainly patience, calmness, contentment and lack of aggression are the usual effects on MTF's.

For many of us getting rid of that poison testosterone has been our salvation.

But what I find mind-bogling is that FTM's report that taking testosterone for them increases calmness.

In the topic Ask Matthew41 Questions, this is discussed.

I guess it just goes to show that there are major differences between people.


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Kiaora Mak and others.

What Angie and other mean is their compassion and empathy door which had been locked has finally been opened and for some the hormones act as the key. For me I've always been compassionate and prone to empathy attacks especially when seeing other people or animals suffer, however what happens now is tears flow more easily when I have these attacks. I'm prone to burst out in tears when seeing or hearing of the suffering of others. In the past there was just a controlable trickle now they cascade. I'm definitely more sensitive. Apart from the sensitivity and physical changes to my body, my core identity 'warts and all' remains the same![ I don't really have any warts...just figure of speech]

Z as you know hormones are powerful and very important chemicals and any inbalance can have adverse effects. For some F2M trans-men testosterone balances them out...they feel 'normal' hence the calmness. And visa versa for some trans-women. Before hormone therapy I was never agressive, violent or abusive and after starting HT I'm still not A V or A... I'm just me..always have been and always will be. non agressive, non violent, non abusive me...JUST A LITTLE MORE SENSITIVE.

If hormones have made some trans-people better people than they were before...all I can say is 'GREAT' and keep poping those pills [or injecting or patching]...IF IT'S GOOD FOR YOU ...GO FOR IT. YOU WOULD BE A FOOL NOT TO!


Metta Jendar :):D:lol:^_^

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Mirrors,ugh not me but for long enough to brush my teeth and put on my makeup.If i look too long i see far too many flaws.UH-UH Mustn't go there,i like myself,I'm happy with my apperance...No Negativity Allowed.

Jendar Sweety,I understated my emotional level.From the day i came out,admited to myself that i am

a girl.My emotional floodgate opened,a simple statement could make my voice crack and my eyes well up.That was definently a relief to finally get to show my inner feeling.I was always compassionate,i'm just more so on HRT,feel like a woman/act like a woman/have a womans emotions/it's only natural.


Miss Angie

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Short synopsis on the above report:

For MTF's on HRT:

The improvement in well-being greatly exceeded their expectations.

The sensitivity to negative emotions was not increased as much as feared.

For FTM's on HRT:

The increase in sexuality greatly exceeded their expectations.


Glad for the synopsis as I suffer from another problem; a short attention span. Thanks, lol.

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    • Heather Shay
      “Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, because we were born this way.”
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      Why would he be ineligible for office? 
    • Curious-star
      Thanks for making me feel so welcome, just having a place with like minded open people who have faced the questions I am in the middle of is very reassuring, I have a therapist I am working with which is how I got to where I am already, thank you!
    • Susan R
      Welcome @Mwm684, Wow! That was one heck of an introduction and I completely understand how when the time comes to make some life changes…it’s full steam ahead. I’m also happy that there has been little, if any, push back regarding your recent disclosures. You’re likely beginning to feel some of the freedoms that come from accepting yourself for who you are and letting go of some of the outdated self images imprinted on you by your family, friends and acquaintances. It’s hard to shake all of that but it does sound like you’re doing all the right things.   Just keep in mind, very few of us in the community get through it completely unscathed. There are also sometimes unexpected residual effects as others outside of our acceptance circle influence those early adopters and sometimes those who seem to align well with our new choices. I personally noticed this with a few people in my life. The good news is that in many cases, these few tend to return to full acceptance as they see you are happier and more comfortable being yourself.   That being said, you have been graced with one of the most wonderful gifts a person in our community can have…a supporting and loving spouse. That support in many cases is the most critical in one’s journey, in fact, I often feel it’s even more helpful (at least in my case) than a good therapist. If your spouse is happy and accepting, then transition will often go much smoother for you both. Honest, open, and civil communication is vital to this remaining a possibility. You two are doing this together and so the spouse’s input as well as your own are both so important to make it all work. I wish you the best on your ongoing journey and hope to read more as things develop along the way.   Warmest Regards, Susan R🌷
    • tracy_j
      It sounds Ok to me too.   Tracy
    • Susan R
      Trans Group Zoom Meeting Tomorrow!!   Tomorrow’s Zoom meet-up is right around the corner. June 1st is the beginning of Pride Month and what a better way to celebrate than by meeting some others in our community.   This is an open invitation for members here to get together with others from our community. These Zoom meetings last sometimes 4 hours or longer so come join us when you can and leave whenever you like. Share your story or maybe just something interesting that happened during the week. It’s a fun time to chat, meet others, and just be yourself.😁   Trans Groups Zoom Meeting Times: June 1, 2024 6:00 PM Pacific Time June 1, 2024 8:00 PM Central Time June 2, 2024 11:00 AM Australia/Melbourne   If you’re a member of our community, 18 or over and need a Zoom Link, Message me as soon as possible. I will try to get you a link ASAP.
    • Susan R
      Welcome @Curious-star, It’s a pleasure to have you on our forum. You’re one of the lucky ones if these almost pervasive gender identity questions haven’t filled your everyday thoughts while going through puberty and onward. Many of us on this forum have been where you are now and others are approaching that point. Gender questioning is very common especially when you’ve felt very different from what you've been led to believe your entire life.   I hope you look around and find some comfort here with threads that have discussed these same questions you’re now beginning to address yourself. If you don’t find an answer you’re looking for, just ask it in a new thread. Many of us will respond with answers from our various perspectives. We are a very open non-judgmental forum and enjoy helping others any way we can. You may also want to get help with some of these questions from a therapist who specializes in gender identity. I’ve been using the same therapist for over 5 years now and have learned so much about myself with her assistance and expertise.   I look forward to learning more about you and your upcoming journey whatever that may look like.   Warmest Regards, Susan R🌷   By the way, your story about buying a bra and being fitted before you bought it brings back some wonderful memories. I did the same many years before actually ever going into public presenting myself as female. It was in some cases the very beginning of my journey to become a women. I still cherish those days even though they were sometimes difficult.
    • Sol
      Hello, I figured here was a good place to post this! This is really just a rant, so I'm just talking to the void.  I use the term trans man to refer to myself, which is accurate and covers about ~70% of what I'm going for. But I'm very gender nonconforming because I still like a lot of women's clothes, namely anything with ruffles and skirts (I love skirts, they're so fun). Most of the time I present very masculine (I don't pass but that's not a goal of mine anyway), but other times I go with a more feminine style because why not? If I'm not searing people's eyes with all the bright colors and patterns I wear, what's the point?  But the other ~30% I feel is genderless, which is why I explored an agender identity for a bit. I'm both masculine and genderless at the same time, because ultimately I feel like I'm just me. The phrase "vaguely masculine" comes to mind since that's mostly how I feel.  I have looked into other labels for this but I like trans man the best. I think part of this genderless aspect does clash with societal gender roles, which I frankly and openly hate, so I'll continue to be as GNC as possible because that's what makes me happy and spits on superficial roles. If anyone relates to this and wants to share their experience, feel free!
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      https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/05/31/a-proclamation-on-lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer-and-intersex-pride-month-2024/     Carolyn Marie
    • Sol
      Jumping in here.  Hi, I'm an asexual trans man, although my asexuality isn't due to trauma but it has affected my perception toward my body and how I interact with it.  To answer your question as best I can: yes, you can absolutely be trans and asexual, I'm living proof! I wouldn't classify wearing lingerie as being related to gender at all, but that's my own personal interpretation since I think anyone can wear lingerie if they want. Lingerie also doesn't have to have a sexual aspect, but can take on a more sensual one (sensual is basically related more to intimacy outside of sex). I'd like to get lingerie myself when I have the funds, some of it looks fun.  Sexuality and gender can intertwine but are ultimately two separate things. I realize I was aroace (aromantic asexual) before I realized I was trans, and that does likely influence aspects of my gender identity to a certain degree. This is mostly in regard to how I view my body; bodies are bodies to me, and aren't inherently sexual and them being sexual is dependent on a sexual context. So just wearing lingerie isn't sexual to me at all, it's just wearing fancy underwear. And going back to the sensual aspect of lingerie, I believe that can be tied to self love and self care.  Do keep in mind that this is simply my own take on it.  I'm also bouncing off the others when I say talking to someone like a therapist can be potentially helpful. If you do decide to go this route, then keep in mind that you don't have to tackle the big stuff right away, and if you aren't ready then that's okay, but I'd recommend looking into coping mechanisms. I'm not going to lie and say that talking to a therapist is easy; it's not and can be very soul bearing, and even I have trouble being 100% upfront sometimes. Push your boundaries a little but not enough to break, which takes practice but I think you'll get there.  Ultimately, you've gotta do what's best for you and your health (mental, physical, and emotional), so I highly encourage you to explore what that could look like and how to get there.  Good luck to you going forward, I'm genuinely proud of you for sharing and reaching out, and I hope your night terrors get better!
    • Mmindy
      Good luck @KymmieL   Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Mmindy
      Welcome to TransPulseForums @Curious-star   I hope you find this site as helpful as I do. It’s not therapy but it’s close, no matter what you’re feeling or going through someone here is quick to respond. We have members from all around the world, the chances are very good that you will have someone reach out to you.    Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
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