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Rare Editorial In Support of the CA TG Students Rights Bill

Carolyn Marie

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Guest LizMarie

Want to know something funny, Carolyn?

Here in Texas, in the Houston and San Antonio school districts (and I think Austin and Dallas are the same but I can't swear to it), they have had almost the same rules for years that California adopted statewide and these particular school districts (some of the largest in the state) have not had any problems with them. Boys don't try to pretend to be girls just to use the girls locker room. That's a red herring. Boys don't go into the girl's restroom dressed as girls to assault the girls. Another red herring. In fact the kids are largely just getting along.

This became a source of amusement because San Antonio's city council is apparently rabldly anti-GLBT and didn't want to pass city wide protection ordinances to "protect the children". Yet when someone pointed out that San Antonio and Houston have already been doing exactly that in the school systems and that everyone's kids were already handling it just fine, the silence was deafening. Ooops! The scapegoat, made-up boogeyman of the radical right wing extremists evaporated again!

As one TG person I know said - exactly what part of these protection laws invalidates laws against indecent exposure, assault, and rape? The one single difference of which I am aware is that I believe all these school districts here in Texas require a letter from a qualified therapist stating the child is being treated for GID. And frankly, if the California law was amended to include that, I wouldn't have any problem with it, so long as therapists were made available for kids otherwise too poor to afford them.

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I feel exactly as you do, LizMarie. Thanks for your input.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest Carla_Davis

Thanks for posting this article Carolyn.

I feel that more States and school districts will adopt similar policies as they realize that it is not being abused.

As stated, it only applies to 0.3 of the student population.

Liz- Thanks for filling me in on Texas policies.

I am happy to see that transgender students are being treated with dignity in schools.

I often wonder how they would react to a Transgender Teacher in the schools. :)

Only time will tell and hopefully it will also be accepted without much resistance.



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Liz & Carolyn -- California DOES have the doctor letter and eval requirement, its not just for TG, its for a large number of special consideration issues under the heading of Student Privacy which is a different code section and was referred to in the un-changed part of the code that AB1266 amended. The student will need to show a consistent presentation and have a plan of action on the special needs. This would also apply to students needed special medical consideration, or even students with special religious behaviors in regard to dress or facilities use. That part of the law was in place at the time of another tragic case a couple of years ago, but thats another topic.

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Guest KimberlyF

I've asked this before, but where exactly is this in the California Education Code?


Once again, bill 1266-the entire approved text that is now law. The key of course being (f)


"(f) A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records."

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You can't take a law out of context and claim to have the whole picture.

A good non-trans example are the often misunderstood Stand Your Ground laws, which say you have no duty to retreat. Without looking at the rest of the legal codes in the various states that discuss use of force, somebody could easily wind up like this Texas man who got convicted after trying a very bogus SYG defense. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-06-14/texas-stand-your-ground/55592380/1

As for the CA law, sure, just taking one quote and putting it up may look pretty bad, but taken with the rest of case law and other statutes, you get the whole picture. Vicky did that, other people refuse to, and often because they have some axe or other to grind.

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Guest KimberlyF

You can't take a law out of context and claim to have the whole picture.

Which is why I provided a link to the entire California Education Code. I can not find the parts mentioned above. The link was the part that was added. When you see the new law, that (f) part is exactly what is put in red as changed from the previous version. That is the context. I have found mention specificlly of challenges to students in competitive sports in the education code and how to appeal a challenge to ones gender, but not in gym at the school. Competitive sports make money though. Don't know if that factors in? I could be jaded against the government though :)

I know there is some confusion as to why this gets called a 'bathroom bill' and people act as if that is the main part of the new law. Well, that is the part that would impact everyone. Even according to a TG staffer who's assemblyman was critical to the bill passing.


Common headline theme--->Transgender students now able to use preferred bathroom in school

Evan Minton, a transgender legislative staffer who works for Assemblyman Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), embraced Ammiano when told the governor had signed the bill, AB 1266.

"Oh, God hallelujah!" Minton said. As he transitions from female to male, Minton said, he is concerned that men might react negatively to his use of the men's restroom. The Assembly has a bathroom designated as gender-neutral, but it's inconveniently in the basement of the Capitol.

The concern over which bathroom to use, Minton said, is "universal to all transgender folk."


Evan, stay on task! Bathroom talk is a righwing tactic! It is not universal.

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Kim - I am too tired to go researching a single code section and indeed it would be next to impossible to find, but I am a parent of three children who went through the California schools system from grade K to 12, and in the past week I have just been talking with co legal professionals in the field of California education law over the last few days. (Jet lag goes into the tired function.)

Sooo! Gender Dysphoria is recognized as a medical condition (whether psychological or physiological is up in the air), ALL medical conditions, both physiological and psychological that are brought to consideration in a school setting must be documented by a medical professional. The term in California law regarding "Student" is necessarily inclusive of "pupil and parents" if the pupil is under age 18. Over the years I have had to supply doctor's evaluations and return to activities permits so many times I have lost count. I had to be present with school personnel when my children returned to school after injuries and illnesses to discuss such things as make-up of assignments, and special projects in place of some regular activites. I have had to provide specific updates on progress in Family Counseling regarding two of my children's behavior problems in school. You name it, I have done it, and I was a single parent for most of that time.

In addition to my historic burdens with the California Schools system in regard to more run-of-the-mill medical issues, I am in touch with three families who are now facing the challenge of availing themselves of the AB 1266 provisions. From their point of view, the new law is an added burden, but the outcome for the children will be worth the effort, and that is what counts. The only change in the system is that Gender isssues cannot be dismissed from consideration by a school district as non-medical.

The child and parents must be in a place where the student's success and well being in school can ONLY be achieved if the pupil is enrolled in a gender other than what is on their birth certificate. This must be supported by medical evaluation, and the condition must be consistent and ongoing. Could a child who is CD only fall under that pattern? The problem has not come up yet, but would require medical evaluation as well. Medical evaluation I might add, is available through the school system who does employ psychologists and above. There is no frivolity involved in any of this, and people who think there can be are ignorant or deliberately ignoring facts they already know.

This matter does not revolve on one code section, but on the totality of present law, and legally dictated procedures that cover any medical condition from socialization issues to broken necks. We are not perfect here in California, but the number of teachers and school administrators I know here want students to succeed and be safe, and they feel they have legal support in all of that.

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    • Hope32
      Well she did choose me in the end not him. Just frustrated that it was so hard to get her to do that.
    • April Marie
      Yes there is!
    • missyjo
      is there a zoom tonight? will try to be here after work   simple print top n floral skirt   hugs
    • KathyLauren
      I am sorry to hear that your friend turned out to not be a friend at all.  But that is the bottom line: she is not a friend.  She has chosen to ally herself with him and he is toxic to be around.
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    • Vidanjali
      I decided to post here in the "other faiths" forum to declare this thread non-denominational and inclusive of all faiths, creeds, philosophies, etc. I thought it would be beneficial for our community to have a thread where we could reach out with requests for prayers, thoughts, intentions, or however individuals understand the sending of good vibes. So feel free to post here. Whether or not you get direct responses to your request, know it's been received, read, and honored. And may peace and ease be yours. 
    • LittleSam
      Hi, you can be a trans man and be agender aswell. I know it seems like a contradiction, but I see myself as non binary and I'm accepting myself as a trans man also. You could be called trans masculinine also. If you like trans man the best though, go for it. You can be a GNC trans man.  Have you heard of gender fluid? Not saying this is you, but it does relate to what you say. Sometimes you seem genderless, more agender and sometimes more masculine. I also see myself as a bit genderfluid, but only for the masc genders. I never wear anything fem so would never consider myself a fem boy. I used to think I was , non binary, then a demi man, trans masc,  trans man. I can't pin a label to what I am. My counsellor said I may be genderfluid, but a very masc genderfluid person. I love that you hate societal gender roles, I do too! I dress like a stereotypical guy because that's my style anyway, but I won't change my hobbies or personality to suit what a "man" is.
    • Willow
      @Lydia_R   I seem to recall my mother making us cream of wheat or Quaker rolled oats in the wintertime. I don’t know about “old fashion” or “steel cut”. Now I preferred either with sugar and or berries and the cream of wheat with some milk.  I believe my older sister liked her’s with maple syrup.   as far as a “larger culture”. I think you will find that even though we all support each other there is no singular culture.  There are conservative values shared here and there are very radical everyone for the cause and rights.  I like to think that I am someplace in the middle.  No, I don’t go to Pride events nor transgender day of remembrance .  I don’t go to clubs or bars where others hang out.  I do try to hold council with others that need someone to talk to or a hug, or if I know of a group that might be helpful or a doctor, I will pass that on.  But yes I am out of the closet, go to work and church and do everything as a woman.  The male side of me is gone.   i get asked personal questions sometimes and while I neither get mad that what they are asking is too personal, I also don’t speak out oh yes ive done this or that or plan to do this or that.  I leave it with I've done everything I intend to do, or I didn’t figure this out until I was 68 years old because I knew nothing about what being transgender was. You have those that were kicked out of their home, I wasn’t, those that got divorced, I didn’t and those that have to put up with others who refuse to accept your gender, your rights to be who you are, and that I do get every day.   so is there a representative culture for being transgender?  Tell me I’m wrong, but I don’t think so I think we are a suppress percentage of the population that are getting braver but who get trampled all the time.   Willow
    • Carolyn Marie
    • Willow
      No not really.  But I’ll survive.
    • Mikayla2024
      Hi Ashley,   Thank you so much the reply !!!   That makes total sense with trusting the process and knowing that it’s not a sprint but rather like a marathon like you were saying.    So far so good with the Spiro 2 days in. Other than peeing a lot lol. But, no other noticeable side effects which I’m happy to report. However, I am MUCH happier that I’ve started at least somewhere. Gender Dysphoria symptoms are VERY real and starting treatment has made me SO much happier.   But, I will definitely look into the other options for E as you mentioned as there are definitely other options to consider other than the systemic route, thank you!!    p.s also trust in the process yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re a beautiful girl inside and out no matter what. “Patience is a virtue” is a proverb I’ve always lived by.   Much love girly 😊❤️
    • Hope32
    • christinakristy2021
    • Amy Powell
      Update: I have been put on blood pressure meds to lower a minor case of hypertension.  This has seemed to help the sore danglies quite alot. This was unexpected, however very happy this issue "may" be solved.
    • Mmindy
      Welcome to TransPulseForums    Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
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