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Lifesitenews.com - Watch Them Lose The Culture War :)

Guest Jenn348

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I'm not looking to start a flame war with these folks, but I see something funny that happened that could lead to more polite funniness.

First I posted a comment that got deleted. So, I softened up the comment and reposted it, so they moved it to a reply of a lower comment and banned me from commenting.

I say we go on there and politely make our case. Apparently polite debate will get you banned and they'll re-arrange order to bury you, but it proves our point.

I think this is what it looks like when people lose a culture war :)

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Guest LizMarie

Actually I wouldn't bother. I don't try to waste time on people whose minds are closed.but rather on people who are unsure, the fence sitters. Those are the ones who will help shift public opinion. Sixty years ago these same sort of people argued, again on religious grounds, their "right" to discriminate against people of color. They lost that war and while those people still exist, they are becoming less and less relevant as time goes on. I hope the same happens for trans folks.

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  • Admin

I read that article over on another web site, and have to agree with Liz M. about trying to spam them. They are fully decided, so, like a big rock in the road, we just need to go around them and forget about hitting or moving them.

It's like the old cliche about trying to teach a pig to sing. Don't bother, it annoys the pig, and sounds like hell.

For a few times a while ago, I joined an online group that made up a fund to a TG charity, and that sent the money in the name of one of our persecutors who received a "special gift" for his generous contribution. Never did hear what really happened, I did not need the tax deduction and the TG foundation needed the money. Could be why I am destined for Hell some day.

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  • Forum Moderator

Yeah, it's a waste of time to try and enlighten this mindset.

There are some interesting counter arguments brought up however in the article, and give insights into what may be coming in the Supreme court someday challenging our rights to be free from biological sex, the backlash will fail.

C -

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Many groups and people have made themselves irrelevant because they refuse to acknowledge their error. Rather than humble themselves, they will go on their way in error and others will follow.

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You guys probably are right about scrapping with them, but I wonder of ruining the echo chamber might help sow seeds of doubt that later might blossom when the hate becomes socially unpopular and thus not something they want the neighbors to know about.

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Guest LizMarie

I've never found that to be useful. People with deep seated convictions rationalizing any form of bigotry are not swayed by arguments, especially from strangers. They'll be swayed when people they know and respect begin to question their bigotry.

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