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A hard decision

Guest Jessica80

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Guest Jessica80

Hi all I have a bit of a problem at the moment. As I work in minning I have a two weeks on one week off roster and I miss my wife and daughter so much :( I was looking for work in town the only problem with that if I take a town job I won't be able to afford my treatment ( I have been on hormones for twelve months ) witch makes my partner happy that I won't be able to transition and we talked about that but now I am wishing I don't get the job so I can continue I have me second implant inserted in three weeks and I am starting to think I want it !!!! I am so confused someone said to let the stars decide if I get the job I am meant to and same goes if I don't but I am not sure how or for how long I can stop my transition and hide my feelings I am excepted where I work now and am so scared that I will get the town job

( I have to stop if I get it cause that's how it is )

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  • Admin

I hate to say it, but I see more problems than just the job. The easiest route of course, if you still have your mining job assured, is call the prospective townie and withdraw your application so your hope issue is resolved. You can lie to whoever you want and just say you were turned down. Who will know the difference? I presume Wife and Partner are the same person, or your life is really in some problems above and beyond. How long that relationship is going to last if you keep transitioning is also a problem that is going to bite you hard, especially if your wife wants you off of the HRT. I see the sign that she is willing to take a cut in family income to have HER way, and that shows she may be desperate to control the situation. You need to get some FAMILY counseling in a big way if you are going to keep all of you in good physical and mental health, please get your therapist involved in this ASAP.

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Guest Gwendolyn Elizabeth

I have to agree with Vicky. from what you have described, you do not have a healthy relationship. In a healthy relationship one person's happiness is not prioritized over the other's. I was in a relationship like that for a decade. And eventually we ended it (divorced) because we both knew that if we stayed together we could not both be happy. Of course other couples will take different paths.

Y'all should get to a therapist and find out what path is going to work best for you.

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