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SBC to Parents: Kids Are Better Off Dead Than Trans

Guest LizMarie

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Guest LizMarie

Amazing. The "love of Christ" pushes kids towards suicide (which itself is supposed to be a sin) rather than accept the medical and biological reality about transgender children.

This is the Southern Baptist Convention, who supported slavery, secession, the Civil War, Jim Crow laws, the formation of the KKK, who rejected the right of women to vote, of integration of our military during WWII and Korea, who rejected integration of our schools in the 1950s, who supported bans on interracial marriage, and who, until recently, preached reparative therapy for homosexuals (which they still preach for trans folk).

Now it's their turn to impart their "wisdom" on the transgender people of the world.


It doesn't matter that transgender youth living in homes that aren't affirming have a 57% chance of attempting suicide. Followers of the summit online supported this position, even when provided with these figures and research.

The SBC's messaging couldn't be clearer: we don't care if rejecting your child's gender identity will probably result in them attempting suicide, because they're going to hell if you affirm them.
I used to ask myself what sort of inhuman monster could willingly torture a child until they died. Somehow, though, we managed to pack 1,200 of them into one room.


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Guest LizMarie

We're talking 15.7 million wingnuts, Cyndi. That's 15.7 million wingnuts that vote.

On the plus side, through 2013, the SBC has continued to lose members (from 15.9 to 15.7 million in 2013 alone) for seven straight years.

As I noted above, this is an organization that has been wrong since its inception in 1845 about every major social issue they chose to address. That they are absolutely wrong yet again and being wrong about trans folk allows them to continue to preserve their mark of perfect error, every single time.

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  • Admin

For me, the other down tick on this is that I have family members who are part of this group. Guess what they think of me!!

It scares me to imagine that maybe, just maybe they are "hard-wired" for this stuff the way you and I are are "hard-wired" as Trans*. I just can dread the fact that life could be so fair to the human race.

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Guest Cyndysub

It is reasons like this that I care for religions. Most of them sow hate,intolerance,and war and I think the world would be a better place without that kind of "Love"

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  • Forum Moderator

My neighbors are SBC and they have shown me nothing but acceptance and support. They take time to stop and visit and always use correct pronouns so the rulings of the SBC convention don't mean all SBC people are going to follow them or be haters. In fact SBC is the largest denomination in this community and I interact with them frequently with no hostility from them.

That said I was raised Church Of Christ till 11 and then forced to attend SBC twice a week for years afterward when my mother re-married. They lost my respect when they voted to not allow African Americans to attend services in our church. One of the largest and richest SBC churches. And maybe it was just that church but it also early struck me that what even the church leaders said on Sunday differed radically from what they did the rest of the week. We were made to write lettes in Sunday School protesting the liquor stores out just over the county line where I had seen my Sunday School teacher stocking up for the week the night before for instance.

In spite of that not all denominations, not all churches, and certainly not all Christians are like that. My local church (Methodist) has been the most accepting place I have ever known and never slipped on pronouns etc even in the beginning when my own family sometimes still did. It is people using religion to justify their own bigotry and not religion itself that is a problem. And many Christians condemn that just as much as we do.

The ruling is actually sad. I feel sorry for people whose lives are so dominated by hate and ignorance that they have to suborn the Creator's message that way. But I feel even sorrier for the children who will suffer for it.As was said so far the SBC has never gotten it right on social issues so maybe we should worry more if they did become supportive.


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Guest LizMarie

There's a reason the SBC has lost membership for 7 straight years and given the increases in US population, their losses are even worse, because they've failed to even "break even" in terms of size.

Johnny, sure, there are individuals who can be accepting and nice, but when entire institutions throw their weight behind discrimination, do those members stand up against it? Or do they passively allow those policies to harm those different from themselves? Usually it's the latter, meaning their acceptance is usually just a convenience and if it suddenly became more convenient to discriminate against you, or even lynch you, they'd likely do that too. Path of least resistance and all that, you know?

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Guest LesleyAnne

Sorry (actually I'm NOT!) but these low life's are nothing more that the American version of the Taliban!!

And Liz is correct......when they stand silently by as a member in the SBC, and don't denounce their ID card then they are hypocrite's and pretending not to be.

A member in good standing, remaining silent, is a member in agreement with their leadership.

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  • Forum Moderator

But unless you are a member you dont know who is speaking up from within where change comes from.

And by accepting me they are also standing up in a way it counts-with their actions.


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Guest LesleyAnne

And I would agree then that if the leadership of those that support you are fully aware of them standing up for you, then maybe change will come, but will that change last , and it still makes me question why, and how is it that their leadership continues to flourish, and be on the wrong side of history from generation to generation.

What is it about them that keeps that kind of leadership in charge time after time. They seem to change just enough to temporarily take some of the heat off while their true agenda seems to stay in tact from decade to decade.

Their spots all look the same to me, it's their belief that everyone else is going to hell unless we all come around to believe as they do, and pray to the same God that they believe in!

I think their history speaks volumes of who they really are!

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As a member of an SBC church, I've seen this first hand in a very passive aggressive way. Months before I started hormones, I was told by the 2 top pastors that I couldn't just wear a dress to church as it would confuse the kids (always about the kids...smh). They couldn't tell me it was biblically wrong so they tried to play the "think of the kids" card. Little did they know I had experience with children knowing who I was and the experience was just fine and not confusing.

However, I continue to attend that church because I want them to see the Jesus in me and I want them to understand that all their assumptions are wrong. I want them to see the Holy Spirit in me, not for spite (though I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it...lol), but so that the next person who decides to try Jesus again or for the first time, isn't harmed into damnation by their actions.

Then again, perhaps they're part of the Matt 7:21-23 crowd and there really is no hope for them. I'm for Jesus...not so much for church. Hahaha.

God bless


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Guest Cyndysub

Sorry a mistake on my post I posted "It is reasons like this that I care for religions". and it should have read: "It is reasons like this that I DON'T care for religions".I never want to give the impression that I even care 1 cent for religion. People can believe whatever they want as long as it doesn't cause any physical harm to others.

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    • Nonexistent
      I've been on T for 6yrs now, my levels are good. But I still don't pass very well, I look very feminine. I have top surgery already.   I can't tell if it's bad luck/genetics or if there is some reason why T might not "work" on me. The only thing it has done well is lower my voice. Everything else, not so much. I have a bit more muscle, and a tiny bit of chin scruff. That's it.   Is there any medical reason why T might not have much of an effect? I asked my PA and they didn't know.
    • tracy_j
      Happy Pride!   Tracy
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you for the welcome. :)   As an adult I don't actually get much (if any) hate directed at me. As a kid/teen I got discriminated against and ostracized. And online is crazy with hatred. But in real life I just keep to myself and that tends to make others not bother you. I think I get a double take from someone every so often, but I don't get stared at or anything. I do get called ma'am sometimes which sucks and is embarrassing.    I like the positive self-talk, saying that you are trans, you shouldn't have the same "expectations" as if you were cis. Some trans people are lucky, some of us are not. I'm not. The only thing I got lucky with is my voice. Everything else, nope.   I will try and remind myself that I'm just trying to live my life, I didn't choose to be born this way, I don't need to be embarrassed of myself in every situation.
    • VickySGV
      A wonderful proclamation that is going to have fur and feathers flying in many locations.  It actually saddens me that we are such a divisive wedge in peoples political leanings and this proclamation will drive that wedge deeper until we can heal those divisions.
    • Desert Fox
      All of this is very validating for me to read, as the issues you have faced are all too familiar to me. The compartmentalization of friends, the double life, the not being considered “trans enough” by the trans community…all have been my experience too. I think that’s amazing you did a workshop on part-time trans living…I would have loved to have attended that!    It does hurt when people, especially full-time trans individuals, and even medical professionals, look down on part-time transgender presentation as not being legitimate. I don’t like being lumped into the cross dresser community even if being bigender more resembles cross dressing, not because I have anything against crossdressers personally, but because for me, I don’t relate to a lot of what I’ve seen in the cross dresser community. If I had felt adequately supported in being able to transition full-time 25 years ago, I likely would have. And even if I had, you still would have never caught me wearing heels and rarely would I wear a dress.   For me, how I live is a compromise and an adaptation of having a feminine spirit in a body with male anatomy and not wanting to take surgical risks, plus not wanting to deny my past history of living male-ish and not feeling comfortable presenting particularly androgynously either. I suppose it is possible that at some point I may change my mind and actually transition…apparently that does happen a lot. Maybe I’m unusually stubborn to have stayed part-time this long. Ultimately for any of us who are not cisgender, any presentation is some kind of compromise and there is always going to be someone who doesn’t “approve.”   Ultimately so many factors go into how ANYONE presents themselves publicly, from their past experiences and their comfort level wearing particular clothes and hair styles, I really think no one is in a position to condemn others. It’s just another version of the same old story of people not accepting others with characteristics different than their own. 
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      i should clarify my E levels are on the high end of normal range for males... and T is low for males... 
    • missyjo
      nevermind...couldn't get it to work..time to change n work out night
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    • Ashley0616
    • Mmindy
      That’s Fantastic @Adrianna DanielleI hope you’re able to develop a relationship with her. At minimum she knows more about her heritage and possible health related issues.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • missyjo
      ok quic stop n will be slightly late but comming hugs
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      If anyone is interested   What do the Trans community need most right now? Abigail Thorn & Freddy McConnell | Pod Save The UK      
    • Ashley0616
    • Ashley0616
      It unfortunately stopped because it was raining hard. 
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