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Your leg hair's not as bad as you think!

Guest Jo-I-Dunno

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Guest Jo-I-Dunno

Here's a little PSA I thought I'd share. I've been on HRT for nearly 5 years now, and I'm still not happy with how hairy my legs are! I mean, they're not as hairy as before I started HRT (at least I think... I don't really remember), but they're still quite hairy, and I've never been able to get into the habit of shaving them regularly.

But, guess what? Today, I Google Image searched women with hairy legs. You know what I found? Beautiful women with arms and legs hairier than mine! Seriously, tons of them. Apparently, women's body hair is stronger than I had imagined. We just see it so rarely in our society, it's easy to pretend it's not there. And I imagine the hairier a woman is, the more likely she is to shave, so the few women who don't shave probably have less hair than average, giving me my false impression.

Food for thought.

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A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about how my legs looked. I had not given them much hairy time to see how the growth was. I had patchy growth as a guy that was not heavy or thick, just dark. Quite a few of the women I know sport legs in the winter that are hairier than I had ever been. With my legs being clean and smooth for a very long time, I had some worry about what they may look like with some growth, so I let them be for 2 weeks and was surprised at how little grows back. Most of my legs are even clear. I knew that I could already get a week between shaves before I could feel the slightest bit of scratchiness. My arms were hairiest around the wrists while the arms were no more than any other females I knew. Now my arms are pretty much the same, just softer and the wrists are totally clear.

Amongst the women I know, there are a few with little hair coverage but it grows fast. Others with heavy growth, but it grows slow like my own hairs. Then some who are sparse and slow or thick and fast.


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  • Forum Moderator

We certainly all need a bit of fur in the winter! I've know some women with hairy legs and now that so many women dress as men they don't ever have to shave. It is a nuisance for anybody.



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Yup. While I'm getting hairier than before since starting T, I was always pretty hairy, hairier than a lot of cis guys I know who just don't have "cave bear" genes like my family does (mostly my dad's side). Men on average are hairier than women, but the range is pretty broad with plenty of overlap, even aside from medical issues.

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I actually have a picture of my lady friends and I showing off/competing for hairy-est legs. XD (and to think I was once picked on for being the hairy kido in elementary)

We all have hair and some of us just don't care. Cis or not. Growing up, I never once shaved my PARTICULARLY hairy arms because I thought hairless arms, on any gender, was creepy. Shaving is such a chore, do as you please. All I've done for years now is tame my unibrow abit with plucking at home. All this hair comes in handy nowadays, of course. Hah ^^

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  • Forum Moderator

Yes I have noticed too. It was brought home to me a while back when I went to a meeting and met an attractive cis girl whose arms were far hairier than mine had ever been (she had dark hair so it stood out).

I suppose much of the time we are used to seeing models (who remove hair anyway) rather than real people. Look with the eye of an artist at anyone and you will see much more than you normally realise. Real people!


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Guest Lizzie McTrucker

Yes it is! :P

But to be honest, it only gets bad during the winter time when I don't shave as often...just like most women I know. Then again I have a friend who is pregnant and she hasn't been able to shave her legs for the last 3 months or so. However with HRT I've noticed that when I do go a few weeks without shaving, it's not nearly as noticeable as when I wasn't on HRT, so there is that. :)

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I haven't shaved my legs or arms in a few weeks, but it isn't a problem. I inherited a primarily hairless body from my Scandinavian ancestry. I used to date, have sex with, and socialize with women, and I used to be less hairy than most even then. After six, and half months HRT I am definitely mostly hairless, except for face and head. I haven't shaved my face in two days, and therefore I need to do so today before going out. Sure I will be wearing a skirt today, but it doesn't really matter whether I shave my legs or not. Not much there really even after something like three or four weeks. I would definitely agree that male and female hairyness does have quite a bit of overlap. Despite my birth assignment, I am not as hairy as most women nowadays. :)



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Guest April Kristie

A lot of European women hardly shave at all. It is the American women who has fallen for the advertising perfection they seek. Therefore we have to follow in their footsteps? There is of course laser hair removal I was quoted $1200. Per leg up to the buttocks and at my age I would rather keep the money. Face first, legs much later if at all.

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Guest KerryUK

A lot of European women hardly shave at all. It is the American women who has fallen for the advertising perfection they seek. Therefore we have to follow in their footsteps? There is of course laser hair removal I was quoted $1200. Per leg up to the buttocks and at my age I would rather keep the money. Face first, legs much later if at all.

Actually April, most European women do shave :) - especially mediterranean women (they are renowned for having coarse dark hair). Here in the UK (which is part of Europe :harhar: ), most women shave too. I have been astonished though (since starting my RLE and being accepted into female circles) that a lot of women are much hairier than I realised. I hardly get any hairs on my legs or bikini area anymore as I had laser hair removal about 5 years ago - when I show my legs to other girls, they are so shocked as to how smooth they are and how infrequently I have to shave them now. Sorry for gloating.

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Actually April, most European women do shave :) - especially mediterranean women (they are renowned for having coarse dark hair).

I was going to post exactly that!

BTW, greetings from the mediterranean :P

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Guest KerryUK

Hey Edu,

Great to hear from the Mediterranean and just reading through my post again - it could have been taken as quite offensive to you Mediterranean girls. Believe me please, that was the last thing on my mind and I was trying to make the point rather than point the finger at you Med' girls. Bless you all.

Sorry for hijacking the original post everyone.

Kerry x.

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After 13 months on HRT, I have to shave my legs maybe once a week. My FAAB wife has twice as many hair as I do in 3 days. We are both have Native American and Irish genealogy.

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