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A book I'm reading

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Girls, just wanted to pass on that I am reading a book called "Transgender 101 A simple guide to a simple guide to a complex issue" by Nicholas M. Tech. Fantastic book so far. I'm discovering lots of good resources. Please let me know if you find helpful stuff......

Good night girls!


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  • Forum Moderator

Thanks for sharing your book discovery with us.



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Guest Marcie

You are very welcome Charlize. I sometimes feel like all I do is complain and ask for advice and I don't contribute enough. So I wanted to share something positive. Have a wonderful day!

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Guest Marcie

How can I donate it? I'd like to pay it forward but I'm not sure how. I feel like the little circle of friends here is getting a little bit tighter. Maybe I am feeling a sense of belonging for once. It feels good.

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I just finished reading "Letters for my sisters: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect" and I was in tears the whole time (feels so good to be able to cry whenever I feel like it, one of the best parts of my journey so far). Some of the letters were uplifting some incredibly sad but all were beautiful. It's actually what inspired me to join LP and reach out to the community.


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Guest Marcie


I had not heard of this one. I'll find it. Thanks.

I had not cried for a long time.....now I feel like crying all the time. It's almost like I am starting over again and I'm just starting to feel. It's what I love about Laura's Playground most, most everyone here is either going through or has gone through what I am just now experiencing. I have accepted who I am and it's a lot to take care of.....I'm bipolar.....drug addict.....alcoholic......AND.....transgender. I've been messed up my whole life. Now that I'm am sober, on meds and beginning my (I'm don't even know what to call it) transgender journey, I am feeling more than ever. Although being transgender is not a disease like the other two complications, it has added pressure to my life. I am letting the tears flow when they need to and I feel better for it.


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  • Forum Moderator

Marcie as to what you share here..... it is a great deal. Just asking for help and sharing your journey in both It's positive and negative aspects helps others. We support each other here. You are right. This is one spot where we share so many experiences and feelings with others on similar if different paths. You are certainly one of us.



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Guest Marcie

Charize, you remind me of my sponsor. Thank you so so much for being who you are. This is not just about transitioning, it's also (and maybe mostly) about self discovery. I am learning so much about me. OK time for another 4th step! Again, thank you for being a wonderful person. Thanks to everyone I interact with here, I have gained a new respect for the tg community. Resilient was mentioned earlier and I can say that's certainly true, we are some resilient people!!!

Fiona, thank you so much for your friendship as well. Your life parallels mine and I value your friendship.

thanks everyone!


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Guest TGTrish


It's probably best to accept that you were born transgender and that your other struggles are likely resulting from your trying to cope with this. I struggle with the alcohol problem myself, as well as childhood based PTSD/dissociative problems. My secondary problems are sorting themselves out as I deal with my identity issues, i.e. I am a actually a girl, born with the wrong reproductive parts, mis-gendered at birth and brought up as a boy. It creates one psychological mel-of-a-hess to overcome. Hang in there, were not alone.



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Thanx, Marcie.

Trish, there's so much truth in what you say. I've always 'known', but I simply wouldn't accept it. Now some of my OCD issues have begun to diminish and some of my other proclivities as well, as I've begun my long journey to being who I really am. I've spent a lifetime forcing myself to be someone/something that I'm not and I never really knew that:

a) This caused a lot of other 'issues'

B) It created a lot of anger and hatred

I'm started to behave differently. I'm not getting so angry so easily and good or bad, I also noticed that I've become more emotional. I guess I've always had these emotions, but I forced them down deep. And whenever they would try to surface, I'd get very angry or become a 'F-IT' kind of person which just created more issues.

I'm so very glad that I found this place. :)

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Guest Marcie

Yes Trish, you are so right. It's sometimes difficult to see through the mess to figure out what parts belong to what but I know that this not just about dress up or anything other than what it is. I was transgendered from birth and I know that. I also know that this is the first part of the repair process. It's a lot to deal with....sometimes overwhelming but I am strong and I'll get through it. M

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Guest Marcie

Fiona, you are right where I'm at. It really does something to you to realize how long it's taken to get here but the rest of the journey should be one hell of a ride. I am willing to go to any length to get to where I need to be but in baby steps for now. Long strides would not be productive. I'm glad we're all here together and I'm glad some of the people who are further along, are here to shine the light for us.


I'm going to get the book that Kate reccomended. It's sounds like what I need right now. Peace........

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