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Obama issues Decree for Trans Students


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Guest Kenna Dixon

The article had over 3700 comments (the vast majority negative) just two hours after it was added to Yahoo.

Although it's a positive development, it's worrisome in the sense that it ties the issue clearly to President Obama and thereby brings everyone who reflexively hates anything he does into the fold. And I sense that this also gives the opposition a target to coalesce around.

Before, the bigots' supposed antagonists were the nebulous "libs" or "agenda" or "gay mafia". Those vague characterizations could be dismissed as the ravings of conspiracy theorists. But now the hated federal government has taken action, so there's an definitive "enemy" for them to focus upon.

I fear that this won't end well.

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I made the mistake of looking at the comments as well. i should know better. I can understand the way it feels to have government tell you what to do. It is unfortunate that that is necessary but at some point it seems to be. It is a "democracy" but that democracy is based on there constitution and the supreme court will be the one that eventually has to rule on this just as it had to say separate but equal wasn't acceptable. Social media didn't exist as it does now when attempts to end segregation were being made in our schools. I can only imagine the hate filled rhetoric that would have been used then. Time will calm all this but in the meantime i will try not to read any more comments from folks who simply don't want to understand.



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Guest LesleyAnne

Goodness knows DON'T read the comments. All we need to know from our brave brothers, and sisters here who have looked, is that they have seen and disclosed the fact that most comments are negative. Leave it at that. For those of us who are sensitive to the hatred (like myself) please don't punish yourself.

It is sad that in this day and age that we have such division, and intolerance in a supposed inclusive country, that encourages the pursuit of happiness.

Nuff said........

I wish all of you a wonderful day full of happiness!

Peace, and Love ☮️


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The Arkansas governor just directed the schools in the state to disregard the directive. We have in the last week had two ministers indicted for child sex abuse and child porn and a judge found with 10,000 images of young male defendants naked and chained even in the courtroom at night, whose crimes were dismissed by the judge for sexual favors which included letting him beat them, going back 35 years.

The governor didn't think that was worth addressing but he hopped to it when it came to looking like a tough guy to the Feds and continuing the atmosphere that made the Human Rights Campaign label Arkansas as one of the 3 worst in the nation for transgender people.


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Although it's a positive development, it's worrisome in the sense that it ties the issue clearly to President Obama and thereby brings everyone who reflexively hates anything he does into the fold. And I sense that this also gives the opposition a target to coalesce around.

I fear that this won't end well.

I tend to agree, Kenna. He could proclaim Saturday to be "Grandmother's and Apple Pie Day" and the right would say it was a conspiracy and would doom America.

Carolyn Marie

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Guest LesleyAnne

I would like another piece of Apple Pie please :)

It doesn't matter what Obama tries to do, it's wrong, and by golly they will not let him be king or a dictator to the rest of us.

We saw it when he was trying to put people back to work with programs to rebuild our infrastructure like bridges that are falling apart.

We saw it when he kept the world safe from Ebola (they all said he was trying to kill off Americans), and yet the Republicans are stonewalling any funding to fight the Izika virus which could devestate pregnant mothers, and their unborn babies. And it has the potential to be one of the worst disasters to hit us this lifetime..and right now instead the Republicans are spending money to shut down Planned Parenthood to save the babies????, and try to shut down Obamacare for the umpteenth time at a phenomenal cost to the taxpayer.

He even got Bin Ladin.....but he certainly didn't do that right!

The list goes on.....

They just flat do not care about anything but "winning"......fear wins them elections, pandering to the religious right wins them elections, pandering to the gun lobby wins them elections.

And I personally have not forgotten about the VA that is not properly funded, long wait times for Vets, the lack of specialists to take care of our needs, and this congress was so proud to tell the press that they passed an emergency bill that allowed veterans to get specialized care outside the system. One little problem...nothing was set up to pay these doctors. Nada, zip.


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Hi Everyone,

If you really want to draw a comparison between the right and the Obama administration, the Obama administration speaks with compassion. We all hear the vile hatred and animosity that comes out of the rightwingnuts. If Obama could rid the world of all WMD's, end all disease, poverty and hunger, the rightwingnuts would still condemn him for it. Thier diseased rhetoric only serves to bring me down. So I opt not ro read thier hateful comments.

Lots of love,

Timber Wolf?

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Guest Lizzie McTrucker

I didn't read about this on Yahoo, but other news sites. As I was reading the comments (I know, I know), it became quite apparent who actually read the directive and who didn't. I read all 9 pages (okay I skimmed the last 2 pages of footnotes) and it all seems pretty simple and straight forward. It even addresses locker rooms and allows for a single stall if a person wishes to have additional privacy. They not only address inclusion, but how to handle students who may not be comfortable by giving them an option (if they want) for a private room.

I also really really like how a student and/or the student's parent or guardian *must* notify school administration if the student is going to transition. I think that would (in theory at least) eliminate any of those up-to-no-good boys who want to say they "feel" like a woman that day. I think schools should really enforce this, for everyone's safety. If it's not in writing at the front office, then they're not transgender and should be disciplined accordingly.

The directive also states that gender identity is included under sex as it pertains to Title IX. "The Department's interpretation is consistent with courts' and other agencies' interpretations of Federal laws prohibiting sex discrimination." - our opposition loves to argue that sex and gender are different but when it pertains to Title IX, they're one in the same.

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One of the local tv stations has been trying to kick up the bathroom issue with no success -they did a special on it a couple of weeks ago and it fizzled. They also use the word "lifestyle" whenever they mention transgender and always grab the same transwoman to interview. She is former clergy who still wears her collar though she was forced from her church position as they always mention . She isn't very feminine and is always wearing black trousers as well, though her voice is good. I think they are trying to re-enforce stereotypes while looking like they are being fair. I don't mind that they show a transwoman still in transition but they don't ever show anyone different -or a transman.

Must have stung when they cheerfully reported the governor's call for the state school systems to ignore the President's directive and had to follow it with an announcement by the Little Rock school district that they intended to implement it. Maybe that school district remembers 1957 and the Federal troops that enforced the Civil Rights act they were defying then?


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Johnny, this is a clergy person I know IRL from Arkansas, she is still VERY MUCH an active member of the clergy of my denomination and does pulpit supply in the region for churches where a priest is needed to fill in for sick or vacationing clergy. Early in her transition two years ago a church board opted to NOT renew a contract with her which was up for renewal. She would not have been retained in the position whether she had come out or not since she was an interim priest appointed by the regional bishop. The parish had been looking for a full time clergy and she could not have been a candidate even as her male self. She is also a national officer of the denomination's LGBT ministry group, and part of a team that is working on establishing a rite for name change of Trans* people in the national church. As far as the trousers go, that is pretty much standard wear for female clergy in our church and my own parish priest who is a natal female will probably wear them today as well, under her cassock or alb which are the vestments we use on Sunday during church. Don't believe everything the media puts out.

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She did seem loke a very well spoken woman and my objection was not to her but to the fact that they tended to try to stereotype her and I suspected as you confirmed there was more to the story. Like making it look like she still wore her clerical collar when they made it sound like she had been removed from the church. I knew from the phrase "transgender lifestyle" it was not going to be a fair report.

I admire her for her activism and courage in this state. And my mention of how feminine she is was not a criticism of her but of the fact that I have never seen a trans person interviewed that was a traditionally feminine woman or a masculine man though we do exist across the whole spectrum. It just wouldn't fit their stereotype and would make it harder to turn around and sound like the bathroom threat is real.

I'm glad to know her true story. Thank you Vicky. And next time you have contact please thank her for standing forward for us from a fellow Arkansan.


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    • Heather Shay
      1983 - Jim Gordon US session drummer Jim Gordon murdered his mother during a psychotic episode. Diagnosed schizophrenic during his 1984 trial, Gordon was sentenced to 16 years-to-life in prison. A Grammy Award winner for co-writing Layla with Eric Clapton, Gordon worked with The Beach Boys, John Lennon, George Harrison Frank Zappa and many other artists..  Jim Gordan also was in Traffic and Derek and The Dominoes and received writers credit for the piano part in "Layla".    1967 - The Doors The Doors 'Light My Fire' was released in the US, where it went on to be No.1 on the singles chart two months later. When The Doors were booked to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show they were asked to change the line "girl, we couldn't get much higher", as the sponsors were uncomfortable with the possible reference to drug-taking. The band agreed to do so, and did a rehearsal using the amended lyrics; however, during the live performance, lead singer Jim Morrison sang the original lyric, after which they were informed they would never appear on the Ed Sullivan show again. I remember being in my mother's yard doing lawn work when I first heard the song when it was first released.   1964 - Ringo Starr During a photo session Ringo Starr was taken ill suffering from tonsillitis and pharyngitis, days before a world tour was about to start. After a last-minute phone call from George Martin, session drummer Jimmy Nichol rushed over to EMI Studios, where he and The Beatles ran through six songs from their tour repertoire in a quick rehearsal. Nichol replaced Ringo and became a Beatle for eleven days. This didn't get much press so I didn't know about it then but learned about it as I researched the group when I played Paul McCartney in a tribute band in my old life. I am much happy now though I miss playing out with a full electric band.  
    • Betty K
      Last I heard, trans men were actually at higher risk of violent assault than trans women, though it was more commonly intimate partner violence. Trans women, on the other hand, were murdered at a higher rate. Unfortunately I can’t find that source atm, but the following source states that, while trans people are four times more likely than cis people to be victims of violent crime, the difference in rates of violence against trans men and trans women is negligible. Actually, looking at the stats cited, trans men are slightly more likely to experience violent crime.    That said, it’s not a competition. We all have it hard in some ways, just not always in the same ways.   https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/
    • LucyF
      Yep - its a tactic to divide peoples opinions and get people concentrating on issues other than the one that the current government are responsible for. Thing is, we represent 0.01% of the population, so there are really focussing on a non-issue. Its like saying Jimmy Saville, the white middle aged TV presenter was bad, so we need to ban all white middle aged men from TV. Its ridiculous.   Thankfully, the huge majority of the UK public also see these things as non-issues so and with the election coming up, hopefully nothing will change. 
    • tracy_j
      They are trying to vote catch in any way they can at the moment. Their views on bringin back in national service are so much of a joke although propaganda will do doubt hook them a few. I suspect the armed forces are cringing. No doubt, in the US, you have a number of similar things going on.   Tracy
    • Carolyn Marie
      https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/02/tories-will-allow-bars-on-trans-women-says-kemi-badenoch?CMP=share_btn_url   The conservatives in the U.K. have adopted the American GOP playbook and are intending to ban trans folk, in particular trans women, from the public square.  Erasure is a stated goal of theirs now.  It is a sad thing to see.   Carolyn Marie  
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Interesting.  But.... doesn't going through this court case fix the reputation aspect by itself?  I mean, all they have to do is print off a copy of the news story/court proceedings.  "Hey look, a judge and jury said it wasn't true."  And since there's no criminal history, it doesn't affect a background check.    As for not getting "any" work...really?  I've known some extremely squirrelly people to get good jobs, including actual molesters/abusers with real history that can be found on a background check.  How possible is it to prove a negative statement such as "I can't get any work" in court?     Perhaps if this person lives in a small town where nobody knows they do drag-queen stuff on the side, being outed could cause issues.  But is that a factor that was considered in this case?  And isn't being outed if you've got a "secret drag queen life" a risk that simply goes along with that activity?  I would be interested to see the  proof of loss the jury received.  Is that usually a public document, or sealed? 
    • VickySGV
      Best of luck with all good fortune for the healing of those feelings.
    • VickySGV
      Eighteen years is not nearly long enough if your reputation has been damaged to the extent that you will absolutely never get employment of ANY SORT and your potential work life is 30 years.   Even people in Trades work do not want to hire you at the lowest sweeper levels. You cannot work in some fields where you are professionally licensed (and you lose the licenses as well) because you work with actual minors.  We are not told what the person's "Day Job" really was in this case but Drag performance is NOT a job any time to get rich on unless you get a full fledged entertainment contract like RuPaul.  My friends here that do Family rated Drag performance cannot live on it and have other highly responsible jobs in other parts of the entertainment industry or some other fields  To come up with that figure, actual proof of loss must be given to the jury and they must accept it if it meets the Preponderance Of The Evidence rule for Common Law levels.  $51K per year would be the salary of a Teacher or even Licensed Vocational Nurses neither of which could be filled by a person required to registered as a child molester or abuser as this was.  The $250K punitive damages were the lesser of the awards so this overall verdict was based on sworn and verified evidence of the amount of actual damage.  My 40 year career was in the legal system where I had to know courts and the law system including slander and libel.   
    • EasyE
      Gender rarely enters my dreams. I dream a lot about traveling and being on a journey somewhere. Recently, I did dream that I was out in public wearing one of my female sleepwear items. I remember thinking I had better get inside before someone saw me. 
    • KayC
      Hi @NoEli6 - Thank you for sharing your story and concerns over your feelings. I cannot give you statistics or even a valued opinion on the difference in MtF and FtM experiences and who faces the most challenges - But from my own life experience and my personal unique Trans journey I can say this - I think we ALL as humans bring our own baggage and unique challenges with us ... and the vast majority of that has nothing to do with our Transgender identity.  Everybody ... Every Body ... will face their own unique obstacles and fears, but also their own unique victories and growth.  This is what Life is ... and what is most noble is when we can live as our true authentic selves and celebrate and support others in the same way.  So ... I hope you can let go of your concerns, embrace others with their own peculiar (and sometimes harmful) faults.  Live your Life as you are. And please stay with us and share your experiences with others.  This is what we call Community.
    • KayC
      Happy Pride everyone!! (my first year to be able to openly participate)
    • KayC
      Great statement of support!!  Thank you @Carolyn Mariefor sharing.
    • Ashley0616
      Still building 
    • Ashley0616
    • MaeBe
      Thank you for sharing your story with us, Kay! It’s not nonsense of which you write! I am glad to hear your family is with you. It truly is wonderful having support at home.    💜Mae
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