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Red Itchy Lump, Any Other Guys On T Got This?

Guest Zabrak

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Guest Zabrak

Well, I had to inject TWICE yesterday because of a issue. I injected close to each other so maybe thats what happed.

Today I have a red itch lump on my leg...any other guys got this before?

Lump from the front:


Lump from the side:


I'm very pale so you can see it clearly.

Out of all my 6th months on T I never got a lump like this before. But I also never injected twice in one day.

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Guest Zabrak

I googled "red itchy lump on injection site" and only a few things popped up. Nothing T related but pretty much the same thing. Most people said it was ok and it would only last day. I guess T sites arn't any different.

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Guest Elizabeth K

I inject insulin and I will get those bumps if I pull the needle out too fast and there is still some serum under pressure from the plunger - which goes under the skin as the needle is pulled out - goes away in a day. Try wigglng the needle a bit when withdrawing so all the liquid is injected deeper.


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Guest Zabrak
I inject insulin and I will get those bumps if I pull the needle out too fast and there is still some serum under pressure from the plunger - which goes under the skin as the needle is pulled out - goes away in a day. Try wigglng the needle a bit when withdrawing so all the liquid is injected deeper.


Ahh...yes this makes sense. My issue was pretty much that.

I'll just be a lot more careful next time.

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I so hope that my doctor isn't a fan of injections! :(

I can't even look when they are giving them - to somebody else! :o

Please go for pills, patches or creams - oh my!

Love ya,


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Guest Zabrak
I so hope that my doctor isn't a fan of injections! :(

I can't even look when they are giving them - to somebody else! :o

Please go for pills, patches or creams - oh my!

Love ya,


I don't mind them at all. The only thing is stuff happens that none of the doctors told me could happen. So I have to learn as I go. Wish there was some kind of book "guide to injections - what could happen and how to deal with it".

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Guest StrandedOutThere

Lizzy already said what I was going to say about the bump. I think that's probably what it is.

Yeah, docs don't do a good job of telling us what to expect. If you read Jaimson Green's Becoming a Visible Man, he talks about that with respect to surgeries. I was like "oh....I'm not the only one who got a few surprises."

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Guest Zabrak
Lizzy already said what I was going to say about the bump. I think that's probably what it is.

Yeah, docs don't do a good job of telling us what to expect. If you read Jaimson Green's Becoming a Visible Man, he talks about that with respect to surgeries. I was like "oh....I'm not the only one who got a few surprises."


I'll read that so I know what to expect.

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Guest StrandedOutThere

I'll read that so I know what to expect.

You can read a lot of it on google books. Check it out!

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Guest Donna Jean

Zab, Hon....

Way back when I was flying in the Air Force I had to get shots for many countries that I would have to enter..

Got a "cocktail" once when I was going into Nigeria (Africa)......

It raised a lump on my left arm....

I still have it 39 years later.......

Bet you didn't want to hear that!

Naw....Lizzy and Ains are right....ain't no thing...It'll be gone!


Donna Jean

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Guest Zabrak
Zab, Hon....

Way back when I was flying in the Air Force I had to get shots for many countries that I would have to enter..

Got a "cocktail" once when I was going into Nigeria (Africa)......

It raised a lump on my left arm....

I still have it 39 years later.......

Bet you didn't want to hear that!

Naw....Lizzy and Ains are right....ain't no thing...It'll be gone!


Donna Jean

O_O (whats a cocktail??)

The lumps already flat now. Its just a little red and really itchy.

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Guest StrandedOutThere

You might be allergic to the oil it is suspended in, but that's unlikely since this isn't your first injection. If it's a new vial, maybe ask if the pharmacy did something different this time. I don't know if you get your stuff from a compounding pharmacy or not.

Not to freak you out, but there are bacteria living on our skin all the time. It's possible that something itchy got in this time. You are a young man with a healthy immune system. I'm sure it's nothing, especially if it is already improving.

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Guest Donna Jean
O_O (whats a cocktail??)

The lumps already flat now. Its just a little red and really itchy.

A cocktail is a mixture of vaccines mixed into one shot....


Donna Jean

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Guest Zabrak

My shots have been random. Depending on how deep I put the needle, if I wiggle it around(sometimes I forget to dry my hands before I do it so the needle slips around alot in my hands). Also, I've changed needle length.

Randomly, my injections will be itchy, crazy itchy. Some hurt after and don't itch, some don't hurt at all and don't itch at all. I've been using the same T bottle since I started. Its almost done now.

It doesn't bother me too much that something somehow might get on my needle once in awhile. Seeing as people get scraps and bumps from falling down or hurting themseleves by mistake and get stuff under there anyhow. I just don't want to get something clearly visable and dirty on it.

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Guest julia_d
I so hope that my doctor isn't a fan of injections! :(

I can't even look when they are giving them - to somebody else! :o

Please go for pills, patches or creams - oh my!

Love ya,


Sally ..

I'm so with you on that. I have so many friends who have died from needles that it's untrue. One band I was in back in the late 80's.. 6 of us.. I'm the only one left who isn't dead from injecting drugs or aids and/or another nasty thing like septecemia or hepatitis from sharing needles or a combination of both.

Fierce aversion to them. I will always ask if there is any other possible way before letting somebody stick a needle in me.. The thought of doing it to myself is just impossible.. It makes me feel ill just thinking about it.

Injectibles may be technically better because there is less risk of liver damage, but I don't care.. the amount of alcohol and drugs I have thrown at my system over the years.. a few little hormones ain't going to do it any harm.



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Guest Zabrak

I clean everything with the proper cleaners(which are sealed in packages) before I use it. I clean my skin before I poke the needle through it.

I also draw with one needle and inject with a differnt needle. I NEVER re-use needles and I dispose of them properly in the hazered buckets. And I only inject in the area(the side of my thigh, switching between left and right one) my doctor showed me to do.

I'm 100% clean, and anyone else who has been shown how to do it by a doctor should be too.

You can't really compare a hormone shot to drugs, aids and abuse of needles. But I understand your fear.

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Guest StrandedOutThere
I clean everything with the proper cleaners(which are sealed in packages) before I use it. I clean my skin before I poke the needle through it.

I also draw with one needle and inject with a differnt needle. I NEVER re-use needles and I dispose of them properly in the hazered buckets. And I only inject in the area(the side of my thigh, switching between left and right one) my doctor showed me to do.

I'm 100% clean, and anyone else who has been shown how to do it by a doctor should be too.

You can't really compare a hormone shot to drugs, aids and abuse of needles. But I understand your fear.

Then I definitely wouldn't worry about the little, itchy spot. Just keep an eye on it. Maybe keep a notebook with those observations. That way you can tell if there really is a pattern to some of it. There probably won't be. I keep track of my shots and observations in an Excel spreadsheet. :)

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Guest MrAwesome

EW! that bump looks disgusting! o.o *must look at it again* LOL I can't wait till I Start on T and have to worry about big red itchy lumps! XD

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