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AK Lawmaker Doubles Down Over Penis Question At Hearing

Carolyn Marie

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Doubling down on nasty, rude remarks has become an R trademark.  They've learned from the master.  It doesn't matter if she discussed it someplace else; it wasn't appropriate for her to be asked it at that hearing, and that's all that matters.


Carolyn Marie

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While I disagree with what he said and how he said it, at least he stands by his perspective instead of trying to cover it up with a fake apology.  And in recent years, public apologies don't do any good or remove any heat...while they alienate a politician's base. 


McKee says that he wasn't able to get to the end of his line of questions... I'd be interested to know how he thought the penis question was relevant.  Very strange!  

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"this [transgender] movement — in our opinion — has tried to wage war on our families and our kids," said McKee"


How does a person making an individual decision about themself "wage war on our families"?  I have no problem with cis-people.  I mean, some of my best friends are cis-people.

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The man (the senator) has repeated every word and concept of the NOT-to-be-educated-or-informed about the subject of Trans people, and anything approaching uncomfortable reality of his isolated world.  He claims he could not finish his line of questioning and does not back it up in the press by discussing his real information goal.  That infers to me he did not really have a goal so his statement is false.

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1 hour ago, VickySGV said:

That infers to me he did not really have a goal so his statement is false.

His goal was to insult and disparage the witness.  But she refused to take the bait.   What was “in her pants” had nothing to do with her testimony.   
I’m sure it still played well with his base tho.

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13 hours ago, Ivy said:

"this [transgender] movement — in our opinion — has tried to wage war on our families and our kids," said McKee"


How does a person making an individual decision about themself "wage war on our families"?  I have no problem with cis-people.  I mean, some of my best friends are cis-people.


I can explain his perspective on this part. 


There is a war going on.  Big government (led by the Democrats and aided by most Republicans) has been waging war on our families, our economy and our way of life for a long time....especially for those in rural areas.  It has really accelerated in recent years.  2020 saw literal war in communities near me, with street riots, arson, looting, vandalism, and clashes that were only kept out of my area by determined efforts on the part of our local leaders...and done very much against the wishes of the state.  Covid revealed the government's ill will and naked aggression - and the majority of that is blamed on Democrats even though many, many Republicans were complicit.  This won't be forgotten for decades. 


Due to the perceived association of LGBTQ+ folks with the Democrat party... we get lumped in to that side of the culture war whether we vote Democrat or not.  I also believe that a certain amount of the strident, over-the-top appearance and behavior of some LGBTQ+ folks is confrontational rather than helpful.  It make me cringe because it makes life less safe for me.  I try hard to blend in and disappear.  Being identified as LGBTQ+ means being labeled as a "Biden supporter" or as a threat unless I can prove differently. 


Personally, I would love to see a general rejection of the Democrat party by LGBTQ+ people.  I wish there was an easy way to explain to average straight/cis people that we are just like them...some kind of common ground that could override all the recent political damage.  It is my belief that a lot of the persecution would stop if this could happen, and Republican politicians who focus on trans folks to the exclusion of real issues would be voted out. 

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15 minutes ago, awkward-yet-sweet said:

Personally, I would love to see a general rejection of the Democrat party by LGBTQ+ people.  I wish there was an easy way to explain to average straight/cis people that we are just like them...some kind of common ground that could override all the recent political damage.  It is my belief that a lot of the persecution would stop if this could happen, and Republican politicians who focus on trans folks to the exclusion of real issues would be voted out. 

I’m not a big fan of the Democratic Party.   However I see the GOP actively trying to legislate us out of existence.   I think the idea that if the GOP was in power they suddenly would be nice to us is absurd.   Despite being the party of minimal government, they seem intent on micromanaging our healthcare and even our wardrobes.  

Sure I would love to see the 2 parties working together for the good of the country.    But they’re too busy vilifying each other to do anything positive.  

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2 hours ago, awkward-yet-sweet said:

II also believe that a certain amount of the strident, over-the-top appearance and behavior of some LGBTQ+ folks is confrontational rather than helpful.  It make me cringe because it makes life less safe for me.  I try hard to blend in and disappear.  Being identified as LGBTQ+ means being labeled as a "Biden supporter" or as a threat unless I can prove differently. 



AYS, I'm not exactly sure what you refer to when you say, "strident, over-the-top appearance and behavior" by some LGBT folks.  Are you talking about Gays, Lesbians and Trans folk, or just Trans?  Are you referring to performance artists, or just folks who, for whatever reasons, cannot or will not "blend in and disappear?"


I can sometimes be judgemental, too, I'm sorry to say.  But I'm very aware that there are many of us who, by no fault of their own, will always stand out in a crowd of cis people.  Some of us are vocal about our rights and make it a point to say so, loudly and proudly.  I was one of them, though not so much these days.  I'm sorry if the collective "we" in our community makes you cringe and feel uncomfortable.  But I will defend the rights of any of us, even those I don't agree with or am discomfited by, to be themselves.  If politicians, cis-folk and anyone else don't like it, that's fine.  It's everyone's right to feel however they wish.  What they don't have the right to do is tell any of us to go away and hide because they don't like feeling discomfited. 


Carolyn Marie



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@Carolyn Marie I agree that nobody has to cooperate with going away and hiding.  Some folks will naturally be more noticeable than others, and we certainly shouldn't expect everybody to look the same.  But I believe that some activities (and yes, some performances) are not prudent in these hazardous times. 


My point is that how others perceive us matters...far more than we want it to.  I have a similar view about other issues.  It is likely that a portion of the collective risk, legislative and otherwise, could be avoidable.  It became more personal for me last year, as I suspect my assault was partially motivated by current politics.

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   Trans women have been asked to go away and hide for years.  I know i certainly did.  I remember when the laws against female personation were being enforced in the 50's and 60's.  Wonderful female performers were able to dress as men in slacks.  I fear there is a desire to get back to those standards.  Enforcing gender standards is seemingly a recent conservative 

cause.  We do not and never have disappeared.  Folks have hidden in bars and closets, ashamed and fearful of arrest.  I have no plans to hide again.  





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3 hours ago, Charlize said:

 I have no plans to hide again.

Likewise.  I'm not going to just hide at home and cringe.  

But I'm not stupid.  I'll still avoid KKK and MAGA rallies.

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4 minutes ago, Ivy said:

 I'll still avoid KKK and MAGA rallies.



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On being out and active, I do use the old "pick your battles well" trope.  I have years of being out and open and for most people I just exist as an older woman.  The old "when in Rome, shoot off Roman Candles" Oh wait, "When in Rome do what Romans do" is by far the best way to go as far as general appearance goes. Be YOU but in line with where you are in the minute.


At Pride events or in stage / video shows I am in, I have showy costumes that I have fun with. 






For teaching events and times I have gone to local government hearings or other things of that nature, I do wear a name badge that has my Pronouns on it and have business cards that say I am Trans and which Trans or LGBTQ organization I am speaking for, but I am almost always wearing a women's business style dress and possibly a jacket.  I love my friends who "glitter up" with neon hair like my second link above and who simply want to be free to do it without fear of being targets of hatred, and being threatened, and in my way I will oppose the ones who will want them to be unsafe and hiding.  You will know me by my opposition to H8.

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      Are you able to live in the moment or does your inner demon generally control you?
    • Heather Shay
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    • Heather Shay
      This is an awesome and needed idea. Thank you @Vidanjali.   I know a young MTF who graduated from college and her parents disowned her and told her not to come home ON THE DAY OF GRADUATION. I reqwuest prayers for her to find comfort, housing and joy.
    • NoEli6
      TW: Violent hate crime   Hi Been... a good long while since I've popped up here. Made some friends. All trans girls. They're lovely and supportive. But one of them... a couple times now, she's made comments dismissing pains of being FtM (such as binder pain) with a response of something along the lines of "well, we (trans woman) get murdered." She gave a lengthy, heartfelt, absolutely wonderful apology for it that I appreciated so damn much. But, -expletive-, man, something about those comments stuck with me I guess? I'm not hurt by what she said anymore because she apologized sincerely and explained she never meant any harm and I wholeheartedly accept her apology.  But something about that... has just been weighing on me. I think it may just be the guilt of privilege? But, a little deeper than that, wanting to be seen for my struggles, too. Trans women get so much coverage and visibility compared to trans men (which this friend has also contested in the past...?) and I think a part of me is just... I don't know, I feel awful because it feels insensitive to imply that "oh, I've got it harder, don't you see?" but I think I just want to be recognized for the fact that I'm SO -censored- scared of being hatecrimed. I don't pass- she does! And yet she talks about how her group gets violently hatecrimed more often and I'm just like... I don't know. She's white, too, as am I, both middle class Californians as well, neither of us are extremely at risk here. I don't even know what I'm feeling here. I just want to vent, I want some advice, I want someone to tell me how to feel. Is it true that trans man rarely ever get hatecrimed? That doesn't feel real.    I don't know if this is something similar to white guilt, just guilt for having privilege, or if this has a deeper root, I'm just so... torn up, for no reason, about these things that she's said.    Part of it could be that she, and my two other friends, are all on HRT, while I've been stuck in a household that won't allow any medical transition till I'm 18 for 3 years and another one to wait. And that I can't talk about that. Because I feel like I'll bring down the mood. And that my dysphoria hasn't gotten easier, I'm still as -toasted- up as ever over it, but I feel the need to sit in silence instead and on top of that have to constantly hear my friends talk about small annoyances regarding HRT that I would KILL TO HAVE.    Now I'm just ranting. I think there's a lot of mixed up feelings here. Let me know if anyone relates to the guilt thing, though. Would appreciate it. Thanks y'all. Sorry for disappearing. Glad to be back. 
    • Nonexistent
      I know it's frustrating to hear, but you have to be patient. 5 weeks is nothing. It can take years to grow facial hair. Even then, you may be unlucky and not get much. Everyone's body reacts differently to T. You just have to be patient and let T do it's thing.
    • Nonexistent
      I've been on T for 6yrs now, my levels are good. But I still don't pass very well, I look very feminine. I have top surgery already.   I can't tell if it's bad luck/genetics or if there is some reason why T might not "work" on me. The only thing it has done well is lower my voice. Everything else, not so much. I have a bit more muscle, and a tiny bit of chin scruff. That's it.   Is there any medical reason why T might not have much of an effect? I asked my PA and they didn't know.
    • tracy_j
      Happy Pride!   Tracy
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you for the welcome. :)   As an adult I don't actually get much (if any) hate directed at me. As a kid/teen I got discriminated against and ostracized. And online is crazy with hatred. But in real life I just keep to myself and that tends to make others not bother you. I think I get a double take from someone every so often, but I don't get stared at or anything. I do get called ma'am sometimes which sucks and is embarrassing.    I like the positive self-talk, saying that you are trans, you shouldn't have the same "expectations" as if you were cis. Some trans people are lucky, some of us are not. I'm not. The only thing I got lucky with is my voice. Everything else, nope.   I will try and remind myself that I'm just trying to live my life, I didn't choose to be born this way, I don't need to be embarrassed of myself in every situation.
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