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Learning to do Make Up

Guest KayJo

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Hi everyone. I'm Kay, this is my first post outside of the intros forum.

I'm still a little new to the CD world and am very much in the closet for multiple reasons.

I love to try make-up but honestly, have to say I do a really sloppy job. It ends up looking like someone's 90 year old grandma did her face and she has a really shaky hand!

I have searched a bit online and read a few "how-to" articles but still find it really difficult, especially eyeliner and eye-shadow. Lips I can manage marginally better.

I expect this is somewhat common for anyone starting out doing make-up without the benefit of an older sister or mom to ask (I'm not about to ask my sisters or mom ad definitely not my Spouse). And its hard to find online instructions aimed at a complete and total beginner, they mostly seem to assume some level of existing proficiency. It would be nice of there was somewhere you could go and get an actual lesson. I suspect thats possible for GGs but not for MtFs in this neck of the woods (we are a bit conservative here in the south)

I'll just have to continue practicing when I can. Despite the poor quality, I do like the result and find it makes me feel more femme while its on.

There is one link here on Laura's to an on-line "how-to" for eye make-up, but if anyone knows of other ones let me know



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  • Forum Moderator

Hi Kay,

Little girl's practice makeup for years before they are even old enough to wear it out of the house and even then sometimes you see young teens who don't do a very good job. It's a skill that takes a lot of practice. One good rules is that less is more. Makeup is not really meant to be a transformation-it can't be unless you are a master at it or an artist-but an enhancement of what you have. Chose a focal point to emphasize-your best feature-maybe lips or eyes and emphasize that while being more subtle with everything else.

And buy several types of liner. Liquid is much harsher and less forgiving on most people but it was my preferance because I softened it with shadow on top. Pens or pencil may be easier. With pencil you can line and then smudge the top of the line with your little finger to give a soft look and conceal waviness.

If there is a mall in a nearby city, or if you are in a large enough city that you can safely do so then go to the makeup counter in an upscale department store and ask for a makeup session. It won't be the first time for most of them and as long as they think they can make a sale they will be happy to help. I know that is difficult and scary but many women here on Laura's have good relationships with saleswomen at makeup counters in department stores. Even in the conservative South-and I understand that well since Arkansas is about as conservative as it gets that way, not to mention that I grew up in a very conservative part of Texas. But times are changing and have not been nearly as bad as I expected though I am going in the opposite direction.

Otherwise keep trying. And practicing. I found when I was living as a woman that the mineral makeups were many times easier to use and look better. They also come with very good instructional videos. You can get starter kits to help match your skin and play with colors as well as saving half to 3/4 by buying on ebay. From experience though I would caution you to buy a name brand like Bare Essentials. There is a huge difference in quality and colors that work

Hope some of this helps. You'll master it eventually. If you do your makeup and don't like it-then try taking half off and look again. You may be surprised. Everyone gets too much at first.


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Hi Kay,

Sephora has "tutorials". These are cosmetics packaged with instructions and suggestions you can order online. I found the one for eyebrows to be really helpful. They are pricey though.

I've also found eyeshadows that indicate what color goes where (lid, crease, etc). I think it's Maybeline.

Magazines (I like Redbook) also have instruction on the latest styles and the ads for makeup are very helpful.

I still have a little trouble with eyeliner, but, I'm getting better at it. Trial and error. Many of us have to wash it off and try again before we get it just right.


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You Tube has tons of clips on how to. Maybelline's web site has a tone of movies too and they are very helpful.

I've been working on smoky eyes but always end up looking like Uncle Fester. :umno:


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Guest Waverly

Hi Kay

In the Fashion section of this forum, there was a posting with a unique website which you may have interest in. The site is www.taaz.com . This is a free personalized virtual make-up site for you or your personal curiosities.

Good luck with your experimentation !!

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Thank you all for the great advice. I love the thing at taaz Waverly. Lots of fun trying out different looks. I wish it was as easy in real life.

Very inciteful advice from Johnny. I "borrowed" my moms lipstick and powder puff a couple of times as a little boy but did not persist at the time. I'll be careful, and it feels a bit scary just now, but might one day try Macy's makeup counter early on a weekday morning (less busy) or wherever.



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Thank you so much - you've made things so much easier to get a grip on when you said -

"Choose a focal point to emphasize-your best feature-maybe lips or eyes and emphasize that while being more subtle with everything else"

Simple advice but had never occured to me in those terms before

You are lovely!


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Guest MsAmethyst

Hi Kay

This IS my first post! I feel that make-up is an art form. You must start small then work up. I am a crossdresser for some 50 years and only used lipstick and Mascara. I've been about 95% closeted (5%out Late night rides walk around neighborhood at night), so there was no problem. Now with my wife (5years now) She helps me with my make-up. I'm now about 80% closeted (20% out, day rides, picnics, and Tri-Ess meetings. Oh I also told my wife on our second date and she is better than fine with it and buys Amy lots of things.

Back to make-up... my wife doesn’t use make-up but is good at helping me. She wants me to go and get a transformation make over and pay to be trained to help me. So a transformation make over can include training to help you learn... at worst you wash it all off when you leave... Somewhere around $55 - $75.

Learn on your own... We have found You Tube extremely helpful!!! Some of the older FREE videos are between 1 min and 10 minutes. Now they are allowed well over 10 minutes and still free.

One video even shows you how to bend an artist’s paint brush's medal part to an angle to help put on eyeliner.

Another teaches you all about make-up brushes, yet another about cleaning them.

Appling false eyelashes.... using an eyelash curler

Hiding your eyebrows with gluestick, using make-up over that and draw in feminine brows.

Taking knots and tangles out of wigs... styling and un-styling wigs.Proper ways to wash wigs...

There are thousands of helping FREE videos there... I'll be making my own feather hair extensions and feather ear rings.

And if you have problems finding what you need... I have thousands of links to these videos from You Tube. Let me know.

I hope this site proves helpful to all... new and old.


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Hi Kay

This IS my first post! I feel that make-up is an art form. You must start small then work up. I am a crossdresser for some 50 years and only used lipstick and Mascara. I've been about 95% closeted (5%out Late night rides walk around neighborhood at night), so there was no problem. Now with my wife (5years now) She helps me with my make-up. I'm now about 80% closeted (20% out, day rides, picnics, and Tri-Ess meetings. Oh I also told my wife on our second date and she is better than fine with it and buys Amy lots of things.

Back to make-up... my wife doesn’t use make-up but is good at helping me. She wants me to go and get a transformation make over and pay to be trained to help me. So a transformation make over can include training to help you learn... at worst you wash it all off when you leave... Somewhere around $55 - $75.

Learn on your own... We have found You Tube extremely helpful!!! Some of the older FREE videos are between 1 min and 10 minutes. Now they are allowed well over 10 minutes and still free.

One video even shows you how to bend an artist’s paint brush's medal part to an angle to help put on eyeliner.

Another teaches you all about make-up brushes, yet another about cleaning them.

Appling false eyelashes.... using an eyelash curler

Hiding your eyebrows with gluestick, using make-up over that and draw in feminine brows.

Taking knots and tangles out of wigs... styling and un-styling wigs.Proper ways to wash wigs...

There are thousands of helping FREE videos there... I'll be making my own feather hair extensions and feather ear rings.

And if you have problems finding what you need... I have thousands of links to these videos from You Tube. Let me know.

I hope this site proves helpful to all... new and old.


Thanks so much Amy. And welcome to Laura's. I'll take another look at youtube. As you'r new, you might want to go to the general/intros forum and say hi to the community. You'll get a friendly welcome I'm sure,



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Janice Lynn

KayJo, I'll go with Seejay's last comment regarding Mary Kay. There are a surprising number

of Mary Kay associates in the phone books of medium to large cities. One day I became

bold enough realizing that those I called would at most think nothing more than "That was a

weird call." I spun the Mary Kay dial and began making calls explaining my situation and

asking if they would be comfortable with creating a look suitable for me. I was 50 something

at the time so the idea was to blend.

It took me awhile; maybe a half dozen (some were just answering machines) before I found

one who said she would not have a problem and had, in fact, taught transsexuals how to

choose and apply cosmetics. She asked me a few things about myself like my age, hair

color, and such, then scheduled an appointment AT HER HOUSE.

I can't recall ever being so scared and, to some degree, embarrassed when I rang the

doorbell and she opened the door. She obviously expected the "terrified look," asked me

if I'd like a cup of tea, and invited me in.

Rather than go into details, which are not the point, the fact is she created an everyday

day look for me, noting my best features and my disadvantages (the nose). Then she

suggested a complimenting look for the evening. It was an incredibly wonderful experience

as she explained how I could do this while I experienced it at her hand. It was not the

inexpensive, as I bought about $150 of cosemetics and other stuff, but the fact of the

matter is that those dollars are worth more than a dozen pairs of jeans or a couple of

nice dresses or skirt/blouse combos. This was about my look and who I was when I was

finished with my makeup and looked in the mirror.

Eventually, after learning the skills or at least enough to get by, I found an Avon representa-

tive who helped me without it costing me as much as Mary Kay. In fact, the only uncomfort-

able moment came when I found a Christmas card in the mail from her, realizing that my

wife would have tossed a fit (at that time in our loves) if it had been her who opened the

mail that day.

Hope this helps!


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  • 1 month later...
Guest ValerieM

Tank you all so much. I have been contemplating going to the mall in another town for a make over to get the right products for my sin type and tone and to learn the tricks of the trade. I now have the courage and confidence to do it. I think I will go to bear essentials for the mineral make up.



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Guest Clair Dufour

Makeup is something that varies as to how much depending on when and where even for women. It is not exclusive to women. the guys you see on your local news are wearing makeup that except in the largest cities, they put on themselves. True some of them want to make you ask who their Undertaker is! But its a learned skill and its something you have to practice every day. How do you do that? Well by using light makeup that most people don't notice but, make you work on your skills. There are a lot of products that are marketed for men and have much the same effect as what many women wear. A good example is Burts Bees tinted lip balm. Its not lipstick but, it warms up your lips a bit and has a SPF of 50 so you can tell them its so you don't get lip cancer should they ask. Another are translucent face powders that take away lines in your face and give your skin a a softer fem look without looking like you have makup on. Other products can also be use lightly to get effects that are not noticed but rather sensed. It takes pratice and if at all possible help from women friends. Beauty shops that are LGBT can help too as most understand how to make a male look female. If you go to them, video tape it and take notes so you don'f forget anything.

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Guest heather47

Hi everyone. I'm Kay, this is my first post outside of the intros forum.

I'm still a little new to the CD world and am very much in the closet for multiple reasons.

I love to try make-up but honestly, have to say I do a really sloppy job. It ends up looking like someone's 90 year old grandma did her face and she has a really shaky hand!

I have searched a bit online and read a few "how-to" articles but still find it really difficult, especially eyeliner and eye-shadow. Lips I can manage marginally better.

I expect this is somewhat common for anyone starting out doing make-up without the benefit of an older sister or mom to ask (I'm not about to ask my sisters or mom ad definitely not my Spouse). And its hard to find online instructions aimed at a complete and total beginner, they mostly seem to assume some level of existing proficiency. It would be nice of there was somewhere you could go and get an actual lesson. I suspect thats possible for GGs but not for MtFs in this neck of the woods (we are a bit conservative here in the south)

I'll just have to continue practicing when I can. Despite the poor quality, I do like the result and find it makes me feel more femme while its on.

There is one link here on Laura's to an on-line "how-to" for eye make-up, but if anyone knows of other ones let me know



Sweetie, there are lots of step by step videos on youtube. That's where I learned
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      @LittleSam I dress pretty stereotypically masculine too, it's comfy! But sometimes I feel like being fancy and bright like a peacock so I do that. Being a peacock is fun :D  Plus I always think it's so weird that people believe certain genders can't do certain things, because why does it matter so long as no one is being hurt and the person doing the activity is happy? Basically, I think worrying about that stuff just causes a lot of unnecessary stress.  I don't really see myself as genderfluid mostly because my gender is pretty static, or I'm always masculine and not at the same time all the time. With that being said I can absolutely see how it relates! Especially since I think it makes perfect sense to go between feeling gendered or genderless, to put it broadly.  Overall, labels are our best attempts at describing hard to explain concepts like gender and sexuality, which are both really fluid and vary a lot from person to person. I went from trans man, to trans masculine, to agender, and back to trans man, so I essentially just went in a circle, but I learned a lot along to way. 
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      Well she did choose me in the end not him. Just frustrated that it was so hard to get her to do that.
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      Yes there is!
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      is there a zoom tonight? will try to be here after work   simple print top n floral skirt   hugs
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      I am sorry to hear that your friend turned out to not be a friend at all.  But that is the bottom line: she is not a friend.  She has chosen to ally herself with him and he is toxic to be around.
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      Please pray for my precious baby lady, my Siberian husky, who is having emergency surgery this afternoon to remove her spleen and a large mass attached to it. May the surgery be successful and uncomplicated, recovery be swift and easy, and pathology be benign. She is our sunshine girl. 
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