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Weak/Strong Time of Month?

Guest Talon

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Hey guys,

I have a question for you. I am pre-T which will hopefully, pretty certainly change soon, THANK GOD.

I still have that time of the month that we shouldn't have to deal with. The thing is that I work out a lot and do my best to build muscle. And it's going pretty well. I have high T levels as it is and they are coming in rather nicely. But I feel fairly significant differences, like ups and downs, in my physical strength over the course of a month. I am still trying to calculate if it's following the schedule of my dumb, God loves you girl week.

I suspect that I am a bit weaker during that week. And about a week after, I feel really strong and have a lot of energy. The ups and downs are not only in my physical strength but also in my energy level, my ability to pressure myself, my endurance etc. So maybe it is hormonal... like girl hormones showing up and messing things up. I don't know.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? Like your strength/physical ability going up and down like that?

I'm a bit puzzled. Thanks guys!!

All the best,


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Guest Kael147

Hey talon, thank goodness I haven't had one of those weeks in 11 years, but I still have ovaries and I find that there is absolutely a cyclical nature to my strength, energy and emotions.

I hope it'll be better on t, but give how the doses are administered, I suspect it will be a whole new cycle of hormonal changes! I'm hoping I get stronger!

I find if I'm taking good care of myself (diet, exercise, and sleep) that the effects are lessened. A little spirituality helps too!

Not sure if this helps, but seems normal to me.


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      I have read some of it and find it very good information. I'm still working on my own journey so I read all that I can. But lately I have had some gender euphoria moments. So accepting my has put me on a better track
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      Welcome to Trans Pulse, Mikki.  There are many here with the same issues as you, so we understand what your challenges are and we are ready to help and support you.  I know you will find this place to be filled with lovely, caring people.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
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      Top o the morning, @Mikki. Welcome to this community. You'll find lots of support and connection here. Don't be shy & feel free to post or jump into any conversation that interests you. You'll find many here who can relate to the struggles you've endured, I being one. Nice to meet you. 
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      @Mikki So glad to meet you Mikki. You are indeed NOT ALONE. The people here are amazing and an oasis and affirming. I can relate to your background and have similar experiences. I have recovered to the point that I am now a Certified Peer Recovery Supporter (work with those who have had substance abuse or mental health issues - being I've had them and can relate). I am grateful and glad I made it through and I know you will to. Hugs Heather
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