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god makes no mistakes....

Guest eliza.d

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Guest eliza.d

hi everyone. im new here. im a 33 yo mtf tg.

god makes no mistakes. it was no mistake that i was born a woman trapped in a mans body. thru years of prayer, i firmly believe the reason i was made this way was but a test. a test by god to see if i would choose truth, the truth of my spirit, the woman inside, or the facade/ lie of the flesh. i chose truth. the truth of who i have known i was all my life. for years, i was afraid to show myself mainly because i knew my fam would attack me. i was right. attack they have and without mercy. i come from the southeast, in the bible belt. i have always been a person of intense faith. but i do not believe god condemns me even as he made me this way. my fam all threw the bible at me and pulled out all the stops in their futile attempts to destroy me. after the initial siege they layed upon me they have all but realized that i am a force to be reconned with. especially with the lord by my side and in my heart. i have emerged victorious and unshaken in my resolve to follow my path of truth that god has set before me to follow.

i am Eliza.......never underestimate a woman. especially one that has been imprisoned by others insecurities and judgement.

god bless us all, merry christmas,

Eliza D

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Guest John Chiv


Excellent post. I agree God makes no mistakes. I was created by him to be a man. At birth, my body was different but that did not change who I am. I believe who I am to be a blessing. And I cannot sum up all of why I believe so in a post but these are a few things I believe. God loved me so much that he knew I would not forsake him just because my body did not express my spirit and my soul and that he knew I had the strength to believe in myself despite what I was told.

I am my kind of man and I do not take the responsibility of being a man lightly. I don't claim it with privilege or entitlement because of a body part. And God wants people to see through you and me what the core of being a man and woman really is--I hope by my life to make HIM proud.

It is not God that tests us but this world because you have defeated them, because you are both a woman and a woman of God.


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Thank you for this thread, Eliza. You are very well spoken, and from what i can tell, I just know that your family does indeed know where you stand.

I am sorry for you about your family's attitude, and hope that some day they come to accept you for who you are, even if they never do truly understand.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest harvester52

Amen, Eliza!

I have discovered this same truth. God makes no mistakes. It warms my heart to see fellow trans people who haven't given up on God. He is our loving Father, and with Him by our side, nothing is impossible!

I am sorry your family reacts so harshly, but with the strength of Christ, you have persevered. Keep it up. :)

- BC

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Guest eliza.d

god bless you all. i am happy to hear that im not the only one that feels that we are loved by god, and our choice to break free of our assigned bodies does not condemn us. after all, is it not the spirit that ascends to heaven and our bodies that return to the earth?

god bless the human spirit,

Eliza D

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Guest OutOfSorts180

Eliza, I also thank you for your post.

Absolutely God makes no mistakes. That's not to say we don't screw things up, but if we trust in him somehow, he always rights things.

And...if you don't mind if I put a slightly different twist to this --- when I was born, my spirit was definitely female, but...I think I was born in the right male body because that's what God wanted for me initially. As you said, God makes no mistakes, so he wanted me in my male body for a reason --- and for me personally, I think it was to get married and have kids. And since I'm Asian, it's important to have a male to continue the family name. Well God blessed me with one of my kids being a son, especially since my brother doesn't have any boys. And now God is ready for me to become my true self!

God's blessing back at you.

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Guest Robin Winter

I think in some ways we are blessed, at that. I certainly have a greater capacity for compassion and understanding since I learned to accept myself.

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I love this thread - Eliza you have prompted me to bring back my favorite term for our condition as I have long felt that the current terms such as transsexual lead the average person to the wrong conclusions as to what this is all about.

I like the term Gender Gifted, a friend from outside of this site used it when she was first helping me to understand my condition.

God makes no mistakes and he does not test or punish anyone - we do that on our own - allow yourself to see the gifts from our condition, a better understanding of people in general and a lot of compassion - we see it here everyday.

In the end it is all about love, God's love for all of us.

Love ya,


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Guest eliza.d

amen, the lord has delivered me me from suffering and death many times. when i was 18, i got sick with guillain barre syndrome, aka french polio. basically my antibodies malfunctioned and began to attack my nerve endings causing severe and nearly total paralysis. it was frightening to be going into the hospital at age 18, notknowing if i would emerge again. i went thru intense pain thru treatment, but i faced it with determination and positive thought. and lots of prayer. the scariest part, was the possibility that i might die physically still trapped in the body of a man, without ever really living at all. thanks to god, i was cured and rehabilitated, but unfortunately i kept up the facade of self deception for another 15 years. i had faith that god would let me know when the time was right to come out. that is why he sent me the angel that is my wife. she is the only person on earth i could trust, to come out to.

there is purpose in all things god does, no matter how difficult it is for us to comprehend at times. there are no coincidences in life, only clue. between the lord god, my wife, master yoda, and mr. miyagi i have lerned many valuable lessons. and of course by listening to myself as well.

my girl, myself, has been crying in pain all along for me to save her. i could not. i had not the strength or courage. but the lord himself intervened and she has been saved. i have been saved. i am Eliza. i have always been Eliza. i will forevermore be Eliza.

i gotta get some tissues.....

god bless you all, the love of the lord is with us all. my love is with you all.


Eliza D.

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Guest cassie51

For many years I was angry with God. I thought he had played a very cruel joke on me. After much reflection I am coming to terms with the Lord again. I don't think it was a joke anymore but I'm still not certain what the reason is I am the way I am. I'm hoping in time it will be revealed to me.

Merry Christmas all,



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Guest eliza.d

imho, the only way to know what gods will is for your life, and what his purpose was in making you this way is prayer. i felt like he was playing a cruel joke on me as well, and found out thru years of prayer over this, that it was no joke at all. it was intentional.

some of us, the lord makes work harder for our gifts, remeber with every blessing comes varying amounts of responsibility. i think that he chose us, tg's, because he wanted us to be leaders, in this world.

look at what laura has done with her victory and journey, and she had the fight of her life, what a blessing her victory has become for us.

god chose us because we are fighters, we are willing to fight to the death to survive.

we have to fight much harder to get what others are born with. but i believe, in the end, we appreciate it more than most. the ones that dont realize how lucky they are to not have had to suffer as we have with this....tans-situation.

not to sound to grandiose, but thats where i stand on that. hope it helps,

dominus vobiscum,

Eliza D.

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Guest OutOfSorts180

imho, the only way to know what gods will is for your life, and what his purpose was in making you this way is prayer.

Eliza: I totally agree with you that we have to pray. While he may not always answer our prayers the way we want or we may "interpret" things wrong, we still need to pray.

i felt like he was playing a cruel joke on me as well, and found out thru years of prayer over this, that it was no joke at all. it was intentional.

It's definitely easy to "blame" God and say that he is cruel, but he really isn't. As you said, he has a purpose. We just need to be receptive to it.

some of us, the lord makes work harder for our gifts, remeber with every blessing comes varying amounts of responsibility. i think that he chose us, tg's, because he wanted us to be leaders, in this world.

look at what laura has done with her victory and journey, and she had the fight of her life, what a blessing her victory has become for us.


...but i believe, in the end, we appreciate it more than most. the ones that dont realize how lucky they are to not have had to suffer as we have with this....trans-situation.

Double Amen to that!

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Guest eliza.d

ok, heres the next round. now that ive lost my whole biofam, my wife's family is beginning to Start in one me, and you guessed it, with none other than scripture quotations from the bible.

im not going to waste me time defending myself to them. my wife has stood up to them and said that her marriage is her business and for them to leave it at that.

so they are starting in on me instead.

first wave, her grandmother of 86. i have missed her calls accidentally, but listen to her voice mails.

shes quoting leviticus and saying that it is a sin for a man to lay with a man, and for a woman to lay with a woman.

doesnt it say also in leviticus, that we are forbidden to eat creatures that feed on the bottom of the ocean? well i guess all those shrimp she loves, and flounder, and catfish( all bottomfeeders, catfish freshwater tho).

is not that as great a sin according to leviticus and the scripture?

im very spiritual, and christian also, but i cant believe how people have bent the will of god to meet their needs....like in this case making my wife and i get a divorce.

i think i read somewhere in the bible, " let no man put asunder what god has joined together....in holy matrimony".

guess she forgot about that one too.

oh well, im no scripture expert, but im solid in my personal relationship with god.

and in my life of truth.

you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make them drink.

i led my bio family to the water, but theyre dying of dehydration and blaming me for it.... so to speak. at least i made the effort. oh well.

love and hugs,


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Guest John Chiv


You are a strong woman and you will survive. They are not ready to listen and that is their choice. Just stay safe and I am glad being here is helping you.

They forget the most important commandment that we need to follow before anything else. "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself." It is not for them to judge you or how you live your life. You are living the principles in action, and not selectively. They cannot see past the gender identity and see you as Christ created you. Only when they listen to God, will their eyes be opened.

God Bless you.


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Guest OutOfSorts180


Following is a link to a page that is associated with "Pastor Pam." It addresses the scriptures that your wife's family is trying to throw at out, including the Leviticus passage you quoted.


You'll find that many of the passages that are thrown out there are taken out of context or just plain interpreted incorrectly.

In any case, I think you'll find the "read" both very interesting and enlightening.

My best to you. And you and everyone else here knows that God loves you (and us). Hang in there!

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Guest Karen K


For many years I fought against transition as I feared God would hate or punish me. I prayed from deliverance from this "curse". I came to a realization that this wasn't going away, that I had to do something. So I prayed mightily. The answer came to me: Transition, God loves me.

My younger brother has indeed condemned me for religious reasons. He has said,"If you continue down this dark path you will not be allowed to associate with me or my family. But I read the bible daily and I know From Jesus, that Gods' second greatest Commandment is "to love one another"

Also,....."The Lord Seeth not as man seeth, for a man looketh on the outward appearence, but the Lord looketh on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

God knew me before I was in the womb, not as male or female, but rather He knew my spirit, my soul, and that is good. In the end, "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Far as many of you as have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Galations 3: 26-28

I feel a greater relationship with the Lord, than ever before. I am free to be me with Him by my side or leading the way.

Thank you Eliza, I needed this and it needed to be said. Praise be to God the Most High!

Laura Jane

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I am not a complete literalist as far as the Bible goes, and look at the scenarios and events "on the ground" so to speak in context with other things that were likely to have been going on. In one sense, we are people of both Christ's Transfiguration, and also of his resurrection in a very real sense. Our first realization of ourself and coming out to others is a transfiguring experience that others see and can wonder at, because we, like Christ take on a special radiance that effects others around us. Some cannot bear to look at us and their sight is confused and brains a little short on function (as Peter pulled off), but others can see our changes in a holy way.

Our final transition is a dying to our former selves to be given a ressurected body that we have cleansed and changed by our death experience. Our new bodies (and I am not referring to surgery here) are capable of showing the greatest reality and joy in creation. Christ was given his body for God's purpose, salvation, but first destruction and death. Ours too may have some of purpose of Christ's, and our lives too can show others how to change their lives for love and acceptance.

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Guest eliza.d

amen to that, very well put. very nice deep interpretation. ive always been a deep thinker to.

im beginning to love my resurrected body, as you say. as i begin to go thru transition. beginning to go full time, is also helping me immensely.


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Guest Angelgrlsue

Amen sister!! This is exactly what I declared in front of the congregation at my church when I joined. They are a liberal United Church Of Christ church. I just said I am a transgender woman and God makes no mistakes.


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Guest eliza.d

we live in south carolina, and it may take awhile to find a church that will accept me. im orig from southeast georgia and the retaliation ive encountered is indicative of the misunderstanding and lack of exposure to us. unlike in other parts of the us, peoe are shocked easily by what they dont see often and dont understand, not to generalize, but thats mostly what ive seen of this area being born and raised in the south. its getting better, but at church, ironically, in this area, you find a lot of discrimination and judgement. usually motivated by a misunderstanding of gods law, word, and will.

i wont let it get me down. theres are church for me, just have to f III nd it.

god bless,

Eliza D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest wxtracker

Here’s how I look at it. I was given a male body, but I feel a little more like a female than a male. I find it a blessing that I have a male body. If I had been born female, I would just be living my life and taking my feminine personality for granted. But because I was born in a male body, my female personality gets emphasized, and I’ve developed an appreciation and value for it that I never would have known had I been born a female.

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    • Kait
      Hey-o. My name's Kait. I haven't decided what to do about my last name yet. (Mononyms sound cool, but they're very problematic unfortunately).   I guess pronouns are important. They/them or it/its (strong preference for 'it/its').    Im not someone who's been active in the community for a long time, but I've known I was trans almost my whole life. It's just that financial, medical, and psychiatric struggles have kept it from the forefront of my priorities for 10 years or so. So basically during that entire time, I've been living as an AMAB, masculine-presenting person named kait. Which is not ideal, but I've been able to deal with it by dissociating from my body and viewing it as an appendage rather than as a 'self'.    Mostly I'm on here because I finally feel well enough mentally and physically to think about beginning HRT. Problem is, I really don't know where to start out what to do. I have an endocrinologist I see for an unrelated health issue, but honestly I don't have a very strong relationship with him. Is it best to start with my existing doctor? Or should I find an endocrinologist that specialises in this sub-field? What's the best available tech? Is 29 too late to be taken seriously about this by my doctor? I have no idea about these questions and so much more and I need help.   Side from trans stuff though, I'm the boringest person you'll probably ever know. I have a pretty rich inner life and a wonderful partner, but really all I do is work, sleep, and occasionally build tiny models.     
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I agree that porn is a really bad thing.  Bad in general, but probably gives a misleading view of trans folks.  If you don't see trans folks out in the wild, but you see plenty of them online, that is going to give the impression that it is primarily sex-driven, and that trans folks are interested in sex with just about everybody all the time.  Similar to what people often assume about being bisexual.    I'm androgynous, so sometimes people look at me this way.  Especially if my husband and I are together (if they don't assume I'm his kid) people get that "judgy" look on their faces.  You can sort of read their minds.  I even heard on lady say something like, "Oh, that's just so wrong" when we came out of a shower at a truck stop.  I mean, I like sex and we have a great connection in that way, but its not "THE REASON" for our relationship. 
    • Justine76
      Thank you for sharing! This is very much where I am currently. Questioning my motivation's, wondering where this is going and do I have the fortitude to continue the journey?   I too like to dress in what would probably be eye catching in your typically suburb. Not in a revealing way but beyond casual. Not that I’ve presented in public yet. Trying to build the confidence to dress for the next trans pride event locally ;)
    • Maddee
    • Justine76
      Certainly considering this. I’ve seen some reports, albeit anecdotal, of laser treatments causing some mild skin damage; like mild pitting, etc. Any validity to this in anyone’s experience? 
    • VickySGV
      @FelixThePickleManI and at least 3 or 4 others here on the Forums are in recovery (a couple of us over 15 years) from drugs and alcohol. Any drug, legal or not so, including abused prescription drugs (me) is potentially addictive and you need some help and uplift to break that cycle.  At first you do feel better by using your substance of choice, I know I did, but the substance takes over our lives, because for us they are cunning, baffling and POWERFUL and too much for us to control.  It was during my recovery from my alcohol and drug abuse that I first fully and with a lot of fear, but a desire to be honest came out to a group that actually turned out to be wholly supportive both of my recovery and encouraging me to get into things that would forward me toward my Transition.  Let us help you feel better about yourself without the substance since without the substance you can actually meet the challenges you face to become the best self you can be.  The goal is to like yourself every day without the false gods that chemicals can become, because they want to destroy us not help us live. We deserve to be happy and able to work and live our lives. PM me if you need some one-on-one and do the same with the others who will respond to you here.  A choral group I am part of sang a song in a concert last week that tells us that we Trans are OK and great, it is the people in the village around us that are the real grief in our lives, but here you are in  a village on-line that will support you.  
    • Vidanjali
      I can only imagine what your early life experience was like. It's very weird when children's bodies are treated as property of their parents and not really their own. Certainly children don't have agency to make major life decisions. But parents operating covertly doesn't seem to be entirely sensible. I'm sure there was a lot of fear on the part of your parents, and perhaps/probably even coercion by medical professionals. But what is your relationship like with your parents now, if they are still living or in your life? 
    • Vidanjali
      Hello & welcome, @Ladypcnj. That's great you're involved in several online communities. Reaching out to connect with others is a gift for all involved. 
    • FelixThePickleMan
      My mom found a vape of mine and this is the third time. I hid it out in the garage but she found it because I looked suspicious and now shes mad at me again which makes sense but she told me not to bring it in the house so I figured the garage was okay. But I know I should just stop but its something that I enjoy doing. I do it with my buddies and I do it alone. The one she found was a different, typically I have weed but today I had nic, but still, I know I should quit. Not because it's bad for me but because its hurting the relationship that I barley have with my mother and that's tough but for some reason I want to have my cake a and eat it too, but that isn't possible. I finally understand that phrase now, well I already understood it but now I really understand because I'm living it. and with that my mom most likely will pull me out of the school that I'm at now because that's when I started, this year. I've always had an interest in weed the way I have an interest of anything else. To me it's no different than the other things I'm interested in but this just happens to be a drug. I know I should quit I know it's wrong and I know that I'm choosing to do it, because I like it and I think in order for me to stop is to not like it anymore otherwise I most likely will continue. I know its sad but unfortunately it is true I know I'll have to quit before I go in the Marines so maybe I'll stop then. I smoke because I don't have anything else to do initially but now I smoke because I don't have anything to do and I  like it. Even when I did basketball I still was high, and I still played in fact I played better. I do everything better when I'm high I'm like a better version of myself, I can let go and let the me on the inside show on the outside with no fear, my creativity flows like Niagara falls just a contunious stream of creative output and innovative ideas that leave a good impression on others. I'm better to be around when high. I like myself better when I'm high.
    • Adrianna Danielle
      This neighbor's friend,luckily my health insurance covered it.Luckily my vehicles,house and shop are smoke free.
    • Abigail Genevieve
      @VickySGV    Good point.  There are websites full of porn and fantasies related to cross dressing, trans stories, etc., and people might easily think those are written by TG types and accurately describe TG folk.
    • VickySGV
      No one has mentioned the Adult Entertainment Industry aka the Pornography Industry which for too long was the ONLY source of information about us for the general public.  I actually realized what I was from an XX Rated publication that I snuck behind a comic book at the neighborhood convenience / liquor store.  The person in the article told of her feelings up until and through GCS which I identified with completely, but then went on to the sob story of a marriage crashing when her knowing husband went to a new job and they found out she was Trans on a security check and threatened the husband with legal action unless he divorced her ---  yada yada!!   On that note she decided her  life was ruined. --    Other problems in the Porn Press are of course the "Morality" and it is there that child endangerment stories for actual mental illness types  comes in.  Also in that media they emphasize the Fetishistic Cross Dresser classification which is an actual addiction situation and is a harmful process addiction of sex that is as terrible as Drug and Alcohol Addiction can be.  The pornographic issues and sources of information are readily available in the opening pages of a Google Search while actual Trans information is about page 200 on the engine.   A recent misadventure I had that shows how acceptable I am as my True Self is that a man who claimed to be a church elder (minister??) told me how he had never come up with legitimate information   on Trans People and actual Trans Children and he went on to brag about what he did find that was morally damning by looking for the  information.  He continued to go into detail about other pornographic sources and how nasty they were. I asked him then why HE, a MINISTER kept looking at the Porn.  He replied to me that he kept up with it to warn his congregation of the true evils he had seen so he could minister to them.  Happily for me a friend of mine came along so I could  break away from the guy who was after my soul.  (He did not read me as Trans, whew!!)
    • Ashley0616
      Just like anything else that is new it's always the thing that people fear of. People are typically afraid of change. Even something as simple as new procedure at work or the population growing. Typically just have the mindset of it's not broken then don't fix it type of attitude. The world is progressing and they need to accept that or they will eventually be left behind. A good example after WW II women working in the workforce things didn't go well at all due to a lot of butting heads. There are still even people now that think women are only meant for housework and raising babies. 
    • RaineOnYourParade
      I've actually seen a lot of people who at least tolerate the LGB and not the T. There's also some of the gay/lesbian population that, unfortunately, alienate trans people away from other parts of the community.   To me, the biggest block is probably the lack of formal exposure. If people aren't taught about LGBT they will, just like any other topic, come to misunderstandings and more. Besides, how can most LGBT people figure out that they are such if they don't know it exists? I know that, personally, I didn't realize I was a guy rather than just someone who wanted to be a guy until I was introduced to trans as a concept 
    • Ashley0616
      You're welcome. I wanted to post something new that I haven't posted yet.   
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