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To be me.


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Some one left the gate open to the Playground and the donkey made it in and can't shut up now.

To be me

To be free and soar like a bird

To dance barefoot in the meadow

To laugh like a child

To have no care

To be me

I just want to be me

To watch the sun rise

To sing along

To drive my pink car

I just want to be me

Why is society un-just

Why do I hurt

Who says I can’t be me

I just want to be me

Why can’t I be accepted

Why can’t I be loved

Why can’t I be me

I just want to be me

Too tired to fight

Just want to be right

I just want to be me

To be me

Thanx for reading.



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Guest miss kindheart

You are u

Don't you know

You'll be u

As you grow

Simply lovely

Yes indeed

To be accepted

Such a need

We all feel it

Yes we do

Don't get down

Don't be blue

You are always

Who you are

See her smile

You'll go far

:wub: vanna

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    • KayC
      This is funny because I found that I much prefer the term water balloon bag rather than the original word I used that was auto-corrected.  OK!  New word for my thesaurus
    • VickySGV
      There in no single key rule for that. It is going to be the connection you make with any lesbian, gay or cis het person. One size fits all is just not there, especially if you are non-op on the bottom and maybe not even then.  There may be a Lesbian out there who will want a romantic relation with you, but it will be after establishing a long term friendly relation with the person. My Lesbian friends and I have good social times, but even among themselves romantic relations are not the stuff that gets written in adult magazines.   Just a reminder, this is not a dating site, and we do have teenage members who rely on us for safety so how to catch a lesbian lover is not totally appropriate for discussion here.  
    • KymmieL
      Next Saturday is pride in the park. I just may go. Hey I'm a transwoman.   Kymmie
    • DreamWalker
      This is so great to hear. 🥰 How is it going now if you don’t mind me asking?     
    • Birdie
      Looks like Buchanan modern
    • BellaDon
      Hey everyone, I have been struggling to make cis lesbians comfortable being my romantic partner. Does anyone have any suggestions? Responses to accusations of transphobia and bigotry aren’t what I’d hoped for.
    • ClaireBloom
      Thank you.  This will be a big step when it happens.  It reminds me of the first time (and only) time I went out en femme with a friend to an LGBT club in another city.  We spent the evening getting ready and I was as nervous as could be.  Until the moment when the nervousness just....stopped,  and I said "it's now or never". I touched up my lipstick, grabbed my purse, and away we went. I had an amazing night.   This time it'll be in my own town in broad daylight, so there's a couple of more factors than before, but I hope I can pull it off again.
    • AllieJ
      Dreamwalker, I dropped hints for years, grew my hair out, trimmed eyebrows, long nails, but everyone I came out to was shocked. They all subconsciously knew, and after absorbing what I told them they said it made sense, but changing sex to most people is just not something they would think about. When my wife told me she wanted commitment from me, I made sure she understood I was transgender, and thought bumpy, 4 months later we married.    She supported my need to be me at home for our 20 year marriage, but she was terrified someone might find out. When my dysphoria made me very sick, she supported my starting HRT, and 2 years later, supported me through GRS, but when I was a month post op, she announced she was leaving. That was 3 years ago, and though we live apart, we talk almost every day, and are BFF's.    I feared I would lose her, then felt we would stay together, then she left, and now we are close friends. The point is, we just don't know how these things will work out. All we can do is be as honest as we can. Marriage is a partnership, and things like Gender Incongruence and transitioning need to be discussed and decided by both of you if you hope to retain the partnership. It can be a rollercoaster, but for some, it works out. Give it your best shot, and then you won't have regrets into the future. I so hope you can get through this, and when you do, please post so others can be encouraged.   Hugs,   Allie  
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Went over that guy's house and bought that Mac tool cart this morning.His price was right and nothing wrong with it
    • Willow
      Hi   so who can identify this plaid?  Perhaps, one of our Scottish friends?  Yes, I know, or at least I know what I was told.
    • Vidanjali
      I agree with Carolyn Marie. Further, I'll emphasize that as your wife's already noticed and commented, any effort on your part to reassure her that "everything's fine" actually adds more to her stress than coming out ultimately would because it's clear she knows everything is not fine and therefore invalidating her perceptions is not the kind thing to do. Be kind to both of you - take the chance to live your life together free of suppression, anxiety, suspicion, and worry. I'll also note that initial reactions, whatever they may be, are not necessarily indicative of how your spouse will always feel. We have heard many testimonies, from myself included, of severe negative initial responses which eventually smoothed out in time given the opportunity to have ongoing conversations and emotional processing. Good luck & best wishes.
    • Ivy
      Welcome Andi 
    • Ivy
      This is a hard place to be.
    • Carolyn Marie
      If you click on the OP's name, you can find all of their past posts and see if they've posted recently.  That's the only easy way to find out.  We don't have a listing of people who have left or just stopped being active.   Carolyn Marie
    • Sally Stone
      Post 16 My Transformation (Part 1)   I never believed what Lou Reed said when he sung: “…plucked her eyebrows on the way, shaved her legs and the he was a she.”  If only transformation from man to woman could be so easy.  My transformation involves so much more.  For me to feel comfortable in my feminine persona, I want to ensure my appearance is as feminine as possible, so my physical transformation is usually an arduous process.       Makeup is critical for me because it helps to camouflage my masculine facial features.  It’s amazing how much my face transforms when I contour and add color. Hair is important too because the right style can really feminize a face.  I found a wig many years ago that I thought was the perfect style for my face.  I bought five of them, all in different shades.   I have learned how powerful wardrobe can be to my transformation, but the challenge is finding women’s clothing that looks good on me.  This isn’t an easy task because women’s clothes aren’t cut to accommodate my male body shape.  My solution is to alter the shape of my body with padding and foundation garments.  Cinching my waist, and adding hip and butt pads give me an hourglass figure that makes my body more compatible with curvy women’s clothing.    Dealing with my male shoulders is a different kind of challenge.  It’s impossible to alter my skeletal structure, so the best I can hope for is to draw attention away from the shoulders.  The tactic I use for this is to wear tops and dresses with a v-cut or low neckline.  This may seem counterintuitive but low-cut tops draw attention away from the shoulders focusing it on the center of the chest.  Having curvy hips and a shapely bottom also help to minimize the look of broad shoulders.   Footwear is an important component of my transformation, and since I adore high-heels, my shoes tend to overtly feminine to start with.  Lately, my go to shoes are booties.  I have numerous pairs that range from casual to dressy (all with higher heels, of course), so I can wear booties with just about anything.  I’ve worn booties with jeans, skirts, and even dresses, and they look great with each.   I put a lot of effort into my transformation to ensure I appear as feminine as I possibly can.  Since I am not doing HRT and I haven’t had any physical feminization procedures much of my effort is to camouflage those physical male characteristics that would otherwise undermine my feminine presentation.  Given what I have to work with, I think I do a pretty good job getting the look right, but this only the first half of my transformation.  The second half is mastering feminine movement and mannerisms, which is even more challenging.   I’ll save that discussion for the next post.   Hugs,   Sally
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