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I Know I'm A Women, But

Guest Melissa 67

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I know I'm a women, and I'm really ready to transition; I sometimes wonder if I'll look 100%-female which I've always wanted. I mean I still wear my panties, bras, and everything else, except I only wear dresses and skirts in private for now( Thats what my therapists had told me I sshould do for know)

but I am still a little apprehensive do to the fact that I might not look totally female. I mean my friends, or should I say a few of them told me it would never happen, that I would need a magic- wand, and even then I would never pass as a female.


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Guest Charlene_Leona

Hon when I first started my transition my brother told me that I would always look like a guy in drag and I was just as apprehensive as you are. I'm three years into transition now and yesterday I had to go for my first mammogram and I passed 100% with all the women that I had to deal with yesterday. Once you are on hormones for a period of at least two years your face will have rounded out enough to look ok and for me I had an orchiectomy a little over a year ago and within three months I was passing with no problem. This will happen for you the longer you stick with the program. Don't let other people tell you you will never pass they don't know either.

Charlene Leona

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Hon when I first started my transition my brother told me that I would always look like a guy in drag and I was just as apprehensive as you are. I'm three years into transition now and yesterday I had to go for my first mammogram and I passed 100% with all the women that I had to deal with yesterday. Once you are on hormones for a period of at least two years your face will have rounded out enough to look ok and for me I had an orchiectomy a little over a year ago and within three months I was passing with no problem. This will happen for you the longer you stick with the program. Don't let other people tell you you will never pass they don't know either.

Charlene Leona

Thanks for telling me that. You look great in your picture of yourself. I hope I look that good. Can you answer another question I have? The thing is I unfortunatly have extremley masculine features: body hair. a large mascline brow( you know, just above my eyebrows.) I was told I have features like Teddy Brewskie from the patroits. Will hormones take care of that stuff?

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Guest SusanKG

Hi Melissa,

I feel that what Charlene said is pretty accurate, as you progress, the changes will amaze you. That, by the way, is from observation and study, not from experience. I feel that it will be confirmed by others. But, more importantly, if you expect to end up looking like a model or Playmate, you are probably going to be disappointed. Some do, but is that the goal? To be a cheerleader? Remember, most GGs do not look like cheerleaders in spite of their own role-model desires. I hate to say this about either of us, but if we enter an ugly girl contest, I'll bet I win! Not to even try to talk for you, just me, but I would much, much, much rather be an unattractive girl than ______, fill in your favorite male role-model.


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Thanks for telling me that. You look great in your picture of yourself. I hope I look that good. Can you answer another question I have? The thing is I unfortunatly have extremley masculine features: body hair. a large mascline brow( you know, just above my eyebrows.) I was told I have features like Teddy Brewskie from the patroits. Will hormones take care of that stuff?

Hi Melisa,

You know I have seen hormones do wonders re feminising a trans womans face. Your brow will probably have to be

surgically corrected , this does not have to be done today or tomorrow, wait as Charlene Leona suggested to see what hrt

will do re your face , then see what you can do re affordability etc to "finish off the job". You will be ok hun, wait and see,

Luv, viv :)

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I mean my friends, or should I say a few of them told me it would never happen, that I would need a magic- wand, and even then I would never pass as a female.


Wrong Sista,

Two and a half years ago,I was told I would make an ugly woman and would never pass.

In truth,passing as all about Attitude.You carry yourself with confidence,know you belong,

and plain and simple you do.HRT is truly a magic formula.It takes who we had to be,and

frees the woman who had to reside on the inside and makes her the woman on the outside

and sets her free in the world.Transition is all about being patient.There will be profound

changes before you know it.And you friends don't know squat,you are a woman just waiting

to take her rightful place in this world.

The picture in my avatar is really me at two years in transition.

Hugs of Confidence Melisa,


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Guest Joanna Phipps
I know I'm a women, and I'm really ready to transition; I sometimes wonder if I'll look 100%-female which I've always wanted. I mean I still wear my panties, bras, and everything else, except I only wear dresses and skirts in private for now( Thats what my therapists had told me I sshould do for know)

but I am still a little apprehensive do to the fact that I might not look totally female. I mean my friends, or should I say a few of them told me it would never happen, that I would need a magic- wand, and even then I would never pass as a female.


If you saw a pic of me 3 years ago and saw one of me now you wouldnt believe that they are the same person. I am three months into HRT and the Estrogen has been doing wonders(maybe too much but thats another story). Once your T gets knocked down by what ever antiandrogen you are on and Estrogen takes over the changes can be astounding. I looked at myself in the mirror the other day trying to find traces of the old me, except for a bit of beard left over there was nothing I could find. I pass 98% of the time, the other 2% being the students at the middle school where my wife works, they can be cruel in the extremem but find that I just ignore them.

@angie, you are so right about attitude, hold your head up, act like you belong and you magically seem to belong. My avatar is of me earlier this month.

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Guest Donna Jean


People tend to discount the sheer power of hormones...

Me and two girlfriends from this site spent a week together in a southern city...female 24/7

We passed 100%

Ok, now here's the kicker...we are 58, 59 and 62 years old and had been on hormones 3 mos. 7 mos and 10 month respectively!

I guess that I would have to tell you that if three old broads can pull it off, well dang, there is hope for anyone...Two of the girls were 6'2" and 6'4"...just big girls!

When you go hormones, a lot of magic will happen and you will be surprised by the changes......

Never give up, Dear....


Donna Jean

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Guest SusanKG

Gee Girls, Melissa was iin need of some encouragement, and I hope she feels she received it. I know I needed it and got a good dose myself! Bring on the contrest! Thanks ladies. :D


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I'm too modest to ever say I am a woman, it just seems silly.

All I have done is watch videos and read comments by TG detractors,

who explain away all the reasons I am this way.

Certainly after all the Hormones I have taken I feel very unlike the person before.

Unfortunately, I have no one in my life who supports me, so I am my own Team and Cheerleading Squad,

in one person.

Just by accepting myself I deal very well with the world I am in, even though I have had to send my information

to the ACLU to feel safe from useless public officials and the good God-fearing country folks and mostly

straight when not in prison types I am surrounded by.

My life sucks to a degree I wouldn't wish on anyone, although I did meet a Lesbian who was freindly to me,

I just don't see myself being friends with women as freinds or as lovers.

Accepting yourself can obviously go ALONG way.

Look at me, I live alone...have no support in my community. Have no doctors and virtually no medical support

and I still like myself and feel good.

One day I hope to be able to move into a better area of my state, and not be such a subject of harassment by the police

and gangster types.

You have to just accept yourself and smile alot.

Maybe make a "Goals" list and stick to that.

I accept myself as being this way ,and that it is a result of several different things in my life, out of my control

that made me this way.

Then, I accept that i will try to go as far as I can in my transition, and not be disappointed with what others think

Although, my results have been average or even above average, IMHO.

At least other TG's will be nice to you.

Sometimes they are the only people I feel really could understand my life, and others seem to be a different race of people.

I think we have many advantages over them, and if it isn't some kind of threat, why are we univerally disliked everywhere?

Most people are not safe and happy in who and what they are, and we remind them of that FACT.

Never forget to understand how others project onto you the things they hate in themselves.

And the more someone complains about something, gosh they often are guilty of it.

A useful tool for self-examination, indeed.

People who can't accept us often don't like themselves and are following a TV script they started memorizing as a child.

Anything or anyone that challenges their world of Conformity is "bad"

Hope I'm not being too deep--it's just my opinion that people are "asleep at the wheel" and hate on me because they hate themsleves

and would be better served examining their own life and fixing their own broke down way of operating, but bother me

instaed because they are all a hiearchy of self-hating bullies.

They simply repeat from top to bottom their predatory way, until it reaches me, where ever i am on the food chain of humanity.

The people that should protect the weaker people are instaed traitors to humanity as they use their talents to hurt and maim

others, just as they learned form their masters.

Usually some goofy TV Psychic type.

It's a messed up world, and i truthfully don't feel part of it and probably think of myself as a misfit and

the world around me as some bad TV show, with people playing roles they didn't choose.

So, I view humanity as a bunch of sleepwalkers, who don't know themselves.

Carl Jung wrote about this some, in The shadow Self, he may have called it.

I don't think i'm better than these other people , I just think they never have had whatever breakthrough i have had.

But, I have lost everything in life, and am re-building!

The unexamined life isn't worth living?


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I know I'm a women, and I'm really ready to transition; I sometimes wonder if I'll look 100%-female which I've always wanted. I mean I still wear my panties, bras, and everything else, except I only wear dresses and skirts in private for now( Thats what my therapists had told me I sshould do for know)

but I am still a little apprehensive do to the fact that I might not look totally female. I mean my friends, or should I say a few of them told me it would never happen, that I would need a magic- wand, and even then I would never pass as a female.


What ever you do do not go by what your friends say.most of them just do not under stand people like use, and will say any thing to make you be what you don`t want to be.as fare as just dressing at home in privacy there is nothing wrong with that.the truth is is better to start out like that.That way experiment with different out fits and make up and ever thing.

people see me out and about as Jonie all the time.there is always some one that knows that I am a biological man. truth is the most of them say that I do a very good job with transforming my self.

it takes a lot of practice believe me it dose. I thought I could never ever get close to looking like a woman that I wanted to be.I proved my self wrong. I finally figured out what collars and what clothes that went with me.

I bought many of out fits and could not wear them because they did not look right on me. I did the same way with make up as well. it just takes lots of experimenting with it all before you can find your self as you see your self in your mined. keep working on it no matter what ooh it also took me many of wigs to find out what went with me as well. It is a hard job finding your self but it can be done. Jonie

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Melisa---Hon, don't under-estimate the transforming powers of make-up, the right color and style of hair and clothes which are flattering and accent your feminity as Jonie mentioned. Learning these are an art and a skill and like any skill take practice---for any woman. I was lucky to have grown up with a mother who was a runway model and 2 sisters who competed in beauty pageants so it seemed I learned a lot from osmosis! It would be great if you could find a mentor to help you with your "look." I think you might be amazed!


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Melisa---Hon, don't under-estimate the transforming powers of make-up, the right color and style of hair and clothes which are flattering and accent your feminity. Learning these are an art and a skill and like any skill take practice---for any woman. I think you might be amazed!


Makeup can work magic and accentuate your natural womans features,once you learn how to

apply it right.I like to see the major difference in my appearance,by the simple application of

mascara and eyeliner,add the lipliner for defining,then with the right shade of lipstick for the finish and wha-laa,like magic,a pretty woman.I never thought the day would come when I could pass

so easily and that is with just the wonders of hormone therapy.



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    • Ashley0616
      Still building 
    • Ashley0616
    • MaeBe
      Thank you for sharing your story with us, Kay! It’s not nonsense of which you write! I am glad to hear your family is with you. It truly is wonderful having support at home.    💜Mae
    • MaeBe
      Dreams, the latest battleground of dysphoria.   My dreams have been a battlefield between my socialized gender and the gender I’m living.   I feel like I should personify myself in dreams as feminine, however I find I’m “male” is many. It’s been difficult waking up when I remember the dream, as if the dream is telling me I am male and I am lying to myself. In these dreams, I do tend to have gender struggles, though; a recent dream had me choosing between gendered bathrooms, being “forced” into the men’s room by the women’s being opened from the inside by a woman and “scaring” me off. I felt wrong going into the men’s room, same as I do in waking hours, and it adds to my stress that I don’t seem to honor myself in my dreams.   How do you dream? Do you embody your lived gender or your socialized one?
    • Kay3Seven
      Hello! I'm Kay. And, I'm no good at introducing myself. Far too indecisive to be simple or easy. So I figure if I put it all out here, transparent and honest with y'all and myself, maybe I can make some real connection, maybe some life long... dare I say... friends!... anyhooo. The "quick" overview of my life: I'm 38, was born in 87 in Idaho where I still live(sigh) A happy little boy, I ran and jumped and played in the dirt. I was exactly what most imagine when they think of happy little boy, but only on the outside. By first grade I knew I was different. I got along with the girls better, and had lost most interest in boy dominated things. I was raised with 1 older and 1 younger sister. We played dress up, and with barbies, and I was happy. I still had lots of boy qualities tho, loved getting dirty and climbing things etc. So, nobody saw that I was different. By third grade I knew that I wasn't supposed to be in this body. I started a new school, lost my couple friends, couldn't explain to anyone why I was sad, and mad and I started acting out. I got into trouble nearly daily. I was diagnosed ADHD, and stuffed full of meds. It just made things worse. I remember feeling like I could tell anyone anything that I felt inside. So I acted out more, getting into fights, skipping school to just wander around town alone. Then the summer between 3rd-4th grade came.. that summer was spent with my dad and step mom, and step siblings. That summer I was molested by my older step brother, he also molested my sisters and a couple neighbor kids. It messed me up in ways I didn't understand until I was much older.  I was scared, but finally told my mom just before Christmas that same year. Then it all unfolded, life was never the same. But not in the way you might think.  My step brother went away, and all of the kids including myself went into therapy. For years.  (Now, the part I didn't understand for a long time)  I knew that what happened was wrong, and I was not to blame. But, I also never felt like I was damaged from it. It was a thing that happened, but I moved on very quickly. I did not want to be in therapy, so I refused to cooperate for years. I went thru a handful of counselors and therapists. I tried to open up once, about wanting to be a female. They said "it must be a way to cope with a male taking advantage of me" and "you don't want to be a girl, your confused"... it really put me behind mentally having an adult tell me that I didn't know how I wanted to present externally. It was the first person I told anything to, really made me shut down.  I didn't get a passing grade in any class since that day. I kept my secret, and lashed out at the world.  My poor mom, I drug her thru the mud for years. She's the most amazing person, I wish I would have known that she would love me no matter what. But... I didn't. I got into fights, out past curfew, and ended up on probation, even did some time in juvenile detention. It wasn't all a bad childhood tho. My mom loved us kids, we grew up poor, but loved.  *Details you'll need later: I spent a lot of time cross dressing from about fourth grade on. Even more confusing, once I discovered my sexuality by myself, I knew I was very primarily attracted to women, but also learned that I very much enjoy an*l play... very confusing set of circumstances at a young age..  Back to it now. Once seventh grade came around my older sister came out as bi-sexual. She was in ninth grade, and she was my hero. And it nearly gave me the strength to talk to my mom about myself. But before I could I overheard a conversation between my dad and stepmom, tearing my mom down, saying that my sister would be "normal" if she had a better mom... it hurt my soul so much watching her get bullied, losing friends, and being the odd one out. I went deeeep back into my hole. I didn't come out of that hole for 22 years.  I dropped out of school the day I turned 16, and went to work. I found lifelong friends in the automotive racing community, I forced myself to be an alpha male type. It was the hardest years of my life. But at least I wasn't alone. I'm still great friends with a couple of them to this day.  Years after high school, and probation and all the woes of youth I found myself to be very lost in life. I had just gone thru a major heartbreak, I was 22 and spiraling into a dark place. My best friend talked me into moving across state to go to college with him, and so off we went. I would call boise Idaho huge, but it was big to me. That's where I met my now wife of ten years. She's amazing. We have a nearly nine year old daughter, finally this year bought a home. She has a great career, I'm still not super set on a career, but have always had a good paying job. (I think I might go to back to school, shhhh, let's keep it between us as to not jynx it...., hopefully I find a job I can love instead first.) My loving wife is the reason I was finally able to come out, to process my hectic life, to start transitioning, and to be myself for once. I had a coming apart a couple years back, I was horrified that I would lose her, lose my daughter, my close family and my friends. I was so wrong. Apparently she's always known something was off. She had some mild worries that I might be interested in men from the way I carry myself, my interest in more femme things. She was relieved when I finally told her, she had been living with the fear that I was going to leave her someday for a lifestyle that better fit me. She was scared to lose her best friend. I'm now happy to say, my wife and daughter, mom and 3 sisters, and my closest friends are all in the loop. And they all support my changes.  I'm very lucky, dare I say blessed... lol. I'm still not out publicly, if your from idaho you might understand. It's very hard to be different here.  But I'm coming up on 8 months on hrt, have had 6 laser sessions on my face, still working on my weight, I'm a chunker(sugary things are my weakness lol.. and I've been slowly over the last couple years wearing things I love. I paint my nails, I wear mascara, I'm not really hiding things from the world. But also not pushing it into the light. Wow... I can go on like this forever! If you've made it here, thank you for sticking with me!  It feels good to be able to put all of my nonsense somewhere.  xoxo, Kay  
    • Mikayla2024
      thank you !! 😊   thank you girly! I was at Walmart today and my head shifted towards the women’s clothing while carting (not Mario Karting - just to be clear) by it. I felt all kinds of euphoria.    See, I would buy online but I don’t really know my size(s) off the bat yet or what fits me, but I want to start presenting as feminine at home and socially asap. Going out in androgynous clothing even though it’s mostly lulu is causing gender dysphoric symptoms to flare a bit. Once I figure out my size(s) I do plan to shop online, SHEIN being one of those places as my wife is also addicted.    I heard jersey and I assume you’re a sports fan!! But, I can SO imagine your walk-in closet 😍😍😍
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I think trans women have more visibility simply because there are more of them.  Note the numbers on this forum...way more folks are MtF than FtM, it seems, and the FtM subforum is less busy than other areas.  I have some guesses about why that might be in society, but its not very relevant.  Being a minority of a minority of a minority is just part of our experience.  Not good or bad, it just is.    But yeah, you don't have to be MtF to experience crime.  I was assaulted and injured back in 2022.  My attacker didn't know about me being FtM/intersex, but clearly identified me as being under the LGBTQ+ umbrella.  It was reason enough, I guess.  Since then, it is really rare for me to leave home by myself for any reason.  Not that my problems are any worse than anybody else's.... quite the contrary, as I suspect I probably have it easier due to my family situation.  Just a personal example that crap happens and none of us are totally shielded. 
    • MaryEllen
      Rule # 4 of the community rules  4    Be supportive of all members. Implying that a particular member's problems are less pressing or valid than those of others is not allowed. Likewise, invalidating the experiences of another member or suggesting they're overreacting to their situation or faking a crisis is forbidden. If you feel unable to respond supportively to what a member is discussing, choose instead not to respond at all.
    • Nonexistent
      That's interesting, I didn't know that.   I do need to work on this with my therapist. I have so much self-hatred/embarrassment, and a lot of it relates to being trans. Thanks.
    • Amy Powell
      I love shopping for girl clothes as well, I usually stick to online shopping though. My latest purchase were some pink thongs. Whilst taking some suggestions from this post I have found thongs that are quite feminine but have a bit of a pouch to hold it all. They are really comfy ;-)
    • Vidanjali
      It's generally not helpful or kind to respond to anyone's sharing of their struggles but replying, "You think that's bad? Look at my problems." There is some value to taking a "it could be worse" point of view. But not when it's explicitly invalidating someone's particular struggle, and worse, a struggle which they made themself vulnerable to share. It is beneficial to consider one's blessings and practice gratitude. But that's not inherently the spirit of such one-up-personship (gender-neutral version of one-upmanship lol).   I'm glad your friend apologized and that you've forgiven her. But evidently you're haunted by the impression left on your mind. Each of us deserves compassion and understanding. We deserve safety.    The fact that this is troubling you so much reveals you are a compassionate and thoughtful person. Don't direct that against yourself, though, because doing so is not kind to yourself. If something like that happens again, I would suggest taking a deep breath and then telling the friend that you hear them and acknowledge their struggle. That you don't rank your and their struggles because they are real and present to each of you. Then try to direct the conversation to learning about each other's perspectives and how you can better support each other. Meanwhile, as you're clearly curious, engage in some reading to learn more about how to be an ally to trans women and people of color. That's a productive thing you can do.   I would also suggest for your consideration that this may have triggered some internalized transman phobia based on the fact that you're conflicted about the validity of your own struggles as a trans man. That can be difficult to detect when it rears its ugly head, so just think about it - it's possible it may help to make some sense of how you're feeling. In light of that, I'll repeat. Your struggles are no less significant than someone else's because you are the subject of that experience. One must take responsibility for their own emotions and reactions - you're ultimately the one who navigate you through this life, from a practical point of view. Therefore, don't indulge unduly in despair but try to focus on personal progress. And what aids that is service to others too by the practice of compassion, charity, and mercy. So, that practice requires balance - don't leave yourself out of it.
    • Vidanjali
      Also, I'd heard of Judith Butler, I think referenced in other works I'd read, and was intrigued to read them, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. So this was a very good primer especially given all the historical references, robust defining of terminology, and contemporary contextualization.
    • Vidanjali
      Excellent video. It may be lengthy, it's so compelling, enlightening and entertaining. All her videos I've seen are great, but this one is especially riveting.   I was thinking I wanted to share it with my husband who's recently expressed a renewed interest in reading and learning more about philosophy and social justice. And then at the end come to find out Abigail is an actor on the video game, Baldur's Gate 3 which my husband is super into. So when I told him he's now very interested to watch.    I'd love to share this with one "friend" who freaked me out several months ago by "coming out" rather guns blazing as a TERF. But I still haven't had the opportunity to speak with her about it (mostly she's been busy or withdrawn, and partly I'm not inclined to seek her out). Perhaps whenever we do reconnect I can challenge her to watch and she if she's willing and able to identify and break out of her own phantasm.   Thanks for sharing, @Ivy.
    • Ashley0616
      Congratulations and have fun! I love clothes shopping. Although I don't really buy in person unless it's at a thrift store. It's mostly online. I love SHEIN! Affordable and good quality. I have a walk-in-closet full of clothes. I remember when I completely got rid of all my male clothes. I have some androgenous shirts and a jersey and that is it. 
    • christinakristy2021
      Congrats, Mikayla. 
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