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At The End Of The First Month

Guest NatashaJade

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Guest NatashaJade

So this week was mostly just a continuation of last week. I think I really found out what bona fide hard core mood swings are all about. There were times this week that I just got lost in sadness or irritability. Those moods became the focus of everything and as much as I would attempt to will myself out of them, I ould be stuck and spiral down further, a little voice in my mind saying, "it's just the E" and the E overpowering it with, "shut up and cry!" (crap, I'm starting to cry right now...I cried through the last 30 minutes of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last night...didn't cry the first time I saw it...I knew what was going to happen and just knowing...crap, crying just to think about it). This is how my week has been. Fortunately, I've been giving tests and watching films at work to get me through the day. When I get back after break, I hope I have a little bit of a better handle on this or it will be a rough go through our spring musical rehearsals...

Physically, nothing really new. My beard growth has slowed a little. I've always had a fairly quick beard and it is coming in a wee bit slower. Otherwise, just continued discomfort from my breasts. I've been trying a number of things to mitigate the discomfort. Sports bras stop the breast pain a great deal, but are very uncomfortable themselves after awhile (although I'm afraid if my breasts get big enough to notice they aren't just big moobs, I may have to wear a very tight sports bra and join my ftm brothers in binding...crap, crying about that...I'm very tired this morning and the lack of sleep seems to be exacerbating the situation). I tried a cami, but I'm not big enough to keep the elastic band from roaming about, which proved uncomfortable rather than painful. I could just wear a regular bra, but that is too shaping and, as I have enough to shape, that solves the discomfort issue but presents a...presenting issue. Ugh...this in-between business is tough. Would I had the financial freedom to go "on sabbatical" for a while, work on my novel and transition in peace. I got one powerball number yesterday. I just need 5 more...

I see my therapist once a month and it is the only time at this point I go out as myself. I am not confident in my ability to pass at all, but it's just a short drive and a quick walk into her office. I usually have to sit there while her male anger management group filters out, but I sit and play with my gphone and try not to make eye contact. But I am me. Yesterday, I left the pretty flare leg jeans I normally wear in the drawer and borrowed this really pretty ankle length tartan skirt from my wife. I love this skirt and it was so nice to be able to put it on and not feel like I was doing anything wrong. On the contrary, it felt like the right thing to wear on a lovely, chilly morning. I had to pick up some eggs and I very nearly stopped off at the grocery store on the way home and bought them. I'm not quite that confident yet, though. Baby steps for me.

The holidays are here, so I hope that you are all able to have a wonderful time with people you love. If not, I hope that you remember that while this can be the most depressing time of the year, it doesn't have to be. Do something really nice for yourself (have a great meal, see a fun film, buy a nice skirt...read a great book!). Love yourself. You are a beautiful person and the holidays are a construct for consumerism anyway.

Love to you all and more to come...


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Hey Gin,

Really enjoyed reading that . I suppose all your going through is to be expected, huh?.

Loved your advice too, I will be solo this holiday so gonna do as you say and spoil myself a

little. Take care Gin, luv,viv :)

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Guest andreahilton

Hi Gin!

I enjoyed reading that like Viv did. Congratulations on your baby steps!

Don't worry, I will too have to join the FTM guys in binding when I get on hormones next year because of school, bleh!

I hope you become confidence in passing and bring the girl inside you out even more. I hope you have a wonderful time on your holidays and thanks for the advices, they are pretty good. You too remember to love yourself and that you're a beautiful person like everybody else. :)



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Guest SusanKG

Hi Gin,

My compliments also on the post, and on the progress. Lead on - please! I gave up on the Powerball years ago. I did get six numbers all the time, unfortunately, they had no relation what-so-ever with reality or the winning numbers. I actually went two years without even winning another ticket. (The big cheats!!!) I am thankful for one thing though. When it comes time to transition, early or late, it will be male (ugh) one day - female (Yeh) the next, so I will not have to be concerned with which dress I'm in. Of course, I will have my own different set of problems. I suppose one of the controling factors will be boob growth. If the bra fits, you must wear it. B) Keep up your progress. It is inspiring.


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    • Davie
      This is what Adele says to haters of Pride: https://x.com/PopBase/status/1797119887976128863 Yay, Adele!
    • Adrianna Danielle
      It has been good so far.I went to church this morning,one my boyfriend is a member of.I am the first open transgender member member there.Have been accepted in since I became a member.A young man wanted a picture of us taken together and his mom took it.He is about 15 or 16 years old and I am the first transgender person he has met
    • Ivy
      I live in a rural area, and we actually do have Democrats here. I also see the division being pushed by the "right' as well as the "left."  It seems so stupid. I'm going to shut up now.  Have a great pride month, Y'all.
    • Ivy
      I do think trans women have more visibility, and perhaps more resistance due to the ingrained misogyny in our culture - as Carolyn Marie has said.  Having said that, I have gotten to know a trans man in the past year, and his struggles have been real as well - including feeling threatened in situations. As for passing, testosterone is pretty effective.  The voice changes and facial hair do make it easier to pass for many.  Not many people will question a man with a beard's gender*.  Once you are able to get the HRT I think you will be pleased with the results.  Hang in there.   *I let my beard grow out for years to "prove" to myself and others that I was a "man" but it didn't really work very well, did it.
    • Ivy
      Well…  I hope everything goes well.  I guess she's familiar with the process by now.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Being a drag performer is THAT lucrative a job opportunity? In Idaho?  $926k is equivalent to 18 years' pay for an average worker in that state.   I understand that attorney fees can run pretty high, though.  
    • Carolyn Marie
      @NoEli6, I completely understand where you're coming from, and I sympathize with you.  Yes, I believe it is true that trans men get shortchanged when it comes to recognition of your numbers in the world, the attention paid by the MSM, as well as the trans community and academia.  I also think that is changing, based on the number of articles I see in my news feed.  There are also many more articles on research papers concerning HRT and other issues facing trans men.   So it is understandable that many in our community downplay the struggles trans men go through.  I do think that trans women face a more dangerous world than trans men, and for the same reasons that cis women face more dangers than cis men.  All one needs to do is look at the statistics on the murder and assaults of trans women.  That said, trans men do also face dangers out there in the world, and I don't discount that at all.  There was a much loved trans man on this site years ago whose own father shot him when he was about your age.  So yeah, I do understand your fears.  They are real and justified.   As @Charlizesaid, your time will come and things will get better for you.  We see you, we cherish you, and we respect your feelings.  You are welcome here.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Sally Stone
      I asked myself this very thing many times through the years.  Ultimately, I realized these feelings were being heavily influenced by the concept of gender needing to be singular.  I guess the strong influence makes sense, since it has been so ingrained into our society.  I found the will to reject the concept, though, because it wasn't right for me.  Doing so, allowed me to be at peace with my bi-gender nature.     
    • VickySGV
      @KathyLauren This is how the jurors broke down the award:     Being labeled as a molester and sexual pervert can and has done that much actual damage in terms of repair of the damage through a wide variety of means including legal fees and loss of livelihood in any job or profession.  As this said the idea of "reckless disregard for the truth" means that the performer was able to show a level of damage that will affect him now and in the future.  The $900K+ figure was a matter of real evidence of the damage. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, it has been an interesting morning.  I stayed home from service to take care of a partner.  She's the youngest of us, and I'm usually not her first choice for affection.  But this morning she curled up in my lap right before breakfast, and told me she was feeling ill.  And then threw up on me about 30 seconds later....   I guess the smell of the food is what did it, poor thing.  On a hunch, she took a pregnancy test and.... yep.    She's been married to our husband for 10 years, and this will be her 6th, so I'm happy for her.  We took a shower and she got back in our nest to sleep some more, which is probably the best medicine of all.  Maybe she'll feel better this afternoon. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Article said $250,000 of it was "punitive."  To me, seems like the whole thing was punitive...which I don't think is appropriate at all. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Biden himself is driving that "divisive wedge."  Could have done without the anti-gun garbage in his statement....it makes it seem like all LGBTQ+ folks agree with their agenda.  Which simply isn't true, and makes life difficult (and unsafe) for those of us who prefer to live in rural (and non-Democrat) areas.  Pride month would be happier for many (and more socially accepted) if it could somehow be separated from ancillary political issues. 
    • KathyLauren
      I haven't seen the ruling, but it is unlikely that the entire amount was for actual damages.  The majority was likely punitive, as it should be.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Unless somehow this caused a million dollars worth of damage to somebody's livelihood or life, the amount of this judgement seems excessive.  Not something I would call "uplifting" or anything to be pleased about. 
    • Davie
      Thanks so much, @Ivy Good to hear good sense about this. —Davie
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