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8 Weeks Gone By

Guest NatashaJade

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Guest NatashaJade

Greetings, dear ones.

So here I am at the end of my eighth week of hrt. I haven't been around much this week because I've returned to work after vacation and it is quite exhausting. We've started rehearsals for our spring show and, well, there's all that teaching and none of the sleep I've grown to love so much. Being in front of my students has made me quite self-conscious of my chest growth and wearing a bra. While I know they don't notice, it doesn't stop me from thinking they notice, which makes me a little crazy. The hardest part is playing Mr. because I am finding it harder not to be me all the time and he is not the part I like to play. But I have to because that's my job. Earlier this week some of my devoted students were in my room during lunch time opining about "transies" by which I think they were referring to crossdressers. There wasn't a negative vibe, just a confused vibe. I wish I could educate them about us! Sadly, I cannot. One day, perhaps, when I am finally out and, for obvious reasons, no longer their teacher. Hopefully they will understand.

Physically, I have noticed the hair on the back of my hands has been coming back from epilating much more slowly, thinner and lighter. This makes me quite happy as I hate hate hate the hair on my hands probably as much as the hair on the rest of my body. I see my hands more than any other part of me on a regular basis and while they will always be way too big, hairless at least helps the illusion. I understand they may thin out a little over time, I look forward to that as well. For now, I'll tkae hairless or mostly hairless. The less apelike I am the better.

Also, the painful knot behind my nipples is getting larger and larger (and more sensitive). It is hard to carry my daughter sometimes because she rests on my chest, but I'll take that pain. What there is on my chest is also, for lack of a better term, becoming perkier. I've never thought of myself as perky, but I'll take perky breasts. I'll take them any old time. I'm starting to get a little cleavage as well. Yeah, cleavage!

I've noticed my strength is waning a bit. I have always been naturally strong, able to carry sheets of 3/4" plywood with little trouble and manhandle pretty much anything to where I need it. Now, I'm feeling the weight of things a lot more. I can still get them off the ground, but I definitely feel weaker. It's a good thing I have a crew of kids to move stuff around my shop at school. My father-in-law will be sad when I can no longer move his furniture around for him by myself. So sad. Of course, he'll be sadder when his favorite son becomes his not-so-favorite daughter-in-law. My little change will not go over well with my in-laws. They'll bite their tongues a bit, but they'll be very unhappy with my change. I found a gycomastia swim suit for this summer, so I can go one more season without them knowing...but this is the last summer, methinks. My plan isn't to come out to anyone until 2011 anyway, so it'll work out (although my best laid plans ALWAYS go astray...I am sure I will be outed long before then and then I'll have to make new plans.

Emotionally, no big changes. Still crying over little things and moody over even littler things. So it goes, as Mr. Vonnegut said. I will survive, as Ms. Gaynor said.

Only 18 more weeks until summer vacation...

More to come...



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Guest Donna Jean

My Dear Gin.......

Wonderful, scary, exciting, terrifying.....that's our journey....

I was building a floor in a large room on my house..3/4" plywood and I was able to move it..

But some months after starting HRT I could only manage to push, shove and drag them....

I went to Memphis for a week last September...

When I returned home my wife had hired a couple of Amish men to finish the floor for me....sweet.

She said .."I was tired of watching you struggle with the boards...."

We're not supermen any more....

Just girls..


Donna Jean

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Guest ~Brenda~

Hi Dear,

Yes indeed time does fly by so fast. You are well on your way :) (I have a little confession to make, when I wear a bra to work I let the strap show intentionally sometimes :rolleyes: ... my bad)

Love you


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Guest sarah f

I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel and see the growth. I am sorry it makes you feel bad that you still have to be a guy at work. At least you only have one more year before you come out and it will go by so quick for you.

I am in the same boat you are in with the in-laws. I can't imagine what will be said and how they will react when I finally do come out to everyone. They are a really close and big family unlike mine. It will be hard to face them after some changes happen. Good luck with your in-laws and hopefully the will be understanding as your wife is.


Sarah F

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Congratulations on all of the changes, Gin!

It is a journey that most people never have the courage or support to begin much less complete, largely due to a total lack of support.

You have your amazing wife and all of us here so you will never have to make this journey alone.

The three of us that met in Memphis cover a wide range of the Journey with Lizzy approaching month 14 and Dee Jay approaching 12 and myself about to start into month number 6 so if you have specific questions that you would like to know about PM any or all three of us, we will be more than glad to tell you of our experiences, it might just help a little.

Congratulations on this big step toward becoming the beautiful woman that you have kept hidden from the world for so long.

Love ya,


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Guest NatashaJade
I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel and see the growth. I am sorry it makes you feel bad that you still have to be a guy at work. At least you only have one more year before you come out and it will go by so quick for you.

Thanks, Sarah. The thing that saddens me the most is that I really love my job. Teaching theatre was always my dream and I have been blessed with the opportunity to do it for the last few years. My wife and I are going to try to open our own school in two years and, should that work out, I should be able to find a way to be myself in my new position as an administrator. Should our school not work out, there will be nothing for us here in Arizona and we'll move to Oregon where I know there are trans teachers, so I can hopefully continue my practice. But, for right now, I'm okay with being a guy at work because my work is really important to me and it is the only way I can do it currently.



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Guest NatashaJade
I'm always happy to read your posts. So excited for you, and thank you so much Gin for sharing so much with us

Thanks, Erin! I'm just so happy people get something from all of my rambling. When I started all of this, I promised myself I would leave a document of how I felt along the way. I'm incredibly thankful for the community here at that reads my posts and finds them worthwhile.



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    • Lydia_R
      This isn't the best picture, but this is my other arcade gaming setup.  The game on the right is on a touch screen and is a game I coded in 2007.  I had it on the app stores for a decade, but it just became too much of a pain to keep them up there because of all of their rules and OS changes.  My game is very much like this Hoyle Mahjong I play in that it just waits for you to make the next move.  I'm very much into arcade games because of the math and angles.  Aiming.  I think that aiming is a basic thing in life and is why we have so many guns in our cultures.  Guns are unfortunate, but I love aiming.  I have these nice Aerobie freebees that I wish I could find someone to play with.  I've been throwing them in my empty house the last few days and that has been fun.  It's fun having a fairly large empty house that is full of a decade of memories, but I'm likely headed out into a much smaller space after I move.  It's what I have to do for work and the work is good, so I do my best to enjoy the journey.    
    • Lydia_R
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    • Birdie
    • Ladypcnj
      America needs new leadership, but the House seems a bit laid back on that idea, being a President in any position takes a lot of responsibilities and keeping world peace at the same time. 
    • April Marie
      Thank you so much @Willow.
    • Willow
      Good morning everyone   well I think it is official, I picked up a rhinovirus at work no doubt.  I do try to be careful but you can’t always.  I hate wearing a mask. And I can only wash my hands or use sanitizer just so many times.   headache, plugged up nose, lots of phlegm even my ears are plugged up.  I’m doing everything I can but I’m afraid this one’s just going to have to run its course.  Too late for zinc or vitamin C although I will add some to my daily regimen.     I’ve got a lot to do today.  I even have to teach my wife how to drive the new car so she can get my son and daughter-in-law on Tuesday while I’m at work.  Yes it’s that different!  And the first time she’s been behind the wheel since February.  Hard to believe it’s June!   Happy Pride Month.  I had a really nice picture to post but it wouldn’t allow me to copy it.     Willow   “yes I’m old fashion, I still sign my letters”
    • Willow
      Good morning   @April Marie my condolences and prayers for your family.  I realize how difficult it is to process when a family member passes especially when it happen so quickly.  Sending special hugs your way.   Willow
    • Davie
      Happy Pride, everyone! Get out and march and show your colors and show your pictures here! Everywhere around the world. LGBTQ+ Pride Month is starting to show its colors around the world.  Pride Month, the worldwide celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and rights, kicks off Saturday with events around the globe. But this year’s festivities in the U.S. will unfold against a backdrop of dozens of new state laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, particularly transgender young people. https://apnews.com/article/pride-month-lgbtq-2024-1abf80d0cf1026b60b47f565e9953fec
    • April Marie
      Thank you @Ivy.
    • Davie
    • Ivy
      They are there to make money, not spend it. The bottom line trumps everything.
    • Ivy
      I am also sorry for your loss.
    • Ivy
      The age thing applies to both of them, and I say this as someone in my own mid 70's. As for being "businessmen," I don't consider the government to be a business.  That might be part of our problem now.  But this might not be the place to open that can of worms. I would like to be able to keep my personal freedom to live as myself, and the social security that I worked most of my life for.
    • KatieSC
      Although the right to care has been affirmed, I still find it disheartening that so many of the treatments that are available and beneficial to someone who is trans, is consequently barred by insurance companies who claim that anything beyond HRT and vaginoplasty, are cosmetic. I believe that any procedure that can help to make one passable as their desired gender, has the potential to be lifesaving. Is being able to just blend in as our desired gender so abhorrent to the insurance companies?    I also believe that the transgender communities are taken advantage of in many ways. Look at the number of healthcare providers who will provide care, but want up front payment, which in many cases, is way above what an insurance company will pay. It is very expensive paying out of pocket, yet many of us become so desperate to transition that we just pony up the money.     
    • April Marie
      Thank you so very much. The prayers are much appreciated.
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