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Guest Chance

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Guest Chance

Ok, I don't know if I'm the only one whos really annoyed by height matters.

I'm 5'1 even. Clothes are a pain in the donkey to find. If I find a shirt that fits fine and its longsleeve it fits in shoulder but not arm length. Honestly. My girlfriend is taller than me. 5'6. She doesn't care, but it makes me look like her little brother.

Its pretty much a rant post. Anyway I can feel better about my height? I know I cant really change it unless I wear my combat boots but even then I'm still short.

Anyone else know what I mean?

I guess I can think of it as being fun size....

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Guest Donna Jean
Ok, I don't know if I'm the only one whos really annoyed by height matters.

I'm 5'1 even. Clothes are a pain in the donkey to find. If I find a shirt that fits fine and its longsleeve it fits in shoulder but not arm length. Honestly. My girlfriend is taller than me. 5'6. She doesn't care, but it makes me look like her little brother.

Its pretty much a rant post. Anyway I can feel better about my height? I know I cant really change it unless I wear my combat boots but even then I'm still short.

Anyone else know what I mean?

I guess I can think of it as being fun size....

Chance ....

Hang in there, Hon......

We all have our bear to cross (?)

Heck the MTF's are always complaining of how tall some of them are!

The FTM's on how short....

Yeah, just consider yourself "Fun Size".....

Truthfully, though....I know a number of genetic males that are 5' 0" to 5' 5"

That is one thing that all of our transitions can't change!


Donna Jean

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Guest Quinn

I think height gets to most FTMs, yeah. I'm something like 5'2 and 3/4" or something, but I just round it up to 5'3". Still, it can be maddening. I feel sometimes like until I can get a lower voice and maybe some facial hair, if I pass it'll always just be as a little, prepubescent boy. My girlfriend is 5'7", and like yours she doesn't care, and I've gotten better about it too but it will be a little odd sometimes.

Personally, it's just one of those things you've gotta learn to own. I keep myself as lighthearted as possible about it, joking that I'm travel sized, pocket sized, etc. The thing I've noticed and am trying to get more and more comfortable with is "it's only a big deal if I make it a big deal." Problems are only as big as you let them be, and people pick up on that too; if you make a big deal about your height, or obviously feel totally uncomfortable with it, then people will pick up on that more and notice it more and see it more in a negative light. If you make light of it, don't make a big deal out of it, then no one else will either. There will be more pressing things like your personality and whatnot to concentrate on.

So yeah, basically...if you make it a big deal, it's more likely others will. If not, they might mention or notice it, but it won't be a big deal.

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Oh dude, I feel your pain, definitely. I'm 5'2"-3" (Mum's 5'3" and keeps insisting she's a whole inch taller than me, but I have flat hair whereas hers is really boofy and at last measurement (2008 for uni graduation robes) I'd grown an entire centimetre (159cm to 160cm - of which I'm still very proud, I'll have you know B)) since Year 12 in 2004 when we gave up hoping for more growth measuring) and have issues with this all the bloody time. My little brother, who's 5 years younger than me, built like a brick dunny and only a centimetre or so off 2 metres tall, doesn't help matters (not height-wise, anyhoo. He's great with me being trans, I woke up this morning, wandered blearily out, "Good morning, mein bruder!". BUT, where height is concerned, he's a illegitimate child and he knows it :rolleyes:).

But yes, I end up wearing my Docs a lot (particularly when out with Goliath) 'cause I get an extra inch from them. Not much, but at our height, it's noticeable. Particularly when standing in the kitchen and you suddenly realise you're looking down at your Mum whilst standing next to her. :lol: Though Mum (I've already ranted about this, so just briefly) tried to insist after I told her about my last psychiatrist appointment that I probably won't cut it as a man because I'm so short and short men are like unattractive women and ostracised by society. Thanks Mum.

HOWEVER, the only other transguy I've talked to much is shorter than me, and I only noticed 'cause I'd been worried about the height thing and had been looking at guys' heights for a while (and this before Mum's helpful support, too! <_<). But really, his personality and exuberance made up for physical height, and as Quinn said, if you don't let it weigh you down, you'll be fine (so I'm hoping, anyway :rolleyes:).

Anyhoo, it's, like, almost 4am here, so enough ranties from me otherwise the sanity and sense of all this will rapidly go downheliotrope.

Ehem, hope you're feeling slightly better about The Height Thing!

*pint-sized hugs*

xox Remus

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Guest Hoslers_wife

Oh dear. I thought I was the only one who had to hear about this. Nick obsessively complains about his height (5'3 1/2 ish) lol. It drives me nuts. Your girlfriends, partners, friends don't care. The people that love you see your eyes not your height. I promise! I think this goes beyond trans. I'm 5'1 and in college I heard at least 10 comments a day about my height. "tell me again how the midget is gonna keep up with us?" (I'm a medic btw) I am better at my job than 75% of the super tall people. As a matter of fact, my shortness (spelling?) has let me help in situations where other medics cant get to (car wrecks, tight spaces ect.) OWN IT! and if someone looks at you sideways when they see you next to a partner who is taller or shorter just think "yep She's mine" lol. I dunno Thats what Nick says :-D

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The two lads I've met in person who are trans (that I know about, anyway) are both much shorter than me-- one's about 5'2", maybe 10 stone and the others maybe 5 foot on a good day and maybe 8 stone -- and both are doing well. I guess the point of telling you that is to say there's hope like. I think you've just got to look at like you've got a huge personality to go with it? Just don't let anyone take the mickey out of you for it, or if they do, laugh at yourself as well. I think if you can have a laugh about it with other people then it's less of a do.

I also really like this:

The people that love you see your eyes not your height.

Well said!

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Guest Dexter

I actually don't have to deal with this as I'm 5'7" and 3/4 (5'8" on some scales) but I do have to say that it's not really something you should worry about. I know, personally, a trans guy that's about 5 feet even and gets along fine and I also know and have seen a bunch of cisgendered males that are in the 5' to 5'5" range and it's usually not even something I consider or think about.

So, basically what I'm trying to say is don't sweat it because nobody else is and if they are give them a good talking to, but don't let them ruin your fun!

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Guest My_Genesis

Oh man I'm 5'6"-7" and probably would be even more if my posture wasn't so crappy (my gender therapist says some guys have bad posture b/c of chest dysphoria then after top surgery they're like 3 inches taller cuz they're posture improves.) Chest dysphoria is a part of it but I also just have bad posture form sitting at the computer a lot and carrying a heavy backpack for most of my childhood....

Even at my height, I'm below the average male height and that gets to me. And I hate when girls are taller than me. As if being trans and not being fully physically male isn't enough, it sorta makes me feel emasculated when girls are taller than I am, more so than when boys are taller than I am.

If anyone here is under 25, there is a slight chance you may notice some change in height. Don't quote me on this, I read it somewhere. Technically your growth plates don't completely close til your early 20s usually. And T triggers growth so... yeah. You may not be at a loss just yet. I'm hoping T (in combination with improved posture) will make me gain a couple more inches.

Also.. have you looked into spinal decompression? You can do simple exercises, such as hanging from a pull-up bar for a period of time, on a regular basis - that can help even full-grown adults gain some height. Once I have access to a pull-up bar I'm planning to start doing that.

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Guest Evan_J

I have a natally male cousin who is 5'4"-5'5". He's been(in his hayday, he's long since retired from working) feared AND respected by both men and women.

The best thing he ever said on the subject was "I'm 5'5", its my attitude that makes me 6'2"."

I've remembered that

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Guest Chance

Wow. Yeah nobody makes fun of me much. I only had one encounter with someone but it was a party and he was so messed up. He got kicked out to begin with so it went well.

I just needed reassurance that I'm not the only one. It just makes me feel better I guess lol. But I like all of your replies thank you. I guess the main issue for me is fitting in clothing.

I have met a biological male that is 4'11. I know eventually I'll shut up about it, but when it comes to clothes it becomes a bother.

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Guest Quinn

Okay, I will definitely say clothes are a bother, yeah.

Mostly pants for me. Waist wise, I'm a 32. It's chill. That's fine. But most pants are only 32 waist by 32 length, or 32 waist by 30 length...and that is still too tall. I hate walking around with my jeans getting stuck under my feet/shoes. >:|

Actually, the other day I was lucky enough to find 48 dollar pants marked down to $4.80 at Kohls, and they were 32 by 29...only pants that have ever fit, haha.

And yeah, I'm always small in shirts...dress shirts it's hard to find a good fit, vests are nearly impossible...shame, because I love them. Ah well.

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Guest Chance

Yeah. Dress shirts are a huge pain. I have a gay cousin who donated a black dress shirt to me and it fits really well suprisingly, makes me wonder where he gets his clothes LOL.

I'm with you on the pants problem. Though right now I have some good jeans that don't drag to the ground. If I do have a pair I kinda took on using that rubber band thing at the ankles, it keeps them from dragging but it kinda looks retarded. Rather roll them up or something, or get them fixed up from someone. Just a struggle though.

What bothers me MOST OF ALL, is my shoe size. I wear a size 5. So I can't wear shoes I prefer.

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Guest CharlieRose

One thing that's good about being short and having more feminine features: Girls (and some guys) are much more likely to think you're absolutely adorable. Perhaps not what everyone's going for, but can certainly have its own benefits. :D

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Guest harvester52

I hear you guys with the height. I'm 5'4" even. I have a two foot inseam (I'm horridly disproportionate due to underdeveloped tendons caused by premature birth that left my limbs unnaturally short for the rest of my body) and I'm overweight. Try finding pants that are 42 waist by 24 length. It's impossible. >.< Same thing with shirts. If they're big enough to fit around my huge shoulders and belly, the sleeves are WAY too long.

My way of fixing the problem: I wear shorts and I cut all the sleeves off my shirts. If I have to dress nicely, I tailor the clothes to fit properly (one benefit of learning how to sew when I was a kid.)

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Guest CrimsonEdge

The average height of an Indian male is 5'5" and I'm around 5'2" with room for (I hope) an inch or two (I'm 16, it's possible).

Clothing is not much of a problem cause I'm broader than most girls. Full sleeved shirts are still a issue, but T should take care of my shoulders and make them alright. Shoes are also difficult to find as I wear a size 5 but again, there's scope for improvement after starting on T. Jeans, I just make sure they're alright around the waist, thighs and buttocks and then get the length altered.

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Guest Darrel

I'm 5'3", I feel your pain.

I need 40x16 for pants. XD I have to take so many inches off after I buy a pair.

And off topic, but I see two Washingtonians here. :D Awesome.

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Guest Lelouch

This really bugs me. I'm about 5'6" and wish that I were 5'10". Still hoping that I'd grow a few more inches even just a couple since I'm 19.

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I have always just considered it another sign of the perverse nature of the universe that MTFs are usually pretty tall and FTMs are usually fairly short - life isn't fair but it isn't for anyone the happy people are the ones that learn to make adjustments.

I am 6'4" and had trouble buying mens clothes that fit and I could afford (apparently if you were my size you were a professional athlete and therefore have unlimited funding)

So now it is even a bigger problem but I have found on line close out sites that carry my sizes at discount prices - I would love to shop for the best but I can either save for a year and buy one outfit or settle for enough less expensive clothing and have a wardrobe - when I go full time I cannot wear just one outfit.

Do realize that your height is not that important.

Love ya,


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And off topic, but I see two Washingtonians here. :D Awesome.

Hi Darrel,

Just had to add another Washington to the list!

I grew up tiny - was smaller than everyone two classes younger than I. Along with everything else, I ended up with that horrible Napolean complex - I'm glad that went away with time!

I've been a small male all of my life, and it hasn't changed things too dramatically. Small means you have better leverage at some things - small means no bumps on the head while building your home addition - small means it's not as painful when you fall.

Oh yes - my wife is the same height as I am, and has broader shoulders. It's our joke about who wears the pants in the family.

But when I was quite young and struggling with my height disadvantage, I bought heel lifts. It was wonderful just to change an inch of height. I felt like I'd grown a foot!

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okay im 5'2 1/2....yes i count the half... so sue me i grew a whole half an inch scince last year and im proud :P

i hate being short not to menchion the fact that my gf is like 5'9 i thought about wearing elevator shoes but id just kill myself with thoese (accident prone 2 the extrem)... sorry im just ranting.... :lol:

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Guest hayden_jude

I am 5'1 and completely unconcerned. It does become an issue with pants, though. I am something like 30x28 in actuality, but my giant behind makes my waist need a 32 & I can't find any 28s in length. So I go with 32x30 & let 'em slide down & roll 'em up. :) It works out.

Shirts are another story. I am not especially broad in the shoulders, so they are usually too wide. And I usually have to get a small or extra-small, depending on the store. But I don't think it looks that bad.

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Guest My_Genesis
This really bugs me. I'm about 5'6" and wish that I were 5'10". Still hoping that I'd grow a few more inches even just a couple since I'm 19.

Same here, I'm about 5'6"-5'7" (depending on how poor my posture is, lol) except I'm 20. I'm looking to start T soon and hoping for one last growth spurt. :huh:

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Guest D.V. Faust

It's not so much my actual height that bothers me (I'm 5'4", taller than all my closest friends. Not that I wouldn't love to be 6'2" <_< ), it's the part where I end up dragging six inches of pant leg on the ground.

Last time I got new pants, my dad had to hem them 5.5'' for me (I know not of the mysteries of sewing or the mysteries of operating a sewing machine).

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    • April Marie
      Welcome, Amanda!! You'll find many of us here who found ourselves late in life - it was at 68 for me. Each of us is unique but we also have similarities and can help each other   I understand the urge to move quickly, but remember that your wife also has to adjust as you transition. That doesn't mean you have to move slowly, just give both of you time to process the changes and the impacts.   Many of us have also benefitted greatly from working with a gender therapist. For me, it was literally life-saving. Just a thought you might want to consider. Mine is done completely on-line.   Again, welcome. Jump in where you feel comfortable.
    • MAN8791
      Change. I am so -censored- tired of change, and what I've just started in the last month with identifying and working through all of my . . . stuff . . . around gender dysphoria represents a level of change I dread and am terrified of.   2005 to 2019 feel like a pretty stable time period for me. Not a whole lot of change happened within me. I met someone, got married, had three kids with them. Struggled like hell with anxiety and depression but it was . . . ok. And then my spouse died (unexpectedly, brief bout with flu and then gone) and the five years since have been an unrelenting stream of change. I cannot think of a single way in which I, the person writing this from a library table in 2024, am in any way the same person who sat in an ICU room with my dying spouse 5 years ago. I move different, speak different, dress different, think different, have different goals, joys, and ambitions. And they are all **good.** but I am tired of the relentless pace of change and as much as I want and need to figure out my dysphoria and what will relieve the symptoms (am I "just" gender fluid, am I trans masc? no -censored- clue at the moment) I dread it at the same time. I just want to take a five year nap and be done with it.
    • VickySGV
      Welcome to the Forums Amanda, there are a number of us here who took that long or longer to come to grips with our personal reality.  Join right in and enjoy the company you have.
    • AmandaJoy
      I'm Amanda, and after 57 years of pretending to be a male crossdresser, I've recently admitted to myself that I'm a woman. It's pretty wild. I don't think that I've ever had a thought that was as clearly true and right, as when I first allowed myself to wonder, "wait, am I actually trans?"   The hilarious part is that I owe that insight to my urologist, and a minor problem with a pesky body part that genetic women don't come equipped with (no, not that one). I'll spare you the details, but the end result was him talking about a potential medication that has some side effects, notably a 1% chance of causing men to grow breasts. The first thought that bubbled up from the recesses of my mind was, "wow, that would be awesome!"   <<blink>><<blink>> Sorry, what was that again?   That led down a rabbit hole, and a long, honest conversation with myself, followed by a long, honest conversation with my wife. We both needed a couple of weeks, and a bit of crying and yelling, to settle in to this new reality. Her biggest issue? Several years ago, she asked me if I was trans, and I said, "no". That was a lie. And honestly, looking back over my life, a pretty stupid one.   I'm really early in the transition process - I have my first consultation with my doctor next week - but I'm already out to friends and family. I'm struggling with the "do everything now, now now!" demon, because I know that this is not a thing that just happens. It will be happening from now on, and trying to rush won't accomplish anything useful. Still, the struggle is real . I'm being happy with minor victories - my Alexa devices now say, "Good morning, Amanda", and I smile each and every time. My family and friends are being very supportive, after the initial shock wore off.   I'm going to need a lot of help though, which is another new thing for me. Being able to ask for help, that is. I'm looking forward to chatting with some of you who have been at this longer, and also those of you who are as new at this as I am. It's wild, and intoxicating, and terrifying... and I'm looking forward to every second of it.   Amanda Joy
    • RaineOnYourParade
      Yep, that's the one :P    Smoothies are criminally underrated imo
    • Ivy
      Rain here. I went to Asheville yesterday, and stayed later to visit some before going down the mountain.  Down here there were a lot of trees down in the northern part of the county.  The power had gone off at the house, but was back by the time I got home (21:00).  There was a thunderstorm during the night.
    • Birdie
      I used to get ma'am'ed during my 45 years of boy-mode and it drove me nuts.    Now that I have accepted girl-mode I find it quite pleasant.    Either way, being miss gendered is quite disturbing. I upon a rare occasion might get sir'ed by strangers and it's quite annoying. 
    • Mmindy
      Good morning Ash,    Welcome to TransPulseForums, I have a young neighbor who plays several brass instruments who lives behind my house. He is always practicing and I could listen to them for hours, well I guess I have listened to them for hours, and my favorite is when they play the low tones on the French Horn.    Best wishes,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Mmindy
      Good morning everyone,    I had my first cup of coffee this morning with my wife, my second was a 20oz travel mug on the way to the airport. Once clearing TSA, I bought another 20oz to pass the time at the boarding gate. I’m flying Indy to Baltimore, then driving to Wilmington, DE for my last teaching engagement at the DE State Fire School.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋    
    • Vidanjali
      In my opinion, the gender neutral version of sir or ma'am is the omission of such honorifics.   "Excuse me, sir" becomes simply, "Excuse me", or better yet, "Excuse me, please."   "Yes, ma'am" becomes "Yes", or depending on the context, "Yes, it would be my pleasure" or "Yes, that is correct."   Else, to replace it with a commonly known neutral term such as friend, or credentialed or action-role-oriented term depending on the situation such as teacher, doctor, driver, or server.   And learn names when you can. It's a little known fact that MOST people are bad with names. So if you've ever told someone, "I'm bad with names", you're simply affirming you're typical in that way. A name, just like any other factoid, requires effort to commit to memory. And there are strategies which help. 
    • Mmindy
      @KymmieL it’s as if our spouses are two sides of the same coin. We never know which side will land up. Loving or Disliking.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • KymmieL
      almost 45 min later. Still in self pity mode. I cannot figure out my wife. I shared a loving post on Facebook to my wife. Today she posts, you are my prayer. Yet, last week she puts up a post diragitory towards trans people. Does she not relate to me being trans?   ???
    • Cynthia Slowan
      Hi Ash, Welcome!!
    • Cynthia Slowan
      Hi Justine! That was a very nice intro, this is a great place to learn about ourselves and to enjoy being who we are!                                💗 Cynthia 
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