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Is It Ok To Have Doubts?

Guest KatieT

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Guest KatieT

I guess the topic says it all. There are some days where I really feel like going through transition would be one of the best things I could do. There are other days where while I'd still love to be female, I really wonder if it's worth all the money, work and possible discrimination to go through the process of becoming a female.

So are these doubts normal? I've read a few stories about some transgenders who simply KNEW they were meant to be the other gender and HAD to go through with it. I don't feel that's me, but I've also never been comfortable with myself as a male. Do these doubts get stronger during transition as you're taking hormones, or for anyone that's done their transition, do you STILL have doubts?

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I have not finished my transition but I am well on my way and I have to admit that on occasions it seems like nothing is worth the efforts required - and for that fleeting moment of depression yes I even question why I even thought that Icould transition.

But that is depression - it makes us a bit irrational - once the feelings of hopelessness pass transitioning is a no brainer it is what I have to do and I continue.

This is something that you must discover for yourself - it sounds as if your doubts, like mine are fueled by frustration and a feeling of hopelessness - beyond those times only you know if it is what you need to do.

Love ya,


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  • Admin

Katie, for many transsexuals there are, and never were any doubts. For others, myself included, doubts were rampant, at least at first.

Even after deciding for certain that I was TS, I had what I described to my G.T. as "buyer's remorse." But that had much more to do with my family

situation, and all the complications that entails, as it did with any doubts that transition was the right path for me.

You need to sort all those feelings out before starting on HRT. Don;t worry if it takes a little longer to get to that point. This is one decision that you don't

want to make a mistake with. It truly is life changing, and you need to be sure.

Doubt is a good thing, hon. It proves that you are thinking this through, and taking it seriously. That is all good.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest JustShelly
Hi Katie,

Self-doubt is with us all, don't you think? Some of it has to do with gender!, but ii's just part of human nature. And it does help us be cautious and to examine what we're doing in more detail. Not the worst trait at all!

Perhaps the male gender is trained not to listen to self-doubt - to plunge ahead without caution. When our female gender starts to flower, then self-doubt becomes more noticeable.

At any rate, don't worry! We're right there with you!

Love, Kat

OH please don't say that!! :lol:

My entire life has been filled with self doubt, now your telling me its worse! :angry:

NO! I understand completely what Kat is saying.

I do here about those few that have no doubt, I wonder though because if they had no doubt I believe you would never see them on forums like these. Just my thought.

I would like to get to that point of having very little or no doubt. With my thinking though I may never have SRS because I can't do anything without being 100% sure. I don't know if I will ever get to that point.

Katie, take things slow even though you'll want to rush. Set goals and time frames, be more concerned with goals don't worry about meeting the time frame it just helps to keep things in perspective.

Welcome to the long and bumpy road. Just remember they're some very nice people on this forum to help. One of them ^ look up^

Best Wishes


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Guest Donna Jean

I've had doubts all throughout my life and that's why I started transitioning at 58.....

At this point I have no more doubts....

The cost...physical, monetary, family, job...everything..I'm willing to accept now...

I'm going all the way ...I never get up in the morning anymore and say "I wonder if this is for me?"

It is.....

Am I doing the right thing?


Could I go back?


Donna Jean (no doubt about it, anymore!)

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Guest SusanKG
Sally Posted Today, 08:07 AM

- it sounds as if your doubts, like mine are fueled by frustration and a feeling of hopelessness -

Carolyn Marie Posted Today, 11:05 AM

You need to sort all those feelings out before starting on HRT. Don;t worry if it takes a little longer to get to that point. This is one decision that you don't

want to make a mistake with. It truly is life changing, and you need to be sure.

Doubt is a good thing, hon. It proves that you are thinking this through, and taking it seriously. That is all good.

Kathleen Rose Posted Today, 11:43 AM

Perhaps the male gender is trained not to listen to self-doubt - to plunge ahead without caution. When our female gender starts to flower, then self-doubt becomes more noticeable.

Good advice from the ladies! And don't downplay the effects of hormones; T on males, E and P on females. I have said before, and probably will say again: If you do not get paniced sometimes about this, you do not understand the situation.

Susan Kay

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
I guess the topic says it all. There are some days where I really feel like going through transition would be one of the best things I could do. There are other days where while I'd still love to be female, I really wonder if it's worth all the money, work and possible discrimination to go through the process of becoming a female.

So are these doubts normal? I've read a few stories about some transgenders who simply KNEW they were meant to be the other gender and HAD to go through with it. I don't feel that's me, but I've also never been comfortable with myself as a male. Do these doubts get stronger during transition as you're taking hormones, or for anyone that's done their transition, do you STILL have doubts?

I think it's normal to have doubts. I am currently having them myself.

It is a normal part of transitioning, whether or not you have surgery or not.

And not everyone transitions fully. Some people only go so far in their transition anyways.

I don't know much about transition for MtF but I do know of FtMs that won't start HRT or go through with surgery, they are still Male though.

You have to do what's best for you. Your having doubts and that's normal. :)

And there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with not "going all the way" either. It's what you feel is right and best for you. :)



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Guest i is Sam :-)
I really wonder if it's worth all the money, work and possible discrimination to go through the process of becoming a female.

This is a very normal reason to have doubts, we're talking about practicalities and if the side effects are something you can live with, it's like you really want to go to the bahamas but can you really afford it? well just but should you really be putting so much on a credit card? and you really should be spending that money on something more sensible like a new car.

It doesn't mean you want to go any less, you just have to figure out if you can.

So are these doubts normal? I've read a few stories about some transgenders who simply KNEW they were meant to be the other gender and HAD to go through with it. I don't feel that's me

I wasn't like that either, I suspect it's to do with where you on are on the gender spectrum, related to the gender you were raised, I'm more on the andro side of female, and as such I didn't have the same kind of passionate hate for my physical body, or immediate knowledge that there was something physically wrong, like I suspect would be more common in someone who is absolutely 100% female in a very stereotypically male body or vice versa, and again I'm sure it would be even worse if people are raised, pushed down specific gender stereotypes. I was lucky like that, my parents didn't force me to play sports or hunt or anything like that.

The larger the disparity between your true self and your current life, the more gender dysphoria you're going to feel and the more urgent and desperate you're going to feel to have to fix it. our doubts then come from the fact that mainstream media always suggests that everyone is like this, but it's not the case.

So yes it's ok to have doubts, and you should pay attention to those doubts, because that's your sub conscious telling you to be careful, but doubts alone don't mean that what you're doing is wrong or that you should stop, I doubt you'll ever be entirely certain all the time. There are things I did 10 years ago that I sometimes wonder if I should've done different, self doubt is human nature.

If you're feeling doubt, then stop for a moment and take stock of yourself, ask yourself why you think you may be having doubts, go back over the reasons for your original decision and see if they still stand, talk to a good friend and ask for a sanity check ("just tell me i'm not completely nuts") and then proceed cautiously, if you take a step too far, i'm sure you'll know it and will then be sure that you should stop.

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Guest NatashaJade


It's okay to feel whatever you feel. Nobody else can know what it is to be you. Is it worth it? I think it is, but that's me. You have to evaluate what's good for you and if you think it's worth it, do it.



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Guest KatieT

Thank you all for you amazing words of wisdom and advice. I don't think I have the words to really explain how helpful is just to have others reaffirm that a) I'm not totally bonkers! and B) Someone else has been where I am. I hope I'll have encouraging words for all of you eventually!

That said, I think the most worrisome thing for me is time. I KNOW I don't want to make a mistake here, so I need to take a lot of time, but on the other hand, I hear that hormones work better the younger you are, and that over time you simply feel a greater urge to confirm to what you think is 'your' gender. So it's always this balance of, wanting to take time to make the right decision, but not wanting to take so much time to say 'Man, I wish I would've done this then!' Especially since I sometimes have those thoughts already (ie, man I wish I would've known about transgenders and hormones sooner!)

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Guest Nick_Hosler

I've never doubted my transition but I have weighed how far I want to go. How much money I'm willing to spend, how much pain I'm willing to go thru, ect. I think everyone has doubts to some extent.

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Guest ChloëC

Hi Katie,

I see a lot of the transitioning girls - as well as a few others - have given you good advice . I'm not in the transitioning track, and I've made the decision not to explore it any more than I already have. It's a difficult one because like you, there are days....and there are daze.

Enough on either side to make me dizzy sometimes, but enough to feel that I've made the best decision I could. Who knows if it's the 'right' one. Mostly because I'm not sure there is a right one for a lot of us, only a best one. And once you make whatever decision, then that's when you face the really difficult part of seeing it through.

You know, sometimes it's like marriage - you're 'married' to yourself for better or worse. So realize that some times won't be a great as other times, regardless of what you decide. But whatever you decide, you've got to work on making it work.

I guess I'll never understand people who go through life with no doubts. I see enough gray in life to realize that it's full of alternatives with no guarantees with whatever choices you make, and with no real guide except common sense, how others have faced these choices, and friends who support you. And Laura's Playground really helps with those.

Keep reading and exploring and asking questions, and listening to advice. You'll eventually know the way you want to go, and hopefully it will help you be at peace with yourself a little more than now.



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Guest Ashley C.

Katie, your thought process when you're feeling down sounds almost exactly like mine.

I go through self-doubt all the time. I'm MtF, but I've only known this about myself for around five or six years (I'm 24). Before that, all this TG stuff was floating around in my subconscious (although the fact that I loved playing with doll houses should have been a pretty big clue :P). I've been out to my friends and family since October, I've been in therapy since then, and I've been on hormones three months now, and I still hit major patches of self-doubt--like the one I'm in now, actually. Nothing is more insulting than when my parents accuse me of destroying their lives, or when they tell me that I'll never be successful if I "decide to continue down the path I'm on." As bigoted as they are, and as close as I am to giving up hope on them, their words can nevertheless still send me into a downward spiral.

However, I also have days where I'm immensely proud to be who I am. It's rare days like those where I feel like running out my apartment door screaming "I'm trans!" at the top of my lungs haha. This is the best feeling in the world, and once you start to figure out things for yourself, you'll know what I'm talking about.

The doubt, fear, and depression are definitely worse at first (at least they were for me). I promise, it all gets better as you go along; however, I don't think we ever truly escape it. I'm right in the thick of transitioning, and I have a truckload of experiences and memories that validate my identity as MtF, but I still go through times where all I feel like doing is quitting.

Just know that whatever happens, in the darkest of times, you can always shoot me an IM. If you can hang in there Katie, I promise I'll do my best to do the same.



Oh...sorry this is such a long post, but before I forget...I freak out all the time wishing that I'd known I was TG sooner :). It wouldn't have really helped because my parents are terrible, but I always think that given the right circumstances, I could have started transitioning when I was like 14 or 15 ><. In fact, this line of thinking is one of the biggest things that motivated me to finally start this crazy trip last October...I knew that if I waited too long to start HRT, the pills wouldn't be as effective. I think I'm going to be ok, but I still go nuts worrying about whether I'm going to pass or not. It certainly helps knowing that I'm going to be done transitioning before I hit 30.

Last thought, I promise lol...my therapist tells me it's normal for us to mourn our lost childhoods as the opposite gender. It doesn't make the thought any nicer, but it at least puts an explanation on things.

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Guest KatieT

Thanks again everyone for your thought out responses! You definitely gave me a lot to think about. It's tough to really form a response to everyone, but I've read over all the responses multiple times and found myself agreeing or relating to a lot of what was said, especially about not knowing what decisions the right ones may be. I think, for me, the question is, do I want to trade my current existence, though robotic and static, but also very stable and controlled, for a step into something exciting and fulfilling, yet very unstable and well, unpredictable. While I have a gauge of how things might play out if I started to go the path of becoming female, people tend to be able to surprise you in bad and good ways!

Again, thanks to all of you! I'll continue to read and think on what all of you say, both on this thread and the forum as a whole, and try to find a therapist.

Oh and Ashley, I'd like to extend the same invitation to you! Feel free to IM me anytime, and I'll do my best to be there for you :)

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Guest i is Sam :-)

even if you can't predict exactly what will happen if you continue down your path, i guess you have to weigh that against the knowledge that you will always be trans, whether you transition or not, it's not like you become your born gender if you choose not to, it's just if you can continue to live with the dysphoria, which i guess is a decision you make again, every single day until you transition.

i'm not delusional, i know it's not going to be a picnic, like how difficult it will be to ever find a partner, the lonlines and rejection. but i've had relationships in the past and have thrown them all away because i was chronically unhappy, and i was never going to be happy until i did this. At least this way if I ever do find someone to love me again, maybe i'll stand a chance of keeping them. And that's the thing really, the alternative wasn't living successfully as a man, it was continuing to live in hell until i killed myself.

not sure i made much of any point there, i guess, while it is immensly important not ot take these decisions lightly, i think it's also important to know that 1. you aren't making the decision to be trans, you either are or you aren't, the decision is whether you choose to do anything about it. and 2. You aren't ever going to be absolutely 100% positively certain without first taking some baby steps, one at a time. it's like me asking you if you like a certain food, you can think about it, you can ask what it's similar to, you can ask other people how they thought it tasted, but you won't be entirely certain one way or the other until you've tasted it. And the same goes here, if you're 95% sure, then take some baby steps, cos if you wait to be absolutely certain then you'll be waiting forever.

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    • Carolyn Marie
      Wholeheartedly agree.  Whether a compliment is backhand or forehand, I take it gladly.  They are offered rarely enough these days.    Carolyn Marie
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Wow, a shop that actually respects a customer's truck?  That seems like a miracle!  My husband does most of his own work, because he really, REALLY hates people who mess with an interior, with grease spots or footprints.  His personal truck is old, but super clean.  And since he's the transportation manager for his company, he's pretty picky about people respecting company equipment.  "Take care of it, and it will take care of you" is the motto.  Drivers should be able to go through a DOT Level 1 inspection without worry. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Literally the word means "hatred of women" and so I don't think that's quite the right description for what you encountered.  Possibly chauvinism?  Or maybe just not wanting to bother somebody he figured wasn't interested or capable of doing the job?  Who knows.   But on the other hand...be glad you're passing
    • VickySGV
      Finally found a site that gives the definition of defemination as a process of loss of feminine characteristics or continued loss of them.  Not a word I would use every day, although I can see where it would be a problem for some who value those feminine characteristics.  Yes I have seen it happen and now get the idea, and yes, not in so many words, but yes I have been up against others who do put down my femininity as being a pseudo female at the most polite and I cannot use the words hear for what it is at the worst.   Online, there is little to do about it except leave and block the people who do it and the places it happens, since it affects you much more heavily and negatively than it does the person doing it, and you need freedom from the stress.  The rules here which our "powers that be", namely the staff say we do not put up with members denying the authentic identity of other members. 
    • VickySGV
      I still maintain my "male" skills and almost have to laugh when that sort of thing happens to me with Cis males, and it does happen.  On the other side there, I have activities with the Trans community  here where I live including Trans Men who love to show off their new lives.  I have had a couple come over to my house and I have done some shop teaching that is always fun.  When they offer to help me by doing "male stuff" in a group, I do not take it as misogyny .
    • Thea
      This guy asked me to help with his tire.  So when I turned around and he saw that I'm a woman he's like,  oh nevermind
    • Betty K
      I think that’s an important point. In my case, I’ve found transitioning to be such a relief and a joy that I have no difficulty focussing on the positives. Maybe in your case you could make a practice of noting when you are gendered correctly? Do you keep a journal? I find doing so is major help.   After saying I rarely get misgendered, it actually happened to me yesterday in a local store. After recovering from my shock (the salesman called me “brother”, which to me is about as bad as it gets) I wrote my first complaint letter to a business w/r/t misgendering. That felt good. I also reflected that, to a degree, for those of us who don’t pass, I think gendering is correctly can take a conscious effort. Some Folks seem to automatically see me as feminine, others have to work at it. So if you’re often surrounded by people who have no desire to work at it, that may exacerbate your problem.      
    • Betty K
      I don’t know why anyone would go to the effort of advocating for trans folks only to charge people to read their articles. It seems so counterproductive, and I seriously doubt they’re making more than pocket money out of it. 
    • KathyLauren
      Oh, how I wish we were over-reacting!  But I don't think we are.  The danger is under-reacting. 
    • Ivy
      I understand your feelings. I have the same fears.  NC has made a swing to the right as well, and I'm not optimistic.  I want to tell myself I'm over reacting.  But seeing what these people are  saying, and doing when they do get into power can't be dismissed.  It's proof of what they will do if they take over the federal government. I'm getting kinda old now anyway.  It took me over 60 years to get here, and I'm not going back.  I suppose they can revert my gender markers, but I will still be legally Ivy.  And I have every intention of dying as Ivy Anna.  If I can't find my hormones somehow, I'll do without.  The physical changes I do have are permanent.   Trans people have always existed.
    • Willow
      @KymmieL I think we all have had to deal with a person who would not apologize when they were wrong no matter what.  In my case it was my MIL. Actually called me a lier I front of my wife.  Even when she realized she was wrong she wouldn’t admit it to my wife, nor would she apologize to my wife for any of the things she later admitted she had done that affected my wife.  I had a boss that accused me of saying things I did not say in a manner I did not use.  Even another employee told him that I had not said the things nor used the words but he still refused to back down.     Unfortunately, all too many people in this world believe they are always right no matter what.  Some are very famous.  lol   Willow    
    • KatieSC
      I wish I could cope as well as others. I feel very defeated in that all of the consideration, and then treatment to transition, could all be wiped out by this time next year with the united effort by the R party to eradicate all that is transgender. I fear that the national election could turn out to our detriment, and we will face a national push to eradicate us. Tracking us down will not be that hard to do. Once they know who we are, forcing the legislation to reverse our name changes, gender marker changes, and other records, will not be that hard. We saw an example when the AG in Texas was data mining the driver licenses for those who had gender marker changes. Who will we appeal to? The Supreme R Court? We would have an easier time trying to convince a Russian court.    We need to get out and vote in November. There is not enough Ben & Jerry's to improve my outlook on all of this. In some ways it is a cruel thing in a way. In the early 1930s, Germany was working hard to hunt down the LGBTQ population and eradicate it. Now Germany has better protections there than we have in many of our own states. About 90 years ago, Germany was seeing the rise of their very own dictator...Now the US is on the verge...Oh never mind. What a difference 90 years makes...    History may repeat itself, but sometimes it shifts the focus a little...
    • Nonexistent
      I have the same problem as you, my face is the main reason why I get misgendered I'm pretty sure. I think it's mostly up to genetics how your face will look (T can help, but still genetics will determine how you end up). You can't change your facial structure really, you can get facial masculinization surgery but it's expensive so not an option for most unless you're rich lol.    Experimentally (I haven't done it but want to), you could see if any plastic surgeons around you will give you Kybella in your cheeks. It is an injection that removes fat, and is usually used underneath the chin/on the neck below the jawline, but some may use it off-label on the face. The only potential problem with this is that if your face would naturally thin out at an older age, it could thin out extra and make you look older (though I'm not certain on this). Another option is to get filler in your jaw/chin, which would make your jawline look more square and your face more masculine. I want jaw filler but I'm poor lol, it only lasts one year up to a few years depending on what kind you get, so it would have to be done every so often and can get expensive. I did get chin filler once, only 2 small vials so it didn't make that big of a difference. I would recommend going for the jaw if you can only choose 1, I wish I had done that.   Those are the only options I know of that will bring legitimate noticeable changes.
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Blake!! We are happy that you found us!!
    • Mmindy
      Good evening Blake.   Welcome to Transgender Pulse Forums.   Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
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