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Response From Senator Feinstein On Enda

Carolyn Marie

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I received this response today from Senator Diane Feinstein, to my recent request for her strong support for the passage

of the ENDA.

Dear Carolyn Marie:

Thank you for writing to me regarding equal job protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees. I appreciate your thoughts and opinions on this topic, and welcome the opportunity to respond.

Like you, I believe that the time has come to provide gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals with basic protections to ensure fairness in the workplace, and I have long worked towards achieving that goal. For example, during my tenure in the Senate, I have been a cosponsor of the AEmployment Non-Discrimination Act@ (ENDA) because I do not believe that any American should encounter employment discrimination because of their race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. Qualified, hard working people should be judged solely on their skills, ability, and performance on the job. Individuals should not be denied employment, promotions or compensation on the basis of their sexual orientation. Please know that I will continue to push for the passage of this legislation in the Congress, and will certainly keep your thoughts in mind.

Again, thank you for writing. I hope that you will continue to write on matters of importance to you, Should you have any further comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein

United States Senator

It's good to hear, but I still have grave doubts about the prospects for passage of the bill. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Carolyn Marie

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I am afraid that I have doubts to because our government like all others is powered by money, power and influence p- we as a group are short on all three.

Sorry if I sound pessimistic but quite frankly it is insane and assinine that each individual group must be named rather than a single himan rights amendment covering all citizens and an outline of all the rights that should not be denied all non citizens - but that would mean that lawyers would not be required to read it and there fore judges not required to interpret not only putting them out of work but eliminating the loop holes that allow the rich to exploit the poor.

Sorry, that just isn't going to happen.

Love ya,


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Guest Pól

It seems like passing one rights-protection act just sets up another minority group to be discriminated against in the future. I agree with Sally -- why can't everyone have equal rights?

It's a nice thought anyway, even if it's hopelessly naïve.

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Guest Donna Jean

I hate to admit this...

But I'm a hopeless romantic...I believe in the the little guy winning over all odds...

I've always been that way..

David beats Goliath...wins against all odds...

But, I didn't get to be 60 years old by being stupid...

I do realize what the odds are...

So, I can just Hope...

I received 3 letters back from my Reps, too...

We'll see.....

Dee Jay

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Guest i is Sam :-)

do these people ever write back saying that they disagree, or that you've convinced them on something and they will do it. not just thankyou for your comment i'm already doing it.

Also I wouldn't say the time has come for equal rights protect for GBLT i'd say the time came around about the beginning of the universe and has been overdue since then.

It'd be interesting tho I think for someone else to write to the same politician, arguing against it and see what response they got.

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Guest Opal

Here is what I received: (my editing of the name)

Dear ********:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. I appreciate hearing from you.

I simply support efforts to ensure that the workplace is safe, fair and productive for all people. It is wrong to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation. That is why I strongly support and am a cosponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Introduced by Senator Merkley, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2009 (S.1584) would make it unlawful to refuse to hire, or to discharge or discriminate against any employee based on their sexual orientation. This Act would not apply to religious organizations or the United States Armed Forces. S.1584 has been referred to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. I am a member of this Committee and I have been closely monitoring the progress of S.1584.

I know that some Coloradans have expressed concerns that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act will provide special protections in the workplace to employees based on sexual orientation that will not be shared by all employees. This legislation explicitly prohibits preferential treatment for gay, lesbian and transgender employees in the workplace and has received broad support from businesses and corporations across our country. Additionally, churches, religious schools and religious corporations are exempt from complying with this Act.

I will keep your views in mind as opportunities arise to discuss this issue in the Senate.

I value the input of fellow Coloradans in considering the wide variety of important issues and legislative initiatives that come before the Senate. I hope you will continue to inform me of your thoughts and concerns.

For more information about my priorities as a U.S. Senator, I invite you to visit my website at http://bennet.senate.gov/. Again, thank you for contacting me.


Michael Bennet

United States Senator

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    • AinsleyTG
      The most important thing is to not let someone ELSE label you 
    • AinsleyTG
      I go jogging until I'm ready to collapse
    • Ivy
      Read a book?  (a trashy romance novel)
    • SilasG
      @awkward-yet-sweet I’m happy you GF is going to be okay. I’ve never heard or thought I’d ever hear a “Heart Attack” being called minor. You’ve got the right to be upset with her. She should pay more attention to what she’s eating and take better care about herself. Not only could it be worse than it was, doesn’t she understand the negative impact it’ll have on you and her loved ones if it were more serious. I pray this will be an eye opener for her to take better care of herself. I’m happy she’s going to be okay she’s lucky to have you.    Silas
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, I'm sitting at the hospital tonight.   GF and I were beginning to prepare dinner this afternoon, and she started to get chest pain.  She had a heart attack back in 2021, 2 days after giving birth to her last child.  So, if she has chest pain we take it seriously.  Took her to the ER, and she had a "minor" heart attack.  IDK how any heart attack can be called "minor" but that's what the doctors said.  And she's got an obstructed artery.  So she's having surgery this evening to put a stent in.    Girl just won't learn.  She is so stubborn!  She was told years ago that she eats too much junk, drinks too much, that she ought to have an anti-cholesterol medicine, etc.  She's not really overweight, but her arteries are not in good shape, and she's got heart issues.  But will she change her lifestyle? Oh, no, God forbid she actually live to age 40   I love her, I'm glad she's going to be OK, but I'm also kinda mad at her. 
    • AllieJ
      I'm back!  Such great discussion while I slept!  The right has presented us with a gift in basing their oppression around the term "Gender Ideology" in that it does give us a more concise target to argue. Sadly, while some great points have been raised, we still don't have something powerful to take to a debate.  The APA management admitted part of their reason to place "Gender Dysphoria" in the DSM-5 was to maintain a stream of funding in the US health system, but if the current trend of erasure continues, that funding may disappear. The WHO cleverly re named Transgender as Gender Incongruent, and removed it from their list of mental disorders to be described as medical under Sexual Health as a condition within the normal range of human experience. Trump doesn't like the WHO. Maybe our adherence to DSM-5 is part of our undoing with regard to "Gender Ideology"?   We are a varied community, basing our views on science, art, spirituality, and ideals, but Sally made a great point by saying we need to be a chorus if our song is to be heard. We need to decide which arguments would be most effective in debating "Gender Ideology" to convince, not us, but the viewing public. I roughly divide the public into right/conservatives 30%, left Progressives 30% and those in the middle who vote on the price of eggs 35% this totals 95%, and the remaining 5% are LBGTQIA. If we can win support of the left and middle (and maybe half of the LBGTQIA don't understand us) we have 65% of the public on our side, which should be enough to sway political thinking. Our song needs to win this section of the community, and the danger is that if we don't challenge "Gender Ideology" it will become rooted in our society, so there is a lot at stake!   "Gender Ideology" is garbage, we know that, so we should be able to debunk it!   Hugs,   Allie
    • AinsleyTG
      Just had luch with 3 friends from school at my apartment and now it's time to head to the mall. Shopping with other girls - that a new one for me. 
    • Ivy
    • Ivy
      I wasn't sure where to post this, but I thought it was worth a read.  If the Mods want it somewhere else, that's cool.   https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/hidden-history-transgender-affirming-health-care/?utm_source=mj-newsletters&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter-02-07-2025   "There is a common, ironic, and false justification for restricting transgender health care for youth: that it is “new” and “experimental.” Jules Gill-Peterson, a historian of transgender medical care and an associate professor of history at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, spoke with Mother Jones about how old gender-affirming medical care is—more than a century—and how that history informs the attacks we see today."    
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      This is why we have state's rights.  It preserves the wishes of people in various places.  Texans and Californians, for example, seem to generally have different ways of doing things.  So it makes sense that they get to do as they prefer in the places where they live.  And it also makes sense for people to move to a state where they feel most comfortable.  Choice is a good thing.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Sleep, definitely.  If the world is treating my like crap, I just curl up in my nest and everybody can leave me alone.  I also relax with physical affection from my partners.  I need a lot of touch regularly, just for emotional maintenance.  More if I'm stressed.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      @Carolyn Marie Interesting how they are particular about words.  Slimy like lawyers.    I favor an approach based in personal freedom.  Crush the medical establishment completely, and remove any perception of "authority" they have currently.  We, and humans in general, won't be free until the folks in white coats resume the role of paid service providers.  A lot of incumbent politicians, professors, and "experts" of various fields will need to be permanently removed from their positions and told find some sort of productive labor where they aren't acting as enemies of the people.    If it is my car, I get to choose the mechanic, choose what I want to fix, choose any customization that I want done, and if I don't like it the mechanic can take a flying leap and I'll pick a different one.  The mechanic doesn't get to have a say in my choices, what other mechanics I get to see, how I drive my car afterwards, or anything about other aspects of my life.  The only thing a mechanic is allowed to do is tell me what physically is or is not safe or possible with my car, and what services they offer.  The government doesn't have to subsidize my choices with taxpayer funds, and prices for mechanical services are reasonably affordable.  I can have anything I want, if I pay for it.  The same should be true for my body. 
    • Audrey
      Dear @Birdie, I am dismayed to hear about the latest developments at the day center you are attending. Egregious moments like these will sadly become more common and acceptable if "gender ideology" becomes the basis for policymaking at all levels. I suppose it never occurred to the center's leadership that there are 49 states other than Texas.   About "disorder" vs. "condition" distinction that @Carolyn Marie raised earlier. I wish the health care system could divorce itself from the disease model. I believe part of the intent of DSM-5's "gender dysphoria" replacing DSM-IV's "gender identity disorder" - to address stigma. But since 2013, the vitriol leading to terms like "gender ideology" has increased regardless of what the medical and psychological community has said. I agree that health insurance coverage must be maintained with parity for the treatments we seek. "Gender ideology" seeks to reverse that.   All hope is not lost though. The other day I was heartened by a glimmer of hope that my own insurer has moved breast augmentation out of the cosmetic category and into the medically necessary category.   Love, ~Audrey.
    • Birdie
    • missyjo
      I hope all of us receive such sprinkling of kindness n ..love. they make us feel..human n valued.   hugs to all who want them
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