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Estradiol = Sore Throat ?

Guest i is Sam :-)

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Guest i is Sam :-)

I can hardly believe it, I remember seeing someone else ask, and I checked the list of side effects cos I just figured it was crazy, why would it give you a sore throat? But Then I got a sore throat when I first started HRT, for a few days, and figured it was a coincidence, and then I put my dose up on monday and all today and still tonight I have a sore throat!!!

So... anyone else experience this?

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Guest Donna Jean

Never had that, Sam, but I did find in a couple of places that a side effect can be sore throat!

: dizziness, flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, unusual weakness/fatigue, sore throat, muscle aches), mental/mood changes, trouble sleeping, hair loss

That's weird....

Donna Jean

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Guest i is Sam :-)
Never had that, Sam, but I did find in a couple of places that a side effect can be sore throat!

That's weird....

Donna Jean

Yeah I think I saw that but took it to mean that the side effect was feeling like you had the flu. and I don't, I have none of the other flu symptoms. It'll only last 2 or 3 days anyway. I suppose there are some chemical changes maybe it upsets the balance of something, or maybe it is my glands swollen. would my body try to fight it???

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Guest Donna Jean
But Then I got a sore throat when I first started HRT, for a few days, and figured it was a coincidence, and then I put my dose up on monday and all today and still tonight I have a sore throat!!!

So... anyone else experience this?

Well, I guess that the same thing applies...give it a few days and see if it subsides...

Does it make swallowing difficult?

Donna Jean

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Guest i is Sam :-)

nah, i can eat fine, at least atm, it hasn't been more than a little bothersome, it feels kinda uncomfortable swallowing empty, but i haven't even bothered with having a throat lozenge.

i have felt unusually tired the last couple of days, so maybe that's a flu like side effect too.

hair loss lol i wish.

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Guest Hoslers_wife

I have bronchitis right now and I'm eating lemons like crazy. I dunno if it will help with a hormone side effect but it's worth a shot. :-)

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Guest amyj

Actually, this explains alot. I have gotten two severe cases of sore throat, both of which have lead to the entire loss of my voice. (Sounded like a frog for a few days.) At least now I can stop going to see my doctor when it happens, as his meds aren't going to do me any good.

Thanks for posting this!

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Guest Genie

I do tend to get sore throat while on HRT, but that's only because I have Chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm hoping you were not diagnosed with such a horrible condition!

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