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Pc Gamers

Guest Zabrak

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Guest Zolrek

How many PC gamers are on here? I mean hardcore PC gamers not the ones who just download and play...

The modders and the ones who create mods are what I'm talking about. I spend 40% of my PC gaming on modding...I absolutely love modding. I did a lot on KOTOR KOTOR2 and I played Morrowind. Also, lots of mmo's where you download and host your own and code your own settings and such...

Right now, I was able to get a hold of Oblivion, Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine. So my Oblivion is all updated. I've modding tons of different classes but the one I found online that I like the best would be the Winged Twilight. I'm the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Theif, Knight Brother and the MadGod of Shivering isles. There's lots more for me to do but like I said I just got a hold of Oblivion. I knew about it along time ago but I live in a crappy area for buying games...a new game store just opened and bang! A bunch of games I have access to now(I already had the xbox360 one along time ago)...

By the way its so true, after you spend weeks in the Shivering Isles, it seems like everyone else is insane and the people in Shivering isles are the sane ones. It felt so weird to leave the place I went right back to do more side quests and explore...

Any other gamer feel like their more at home in a game then in real life sometimes? I get that when I'm really into a game. Last one was Dragon age then before that Assassins Creed 2.

Man, I love gaming...

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I don't even own a console system, you don't get much more hardcore than that.

Never been real good at making mods, but I've played heavily modded Oblivion, KotOR 1 & 2, Fallout 3 and Dragon Age: Origins.

Oblivion was definitely fun, but the vanilla out of the box game doesn't do it any justice. Still it's definitely worth it to play the vanilla game beforehand though, otherwise there are alot of intricate little mod changes you won't notice from some of the larger mods (Unofficial Oblivion Patch, Oscruo's Oblivion Overhaul, Martigen's Monster Mod, etc.) Just be prepared to redo your oblivion install a lot when using mods, can be pretty hard to find some of those nasty incompatibilities sometimes.

I actually haven't loaded up a single player game since my last ME2 playthrough a month or two back; Been spending my spare time playing League of Legends and Aion.

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Guest Zolrek

I don't even own a console system, you don't get much more hardcore than that.

Never been real good at making mods, but I've played heavily modded Oblivion, KotOR 1 & 2, Fallout 3 and Dragon Age: Origins.

Oblivion was definitely fun, but the vanilla out of the box game doesn't do it any justice. Still it's definitely worth it to play the vanilla game beforehand though, otherwise there are alot of intricate little mod changes you won't notice from some of the larger mods (Unofficial Oblivion Patch, Oscruo's Oblivion Overhaul, Martigen's Monster Mod, etc.) Just be prepared to redo your oblivion install a lot when using mods, can be pretty hard to find some of those nasty incompatibilities sometimes.

I actually haven't loaded up a single player game since my last ME2 playthrough a month or two back; Been spending my spare time playing League of Legends and Aion.

The only vanilla games I liked was KOTOR and KOTOR2 I played through both at lest 100 times each before I started modding. Their good games.

I came across lots of errors modding, but I just go in and fix them myself...I never had to reinstall Oblivion. I've modding in areas, quests, armor, weapons and races so far.

I use to spend tons of time on MMO's but I got tired of all the restraints and all the extra money you spend on them...

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Guest Ashley C.

You mentioned Assassin's Creed 2...I'm currently knee-deep in it and loving every minute of it. It's definitely one of the most beautiful, engrossing games I've played in a long time. I also just ran through Mass Effect 2: Overlord last night on my old Shepard (the one I'm saving for ME3 in a few years). It's probably the best DLC I've ever played, but it's still DLC--meaning, it's far too short and doesn't really add anything meaningful to the overall game. Still, pick it up...it's got a nice little plot, and it just feels great shooting Geth again.

I've never modded anything, but I've often wondered if I'd be any good at it. I have a friend back in Virginia who makes some incredible maps for Counter-Strike. He does all the work by himself, and some of his maps take him years to build--but they're worth it once they're finally done.

As for being hardcore...;) let's just say that once Starcraft II hits next month, I probably won't be leaving my apartment for a couple weeks. Plus, I can't even imagine the sleep I'm going to lose when Civilization V hits later on this year.

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I modded the heck outta oblivion and morrowind, really the only way to play those games lol. I play my emulators more than anything, hardest to get to work right is Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess. Mostly just my nes games. I lervs me some castlevania and zelda.

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Guest Magan

I am a PC gamer for sure, I have an Xbox 360 but I hardly play games on it. I have Mass Effect for the Xbox and only got half way through it, then I picked it up for the PC and played through twice. I am looking forward to Mass Effect 2 but I am putting off getting it until I have the proper amount of time to sink into enjoying it. I love the Civilization games and I can't wait for version V. I have also played most of the games mentioned so far, I don't mod per say, but lately I have spent a lot of time in Second Life and I really enjoy building Sci-fy stuffs there. I probably spend 60% of my gaming time building and scripting stuff. I used to get lost in games all the time, but lately my real life has gotten more interesting and I poke my head out of my Gaming room now and then. But in the past there were times when being in a game felt much more real then real life.

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Guest Zolrek

Awesome amount of replies so far. At first I didn't expect many replies. To many people just play a game and don't bother to see how it works or make more out of it then the main content.

I played Mass Effect on my xbox360. As stated though, its just one of those games for mindless smashing and crashing and then you win. The storyline wasn't all too thrilling but it was fairly amusing. There are a lot of games that just don't raise to the ranks of something like Oblivion, kotor, Assassins Creed or Dragon age. FF13 was a huge disappointment when it came to 90% of the game. At the end there was more to do, but it was made so even the worst gamer in the world couldn't get lost. That's my problem with WoW too - its just too easy thus popular with a larger group of people, good or bad, and why game companies aim to make simple games to widen their target range. Conveniently forgetting the people who much rather have more to do or be challenged. Another good example of that is the Force Unleashed. It looked so great but it was way too simple. I am afraid its going to be the same for Force Unleashed 2. :(

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Yeah I won't go back to wow unless they make heroics harder and let me use my dang traps >.< I hate just spamming aoe on the mobs as the tank just blasts them with shockwave and thunderclap or whatever that classes aoe threat move is.

I know they won't make it harder, it will just keep getting easier and easier. Raiding was killed for me by the amount of time wasted just trying to form the group, explain to the people not to stand in the fire and watching as they are laid to waste by the easiest bosses. I have a funny copy pasta from wow off topic but it's a bit vulgar, however it accurately represents the WoW playerbase. I know I'm being harsh but the majority of that games playerbase is bad bad bad and very very hateful.

If I wanted to be called every hateful thing in the english language I would have just stayed at my grandpas. /rant off

Sowwy >.<

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Guest Zolrek

Rant away my friend. WoW is for the simple folks...its just gamer fact. There are way better MMO's out there but either way there's rude players on them. That's another reason I rather play alone.

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Part of me really misses my Draenei hunter. I mean I had so much fun on her, back in BC I wasn't the most hardcore but dangit I tried. I was never in a really good guild, we couldn't even beat lootreaver. Yes we were that much fail and I promptly gquit after the 5th wipe. I mean when the tanks are keeling over and the dps are dropping like flies you know something is wrong. Yet there I was wipe after wipe, LOLFEIGN DEATH! Yeah they hated the hunters in that group :3

Granted we had Kara on farm but this was during the time Sunwell had just come out. I really wanted that bow...god it was so sexy. I stopped raiding for a really long time, up til Wrath. I just focused on getting the gear outta Heroic Magister's Terrace. Now that was an instance OMG! I loved it and the cheesy line at the end was the icing! "Tempest Keep was merely a setback!" The design for all the Quel Danas area was just beatiful. Then comes Wrath, a big open white ugly place. Granted it was fun going through Naxx since I was just starting halfway in BC but Naxx got old really fast. For a while it was Naxx, VOA, and Sarth. We sucked too hard to get Malygos. Heroics were a breeze, this is where I got peed, see back in BC I prided myself on being one of the few competent hunters that actually pugged and could chain trap. They got rid of CC, I mean that was just like putting soft corners on all the walls and counters for the "special players"

I mean really was tossing up your trap 30 seconds before the fight started so hard? Then dropping another as soon as it got trapped? Hell no, so why take away CC? So the classes that should have been healing and tanking could be viable dps? Lame, those hybrid classes really should have been doing the job their class was meant for and using the dps for farming. If they wanted a tank or dps they should roll one, I mean heck that's what the 9 other slots on that server were for. I think I have gone off track, see I don't care if they do more dps than me, hey that just means we will tear it up but I don't like having to go to a LOLSPAMAOE fest because it's quicker. It's horrendously boring to spam volley because it's what gives me the most dps for that 10 second period where the enemy is still standing.

We need more instances like Mana tombs heroic, I mean those casters would really mess you up hardcore if you didn't trap them. That dot really hurt! I don't see a bright future for wow, especially since Actiblizz is now charging for every possible thing they can think of. All I see is another MMO where if you are loaded in real life you will get tons of ingame gear. Yes that is what is going to happen, I am pyschic :3

Seriously though I do believe that since they know people will pay for everything they will start selling gear. Even if they say they do not intend on this, they did not intend on letting you transfer from a pve to pvp server. Or change races, or sex which was cool for me cause i did it on all my toons. Yes I am that conceited and inconsistent with my personal values. They probably said more but I don't care enough to dredge it up. They have a taste for money and they will continue to milk it til it's dead. I don't blame them for it but I think it makes for a terrible game and gaming community.

Those are my big issues with it. You may be asking yourself, why does she care so much since she can just quit? Why bother complaining if you don't have to play it?

Well I'm glad I assumed you were thinking those things because I can answer dem! I payed for many many months of this game and I really really liked it, to a point where it was an addiction. I did quit, about 4 months or so ago. I really wanted to see how far they would go, I mean the story was great, yes I actually read the plot line. The game design was terrific, I loved the way it played, with mods it was even better. I guess I just got tired of seeing something I liked chewed up, crapped on and destroyed every time a certain group of players would voice their concerns on the forums. Meh Idk this is too much thought to dedicate to it. My rambling is over on that for now especially since this is not really the subject of this thread lol.

This is probably very hard to read due to me being up all night drawing a comic thingie for my friend lol. Meh sowwy =P

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Guest Ashley C.

I quit WoW a couple years ago, just before Wrath of the Lich King came out. I had a 62 Blood Elf Mage, but I just lost interest for some reason (got tired of the grind, I guess).

Zolrek, I hear you about games being too easy...did you ever play Ninja Gaiden for the original Xbox? It's up there as one of my favorite console games, and it's definitely one of the hardest. Yesterday, I played through NES Ninja Gaiden II and finished it for the first time in my life (I think the last time I played it was on an actual NES, when I was around six or seven years old haha ^^). It was kind of a hollow victory, however...I had to use savestates a few times, especially on the final three bosses. God, those cutscenes in-between levels have so many unintentionally hilarious moments, mostly due to the crappy English translation.

I'm curious...what's everyone's most challenging game they ever played that they simply couldn't get enough of?

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Guest NicolaiAE

Hmm...I may as well jump up on this topic :-)

I game. Quite often. I just picked up Dragon Age: Origins last weekend and am working on my first play through. I'm more of a First Person Shooter and RTS fan, but DA:O takes the cake for RPGs. I have an Xbox but honestly haven't touched it in a year, once I had my gaming rig back up and running. My main gaming is Team Fortress 2 - I'm in a clan for that as well as admin on the server. :-)

Used to play EverQuest back when I was 13, thought it was pretty cool, but I think I prefer solo RPGs though, unless it's on a LAN server - less movement on my screen the better. (Stuck running integrated GPU right now)

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Guest Zolrek

Well I'm glad I assumed you were thinking those things because I can answer dem! I payed for many many months of this game and I really really liked it, to a point where it was an addiction.

I understand. The problem when I MMO is I have too have the best and be the best otherwise I'm not happy. I'm not kidding when I say the mmo's I've played seriously, I've alway's been on the top 10 on the server. Once I made it to the top of the whole server but I had played that one for years. I get so addicted, so into it, that my mood will depend on how high I am on the server.

It's not worth it anymore.

I quit WoW a couple years ago, just before Wrath of the Lich King came out. I had a 62 Blood Elf Mage, but I just lost interest for some reason (got tired of the grind, I guess).

Zolrek, I hear you about games being too easy...did you ever play Ninja Gaiden for the original Xbox? It's up there as one of my favorite console games, and it's definitely one of the hardest. Yesterday, I played through NES Ninja Gaiden II and finished it for the first time in my life (I think the last time I played it was on an actual NES, when I was around six or seven years old haha ^^). It was kind of a hollow victory, however...I had to use savestates a few times, especially on the final three bosses. God, those cutscenes in-between levels have so many unintentionally hilarious moments, mostly due to the crappy English translation.

I'm curious...what's everyone's most challenging game they ever played that they simply couldn't get enough of?

I never got to play Ninja Gaiden, I will look that up. I've still got my XBOX Crystal and its in perfect shape so I'll still buy a good xbox game when I see one. However, I loved Thief for xbox. It was such a good game; I replayed it awhile ago, I bought it back when it came out. It's one of those really good old games. Fable, on the other hand, would of been better if it was longer. It's way too short.

Hmm...one of the games that was hard for me was Jedi Outcast for game cube. I just plain sucked at a FPS on gamecube - it wasn't even funny - but I still loved the game regardless of my trouble with the controller.

Hmm...I may as well jump up on this topic :-)

I game. Quite often. I just picked up Dragon Age: Origins last weekend and am working on my first play through. I'm more of a First Person Shooter and RTS fan, but DA:O takes the cake for RPGs. I have an Xbox but honestly haven't touched it in a year, once I had my gaming rig back up and running. My main gaming is Team Fortress 2 - I'm in a clan for that as well as admin on the server. :-)

Used to play EverQuest back when I was 13, thought it was pretty cool, but I think I prefer solo RPGs though, unless it's on a LAN server - less movement on my screen the better. (Stuck running integrated GPU right now)

Clans can be fun for certain games. I belonged to a clan on Metal Gear Solid but they all play Monster Hunter at the moment and I just lost my Wii. At lest for a while I wont have a Wii.

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I understand. The problem when I MMO is I have too have the best and be the best otherwise I'm not happy. I'm not kidding when I say the mmo's I've played seriously, I've alway's been on the top 10 on the server. Once I made it to the top of the whole server but I had played that one for years. I get so addicted, so into it, that my mood will depend on how high I am on the server.

It's not worth it anymore.

I used to be alot like that, I always just had to be at the top. I've definitely stopped caring about that now though, I just wanna have fun and enjoy myself, being numero uno is just a bonus.

I'm curious...what's everyone's most challenging game they ever played that they simply couldn't get enough of?

Minesweeper, I have never ever beat it and always swear I'm never trying again. Then ofcourse I try again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest RachaelAnn

Older games I used to play were MDK, Deer Hunter, and Dark Earth. At the time of their release they were pretty high tech, but that was when I was in high school, which isn't quite ancient history. Now I'm playing Age of Empires and Diablo II. I'm looking forward to Diablo III coming out. The last I heard it's supposed to come out, if I'm right, next November. But I could be way off base on that one. If I could ever get my DVD player to work right there would be a lot of other games I would be playing too, but theres something screwey going on with my comp.


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Guest Zolrek

Older games I used to play were MDK, Deer Hunter, and Dark Earth. At the time of their release they were pretty high tech, but that was when I was in high school, which isn't quite ancient history. Now I'm playing Age of Empires and Diablo II. I'm looking forward to Diablo III coming out. The last I heard it's supposed to come out, if I'm right, next November. But I could be way off base on that one. If I could ever get my DVD player to work right there would be a lot of other games I would be playing too, but theres something screwey going on with my comp.


If your DVD/disk reader for your computer isn't working then you need to replace or update it's driver. It's very simple - just go to a website for computer drivers updates and download, run a scan then update. Just be aware some of them will only scan then tell you to pay up some money to update them...but there are driver scanners/updaters that are 100% free. I can't think of one off hand right now, though.

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Guest Melanie Dawn

Rant away my friend. WoW is for the simple folks...its just gamer fact. There are way better MMO's out there but either way there's rude players on them. That's another reason I rather play alone.

Then I am a simple person... been playing wow since launch. I have tried well over 20 other mmos and for some reason i keep coming back.

Melanie Dawn

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Eh I just recently found the wonders of Lotro. Alot like wow in a bunch of ways but it has a single leg up on it. The band system, OMG this is so much fun, you buy a lute and with the 1-8 buttons you can make notes, shift goes a bit higher and ctrl goes even higher. So much fun just playing the deliverance banjo them :3 Lots of different items like a harp etc so you can make your own band. Soon to be free to play so I'm waitin for that!

Sure I'll find flaws with it just like any other game, over all though its really fun. Also you can has dye your clothes!

So overall IMO LOTRO>WoW for now. Plus I don't think I have to worry Lotro will try and sell our info to advertisers like Actiblizz tried before getting shot down by over 50k+ posts. I may try cata when I get better net and stuff but for now this lotro is going to be ftp and it will sate me til I can do something else.

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Guest Clockwork

I play PC more then console, but i don't really play a large variety of PC games. It's mostly L4d(2) and Team Fortress 2 via means of steam. I also play F.E.A.R but it's not very often. Game gets creepy as hell sometimes.

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Started playing Warsow and Quake Live the past 2 days, everything else feels really slow now.

On another note I saw this in the Overlock.net news, gave me a good chuckle.

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My computers aren't good enough for gaming. I used to play Perfect World, but once I moved I just can't get it to work well enough... maybe a worse internet connection... either way, haven't played in a year because of that. Sad because right before I left for college I even got one of my friends to play also, and then I couldn't.

Otherwise I like my consoles. I've always been more of a multiplayer game kind of person anyways. Like... racing games, fighting games, mario bros, but not not MASSIVE multiplayer games.

I'm not very hardcore at all. I have a hard time finishing video games... most of the time I just inherit them from my dad who's like to buy games but also never seems to finish them... I just get distracted or something.

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Guest Clockwork

On another note I saw this in the Overlock.net news, gave me a good chuckle.

I couldn't help but laugh at this. Of course pc users are going to own console players. They have better accuracy and they chance the button layout to fit them perfectly. In terms of controls, PC always wins.

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Guest Zolrek

I couldn't help but laugh at this. Of course pc users are going to own console players. They have better accuracy and they chance the button layout to fit them perfectly. In terms of controls, PC always wins.

PC gamers FTW. :P

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