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A Question For All Transgenders

Guest TigerFoxMatt

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Guest TigerFoxMatt

First off, wasn't sure where to put this, so feel free to move it if there's a better place. ^^;

If there was a hormone that could make you feel more like your physical gender, would you take it versus going through sex change?

Personally, I wouldn't. I just think that even though I would be happy, there would always be something missing that wouldn't be if I went through sex change.

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it depends on how one feels. i cannot make my feelings die.

may be one can live peacefully within the society but without feelings what will be the purpose to live???

it is the feelings that attaches you with your near ones.feeling always surfaces out however how much you try to curb it down.

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Guest Emily Ray

I love this question!

I also love being who I am, a transwoman. If given the choice of continuing my transition or being happy as a man I am with you I want to transition. I absolutly love being a girl the freedom to express myself in so many ways is available to me as a woman. I wouldn't change anything about myself. Because I have suffered so much pain in my life as a transgender person I have learned empathy for my fellow human beings.



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Guest KimberlyF

This is kind of a trick question in that I've always wanted to be comfortable with me, and if there were a hormone that made me comfortable in this body it would make me comfortable with someone else because I'm a woman. As to if I would take it or not, there are some days I know I would, and others I'm not so sure. I wish I could know how I'd end up?

And thats the difference. If I move forward with transition, it will be tough on people and on myself, but the core of who I am and what I stand for will never change. And the people I care for would have to start to realize that on a base level I'm mostly the same person. Jeans or skirts I'd still be there for them at 1 in the morning if they called me.

If I took a pill that made my mind fit my body it would have to alter me to the core. Who I am, what I like to do, how I like to interact with people, etc. I don't know if I'd like that person. And this isn't an all guys are evil thread or anything like that. And I KNOW guys that would be there for me if I called them at 1 am...but still a pill like that would be changing me vs trying to make me comfortable with myself.

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Guest Donna Jean


Good question......

Now...this far into transition, I'd never go back for any reason....

But, had you asked me 40 years ago when my mind was in pieces and not being able to understand what was happening to me? I just might of done it. I've been a woman all these years, but some of the pain and misery that I had before my understanding may of caused me to do it..

Donna Jean

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I might have to take it just for my wife and children. I wouldn't have to put them through what I am doing now. It really is a hard question because I really want to get rid of that down there. Plus I have always dreamed of being a girl with no maleness in me at all.

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the pill would also have to erase my memory too. being...... diffrent is one of the very first memories. i remember having.while transsexuality does not define me . it has shaped me into to who. i am . as a person . if it was suddenly gone. it would be a blessing and a nightmare. a blessing to not have to feel these feelings . a night mare cause my body. is so far past the point of going back. and i have built such a huge life around being a girl. that it would be harder going back than staying the same . and besides. i really genuinly love being a girl :) so, i would have to say no


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Guest GwenMichelle

For me no I would be just kidding myself, wouldn't feel like the natural solution for me and it would just seem like there would be a big void in me after.

So NO for me :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Distort


In the past? Maybe.

I think, I've reached a point where I truly and honestly accept myself, whether or not I'm happy in my current situation. The idea of making myself feel female actually kinda makes me feel nauseous. I don't think I could make myself take a 'cure', and if I did manage to then I think there'd be quite a bit of self-loathing carried through because of that act, even once the dysphoria was gone.

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  • Forum Moderator

I have said for decades-not realizing I was trans even-"I am not my body!"

I cannot speak for others but for me, to take a pill like that would be the ultimate betrayal of everything I believe in. I always wanted to change how I expressed who I was so I fit in better. I always wanted to understand what seemed to come so easily to others and so desperately hard to me, but never, ever wanted to change my core being. And although I didn't have the semantics right until recently my core is and was and always will be male. If I changed that I would no longer be me. Believe me there were people in my childhood as determined to change me as I was determined to retain my identity.

It's funny that this topic made me realize my feelings would be no more acceptable today to my grandfather than they were when he was beating me for being such an bad girl. For taking his tools and building things, or taking my shirt off when I played or standing up and defending myself and preferring playing outside in the dirt to learning to care for a house. A pill could have avoided all that.

And I'd of rather died than take it-then or now.

But I don't condemn others who feel differently. We are all different and only have the right to judge for ourselves.



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Guest ChloëC

I've said it in other responses around here - exactly what makes you, you? If there were some way to change yourself from what you are, to something else, would you still be you? An example is that movie 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. At the end, the people still looked the same, and they were all 'happy' and 'contented'. But were they still the same people? Of course not.

If I were to have amnesia and told and re-inforced that I'm a happily adjusted male, would I be that? Am I still me after amnesia? A well known if not particularly common 'cure' for some kinds of pyschoses was a frontal lobotomy - that is, removing part of the brain. Are you still you after that? How can you possibly be, because parts of what has made you you (memories, responses, etc) are now gone.

And if we're talking about miracle drugs, supposed your child exhibited tg tendancies and you could give your child this pill that would 'correct' that. Would you? Would you take it upon yourself to play 'God' and change your child? And why would you do that? For your child's well being or for yours?

Tough questions

Me, I am what I am, if I wanted to be different I could just take LSD the rest of my life. Sorry, not for me.



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I thought about your question and after giving it some thought, it would take more than a hormone to make my life better.

In addition to thinking and feeling like a female inside. My size and cost are factors to why I don't see myself ever going through the dream surgery, not to mention cowardice. But where my size would be a problem as a female, on the other side of the coin, another size problem prevents me from being comfortable as a man if you get my drift.

As much as I hate to admit it, I find myself sucked into the mythos that have plagued males and females forever. Perhaps if I'd been born in this day and age where changes are more accepting than they were in my youth and family, I could make the change. And while I've only come out to my wife and daughter, I know that I would support any of the younger ones in my family if they decided to make a change and would come out to the family so that they knew they weren't alone.

But having said all this, I can't really complain about my male life. I served 20 years in the Air Force and have enjoyed many of the things that are perceived as male dominated activities.

Since joining Laura's, I've come to believe that I'm a product of both genders, not just one or the other.


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When i was young, and if it erased those memories, i would have taken it to be able to live a normal life, now i would not take it.


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Guest Kayliegh

First off, I do not think of being MTF or FTM and wanting to be the gender we should have been and having corrective surgery is "having a sex change." I think of it as being the correct gender - thus being a "gender change."

While I know many of the folks out there in the world think that we are "transsexual," I think of myself as being transgendered. "Sex" has nothing to do with it. I do not “dream” of having sex with a man as a woman – that is not what I am looking for or hoping for – I simply want to be a woman; the gender I should have been at birth. So why do people insist on using the term “sex” in explaining our transformation as something having to do with “sex?” It certainly is not for me.

Secondly, I would not want to be anyone other than who I am. Is a Hispanic person who doesn't look Hispanic a Caucasian or some other race? I think not.

Just because our outward appearance does not match who we were supposed to be, can “flipping a switch” make us someone we are not? Again, I think not.

Hope no one takes offense, but I would prefer the term “transgendered” when you are describing me or any surgery I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a really interesting question.l

I definitely wouldn't take it. Which is kinda weird since it goes against the principles I generally follow. But there are other exceptions, so it's fine.

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Guest AlishaToMe

Good question

As someone who is just starting out on the journey to full realisation it would be an option to think about but in essence it would be a pill to change my soul, something that should be free and unchained. My soul is female and who i really am, my thoughts and feelings, how i perceive the world around me,my dreams and aspirations all come from within, from my soul, to change that would make me an entirely different person. changing my body to match my feelings just changes how others perceive me and hopefully will make me more comfortable and confidant with my own image.

Would i want to change my soul...no, i like who i am, that's why i want the body to match.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I wouldn't take it, and I probably wouldn't have taken it when I was younger. In spite of the difficulties I think I am special and would lose that if I took that pill.


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Simply put in the form of another question - wouldn't taking that pill just be continuing to live your life the way it is expected by others rather than being true to yourself?

I do not feel defined by any gender label - I am me, call me Sally or not I remain the same, ignore the facts and tell me that I am totally wrong and am not transgendered at all and nothing changes, I remain me - a unique individual with a difficult situation in life but then so is everyone else but so many fail to live for themselves, I haven't yet - maybe tomorrow...........

Love ya,


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Guest Jace Quent

No way. I can't imagine feeling like that. To me, feeling like my biological sex/gender is the real "sex change". I've felt male as long as I can remember and couldn't really see myself behaving, looking or thinking any other way.

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THat's a good question and I can definitely understand why someone would do that, but, even if I had a gun to my head, I wouldn't do it cuz to me, it would be the death of who I am as a person

so no, I wouldn't do it

-D T-S.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Leo the First

Right now, I wouldn't. I couldn't.

I mean, I'm still having a rough time with it emotionally but ... I accept it now xD So it's a part of who I am as a person. I don't want to lose any part of me.

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    • Carolyn Marie
      https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/02/tories-will-allow-bars-on-trans-women-says-kemi-badenoch?CMP=share_btn_url   The conservatives in the U.K. have adopted the American GOP playbook and are intending to ban trans folk, in particular trans women, from the public square.  Erasure is a stated goal of theirs now.  It is a sad thing to see.   Carolyn Marie  
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Interesting.  But.... doesn't going through this court case fix the reputation aspect by itself?  I mean, all they have to do is print off a copy of the news story/court proceedings.  "Hey look, a judge and jury said it wasn't true."  And since there's no criminal history, it doesn't affect a background check.    As for not getting "any" work...really?  I've known some extremely squirrelly people to get good jobs, including actual molesters/abusers with real history that can be found on a background check.  How possible is it to prove a negative statement such as "I can't get any work" in court?     Perhaps if this person lives in a small town where nobody knows they do drag-queen stuff on the side, being outed could cause issues.  But is that a factor that was considered in this case?  And isn't being outed if you've got a "secret drag queen life" a risk that simply goes along with that activity?  I would be interested to see the  proof of loss the jury received.  Is that usually a public document, or sealed? 
    • VickySGV
      Best of luck with all good fortune for the healing of those feelings.
    • VickySGV
      Eighteen years is not nearly long enough if your reputation has been damaged to the extent that you will absolutely never get employment of ANY SORT and your potential work life is 30 years.   Even people in Trades work do not want to hire you at the lowest sweeper levels. You cannot work in some fields where you are professionally licensed (and you lose the licenses as well) because you work with actual minors.  We are not told what the person's "Day Job" really was in this case but Drag performance is NOT a job any time to get rich on unless you get a full fledged entertainment contract like RuPaul.  My friends here that do Family rated Drag performance cannot live on it and have other highly responsible jobs in other parts of the entertainment industry or some other fields  To come up with that figure, actual proof of loss must be given to the jury and they must accept it if it meets the Preponderance Of The Evidence rule for Common Law levels.  $51K per year would be the salary of a Teacher or even Licensed Vocational Nurses neither of which could be filled by a person required to registered as a child molester or abuser as this was.  The $250K punitive damages were the lesser of the awards so this overall verdict was based on sworn and verified evidence of the amount of actual damage.  My 40 year career was in the legal system where I had to know courts and the law system including slander and libel.   
    • EasyE
      Gender rarely enters my dreams. I dream a lot about traveling and being on a journey somewhere. Recently, I did dream that I was out in public wearing one of my female sleepwear items. I remember thinking I had better get inside before someone saw me. 
    • KayC
      Hi @NoEli6 - Thank you for sharing your story and concerns over your feelings. I cannot give you statistics or even a valued opinion on the difference in MtF and FtM experiences and who faces the most challenges - But from my own life experience and my personal unique Trans journey I can say this - I think we ALL as humans bring our own baggage and unique challenges with us ... and the vast majority of that has nothing to do with our Transgender identity.  Everybody ... Every Body ... will face their own unique obstacles and fears, but also their own unique victories and growth.  This is what Life is ... and what is most noble is when we can live as our true authentic selves and celebrate and support others in the same way.  So ... I hope you can let go of your concerns, embrace others with their own peculiar (and sometimes harmful) faults.  Live your Life as you are. And please stay with us and share your experiences with others.  This is what we call Community.
    • KayC
      Happy Pride everyone!! (my first year to be able to openly participate)
    • KayC
      Great statement of support!!  Thank you @Carolyn Mariefor sharing.
    • Ashley0616
      Still building 
    • Ashley0616
    • MaeBe
      Thank you for sharing your story with us, Kay! It’s not nonsense of which you write! I am glad to hear your family is with you. It truly is wonderful having support at home.    💜Mae
    • MaeBe
      Dreams, the latest battleground of dysphoria.   My dreams have been a battlefield between my socialized gender and the gender I’m living.   I feel like I should personify myself in dreams as feminine, however I find I’m “male” is many. It’s been difficult waking up when I remember the dream, as if the dream is telling me I am male and I am lying to myself. In these dreams, I do tend to have gender struggles, though; a recent dream had me choosing between gendered bathrooms, being “forced” into the men’s room by the women’s being opened from the inside by a woman and “scaring” me off. I felt wrong going into the men’s room, same as I do in waking hours, and it adds to my stress that I don’t seem to honor myself in my dreams.   How do you dream? Do you embody your lived gender or your socialized one?
    • Kay3Seven
      Hello! I'm Kay. And, I'm no good at introducing myself. Far too indecisive to be simple or easy. So I figure if I put it all out here, transparent and honest with y'all and myself, maybe I can make some real connection, maybe some life long... dare I say... friends!... anyhooo. The "quick" overview of my life: I'm 38, was born in 87 in Idaho where I still live(sigh) A happy little boy, I ran and jumped and played in the dirt. I was exactly what most imagine when they think of happy little boy, but only on the outside. By first grade I knew I was different. I got along with the girls better, and had lost most interest in boy dominated things. I was raised with 1 older and 1 younger sister. We played dress up, and with barbies, and I was happy. I still had lots of boy qualities tho, loved getting dirty and climbing things etc. So, nobody saw that I was different. By third grade I knew that I wasn't supposed to be in this body. I started a new school, lost my couple friends, couldn't explain to anyone why I was sad, and mad and I started acting out. I got into trouble nearly daily. I was diagnosed ADHD, and stuffed full of meds. It just made things worse. I remember feeling like I could tell anyone anything that I felt inside. So I acted out more, getting into fights, skipping school to just wander around town alone. Then the summer between 3rd-4th grade came.. that summer was spent with my dad and step mom, and step siblings. That summer I was molested by my older step brother, he also molested my sisters and a couple neighbor kids. It messed me up in ways I didn't understand until I was much older.  I was scared, but finally told my mom just before Christmas that same year. Then it all unfolded, life was never the same. But not in the way you might think.  My step brother went away, and all of the kids including myself went into therapy. For years.  (Now, the part I didn't understand for a long time)  I knew that what happened was wrong, and I was not to blame. But, I also never felt like I was damaged from it. It was a thing that happened, but I moved on very quickly. I did not want to be in therapy, so I refused to cooperate for years. I went thru a handful of counselors and therapists. I tried to open up once, about wanting to be a female. They said "it must be a way to cope with a male taking advantage of me" and "you don't want to be a girl, your confused"... it really put me behind mentally having an adult tell me that I didn't know how I wanted to present externally. It was the first person I told anything to, really made me shut down.  I didn't get a passing grade in any class since that day. I kept my secret, and lashed out at the world.  My poor mom, I drug her thru the mud for years. She's the most amazing person, I wish I would have known that she would love me no matter what. But... I didn't. I got into fights, out past curfew, and ended up on probation, even did some time in juvenile detention. It wasn't all a bad childhood tho. My mom loved us kids, we grew up poor, but loved.  *Details you'll need later: I spent a lot of time cross dressing from about fourth grade on. Even more confusing, once I discovered my sexuality by myself, I knew I was very primarily attracted to women, but also learned that I very much enjoy an*l play... very confusing set of circumstances at a young age..  Back to it now. Once seventh grade came around my older sister came out as bi-sexual. She was in ninth grade, and she was my hero. And it nearly gave me the strength to talk to my mom about myself. But before I could I overheard a conversation between my dad and stepmom, tearing my mom down, saying that my sister would be "normal" if she had a better mom... it hurt my soul so much watching her get bullied, losing friends, and being the odd one out. I went deeeep back into my hole. I didn't come out of that hole for 22 years.  I dropped out of school the day I turned 16, and went to work. I found lifelong friends in the automotive racing community, I forced myself to be an alpha male type. It was the hardest years of my life. But at least I wasn't alone. I'm still great friends with a couple of them to this day.  Years after high school, and probation and all the woes of youth I found myself to be very lost in life. I had just gone thru a major heartbreak, I was 22 and spiraling into a dark place. My best friend talked me into moving across state to go to college with him, and so off we went. I would call boise Idaho huge, but it was big to me. That's where I met my now wife of ten years. She's amazing. We have a nearly nine year old daughter, finally this year bought a home. She has a great career, I'm still not super set on a career, but have always had a good paying job. (I think I might go to back to school, shhhh, let's keep it between us as to not jynx it...., hopefully I find a job I can love instead first.) My loving wife is the reason I was finally able to come out, to process my hectic life, to start transitioning, and to be myself for once. I had a coming apart a couple years back, I was horrified that I would lose her, lose my daughter, my close family and my friends. I was so wrong. Apparently she's always known something was off. She had some mild worries that I might be interested in men from the way I carry myself, my interest in more femme things. She was relieved when I finally told her, she had been living with the fear that I was going to leave her someday for a lifestyle that better fit me. She was scared to lose her best friend. I'm now happy to say, my wife and daughter, mom and 3 sisters, and my closest friends are all in the loop. And they all support my changes.  I'm very lucky, dare I say blessed... lol. I'm still not out publicly, if your from idaho you might understand. It's very hard to be different here.  But I'm coming up on 8 months on hrt, have had 6 laser sessions on my face, still working on my weight, I'm a chunker(sugary things are my weakness lol.. and I've been slowly over the last couple years wearing things I love. I paint my nails, I wear mascara, I'm not really hiding things from the world. But also not pushing it into the light. Wow... I can go on like this forever! If you've made it here, thank you for sticking with me!  It feels good to be able to put all of my nonsense somewhere.  xoxo, Kay  
    • Mikayla2024
      thank you !! 😊   thank you girly! I was at Walmart today and my head shifted towards the women’s clothing while carting (not Mario Karting - just to be clear) by it. I felt all kinds of euphoria.    See, I would buy online but I don’t really know my size(s) off the bat yet or what fits me, but I want to start presenting as feminine at home and socially asap. Going out in androgynous clothing even though it’s mostly lulu is causing gender dysphoric symptoms to flare a bit. Once I figure out my size(s) I do plan to shop online, SHEIN being one of those places as my wife is also addicted.    I heard jersey and I assume you’re a sports fan!! But, I can SO imagine your walk-in closet 😍😍😍
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I think trans women have more visibility simply because there are more of them.  Note the numbers on this forum...way more folks are MtF than FtM, it seems, and the FtM subforum is less busy than other areas.  I have some guesses about why that might be in society, but its not very relevant.  Being a minority of a minority of a minority is just part of our experience.  Not good or bad, it just is.    But yeah, you don't have to be MtF to experience crime.  I was assaulted and injured back in 2022.  My attacker didn't know about me being FtM/intersex, but clearly identified me as being under the LGBTQ+ umbrella.  It was reason enough, I guess.  Since then, it is really rare for me to leave home by myself for any reason.  Not that my problems are any worse than anybody else's.... quite the contrary, as I suspect I probably have it easier due to my family situation.  Just a personal example that crap happens and none of us are totally shielded. 
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