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Are We Actually Just Being Used?

Guest Jessica22450

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Guest Jessica22450

Hello, the reason I bring this up is because regardless of political views, I think what i'm seeing behind the "Yes we're being heard!" chanting, that more and more each day, we're nothing more than a political pawn, something that lately it's the left-wing, but the right isn't fully innocent, but I feel they have done what they've done what they've done in D.C. not to help us but so they can go back to the electorate and say "See we actually did something, what do you think the other side would've done?". And it isn't just the slimy politicians, The Media is also guilty of playing these political games, take the recent event at the mall "The Rally to restore Sanity" a.k.a 10.02.10, what was that about? to me another political game, civil rights groups were there, but, only jobs, unions, etc. were mentioned, I ask you please examine this, whether you're Liberal, conservative, or Libertarian, what is really going on, and are we really being heard? or is it just a political fight for bragging rights? Thank you.

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Guest April63

Sadly much of today's politics is just a popularity game with a lot of money involved. American political parties are a joke (unfortunately). My philosophy is just to try and vote for the right thing, but along with it you get a bunch of junk and votes for the wrong thing.

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Guest KimberlyF

Both sides play their base and do as little as possible to keep them coming back. Bush held the abortion carrot for years and with both houses there was no movement. In 2009 with the biggest margins in my lifetime there was zero real talks by the Dems over DADT. Now last week a few bite the bullet for the tough vote and the rest won't have to even officially vote for it. Why no talk of the nuclear option and limiting the opposition party? Cause this isn't about controlling billions like HC. We tried...shucks!

My view that one parties members are better than the other could be slightly tainted by the fact I live in a city that never goes R and I work on a union job loaded with racist masogynistic homophobes who do nothing but badmouth how evil Chaney was. Their dictionaries don't have irony in them. Oh and Muslims spread bedbugs.

We need to dissolve the two party good old boy system and have candidates run on what they and not their party stands for.


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Guest TracieV3

Hello, the reason I bring this up is because regardless of political views, I think what i'm seeing behind the "Yes we're being heard!" chanting, that more and more each day, we're nothing more than a political pawn, something that lately it's the left-wing, but the right isn't fully innocent, but I feel they have done what they've done what they've done in D.C. not to help us but so they can go back to the electorate and say "See we actually did something, what do you think the other side would've done?". And it isn't just the slimy politicians, The Media is also guilty of playing these political games, take the recent event at the mall "The Rally to restore Sanity" a.k.a 10.02.10, what was that about? to me another political game, civil rights groups were there, but, only jobs, unions, etc. were mentioned, I ask you please examine this, whether you're Liberal, conservative, or Libertarian, what is really going on, and are we really being heard? or is it just a political fight for bragging rights? Thank you.

I am coming out of lurking to answer you question Jessica.

The sad fact is that yes, those in D.C. whom claim to be in support of GLBT issues are only paying lip-service to transgendered people. The latest example is the abandonment of democrats this year on amending "Hate Crime" laws to protect transgendered people.

It is worse when you realize that most groups in this country, from all across the political spectrum are being used by those in government. And no one in these groups are getting anything in return.

This is one of the major reason you will find why the "Tea Party" is an anti-incumbent movement. The people from all walks of life are peed off at being used and abused by those in power, those in government.

Right now, neither party in power supports transgendered people.

Sometimes we have to step back, to a look at the situation of whole forest, and wait for the opportunity act.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Melisiris

The tea-party is not a grassroots movement it is funded and founded by the Koch brothers(multi billionaires out of the oil industry) and penis Army(republican) and friends to secure their special interest money. Those people in power(well they already have some power but giving them more power) will be worse than anything you can ever imagine. So support the lesser evil, support the democrats.(I can't vote, I am not an american citizen, but i know what i would do))

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Guest ChloëC

Where I live slightly in the country on a fairly popular dirt road, I have two political signs in my front yard which is right at the top of a hill. One for a Democrat, one for a Republican. I'm sure anyone passing thinks I must be crazy for not supporting the one party or the other. I think I'm one of few actual intelligent voters because I actually look at the voting records, I read the candidate's stances on issues. I actually talk to the candidates when I can.

But, yes, we are being used, because we aren't a significant voting block yet. When upwards of 40% of the voting public can support a dead person or a convicted criminal, because that's what the losing candidate in a two party system can almost assuredly get, we're in big trouble. And that includes all small groups like us.

Another reality is that in looking at all the public figures, there really isn't a single one today that looks fit to be President. The Republican party was practically destroyed in the last election. If someone wanted to destroy the Democratic party, well, our current leader couldn't have done a much better job. I'm not happy with our current leadership, and I am extremely fearful for what may happen with anyone else.

The Tea Party really is for getting rid of all taxes. Really. That is their ultimate goal. By doing that, Federal Government will disappear, and the big corporations will be able to do just as please with no one stopping them. The appeal to the 'little man/woman', by those who control the Tea Party is just as phony as the appeal to the 'little man/woman' by either major party. It's about power, control, and money. And we as tg have little...or none.

As rich as the rich currently are, they want to get richer, and unfortunately that will happen by making us poorer.

I'm in the interview process for a job right now, with a very big US company, and after the first interview, I understand completely what it's all about. They are creating a new structure with lower pay and benefits than what they are currently giving their employees. It would appear if this new structure is successful, it will jeopardize a large number of current jobs. I'm not happy about it, personally. I suppose I could take my principles and march right out and over the unemployment office, but that won't pay a lot of bills, and anyway when the Republicans take office, those allowances will dry up, with no new jobs in sight.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Moderator

We need to dissolve the two party good old boy system and have candidates run on what they and not their party stands for.


No kidding !! The 2 party system is the problem. However it's so entrenched it will never go away in my lifetime, I'm afraid.

Cindy (libertarian hippie chick) -

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Guest Donna Jean

"penis Army", hehe, this is one of the few occasions the censoring on this site makes it worse, it makes a normal first name into penis.

And sometimes it just makes it "sing".....LOL

Donna Jean

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No kidding !! The 2 party system is the problem. However it's so entrenched it will never go away in my lifetime, I'm afraid.

Cindy (libertarian hippie chick) -

Not necessarily, Cindy...

Just look at the UK. For decades the Conservatists and the Labour Party, had been taking turns ruling the country and acting on behalf of "her Majesty, the Queen". And yet, now for the first time in decades, there is a cabinet formed out of two parties: the Conservatists, and the Liberal Democrats. (Or 'LibDem', for short)

Because, with the last elections, neither of the big parties had enough seats in the Commons for a sufficient majority.

Oh, and by the way: Nick Clegg, the head of LibDem, is of Dutch descent.


Tiaria (your bread-and-peanut butter socialist)

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  • Forum Moderator

Not necessarily, Cindy...

Just look at the UK. For decades the Conservatists and the Labour Party, had been taking turns ruling the country and acting on behalf of "her Majesty, the Queen". And yet, now for the first time in decades, there is a cabinet formed out of two parties: the Conservatists, and the Liberal Democrats. (Or 'LibDem', for short)

Because, with the last elections, neither of the big parties had enough seats in the Commons for a sufficient majority.

Oh, and by the way: Nick Clegg, the head of LibDem, is of Dutch descent.


Tiaria (your bread-and-peanut butter socialist)

Yes Tiaria, I realize the power two opposing forces. I think in the case of the US the time is ripe for a 3rd force to balance out things a bit more. 2 parties just seems limited in what it can accomplish and is really not representative. There was a time in US politics when 3 parties were quite viable, however that was long in the past.

BTW have been to UK and Netherlands, very nice to visit there.

Peace for earth (maybe, there is hope).

Cindy -

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It doesn't really matter why they do what they do. If we can get them to support our cause in any way that's fine with me.

If we say "we'll reelect you next term if you do this.", are we not the ones pulling the strings?

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Yes Tiaria, I realize the power two opposing forces. I think in the case of the US the time is ripe for a 3rd force to balance out things a bit more. 2 parties just seems limited in what it can accomplish and is really not representative. There was a time in US politics when 3 parties were quite viable, however that was long in the past.

BTW have been to UK and Netherlands, very nice to visit there.

Peace for earth (maybe, there is hope).

Cindy -

Even 'worse', here, Cindy...

Our house of representatives has (last time I checked) 250 seats, with (darm, lost count) about ten parties dividing it. Every election there are about 18 parties on the billet, since we have a low treshhold for electability.

I have never seen a single party in charge. Compromise, every four years. And such cabinets have direct accountability to the House of Represetatives.

A few months ago, there was a fierce debate on LGBT rights, including being able to change your legal gender without sterilization. That is, without SRS.

Don't remember the outcome, though.

Oh, and Cindy? You're welcome to drop by, again, any time ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TracieV3

The tea-party is not a grassroots movement it is funded and founded by the Koch brothers(multi billionaires out of the oil industry) and penis Army(republican) and friends to secure their special interest money. Those people in power(well they already have some power but giving them more power) will be worse than anything you can ever imagine. So support the lesser evil, support the democrats.(I can't vote, I am not an american citizen, but i know what i would do))

The democrat party is using us. I go into details below, and I offer some ideas for solutions to help us.

Now, I would think people here would know better than to make broad, generaized statements. Soros, a billionaire as well, has his hands in almost every political group on the democrat side. By your standards there are no grassroots in this nation, just puppet organizations for special interest groups.

We both no that is not true.

Has anyone here actually tried to approach the Tea Parties group in a polite manner?

And attacking the republicans in one overgeneralize statement is counterproductive. There are several issues that can be used to bridge transgender issues to reach out to republicans. Start with the basically. For example, the Pink Pistols, a gay pro-gun ownership organization, and work for there. Jobs would also be another issue to work with.

Obamacare is going to make it harder me and others to pay for HRT. It pushes back my plans for years, given obamacare creates higher taxes, and more government bureaucracy between me and my doctors. And if those in D.C, IN BOTH PARTIES, are any example, obamacare will do it's best to prevent transsexuals from getting the medical care we need.

I have read some of obamacare's thousands of pages, that is more than the people in D.C. whom voted for it did. The bill is all about limiting medical access and resources for everyone except the politicians think

Communism, fascism, islam and a number of other systems are very anti-trans anything to the point of torture and execution. At least in a capitalist system we have a chance to make the money to afford to transition ourselves. That is not going to be the case in the communist system this nation is becoming.

Transgender people have been towing the line for the democrat party for decades with only crumbs to show for results. It is not working. We as a people need to start playing all the angles we can. Not just supporting one party. We need to find inroads to politically support individuals from all parties. Now, if you have a better idea, I am listening.

And if you are wonder, I have been on the receiving end of a lot of abuse from both government and religion, and those in government are far more sadistic. I have received bigotry from all sides. I am a capitalist anarchist.

I don't like the democrat party for bigotry I have personally received from their members. As far as a lot of democrats are concerned, because I was born south of the mason-dixie line, white skin, physically born male, as far as the democrat members I have personal met are concerned, I am a born dump bigot that hates non-whites and women (which I don't), and that if those democrat members had their way, I would either spend the rest of my life in prison, or executed by government because of the circumstances of my birth.

A few years ago, I told my parts I was a transsexual, there VERY conservative, and they told me that they would love me no matter what.

So, I highly suggest not to burn bridges until you at least try to cross them.

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Where I live slightly in the country on a fairly popular dirt road, I have two political signs in my front yard which is right at the top of a hill. One for a Democrat, one for a Republican. I'm sure anyone passing thinks I must be crazy for not supporting the one party or the other. I think I'm one of few actual intelligent voters because I actually look at the voting records, I read the candidate's stances on issues. I actually talk to the candidates when I can.

But, yes, we are being used, because we aren't a significant voting block yet. When upwards of 40% of the voting public can support a dead person or a convicted criminal, because that's what the losing candidate in a two party system can almost assuredly get, we're in big trouble. And that includes all small groups like us.

Another reality is that in looking at all the public figures, there really isn't a single one today that looks fit to be President. The Republican party was practically destroyed in the last election. If someone wanted to destroy the Democratic party, well, our current leader couldn't have done a much better job. I'm not happy with our current leadership, and I am extremely fearful for what may happen with anyone else.

The Tea Party really is for getting rid of all taxes. Really. That is their ultimate goal. By doing that, Federal Government will disappear, and the big corporations will be able to do just as please with no one stopping them. The appeal to the 'little man/woman', by those who control the Tea Party is just as phony as the appeal to the 'little man/woman' by either major party. It's about power, control, and money. And we as tg have little...or none.

As rich as the rich currently are, they want to get richer, and unfortunately that will happen by making us poorer.

I'm in the interview process for a job right now, with a very big US company, and after the first interview, I understand completely what it's all about. They are creating a new structure with lower pay and benefits than what they are currently giving their employees. It would appear if this new structure is successful, it will jeopardize a large number of current jobs. I'm not happy about it, personally. I suppose I could take my principles and march right out and over the unemployment office, but that won't pay a lot of bills, and anyway when the Republicans take office, those allowances will dry up, with no new jobs in sight.



Chloe, you brought up an interesting point. Many people do not do their homework on the candidates. I have moved away from the political parties years ago. It's up to us as citizens to speak for ourselves. I am part of an organization that gets no government funding or corporate backing. It's working to create an independent media that speaks to the concerns of every day citizen.

There are many organizations that won't support because they're nothing more than money making scams. If I mentioned a few, I would probably get crucified but it's the truth. I have said that transgender people need to speak for themselves. I'm at the point in my life where I want to make a difference in someone's life. I don't have time for semantics and politics.



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  • 2 weeks later...

"penis Army", hehe, this is one of the few occasions the censoring on this site makes it worse, it makes a normal first name into penis.

And in this case correctly so..what is former V.P Cheney's first name?...how appropriate can we get.....both the first names apply, for Army and Cheney,and what a dumb derivative of Richard,unless you think of Richard III , then the name applies,...

The censor has it right....biggrin.gif

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Guest stranger

I think that the U.S. electorate isn't getting served so much as "serviced," so we genderly-interesting people aren't alone...

Basically, we would ALL like good jobs, good healthcare, and expanding opportunities. Even those Americans who hate us want that.

I think the whole social agenda thing was a distraction from that, and if you said to a bunch of American bigots: "Would you vote in politicians who locked up the LGBT people if it meant those same politicians also sent your jobs overseas?" the answer would be "NO!"

Even people who don't like us don't hate us that much.

The funny thing is? they voted for anti-GLBT politicians, we are still slowly advancing, and their jobs got shipped overseas anyway. They got played.

How many years have people been organizing against the right to choose? And abortions are still mostly legal?

Because they got played, too.

The politicians are mostly a force for stagnation...sometimes that's good, sometimes that's bad. They take our money, our energy, brains, effort, ambition, and suck them up like a giant vacuum cleaner.

That having been said, I'll still vote for democrats, because I'd rather be disappointed than appalled. But Big Money controls the most important thing of all-who we are allowed to vote for.

Count me as one peasant who finds that revolting.

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Guest TracieV3

I think that the U.S. electorate isn't getting served so much as "serviced," so we genderly-interesting people aren't alone...

Basically, we would ALL like good jobs, good healthcare, and expanding opportunities. Even those Americans who hate us want that.

I think the whole social agenda thing was a distraction from that, and if you said to a bunch of American bigots: "Would you vote in politicians who locked up the LGBT people if it meant those same politicians also sent your jobs overseas?" the answer would be "NO!"

Even people who don't like us don't hate us that much.

The funny thing is? they voted for anti-GLBT politicians, we are still slowly advancing, and their jobs got shipped overseas anyway. They got played.

How many years have people been organizing against the right to choose? And abortions are still mostly legal?

Because they got played, too.

The politicians are mostly a force for stagnation...sometimes that's good, sometimes that's bad. They take our money, our energy, brains, effort, ambition, and suck them up like a giant vacuum cleaner.

That having been said, I'll still vote for democrats, because I'd rather be disappointed than appalled. But Big Money controls the most important thing of all-who we are allowed to vote for.

Count me as one peasant who finds that revolting.

You understand part of it. You forget that bigotry knows no single ideology.

They don't vote so much as for anti-GLBT politicians, as they voted against anti-conservative politicians that are bigots towards them conservatives.

There are those on both sides that would gladly kill everyone that disagree with them. There is hatred on all sides.

Not recognizing the hatred on the side you are on makes your position even harder.

People in general do not knowingly vote for those that they think will slit their throats.

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You understand part of it. You forget that bigotry knows no single ideology.

They don't vote so much as for anti-GLBT politicians, as they voted against anti-conservative politicians that are bigots towards them conservatives.

There are those on both sides that would gladly kill everyone that disagree with them. There is hatred on all sides.

Not recognizing the hatred on the side you are on makes your position even harder.

People in general do not knowingly vote for those that they think will slit their throats.

Basically, they all just keep throwing mud pies at each other, and nothing changes...

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    • MaeBe
      I think they want us to try to debunk it. When we try, they twist our words, even the most sane, logical, and reasonable response into whatever they like; a trans hysteria defense, if you will.   They will just keep repeating their meaningless phrases until they are beaten into the collective consciousness, instilling it into the irrational part of people's brains. A feeling without a definition. A conditioned "ick factor". Once there, it's inextricable without great disruption to the cognitive state. Which is the issue...   How do you disrupt one's cognitive state greatly, without involuntary defensive dismissal? There is no one way to do it and it's highly cultural, bound deeply to other beliefs that are in and of themselves irrational. Essentially, what works for one group of people will not work for other people.   On the whole, a personal willingness to question and be open to learning is required of the people that need to be "brought along". That is a rare person, but they could be our best advocates.   I think we also need to avoid focusing on negatives. Transition saves people's lives, but that's not relatable to a lot of people. Humans are generally terrible at humanity. Could showing folks that "transition made me whole, made me want to help people, made me want to give of myself, allowed me to feel true joy" and prove it with our actions work? Show our existence as leaving a positive mark on society, showing our humanity? Volunteer for food shelves, work with the aging and dying, beseech faith groups for engagement, show humility and grace in the face of resistance. It's sad that this will be slow, too slow for everyone to survive or exist without violence.   I do agree that arguing our existence is not the answer. We exist. Without diagnosis, condition, or disorder we exist. So that can't be where we start. We have to start further down the road.
    • AinsleyTG
      The most important thing is to not let someone ELSE label you 
    • AinsleyTG
      I go jogging until I'm ready to collapse
    • Ivy
      Read a book?  (a trashy romance novel)
    • SilasG
      @awkward-yet-sweet I’m happy you GF is going to be okay. I’ve never heard or thought I’d ever hear a “Heart Attack” being called minor. You’ve got the right to be upset with her. She should pay more attention to what she’s eating and take better care about herself. Not only could it be worse than it was, doesn’t she understand the negative impact it’ll have on you and her loved ones if it were more serious. I pray this will be an eye opener for her to take better care of herself. I’m happy she’s going to be okay she’s lucky to have you.    Silas
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, I'm sitting at the hospital tonight.   GF and I were beginning to prepare dinner this afternoon, and she started to get chest pain.  She had a heart attack back in 2021, 2 days after giving birth to her last child.  So, if she has chest pain we take it seriously.  Took her to the ER, and she had a "minor" heart attack.  IDK how any heart attack can be called "minor" but that's what the doctors said.  And she's got an obstructed artery.  So she's having surgery this evening to put a stent in.    Girl just won't learn.  She is so stubborn!  She was told years ago that she eats too much junk, drinks too much, that she ought to have an anti-cholesterol medicine, etc.  She's not really overweight, but her arteries are not in good shape, and she's got heart issues.  But will she change her lifestyle? Oh, no, God forbid she actually live to age 40   I love her, I'm glad she's going to be OK, but I'm also kinda mad at her. 
    • AllieJ
      I'm back!  Such great discussion while I slept!  The right has presented us with a gift in basing their oppression around the term "Gender Ideology" in that it does give us a more concise target to argue. Sadly, while some great points have been raised, we still don't have something powerful to take to a debate.  The APA management admitted part of their reason to place "Gender Dysphoria" in the DSM-5 was to maintain a stream of funding in the US health system, but if the current trend of erasure continues, that funding may disappear. The WHO cleverly re named Transgender as Gender Incongruent, and removed it from their list of mental disorders to be described as medical under Sexual Health as a condition within the normal range of human experience. Trump doesn't like the WHO. Maybe our adherence to DSM-5 is part of our undoing with regard to "Gender Ideology"?   We are a varied community, basing our views on science, art, spirituality, and ideals, but Sally made a great point by saying we need to be a chorus if our song is to be heard. We need to decide which arguments would be most effective in debating "Gender Ideology" to convince, not us, but the viewing public. I roughly divide the public into right/conservatives 30%, left Progressives 30% and those in the middle who vote on the price of eggs 35% this totals 95%, and the remaining 5% are LBGTQIA. If we can win support of the left and middle (and maybe half of the LBGTQIA don't understand us) we have 65% of the public on our side, which should be enough to sway political thinking. Our song needs to win this section of the community, and the danger is that if we don't challenge "Gender Ideology" it will become rooted in our society, so there is a lot at stake!   "Gender Ideology" is garbage, we know that, so we should be able to debunk it!   Hugs,   Allie
    • AinsleyTG
      Just had luch with 3 friends from school at my apartment and now it's time to head to the mall. Shopping with other girls - that a new one for me. 
    • Ivy
    • Ivy
      I wasn't sure where to post this, but I thought it was worth a read.  If the Mods want it somewhere else, that's cool.   https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/hidden-history-transgender-affirming-health-care/?utm_source=mj-newsletters&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter-02-07-2025   "There is a common, ironic, and false justification for restricting transgender health care for youth: that it is “new” and “experimental.” Jules Gill-Peterson, a historian of transgender medical care and an associate professor of history at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, spoke with Mother Jones about how old gender-affirming medical care is—more than a century—and how that history informs the attacks we see today."    
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      This is why we have state's rights.  It preserves the wishes of people in various places.  Texans and Californians, for example, seem to generally have different ways of doing things.  So it makes sense that they get to do as they prefer in the places where they live.  And it also makes sense for people to move to a state where they feel most comfortable.  Choice is a good thing.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Sleep, definitely.  If the world is treating my like crap, I just curl up in my nest and everybody can leave me alone.  I also relax with physical affection from my partners.  I need a lot of touch regularly, just for emotional maintenance.  More if I'm stressed.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      @Carolyn Marie Interesting how they are particular about words.  Slimy like lawyers.    I favor an approach based in personal freedom.  Crush the medical establishment completely, and remove any perception of "authority" they have currently.  We, and humans in general, won't be free until the folks in white coats resume the role of paid service providers.  A lot of incumbent politicians, professors, and "experts" of various fields will need to be permanently removed from their positions and told find some sort of productive labor where they aren't acting as enemies of the people.    If it is my car, I get to choose the mechanic, choose what I want to fix, choose any customization that I want done, and if I don't like it the mechanic can take a flying leap and I'll pick a different one.  The mechanic doesn't get to have a say in my choices, what other mechanics I get to see, how I drive my car afterwards, or anything about other aspects of my life.  The only thing a mechanic is allowed to do is tell me what physically is or is not safe or possible with my car, and what services they offer.  The government doesn't have to subsidize my choices with taxpayer funds, and prices for mechanical services are reasonably affordable.  I can have anything I want, if I pay for it.  The same should be true for my body. 
    • Audrey
      Dear @Birdie, I am dismayed to hear about the latest developments at the day center you are attending. Egregious moments like these will sadly become more common and acceptable if "gender ideology" becomes the basis for policymaking at all levels. I suppose it never occurred to the center's leadership that there are 49 states other than Texas.   About "disorder" vs. "condition" distinction that @Carolyn Marie raised earlier. I wish the health care system could divorce itself from the disease model. I believe part of the intent of DSM-5's "gender dysphoria" replacing DSM-IV's "gender identity disorder" - to address stigma. But since 2013, the vitriol leading to terms like "gender ideology" has increased regardless of what the medical and psychological community has said. I agree that health insurance coverage must be maintained with parity for the treatments we seek. "Gender ideology" seeks to reverse that.   All hope is not lost though. The other day I was heartened by a glimmer of hope that my own insurer has moved breast augmentation out of the cosmetic category and into the medically necessary category.   Love, ~Audrey.
    • Birdie
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