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Five Weeks Of Hrt

Guest Robin Winter

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Guest Robin Winter

Ok, so it's a little over five weeks now since I started hormone therapy. I'm surprised at how quickly some things are happening.

Already my skin is so much softer, and has been noticeably so for better than a week now . I wasn't expecting this so quickly. It's definitely the most notable effect to date.

There are fluctuations in my moodiness, and I suspect that has a lot to do with the fact that I've been inconsistent with the time that I take my pills. Initially, I started taking them first thing in the morning, because my endo suggested it due to one of them (I think it was the spiro) being a diuretic. I soon discovered this wasn't going to work for me, because on my days off I generally sleep in past noon. I forgot to take them until 6pm another day and figured that was a good time, so intended to take them at 6. Again, that didn't work out so well, and now I'm taking them at 8pm. So there's roughly 12 hours between when I initially started taking them and when I'm taking them now. Hopefully I'll be able to remain somewhat consistent now. But yeah...moodiness. I get weird bursts of emotion out of the blue sometimes, like I'll start grinning and laughing at practically nothing at all or at something that doesn't warrant that reaction, and won't be able to control it for a minute or two. I'll suddenly start crying with no warning whatsoever...so far these outbursts have been fairly rare, though.

Spontaneous and morning erections...gone. They simply don't happen anymore. Again, I was incredibly surprised at how quickly this happened. My libido is significantly diminished. I still have an interest in sex, but it's something that doesn't happen spontaneously anymore. It's something that has to be worked up to...which I think is just wonderful. Take it or leave it is exactly what I was hoping for.

I've started getting the breast tenderness/itchiness, particularly behind and on the nipples. I've also noticed a slight darkening of the nipples, though this is something I believed would take much longer, so I'm not sure if I'm just imagining that part or not.

My food cravings have changed. I'm just not interested in certain things anymore, most notably sweet things like chocolate :( I'm hoping this is only temporary. I can't say for sure that it's related to the hormones, but it happened after starting, so I sort of assume it is. Perhaps some of you other ladies could confirm this side effect?

Something else I've noticed, but I'm not sure is directly related. I've been remembering my dreams more. For that last many years, I almost never remembered my dreams, but now I do most every morning.

Last few days I've been feeling somewhat dizzy(that's not really the right term, but I can't think of a better way to describe it) and nauseous, particularly when it's nearly time to take my next dose. It's mild, but I thought it might be worth mentioning in case anyone else can tell me if they experienced similar. I'm concerned this might not be related at all and something else might be going on.

I think my sense of smell is sharper, but it's likely that has more to do with the fact that I quit smoking 3 months ago. Still, it might be something related to hrt as well.

Hmm....what else. I've been feeling weaker, and though I think this is in part related to the hormones, I suspect other factors as well, and I'm certain that the full effects on my musculature won't happen for many months yet.

No noticeable effect on body hair yet. I thought at one point that growth was a bit slower, but it only seemed so for a brief time, so it's my belief now that it was just between growth cycles.

Like someone else mentioned, I've been experiencing something that seems to match how I've heard pms and menstrual cramps described, but it's my understanding that those things in natal women are caused by extreme changes in hormone levels, and so shouldn't be experienced by anyone on a constant regimen of hormones. Perhaps in my case it's because my body is going through it's initial adjustment to the new levels. Or maybe it's unrelated. Time will tell, I suppose.

Ah, almost forgot, though I did mention this elsewhere. Since puberty I've been cursed with back and shoulder acne. I tried otc remedies and strong prescriptions, and nothing worked. A month into HRT, and it's finally clearing. I literally get misty eyed every time I think about it. Just goes to show, getting our bodies chemistry corrected is about more than just breasts ^_^

Lastly (for now), I've been getting tired sooner and more frequently. I find it harder to stay awake once I do get tired, and I fall asleep faster. Again, I don't know if this is directly related to the hormones.

That's all I can think of at the moment. If I think of or notice anything else, I'll add to this.

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Hi Shilo,

I'm about 10 weeks into HRT and noticed many of the same things. Even for an oldie like me, events are happening quickly.

I was interested in your comment about dreams - like you, I'm actually remembering them now. Really strange after all those years.

Unlike many, my appetite has probably decreased. To me, I used to eat to fill an emptiness that's now filled.

But, I am overwhelmed by my senses - mostly visual - beautiful things have become extraordinary.

It just feels like I've been given a new life - and experiencing it like everything is brand new.

Pretty good meds, eh?

Love, Kat

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Guest Robin Winter

Hi Shilo,

I'm about 10 weeks into HRT and noticed many of the same things. Even for an oldie like me, events are happening quickly.

I was interested in your comment about dreams - like you, I'm actually remembering them now. Really strange after all those years.

Unlike many, my appetite has probably decreased. To me, I used to eat to fill an emptiness that's now filled.

But, I am overwhelmed by my senses - mostly visual - beautiful things have become extraordinary.

It just feels like I've been given a new life - and experiencing it like everything is brand new.

Pretty good meds, eh?

Love, Kat

The best ^_^

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Guest Aly Kat

sounds perfect =) skin was definitely the first thing I noticed. I also just felt that some of my body parts "looked different"... like elbows or knees... weird haha

yeah, my boobs still hurt after 17 months of hrt haha... not hurt, but just the tenderness and itchiness. <3 it though =)

are you eating a lot of fruits?? that might be making you dizzy. you should limit your potassium intake & eat salty food when your body craves it. I get weird cravings all the time... like for onions or peanut butter :P definitely had the opposite reaction to chocolate though! I couldn't stand it pre-hrt but now I have to force myself to stop eating it

umm... but yeah +_+ things are happening!!!


Love, Alison.

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Guest Robin Winter

sounds perfect =) skin was definitely the first thing I noticed. I also just felt that some of my body parts "looked different"... like elbows or knees... weird haha

yeah, my boobs still hurt after 17 months of hrt haha... not hurt, but just the tenderness and itchiness. <3 it though =)

are you eating a lot of fruits?? that might be making you dizzy. you should limit your potassium intake & eat salty food when your body craves it. I get weird cravings all the time... like for onions or peanut butter :P definitely had the opposite reaction to chocolate though! I couldn't stand it pre-hrt but now I have to force myself to stop eating it

umm... but yeah +_+ things are happening!!!


Love, Alison.

It's so weird that you mention the elbows and knees thing! I thought I was crazy, but I've noticed the same thing.

I didn't think about the potassium thing...that's something I've forgotten to keep tabs on. I eat a lot of high potassium foods, like potatoes and tomatoes , and just today I ate a whole bag of plantain chips...*smacks forehead* And apparently the symptoms of extremely high potassium levels are about half of what I described above....fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea and tingling. I think maybe I need to talk to my doctor. Thank you for that.

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Hi Shilo,

I eat a rather strange diet, since most normal foods don't work for me. And, of course, everything I can eat is high in potassium.

My doctor discouraged me from changing my diet to lower potassium - his experience was that most people will regulate normally.

What gets me is when I add too much salt on top of that. So, yeah, you may want to slow down on those chips!

Take care,

Love, Kat

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  • Admin

Excellent results, Shilo. While the timing is never the same for any two people, your experiences are in keeping with mine and many others here. The very best thing is, they will only get better with time.

Congrats on a good start. It is an awesome experience, isn't it? :D


Carolyn Marie

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Guest Robin Winter

Hi Shilo,

I eat a rather strange diet, since most normal foods don't work for me. And, of course, everything I can eat is high in potassium.

My doctor discouraged me from changing my diet to lower potassium - his experience was that most people will regulate normally.

What gets me is when I add too much salt on top of that. So, yeah, you may want to slow down on those chips!

Take care,

Love, Kat

I'd still like to speak with my doctor of course, but you made me feel better. Thanks. I was kind of freaking out.

Excellent results, Shilo. While the timing is never the same for any two people, your experiences are in keeping with mine and many others here. The very best thing is, they will only get better with time.

Congrats on a good start. It is an awesome experience, isn't it? :D


Carolyn Marie

So far it's pretty exciting most of the time, yes ^_^

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So glad that things are happening for you, Shilo.

As to the sense of smell, yes it does heighten on HRT but quitting smoking has a similar effect so you just doubled up on it - go smell some flowers but avoid garbage cans as much as possible!

As to the light headed or dizzy feeling, some get that form Spiro initially but it seems to pass for most.

As to the body hair that takes a little while but look at it closely and you will notice a change in texture and a general lightening in color as it says its final farewells to you - it probably will not all go away but a lot of it will.

Love ya,


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Guest Mina89

Sounds like it's been great to you. I'm a little past three months and I've definitely noticed my skin changing (to the point I've received unsolicited compliments from five strangers, two of whom were cosmetologists) and boobs growing.

Moodiness isn't much different, but I've always had that and it was never consistent before so I probably wouldn't notice if I tried.

You're lucky about the libido thing. Mine's almost as wild as it was before, though spontaneous erections have decreased. I really hope it's just my age and not... something else.


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Guest Robin Winter

Sounds like it's been great to you. I'm a little past three months and I've definitely noticed my skin changing (to the point I've received unsolicited compliments from five strangers, two of whom were cosmetologists) and boobs growing.

Moodiness isn't much different, but I've always had that and it was never consistent before so I probably wouldn't notice if I tried.

You're lucky about the libido thing. Mine's almost as wild as it was before, though spontaneous erections have decreased. I really hope it's just my age and not... something else.


I'm certain some peoples libido's aren't effected as much as others, but if you're only 3 months in you might need to get your dosages adjusted? I'm not expecting to remain at my current dose, I'm supposed to see my endo with more blood tests in two months or so to see how my levels are. I just figured because you're just at the 3 month mark recently maybe you're due for something similar.

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Guest Shari

Hi Shiloh,

I think we started within a few days of each other. I'm on a different regime than you are but I have noticed many of the same things. The most noticeable is my skin softness, when I wake up in the morning, I just can't believe how good it feels to just lay there. I also have started to remember dreams, never did before. I haven't got any breast development yet that I can say for sure, no tenderness or anything, but I have become very aware of them. That probably doesn't mean anything except wishful thinking.

The spontaneous erections still happen in the morning, I can't wait for that to stop. My doctor told me to be patient.

Smells are more noticable, more so than when I quit smoking 8 months ago.

That's about it for me.


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Guest Elizabeth K

The world changes for us somehow, everything is more intense it seems. You eventually get accustomed to it and feel like that is how it is supposed to be for you...


You know what???


GRAND GRAND GRAND - HRT does a body good!


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Guest Robin Winter

Okay, I got my refill today and I asked my pharmacist about the nausea and dizziness and stuff, and she said she was inclined to believe it was just my body adjusting to the estradiol as these are common side effects to estrogen for the first month or so, and apparently my spiro dosage is a fairly small one. She doesn't think I have anything to be concerned about but encouraged me to see my doctor if I'm still worried. So yeah, I feel much better now and maybe I won't swear off plantain chips for the rest of my life ^_^

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Just thought I would say HI! Am cheering you on from the sidelines. You are on your way, Dear!

Huggs, (and pretty soon those will have to be more gentle)


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Guest Robin Winter

Since switching my dosing time to 8pm, I've been more or less consistent in taking them at the same time every night, and I think my body has finally adjusted to the hormones. A good number of the effects I've noted above seem to have lessened over the past 2 weeks or so. The emotions are less out of whack, the dizziness and nausea are gone or at least not noticeable enough to be a bother, my libido seems to be increasing very slightly from where it was, but only very slightly, and only mentally (still no spontaneous or unwanted erections). My appetite is still less than it was before hrt, and in fact I find that I start to feel ill about half way into most meals. I'm not sure yet if I should be concerned about that, as I'm still eating enough to maintain my health and probably my weight.

I still seem to have the muscle weakness and tire very quickly, but I don't think I've been overdoing it with the potassium, so I'm not sure what that's about.

I've also noticed something else over the past few days. I'm less interested in being glued to a computer screen or video game, like I have to take frequent breaks from it and change activities fairly often where before I could spend an entire day just playing a game, and I've been more interested in keeping house. I cleaned dishes more over the weekend than I generally have in a two week period before. It's odd.

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Guest Alexandra89

I've also noticed something else over the past few days. I'm less interested in being glued to a computer screen or video game, like I have to take frequent breaks from it and change activities fairly often where before I could spend an entire day just playing a game, and I've been more interested in keeping house. I cleaned dishes more over the weekend than I generally have in a two week period before. It's odd.

I've always kept a pretty tidy living space, but I noticed I'm a lot less single-minded about things than I used to be, especially in the last few weeks. I can actually think consciously about two or three tasks at once. The downside is that I can't ever just think about one anymore. Another will always creep in. I had to change my whole thought-rotation system, which is hard because it's totally a subconscious thing.


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Guest Orva26

First off I am glad that you are enjoying those hormones.


Ah, almost forgot, though I did mention this elsewhere. Since puberty I've been cursed with back and shoulder acne. I tried otc remedies and strong prescriptions, and nothing worked. A month into HRT, and it's finally clearing. I literally get misty eyed every time I think about it. Just goes to show, getting our bodies chemistry corrected is about more than just breasts


And this is not a childish want. I mean, crap, I have scar tissue all up and down my back as a result of my epic acme from puberty. I remember at one point thinking I was a monstrosity and reveling that fact.

To be rid of its remains (well nothing can be done with the scars) would be very much welcome.

Those mood swing things sound terrible though. I am hoping to avoid them, at least at work.

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Guest Robin Winter

First off I am glad that you are enjoying those hormones.



And this is not a childish want. I mean, crap, I have scar tissue all up and down my back as a result of my epic acme from puberty. I remember at one point thinking I was a monstrosity and reveling that fact.

To be rid of its remains (well nothing can be done with the scars) would be very much welcome.

Those mood swing things sound terrible though. I am hoping to avoid them, at least at work.

The mood swings aren't really terrible. It's actually nice in a strange sort of way to finally be able to cry. Being emotional is miles better than being clinically depressed.

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Guest Alexandra89

Being emotional is miles better than being clinically depressed.


But that's not to say that depression is wiped away, never to return.


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Guest Robin Winter


But that's not to say that depression is wiped away, never to return.


No, but in my case it's lessened and manageable most of the time.

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Guest Orva26
The mood swings aren't really terrible. It's actually nice in a strange sort of way to finally be able to cry.

Good to know. I'm still weary for the more practical reason of I can't exactly be sitting in a meeting and start giggling/bawling for now coherent reason. :lol:

Or are the such that they can be staved off/controlled?

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Guest Donna Jean

The mood swings aren't really terrible. It's actually nice in a strange sort of way to finally be able to cry. Being emotional is miles better than being clinically depressed.

Amen, Sister!

58 years of no tears and 2 years of water works.......

The water works has my vote!


Donna Jean

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Guest Robin Winter

Good to know. I'm still weary for the more practical reason of I can't exactly be sitting in a meeting and start giggling/bawling for now coherent reason. :lol:

Or are the such that they can be staved off/controlled?

I suspect everyone will experience it in varying degrees. I've not had any issues while working, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Annaemo

Hi I started about a month ago too. Its really not what I expected but I am happy you seem to be going through quite a few things I am :). I used to wake up quite late each day because I'm not studying right now, I used to be able to stay up way into the morning but now I can hardly stay up past 12am. I'm also waking up early too, I guess its a good thing :D. Nausea I guess is just your body coping with breaking down the chemicals. I'm also not feeling as hungry lately, maybe your body has stopped needing the extra calories, I've always been really skinny but I think I'm gaining weight not loosing it. Looking forwards to hearing any more progress :)

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    • RaineOnYourParade
      There's many words to describe the same idea -- excellent, good, amazing, incredible, great, and other synonyms, for example. It's a shame that some people can't realize that the reason that so many words exist is that it's the human experience; There's a million ways to feel the same exact thing, or to express it. That includes gender. Not everyone wants to express their gender the same way, trans or no. If we try to say in order to be trans, you have to do a, b, and c, you deny all those "flavors" and "hues" that make up the human experience.   That's just my five cents, though
    • Abigail Genevieve
      I think the first thing may be to realize we have shared interests and shared opposition.  I read an article not long ago by someone who decided to non-op and non-hrt and her transgender friends basically decided she was a traitor and not really trans and had no right to speak on trans issues.  She said many trans people say you aren't really trans unless you do the whole surgical route and legal, etc.  Some insist on the gender binary, others insist on a spectrum.  There must be an agreement to disagree.  Not all of us here have the same viewpoint or the same experience or the same condition.  But we can identify common interests, like walking into a public restroom without fear of arrest, or the right to medical care.    The divisions are severe, heart-felt, and real, but from a practical point of view we need to lay some of those aside when we can for the common interest.  Some of those we cannot lay aside because of personal integrity, but we can work across the aisle, so to speak, something sadly lacking in the public arena today.    
    • VickySGV
      Welcome to the Forums Cynthia.   We do have gentlemen here as well who are some of the nicest guys you can get to know.
    • VickySGV
      @Mirrabooka@Abigail Genevieve Let's not neglect the severe divisions within the Trans and NB sector as well along those lines.  Where we have Non Op & Non HRT and Cross Dressers, Gender Benders, Gender Fluid, Agender et al VS. the full surgical route takers with GCS, FFS, BA and vocal surgery,   Which of those segments gets to speak for the others?  How do we turn them into a cohesive force for good just among those nominally under the Trans shade tree?? 
    • Cynthia Slowan
      Hi, I am Cynthia, 62 year old lifelong crossdresser.  I have been dressing off and on for as long as I can remember. In the last ten years or so I have noticed that my dressing has become a major part of my life, I went through all of the purging and confusion and I came out feeling more like a woman every day.  Self acceptance is very powerful if you truly accept who you are.    Over the last few years I have built a nice wardrobe and now spend about 80% of the time as my true self. I only wear male clothing when visiting with family and running errands. I don’t know if I am trans or not, all I know is that I absolutely love myself as a woman and that’s how I feel about myself, that I am Cynthia.   I love wearing makeup, dresses and jewelry, it feels so good and natural to me.     I am thankful to have found this special place and look forward to being a part of this beautiful community!!  I hope to learn about myself and also to participate and interact daily and to help others in their journey as well.    If I could I would absolutely live full time as a woman and hopefully with help and encourage I will one day fulfill this dream. I love being a woman and thinking of myself this way. I’ve never thought much about my pronouns but I definitely like she/her for myself!!   Thanks for reading and I look forward to being here and sharing with you all!!     💗 Cynthia 
    • Mmindy
      Good morning Felix,   I don't know how aware you are of the motives behind Military Boot Camp, but the most important thing it's designed to do is break you down, physically and mentally, weeding out those who can't make it. If you really want to be a Marine after you graduate high school? Stop believing you do things better when you're high. Clean your lungs by filling them with the fresh air of cross country running. Start small, run around the block, then around the track, then from your house to the track. Run everywhere! Run, run, run, and then when you can't go any further. Run some more. Do this feeling like you're going into Boot Camp in top physical condition, and your training will still break you down. That's what it's designed to do, and you'll earn the right to be called a Marine. The best thing about your wishes to become a Marine, is that it's something you can surely do with a proper mindset. Yes, it's very physical, but most of all it's mental. My brother-in-law is a retired Marine, and I love his stories ranging from his time in boot camp, to his time as a drill instructor. These conversations are not started by him. They're usually started by my nephew who is also a Marine. I can't say enough how proud I am of my family and friends who have or are currently serving in the Armed Forces. I will be equity proud of you too.   Best wishes, stay positive and motivated,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Finn_Pioneer
      I was always playing the boy in house, and I HATED wearing dresses. I used to dress up super masc and go out to dinner to just make sure I could still pass as a boy. I thought of it as a game but.. uh.. nope. 
    • Timi
      I took Maybelline's quiz https://www.maybelline.com/babelline-makeup-personality-quiz and I'm "Perfectly Practical" when it comes to makeup.    I carry three things in my makeup bag in my purse that I use any or all depending on my mood.    1) Maybelline magic eraser/concealer. Pretty much a liquid foundation/concealer in lipstick-sized package with built-in sponge applicator. It rules.    2) Maybelline mascara primer. It's the subtlest of enhancements, yet makes me feel confident in my eye communication.    3) Subtle lipstick in a natural/nude shade. Very slight enhancement that again, is mostly for how I feel.    -Timi
    • April Marie
      Thank you!! I finally gave up and dropped the t-shirt. Working in the skort and sports bra was much cooler!
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums! Another very late starter here and still haven't made the HRT move. So, I can't help much with your questions. But, you are among friends!!
    • Sally Stone
      I love makeup.  Firstly, I need it to help feminize my facial features, and I'm fascinated by the way it transforms.  I love trying new techniques and new products.  I think the best thing about using and wearing makeup is that helps me feel more feminine.    
    • Sally Stone
      I support everyone's right to say what they think, even when what they say is hurtful or hate-based.  Quite simply, those people should have that right.  However, just because I support a person's right to free speech, never means I have to agree with it.  We should never stifle free speech, but when it is hateful or hurtful we should exercise our free speech right to say how inappropriate their speech is.  The best way to fight hateful and hurtful speech is through discourse.  Sadly, our society has lost the ability to debate.    We have assumed the position that "if you don't agree with me, you must be against me."  This way of thinking prevents discourse and all the good that comes from it. 
    • missyjo
      I'm sure you look smashing in it   I'm just working so denim mini n white sleeveless top..maybe I'll change for hair appointment later   hugs
    • Abigail Genevieve
      There has been discussion before on this.  Not all the TG goals are the same as the LGB+ goals. We can agree on some things, but some gays reject transgender and some transgender reject homosexuality.  I think it is a case of we can work together on some things, but there are limits.
    • Ivy
      Welcome Kati. I was 68 when I realized who I was myself. As far as hormones go, Planned Parenthood does work with trans people.  I don't think they do the therapy though. As of now, NC is an informed consent state.  You can get HRT by signing off on it. If you have a doctor or therapist that is trans friendly, it might be good to work with them.   In NC the urban areas tend to be more trans friendly, but you never know, you might get lucky.
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