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Discovering "later" in life

Guest Kendra K

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Guest Kendra K

Hi Kendra,

Thanks for your wonderful topic. As a kiddo I can remember seeing a picture of my older sister in her ballet costume and thinking how beautiful she looked. I wanted sooo much to be one of the girls and do ballet with her. As for the second part of your question, I came from a religious family, and I grew up in the country on a lake with chickens, a garden, and plenty of fresh fish. There were county cabins on both sides of our home. One summer a young gay couple came out to stay at the cabin next to us. My parents made it clear that this couple was gay and that being gay was wrong. Us kids played in their yard and made a disparaging remark and ran back into the house to tell my parents. Our tale led to them congratulating us on our discrimination. I was pretty young at the time, perhaps five or six years of age I'm not quite sure, the message was clear though. LGTB behavior would not be tolerated by my parents or family in any form, and I would not be tolerated if I told them what I was feeling. Now I am 40years old, and I have finally been able to identify some of the internal oppression that I have held on to these many years and been able to open up to my wife and my currently counselor about my past. There is a lot that I still need to work through, but I am glad to be taking one step at a time and to be moving forward in my journey. My hope is that the gender binary that holds such a strong hold on culture and supports so many of the isms will end. Until then I'll do my best to build allies around me.


Thanks Toni, very good to read this. I don't recall my parents saying something like that. Still we went to a church that did say those sort of things (even today the current pastor preaches about that I swear every single week); that doesn't necessarily mean that my parents though that though.

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We all come to this juncture via different paths at different times and with amazingly different stories..

For myself, I spent all my life denying what I am, proving to myself and everyone that I was really a male. Join the Navy, go to war, get married, have kids, raise a family, build a career, work out, lift weights, all of it.

59 years later I finally figured out why I have been so incredibly unhappy all my life.

I may be slow but I catch on. :>)

This trans thing is so very hard because its so darn complicated, for us and everyone around is. Sexual identity adds a whole extra level to it all.

What I have started to learn is that in fact, I am blessed. I now get to go through puberty before I am 60! I get to spend the rest of my life rediscovering the world through new eyes. I finally belong somewhere. I can have friends, real friends, not acquaintances from whom I have to hide,

At a time when a lot of people I know are starting that slow decline into their senior years, I get to to live the life I was supposed to live, and best of all I get to be happy.

I no longer care to know why I am, that's not helpful. Now, I get to explore who I am, that's a lot more fun.

Lovely sentiments, Zoe!

We have waited so very long and I too feel very blessed to be at this juncture..

'Better late than never': these are the words I am going to live by for the rest of my now joyful life..

Love, love and life! Svenna

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Guest ThisisSparkle

It is always really wonderful to hear from those with more experience or more season to their life. Im only 28 and came to the realization at 27. At times it feels too old, especially when i see that the youngest person to go through SRS was only 16. They have discovered that starting HRT durring the puberty stages you can become fully who you feel you are and never have to feel out of place. So to speak. Especially since i knew back then but denied myself that reality based on religous and family ties.

But to me it goes along with 2 things. My cousin once coined the fraise- your never too old to be young. Along with that your never too old for school. To me they both apply. I still feel young. It just comes with some harder chalenges, but i have a more mature outlook on it all now. I realize i have time and the ability to make choices correctly rather than rushig into anything otherwise like i might have done at a younger age.

It makes me so happy that others acknowledge themselves no matter the season of their life. You are all so wonderful and such a wonderful family group of people to be connected with.

May each day be full.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Eve Caillard

Hi Kendra

I'm a bit late adding to this, sorry. I'm 53 and married 30 years. Blissfully unaware of anything until March this year(!) when it all exploded and everything changed. It's only looking back with the knowledge I have now that I can see I was always 'on the edge'. But being married so long seems to have squashed the cross-dressing, or I paid no attention to its meaning when I did do it.

Well, I had a big change to go through but I seem to be getting there!

Good luck, Eve

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  • Forum Moderator

This was a good thread to read this morning, let's see hindsight is pretty clear now. I only came to accept myself at age 51 after decades of denial, suppression, and internal conflict. I am so much happier now and in my case transitioning has become reality in this time.

Searching my memories growing up for signs I was transgendered, I did have early conversations with my Mom about wanting to be a girl, she does recall these conversations today and we have discussed them recently, these conversations were simply dismissed back then. I did play with the girls growing up, I had 3 sisters so there were always girls, girls toys, and their girl friends around. I was allowed to play with them for a little while but I was eventually always excluded from their play, so after experiencing exclusion in one form or another I would begin to taunt the girls, and become a pest to them in many ways, I did not leave them alone, I seemed to have an unusal interest in them, now I can say it was perhaps almost an obsession. I cross dressed starting at about age 7, don't think I was ever caught. I built up stashes of girl clothes during my teen age years in my room and would cross dress / under dress whenever I could "get away with it". I shaved my arm pits and legs as puberty began, at times I was having a hard time accepting these changes to my body were occuring, eventually I just accepted it. I built up muscles and this gave me security, and I began to overcompensate for fear of being discovered. I built up a tough guy persona, it was my shield for my feminine mind, no one would suspect me as being girly, I was huge and strong, and gained respect in the world of men, it was a facade. I always felt socially awkward growing up, this concept of the feeling of not fitting in, not belonging for one reason or another, was an indicator for me looking back. It was always hard to find a niche, I struggled with identity issues at several points in my life looking back. Religion was a part of my growing up, it was very hard to be "socialized" in this way. I never fit into the groups they put me in. There was no tolerence for any variance, you were a boy, so you did this and that's that.

Regarding the question of "flipping a switch" to be the opposite gender, I flipped the switch when I started HRT 10 months ago and there is no turning back, I love myself as a woman, as female, I am transsexual. I am living my dreams, it's scarry and haunting in many ways like it was meant to be, it's surreal at times.

Cindy -

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Guest KiraM

Hello Kendra,

It took a bit for me to read all the way through all the posts, but I 'd like to add my thoughts if I might.

I'm in my forties now and discovered the truth about my feelings just before Christmas of last year. Since then I have been going through everything I can remember of my thoughts and feeling before that. My first memory of knowing that I was different was at age ten when I first tried on my mother's clothes. From that moment I knew that I should have been a girl. My cross-dressing lasted a few years until my parents divorced and I couldn't do it without getting caught. Even though I stopped dressing I continued to have dreams and fantasize about being a girl. I would often think about getting dressed and going out in public. I would wonder if I could get away with it. By the time I was a teen I was doing everything I could to suppress my feminine thoughts and feelings, but the dreams continued as did the fantasies about living as a girl.

​Suppressing myself had dire consequences. I attempted suicide when I was in my twenties, and found myself thinking about it often. It put me under a great deal of stress and caused me to withdraw from friends and family. It's surprising that I met someone, fell in love and got married, I never thought I could let anyone get that close to me, luckily I was wrong.

Things finally reached a head and I broke down. In doing so, I came out to myself and my wife at the same time. Needless to saw it was a shock to both of us. Now we are working together to figure out where I am going. I don't know that I will ever transition, but we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. It's interesting that you wonder about "flipping a switch", this is something I have thought about often, wishing that sci-fi or fantasy was real and all I needed was to take a pill or drink a potion to become a real life girl... as in the fully functioning kind. If it was possible, I would do it.

Best wishes,


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Guest Kelly-087

I didn't really know about until 18 I guess. i didn't openly declare myself a girl. But I do remember certain things about myself. Like I remember asking for a 101 dalmations bath kit for christmas. I also remember that my brother made fun of me for eating and walking like a girl. I won't state that as fact, because he could have just as easily been being a jerk, like big brothers are.

My concept of sex was pretty much non masculine in my opinion. I had no drive to find a relationship, or have sex with anyone. I don't know if men do have feelings like, "I want to save sex for someone I really love". Which I'm sure some do, but it seems to be a very atypical sense for a male, but common for female.

It was about at 18 years old when I did spiritual exploration that I concluded that my personal self was female. This wasn't what initiated my desire to transition but it certainly is something I look back now and add into all of this.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Kendra K

I'm pretty low. Actually about just about everything.

Anyone have before & after photos over those who transitioned (without surgery or with) in their 30s or later? Seems I can only find before and after of young people. Just need some inspiration, feeling like I'd just end up ugly, which doesn't exactly give me confidence about coming out.

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Just type in Feminine Facial Surgery in Google and step back, every surgeon in the world has dozen of before and after pics of all age groups. Or Join Yahoo Groups\ FFS-Support http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ffs-support/

Members post their before and after pics everyday of FFS surgery before and after pics. The better FFS surgeon can make anyone look good. This is after all plastic surgery and unhappy customers tell others their experiences. These surgeons work hard to provide a good result, especially the good ones. You can save money, alot of money by going overseas to the really good FFS surgeons. Like anything do your homework. Talk to other members on this board, "are you happy with your results. Who did you see. What didn't you like, etc.

If you join Yahoo Groups and join the FFS-Support group it does not take long to find out who the really good surgeons are because everybody is talking about them and recomending them. They talk. Their is also a really good consultant in England who will do virtual FFS surgery for you and give you specific recomendations. Many woman send him pictures and are pretty happy with his work. He is cheap in the long run and really knows his feminine faces. He will advise you on what you need done and what to avoid because you either don't need it or it won't significantly make a difference.

Hope this gives you some ideas of where to start. There are so many woman now days transitioning later in life because when I was 6 years old a psychologist labled me as sexually deviant and proceded to scare the hell out of me. That was 1961. Transitioning in the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's was rare and unknown. We didn't have the internet to learn from and nobody would have ever supported you because you would have been hounded and labled with every derogatory lable you can think of. We had to suffer quietly in the closet and it cost many lives as people committed suicide or performed self mutilation because they had no hope at all back then. I lived that life as did many others on this site. I'm happy because I finally have hope in my life where there used to be none. Kathryn

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Guest Melissa~

I knew I was different even as a preteen, but the only categories I knew were gay and straight. I had crossdressed including fetishly, since perhaps 9 years old, I had experiements younger than that. Since I wasn't gay and still don't identify as any more than a curiousity towards relationships with men, anytime people asked me if I'm gay the answer is -no-. Without profesional help I don't even recall knowing about a bonafied class of transgender till late teens, and it took me a year or so to determine that indeed seem to cover me. Basically by 20 I was sure I -could- be transexual, that however was deeply closetted. Anymore I know I -am- transexual, and logically, I need to make changes, not real interested in transitioning at 84 like the sweet Japanese lady there was a story about earlier this month.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Gerilynn

Wow this has been an awesome thread to read. Rewarding and comforting. I take inspiration from the wonderful people here.

Like many I knew I was different. I was caught in my sisters clothes at 6 I think. I hid it after. I never quit dressing up and dreaming of that light switch. I had the luxury of having wonderful friends that made me feel like one of the girls. I tried to be the normal guy my father wanted, football, track, soccer, the Army, then on to more crazy military service and marriage. I never had the courage to stop until now.

I am 48 and had one session with my GT and found myself both an emotional wreck and flying higher than I knew I could. I cannot wait for the next one.

Kendra I know how you feel I worry I am ugly. I am trusting that being happy will make me feel beautiful.

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We all come to this juncture via different paths at different times and with amazingly different stories..

For myself, I spent all my life denying what I am, proving to myself and everyone that I was really a male. Join the Navy, go to war, get married, have kids, raise a family, build a career, work out, lift weights, all of it.

59 years later I finally figured out why I have been so incredibly unhappy all my life.

I may be slow but I catch on. :>)

This trans thing is so very hard because its so darn complicated, for us and everyone around is. Sexual identity adds a whole extra level to it all.

What I have started to learn is that in fact, I am blessed. I now get to go through puberty before I am 60! I get to spend the rest of my life rediscovering the world through new eyes. I finally belong somewhere. I can have friends, real friends, not acquaintances from whom I have to hide,

At a time when a lot of people I know are starting that slow decline into their senior years, I get to to live the life I was supposed to live, and best of all I get to be happy.

I no longer care to know why I am, that's not helpful. Now, I get to explore who I am, that's a lot more fun.

Zoe,I am 65 and those last two lines are exactly how I feel,my happiness has led to a lot of fun and smiles and laughs.Thanks.

Rikki.... :thumbsup:

Rikki, better late than never.

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    • Lydia_R
      I played that Herbie Hancock Sextant recording I posted yesterday for my roommate and his first response to it was that it sounded like music from a porn flick.  I've heard that before, but I don't make that association at all.  I get a very mystic feeling from it.   I've been digging this now:     The lazy feel of it.  I enjoy improvising melodies and chords over it on the piano.  I get this vision of a lazy dystopian future of rustic decaying cities.  I'll sit on my mexican yoga blanket on the floor with my 5 gallon water bottle, simple pine board, coffee cup and nice pair of 747 drum sticks with a wood tip that I've had for 20-30 years.  I've been wearing my flowy long Indian patterned skirts again instead of the pencil skirts so that I can easily sit down on the blanket.   "Now there's 3 of them laughing 'round the radio."
    • Lydia_R
      Most jobs in and out of the military have a physical aspect to them.  As a musician in the Navy, I have moved gear all over the world.  I almost got killed from an anvil amp rack case falling off the side of a Navy destroyer at night, in the rain, falling on the small boat we were on in rough water.  It fell right on the plexiglass windshield of the boat.   I got a lot of crap from members of the band for being such a lightweight.  I weighed 120 pounds until I was 35 and I still only weigh 132 pounds.  They interpreted that as being weak, but with my strong will, strong cardiovascular system, and strong legs from being a bicycle commuter, I was able to do almost anything the bigger people could.  And I'm probably in much better shape than they are now.  I've been going on 5 hour bicycle rides lately.   One point is though that the military is a job, much like any other job.
    • April Marie
      Hey there, Beautiful. Wait!!! That's me!!!
    • April Marie
      Good morning, everyone!   Back to a semi-normal routine after the short vacay. We picked up our dog at the "spa" yesterday so she was very attentive last night. And, awake early but I managed to get her back to sleep for a few more hours.   I have an appointment at 8 to have the damage to my truck appraised after yesterday's accident. Hopefully, it's just cosmetic and there was no damage to the frame.   And, I've got a session with my therapist later this morning, too.   This afternoon will just be some small projects I need to catch up on.    Have a wonderful day, everyone!!
    • Willow
      Good morning      it’s Wednesday morning 3AM. Which reminds me of a Simon and Garfunkel song. But I won’t go there.  I have a lot on my plate this morning.  Waffles - check, OJ - check, morning meds - check, coffee - double check, lunch made -check.  But the real work is yet to come that starts at 4:15.  I’ve got a lot going on today over and above the usual 4:15 shift.  And somehow, I have to get the Asst Mgr to do some of the work for me.  That’s never fun, she and I don’t always see eye to eye.  She’d rather tell me what I did wrong or didn’t do verses help or show me the correct way.  Her status could be a topic for the May 23 meeting since I know the manager was pretty upset with her yesterday and she had a talk with the District manager about it.   well I had a Snoopy picture I tried to copy here but it got lost in the bits and bytes somewhere.  Time to shower and get dressed. Long day ahead likely greater than 8 hours but I’ve got time available in my hours per week.
    • KayC
      Braised short-ribs with all the fixin's (potatoes, onions, garlic, and celery) and homemade brown gravy - Leftovers from 2-nights ago, but even better 2nd time around (I wonder why that is?)
    • KayC
      I saw this on Erin's blog post too.  I definitely think this a BIG positive, but you're right @Carolyn Marie.  Now-a-days you never know how the World will get turned upside-down.
    • KayC
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I have never been in the military, but my husband was in the National Guard.  Sometimes I wonder, based on the few things he tells me, how some of the "demands of military service" might be somewhat artificial.  For example, the military won't allow a man who is missing a testicle (like from an accident) to serve.  Even though a man with only one testicle still has all functions and plenty of testosterone.  So, why that requirement?  Seems like banning trans folks is similar, in that there's no particular physical reason.    Also, some requirements are detrimental to the physical health of many people in the services.  Soldiers end up with back issues from carrying too much.  My husband has a bad disc in his back, primarily from service.  Even military medical personnel and researchers have talked about this sort of preventable injury for a long time.    Not everybody is in the special forces, or even in the infantry.  Even if trans folks have some sort of physical weakness compared to others, surely there are still plenty of duties they can perform?  I would be interested to know the experiences of some of our military members on this forum - how much physical exertion and risk was actually necessary for fulfilling your duties?  How much difference is there in exertion/risk between one MOS and another?
    • Sally Stone
      Post 9 “The Jersey Years”   If it wasn’t for the property taxes, I’d still be living in New Jersey.  The state gets such a bad rap but it is actually a beautiful place, with lots to do, and it is extremely trans friendly.  Moving to New Jersey was quite uplifting from a trans perspective.    Because of my new and very flexible work schedule, I was suddenly getting a lot more time to express my feminine side, and I took every opportunity to do so.  Additionally, I became a member of a trans dinner group.  It was the perfect way to meet other trans women, and I made quite a few friends.   The dinner group was actually a throwback from a time when going out dressed as a woman was still something of a novelty, and it was created as a safe haven for girls that still weren’t comfortable being out in the world by themselves.  When the group was formed, it was a necessary resource, but that need waned over the years, and it morphed into more of a social group.  It still occasionally served its designed purpose as we often had newcomers just emerging from the closet, but for most of us it was an opportunity to get together and catch up.   The move to New Jersey also coincided with an important trans milestone for me.  I made the decision to keep my legs shaved.  This wasn’t a decision I came to easily.  It meant I was going against my wife’s wishes.  While she had always been supportive of me, shaving my legs was just a “bridge to far” for her.  I honestly believe, that in her mind, dressing like a woman was always a temporary thing, but shaving my legs, well, that was more of a permanent condition, and I think it scared her.    To me, shaving was a rite of passage.  I had made the decision to be a woman part time, but I wanted something exclusively feminine to signify my inner woman, even when I wasn’t presenting as a woman.  Finally, I decided not to wait any longer, and in deference to my wife’s concerns, I started shaving my legs regularly.  For the longest time, she remained unhappy about my decision, and while there were times, I thought about giving in just to keep the peace, I stayed the course I had plotted.  Over time, my smooth legs became less and less of an issue, and now it’s been ten-years since I last had hair on my legs.  Thankfully, my smooth legs are no longer much of a concern for my wife, and now, I can’t imagine ever going back.   So, how does a part-time woman who isn’t stealthy by most measures, get along so well in the world?  In two words it’s attitude and mannerisms.  At one of the Keystone Conferences, I kept noticing another trans woman always staring at me.  At the time, I didn’t know her but the attention she was paying me was becoming borderline creepy.  Later, while I was sitting at the hotel bar enjoying a cocktail, this same woman took the empty seat next to me.  Before I could decide whether to stay or leave, she turned to me, introduced herself, and then apologized for her stares.  She went on to tell me she was staring at me because I intrigued her.  She told me that of all the people she had met or observed during the conference, I was the most “girly” (her words, not mine).  She said if it wasn’t for my height, she’d never have guessed that I was trans, because I had the poise, attitude and mannerisms of a very feminine woman.       I met another girl through the dinner group, who was living fulltime and preparing for GRS.  She and I became the best of friends, a bond I believe was formed over us both serving in the military.  Often, she would comment on how authentic I was.  She would always tell me I was so feminine and womanly; I could easily go fulltime.    There have been other acquaintances who made similar comments, and the truth is I could probably live my life as a woman without too much trouble.  The thing is, I don’t want to.  Yes, I thoroughly enjoy being a woman, and when I am, I am quite convincing, but that doesn’t mean I’d be truly happy.  If I had never met my wife, and didn’t have two super great kids, and I didn’t enjoy being a guy, perhaps I would have given serious consideration to transitioning.  Maybe I’m just selfish, but I want to walk in both worlds, male and female, and I see nothing that should prevent me from doing so. Does my part-time life make me any less a woman.  If how much of a woman I am was measured by how much time I spend expressing that part of my personality, then yes, I probably could be considered less of a woman.  But it wouldn’t change at all how much of a woman my feminine half is.  Her time for self-expression is limited yes, but when she’s out, she’s every bit the woman anyone else is.   Hugs,   Sally
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Meeting up with a therapist I seen back in 2001.Seen I am better,saw her after being honorable discharged from the Army.I was beaten up and sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier.Nothing was done about it and did report it.It put a toll on me.Was 22 at the time and we did not get along at times,bullied me too.
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Army doing 4 years,I ended up be discharged after my 4 years were up.Another guy in the same unit I was in beat the crap out of me including sexual assaulting me.Nothing was done about it,reported it and it put a toll on me.Had anxiety issues which I did get help and did recover from it
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Ash! You’ll find lots of information and resources here to help with your journey. Jump in where you feel comfortable.  I look forward to learning more about you.
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Justine! We’re glad you found us. You’ll find many of us here who embraced our true selves late in life for many reasons. Each of us is unique, yet we often share much in common. Read, ask questions and jump in where you feel comfortable.
    • Mealaini
      I've perused a few introductions on here.  To say that my situation is unique would be silly, but it is my situation.  I have had questions about who I am my whole life.  At an early age, I was exposed to traumatic experiences in both the emotional and sexual realm.  I've been through many therapies, and over the last year and a half, I finally found a therapist worth her title. After using EMDR, I have been finally able to convince my brain (for the most part) that I am no longer in danger, and am no longer being abused.  With some of the worst of my experiences faced and accepted, I have been working with my therapist with Internal Family Systems.  I highly recommend the book "No Bad Parts" to get an idea of what IFS is and how it can be used to reunite the fractured internal family.  The main idea of the internal family systems theory is that trauma can fracture the Self into different parts - and each part takes on a role that tries to protect the Self.  In order to repair these parts, and to bring these wounded parts back so that they can unload their burdens (the traumatic experiences), I have had to learn who they are and how they should fit in within my Self.  It is a long and difficult  process getting to know these parts.  I have been able to work within on a few of the parts, and one of the parts that has shown herself as an important character in my whole Self has been Mealani (Gaelic for Melanie and sounds the same).  I've been familiar with this internal part since I was about 10 years old.  I am now 55 years old, and I am realizing that she had an important role in my complete Self - a role that has led me to conclude that I have been hiding from my true gender.  As of now, I identify as Gender Fluid.  My pronouns are He, They, and Them.     I have been married for 30 years.  I have two kids who are both LGBTQ+ - one is Queer and the other is Transgender.  As I have worked through this with my Therapist, I have realized that my kids have been fortunate to have a father who has been accepting of them from the start.  I am their biggest supporter and have never questioned their identity.  My wife has had a lot of trouble accepting both my kids and their identities.  She is doing better now, but it nearly tore us apart.  My wife is a devout Catholic, and I have deconstructed my faith and am now a Faithful Atheist who tries to practice Radical Awareness.  Coming out as Atheist was another thing that nearly tore us apart.  Defining myself as Gender Fluid might just be the last straw.  As both of my kids are fully grown, I am not too worried if this ends the relationship because I want my wife to have a complete life with someone who is able to be the person she expects.  BUT, I am not ready to break the news to anyone yet.  That is  why I found this site.  I am going to hang out in the chats, ask some questions, learn some things, and make some hard decisions.  I thank anyone who reads this.  There is so much more to my story, but I am not fully prepared to spill the beans here. ....I am a process, not a fixed thing, and I've come a LONG way to get here today!  :)
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