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What will hrt do?

Guest CallMeKatie

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Guest CallMeKatie

Recently I have been thinking of coming out to my parents soon and I have had a lot on my mind, one thing being hrt. I just turned 18 and Im not site but I think I'm done with puberty, and I'm worried if that means it will be difficult to get results from hrt. I ve read that going on hrt before or durring puberty will make you go through female puberty. So at my age will I get the results I the body I want, breast, curves, etc. or will it just soften my skin, change my emotions, etc.?


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Guest Ney'ite

Everyone's genetics is different so there is really no accurate gauge at all. "YMMV" is the reigning King / Queen Acronym. HRT is not a magic cure by any means, but it will do some very amazing things, at ANY age, though the younger one starts, often (not always) the more dramatic the results. I transitioned when I was 42 and will just let others decide if my transition was successful or not.

Something to keep in mind, however, is that transitioning is mostly internal, only a very small portion is external. Granted, the external is what everyone else sees and the external and internal are unequivocally intertwined, but embracing the realities of your target gender internally is what will have the most impact on you. I know for me, I have had several "holy smokes this is REAL!" moments during my transition for sure.

Bone structure does *NOT* change, however. Nor does one's voice (it may soften, but it will not go back to pre-puberty). But as most usually realize, our own perceived flaws can be "fixed" by various means, as well as our positives we ALL have that can make up for those flaws we feel we have.

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Guest Mia J

Bette is right. It will vary for everyone and things like bone structure will not change.

On the other hand from what I have seen, people who start transition early like you generally get much faster results.


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Guest Jessie M

I started my journey at age 40, I have been on Hrt for 2 years now ( wow were did all the time go). I currently work at a womens clothing store, and even my coworkers have no idea of a past, let alone one that I am a transexual women. and to your questions yes. how much depends on variable as discribed in earlier replies.

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Guest Paradox

Usually body transition to adult structure contines into the early to mid 20's. You still have some time, so do not feel rushed to make a decision.

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