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Noticed a change in the last couple of months.

Guest Valerie

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Guest Valerie


I was wondering if any of you have noticed a change in the number of trips to the bathroom, as a result of taking Spiro.

When I started HRT, Jan 2010. I had to go to the bathroom every two hours or so.

I noticed that since May/June of this year that I can sleep the night away and not have to get up a single time. My doses on my HRT has not changed since the beginning, except for adding Propecia to my regiment.

I will see my Endo this Saturday and I will talk to him about this, but I am curious.



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Not a clue but i hope it's the same for me... I got to pee like ALL the time right now LOL... dang you SPIRO!!!! :hairpull:

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Guest spunky monkey


I'm hoping too start spiro any day now thanks for the heads up about bladder problems, oh bananas and orange juice I'm going too miss you

love rachelle

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Hi Rachael,

Spiro made me go to the bathroom more frequently for only a brief period, perhaps a month? Now I'm back to normal. Getting up in the night is a rarity for me.

Love, Megan

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Valerie, same happened with me, in the beginning i would be up 3 - 4 times at night to pee, gradually over time, not sure how long it was, i started getting up less and less until i was sleeping through the night, i am not sure why and never asked my endo, you might ask your doctor.


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I had been on diuretics for many years for high blood pressure. I was originally put on Spiro because another diuretic was sending my potassium levels down 6 feet under the basement floor and I was having problems keeping it up high enough to avoid night cramps and other misery. I took the Spiro specifically as a diuretic related to my blood pressure for several months before a very slightly increased dose for HRT purposes came in. With diuretics, you learn when to drink liquid, when your final cup of coffee or caffeinated soft drink for the day will be, and when to take the actual medication all in relation to each other. If you are lucky, your sleep cycle will also come into play as far as the kidney and bladder action set you off. I do have a "monthly cycle" that my endocrinologist laughs about a bit, since I am not on cyclic E, but when I am in a couple of the days that I retain water, I do have a single night call at about 6 hours in out of 8. No sleep deprivation has set in though.

Follow your doctor's advice on what to take and what not to take while you are on the Spiro. Legend says it makes your potassium skyrocket upwards, but let the doctor work off of facts as determined by regular blood tests before you significantly change your diet. We now know something besides the other diuretic was also at work on my postassium levels, because my postassium still crashes out on occasion, and I have been told specifically to include banana's in my diet at will. I actually have a supply of sports drinks with "electrolytes" (Ka) in them that my doctor wants me to use if I have certain symptoms. Your doctor may totally write those out of your list of fluids. (Orange juice for me is a First Aid supply for hypoglycemia). Do not self "food-icate" it can be as bad as self medication.

On the dark side, a friend of mine who did self med on the Spiro developed Hyperkalemia (poisonous level of potassium) and is still waiting for her kidney function to return to normal, but at least is off general dialysis, and goes in for assistive dialysis only intermittantly. Spiro is not a toy.

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Maybe unconciously adjusted how much fluids you drink before you go to sleep?

Another factor could be the type of fluids and diets. I found that having sugars or salts would cause a temporary retention of fluid, but if I avoid either of those, fluids passed thru me quickly. If you have had some changes in eating habits and diet this could be affecting it.

I would intentionally have some chocolate and chips if I had a long drive ahead of me as well as cutting fluids in advance.

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Guest Paradox

Follow your doctor's advice on what to take and what not to take while you are on the Spiro. Legend says it makes your potassium skyrocket upwards, but let the doctor work off of facts as determined by regular blood tests before you significantly change your diet. We now know something besides the other diuretic was also at work on my postassium levels, because my postassium still crashes out on occasion, and I have been told specifically to include banana's in my diet at will. I actually have a supply of sports drinks with "electrolytes" (Ka) in them that my doctor wants me to use if I have certain symptoms. Your doctor may totally write those out of your list of fluids. (Orange juice for me is a First Aid supply for hypoglycemia). Do not self "food-icate" it can be as bad as self medication.

On the dark side, a friend of mine who did self med on the Spiro developed Hyperkalemia (poisonous level of potassium) and is still waiting for her kidney function to return to normal, but at least is off general dialysis, and goes in for assistive dialysis only intermittantly. Spiro is not a toy.

Curious that you dropped potassium while on Spiro since that normally raises potassium levels. Has your doctor ever considerd your adrenal glands as cause? I have to take Spiro specifically to block adrenal aldosterone. Too much aldosterone causes potassium to plumet and sodium to rise causing extremely high blood pressure. Any other diuretic works the opposite of Spiro, exacerbating the loss of potassium. Wish I didn't have to know as much as I do about Spironolactone, aldosterone, testosterone, adrenaline, and cortisol.

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Curious that you dropped potassium while on Spiro since that normally raises potassium levels. Has your doctor ever considerd your adrenal glands as cause?

No problems with my adrenals, which we check often, likewise sodium is fine. I have a couple of odd little chromosomal issues come into play involving some of my blood chemistry. My doctors and I have it under control, the control is actually simple but will have to be done the rest of my life. But at 4 times a year, I have only 80 or 90 of them left to do, maybe 125 if I am lucky.

My major point for the younger crowd is to pay attention to your doctor, and not the local alchemist or town storyteller when it comes to Spiro.

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Guest Paradox

Yep, endocrine issues here, and I heartily agree with you about needing to monitor blood tests while taking spironolactone. You can go from ok to very much not ok without the watchful eye of a doctor.

It's not a hormone, though it regulates hormone receiptors among other functions, so many on forums talk about it and other medications as if they are benign. That may be true for some, cruelly untrue for others.

The thing is, used properly, spironolactone is a great medication which can improve the condition of the heart, kidneys, liver. It just needs monitoring to find what dose is right for your body.

Keep on reminding thse youngsters! :thumbsup:

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Guest Valerie

Hello, Ladies;

I talked to my Endo this morning about my concern reguarding the frequent use of the restroom and the sudden ability to sleep all niht without having to go to the restroom.

He had informed me that my body has become use to the Spiro and that is why I have noticed this change. He even asked me if I had an issue with being able to sleep the night through, I giggled and said that no I do not have a problem with that. However, he did order another visit by the "Vampires" to take my blood for another blood test. Which I was coming due on again.

We shall see what my newest labs results show and if anythng might be causing this sleepiing all night.

Yes, Spiro is a diuretic and affects your sodium and potassium levels. However, my sodium levels are in the low range and have been shortly after I started taking Spiro. I eat alot of salt daily and my levels have never gotten above midrange. My freinds even complain about the quantity of salt that I eat, I just say thank you for your concern and I show them my lab results. To which they just shake their heads and laugh. My Potassium levels have always been good throughout this process.



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      They are there to make money, not spend it. The bottom line trumps everything.
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      I am also sorry for your loss.
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      The age thing applies to both of them, and I say this as someone in my own mid 70's. As for being "businessmen," I don't consider the government to be a business.  That might be part of our problem now.  But this might not be the place to open that can of worms. I would like to be able to keep my personal freedom to live as myself, and the social security that I worked most of my life for.
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      Thank you so very much. The prayers are much appreciated.
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      Happy Pride!   Hugs,   Charlize
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      @April Marie I’m so sorry for your family loss. Embrace your wife as she processes the grief.    You and your family are in my prayers.   Mindy🌈🏳️‍⚧️🐛🦋
    • April Marie
      I hope to be able to drop in on tonight's Zoom. If I can, you'll see me wearing this band-collar floral popover with jeans and these slip-on sneakers.      
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      Awesome statement. 
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      Happy Pride month!!!
    • April Marie
      We are so indebted to you @Petra Jane, for keeping this amazing site alive, active and available. It is a pleasure to donate in order to keep it here for us all, even those who are not in a position to assist. We are all here for each other.
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      Happy pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍🩷🩵🩶
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    • April Marie
      Oh, my! It seems as if I have been gone for so long. And, interacting with you all has been such an important part of gaining an understanding of who I am this past year.    My wife’s mother passed away this week. She was in her late 90s but has been in relative good health. Until the past month. We brought in hospice last week when she began to sleep most of the day and began to become restless and uncomfortable. She passed in her sleep on Monday.   As you might imagine, it’s been a whirlwind of coordinating burial arrangements with family, the unreal home, the church and the venue for a lunch after mass.   We have a place here on our property where we place the ashes of family members so we will place her alongside her husband next Saturday.   Of course, our new puppy adds to the strain of time. She is a joy but also a typical Lab with lots of energy. She’s 11 weeks old and already 21 pounds.    I will I’ll find my way back here more as things settle down.   I miss you all!
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