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HRT and effects... 41 days! Where is fat? Please help... Polish girl!

Guest tola

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Hi everybody!!!

I am sorry, my english is not good, but I will try...

I'm 30 years old... 186 cm and 82 kilos and I am big girl:(

Today is 41 day with my HRT. I feel great and better from day to day... my mind.

I see a lot of changes on my body, first think is... breast and nipples, they are very sensitive, bigger and darker. I have to wear 2 under t-shirt, because somebody can see my changes. My skin is softer and clear. Body hair = no changes:(

I don't see fat redistribution, but I live in hope... I am big girl, I have muscles (GYM collage time).

Can you write and explain me when can I expect changes whit muscles and fat?

When did you see changes with fat, which month? This is much more important for me than breast, because I think that body shape (hips, butt) create woman on street...

I write from Poland. Situation for TS MTF isn't good there, people are not tolerant TS. It hard to live here, very hard... Especially we have problem with job in TS situation. We have only 2 little forum about TS, that's why I ask you girls about changes...

I don't care about my face (changes) because I really need FFS. Most important is good body shape, because I can't change it with surgeon...

Thank you....

Edited by MaryEllen
Hormone dosages removed per site Terms and Conditions
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Hi Tola:

I just posted that I've seen a change in muscle composition and strength and I've been taking hormone replacement for 6 months. Changes are generally slow from HRT, but they do happen and the changes start at day one. Stay in the game and you will change. I've talked to many trans people on HRT and they generally report you need a full year or more to see the major changes take over. Kathryn

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Guest Mia J

Hello Tola, The term fat re-distribution is misleading. The fat will not migrate from you belly or other places to your hips or rear-end. What will happen is that when you do produce more fat the deposits will be in places that are more common to women then men. You will still have to diet and exercise to reduce any fat you have now in places where you don't want it.


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