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Male criminals who become women behind bars

Guest Nicole9

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  • Root Admin

The state was more than lenient by granting HRT and possibly electrolysis but drew the line at SRS. If he has the means to pay for it himself without involving tax payer money, that's fine.

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Guest Bellexia

He? Is she not transsexual? I don't disagree that there needs to be a line especially if many outside are unable to get the same treatment but he?

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yeah I agree calling her a he is going a little to far. She may have done wrong and is trying to get a free ride on tax payers money but you should not call the women names.

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Guest Jenni_S

Jenni, I am no supporter of Kosilek did but let me ask you a question - if Charles Manson needed an appendectomy, should the prison provide it?

Yes. If that's the policy in the state of California. I believe I also said I wasn't questioning the legality of Kosilek receiving the surgery at the taxpayers' cost.

Again, I haven't challenged the legality of whether or not Kosilek receives medical care. By the judges ruling, it is quite legal.

Yes, I did.

I am not asking, or proposing, that they be denied medical care. That is for the courts to decide now, since the decision has been appealed. Whatever happens there, happens. This is not the issue I am presenting. It isn't a legal one, but a question for the community. Is the community itself advancing or hurting its own cause by supporting this person? I have made my reasons quite clear, I believe, for why I think it is not a good thing. Look at Colleen Francis and that whole thing. Everyone that ran to support her upon her cry of discrimination wound up with egg on their faces, once the rest of the story came to light. And I can't think the presently proposed laws about bathrooms and locker rooms are happening out of the blue.

Now we'll support a murderer, because it "helps the cause," to put it succinctly. Now put that in the public view. Is that a good thing? To see a whole community saying, hey, we support this person, because it helps us get our own? I am not asking if it's legal, or anything like that. This is what I have stated throughout. Is this the right thing for the community? Could all this energy to support Kosilek be directed to something less lousy?

The other part of the question is whether SRS is medically necessary or not. This is where things get tough! Very hard. Ugly. Because if SRS is medically necessary then it can not be denied. But if you deny SRS, you create one precedent for denial, and you've then opened the door to other cases being denied even when medically necessary.

Rights are rights, no matter how evil or ugly a criminal is. We are a nation of laws or we are a nation of tyrants. Kosilek forfeited certain rights when convicted of murder. The right to necessary medical care is not one of the rights forfeited.

And this is why Kosilek matters - because if SRS can be denied for Kosilek, it can be denied for any of us and it may never become completely covered by insurance. Kosilek is a human being who committed an unspeakably evil act, but Kosilek still has rights.

As soon as you deny Kosilek's rights, you've denied your own.

This isn't what I've been making a case for, as I've said. However, incarcerated felons are indeed denied rights. For example, I'm willing to bet real money that Kosilek is not presently allowed to vote in any election, being a convicted felon. Nor sit on a federal jury, or ever own a firearm. You give up rights when you are convicted of a felony and imprisoned; or rather, you lose them by law. By changing laws and rights for convicted felons, that does not affect my own rights in any way, since I am not planning on committing any felonies in my future. I don't see anyone petitioning for a restoration of these other rights that felons lose. Rather, I see, again, a vested interest on the part of the protesters. It is not a question of my rights, it is the rights of the convicted felon that are being made an issue. Those are not the same as the general citizenry of the United States, or the state of Massachusetts.

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  • Root Admin

He? Is she not transsexual? I don't disagree that there needs to be a line especially if many outside are unable to get the same treatment but he?

HE decided that HE was transsexual only after HE was tried and convicted of a heinous murder. Before that he dabbled in crossdressing. My suspicion is (mine only) that he thought he would get better treatment if he were to be incarcerated in a womens prison. He'll never get out so he's trying to make the best of a bad situation. I do not consider this person to be a true transsexual.

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....True transsexual.... Really? I think your feelings are getting in the way of what she done.

You have no idea what's been going on inside her head all her life. I myself never told a person ever and only "Dabbled" in cross-dressing from time to time till i was 28 and finally came out to everyone i was Transgender and wanted to transition. but i guess with your logic i am not a true transsexual..?

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Guest Sarah Faith

True transsexual. Interesting...

I think the point that MaryEllen is trying to make is that the circumstances in regards to this persons desire to get SRS are a bit too suspicious for her to consider them someone who is legitimately transsexual. Honestly I have a hard time disagreeing, I'm a bit biased though as I stated previously in this thread that an uncle I was very close to as a child was murdered when I was 5. I have a hard time caring about the well being of any convicted murderer, and honestly in my opinion the only thing a prisoner is entitled to is food, water, exercise, and life saving medical treatment. They lost their right to happiness when they were convicted for murder, prison isn't mean to be a happy place.

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Guest Bellexia

True transsexual. Interesting...

I think the point that MaryEllen is trying to make is that the circumstances in regards to this persons desire to get SRS are a bit too suspicious for her to consider them someone who is legitimately transsexual. Honestly I have a hard time disagreeing, I'm a bit biased though as I stated previously in this thread that an uncle I was very close to as a child was murdered when I was 5. I have a hard time caring about the well being of any convicted murderer, and honestly in my opinion the only thing a prisoner is entitled to is food, water, exercise, and life saving medical treatment. They lost their right to happiness when they were convicted for murder, prison isn't mean to be a happy place.

I don't disagree about the happiness. I don't, I just think that none of us here outside are equipped to label who is a true transsexual. I am a bit leery of making such a call, I am not there to diagnose this person. I think this thread got out of hand real fast and it's quite understandable, the emotions on such a subject are heated. I don't feel like she should get the surgery I don't, however it's not my call to make. As a minority I would not want a majority making decisions for my life. I've been on the recieving end of what "true transsexuals" believe. There are some that don't feel I am female until I undergo all the surgeries necessary and that is a shame because we are all brothers and sisters in this community. I am a woman. Whole heartedly. I don't know, I am not making any call. I am just saying it's a slippery slope when we start deciding who is what like that. I do feel though that everyone in this thread could benefit from a patented hug from me. *hugs everyone*

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  • Root Admin

....True transsexual.... Really? I think your feelings are getting in the way of what she done.

You have no idea what's been going on inside her head all her life. I myself never told a person ever and only "Dabbled" in cross-dressing from time to time till i was 28 and finally came out to everyone i was Transgender and wanted to transition. but i guess with your logic i am not a true transsexual..?

I don't need to know what's been going on in his head. All I care about is what this monster did to Cheryl. He's a pathological liar and will say or do anything to better his cause. My logic is my logic. I will not speculate on your gender status. It's not my concern.

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Guest KimberlyF

I never had to question if Kosilek was or wasn't a transsexual.

When you strangle someone to the point they almost lose their head, and then go out to dinner, you are an it. Dahmer was an it also. People don't act like that.

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Guest Rachel2170

I will weigh in then go back into my hole lol. Explain to me why someone who is locked up deserves taxpayer money to make their lives better when the rest of us might have to work our backsides off and never ever get what is freely given to them. Especially when there are homeless and starving kids for example that are not being taken care of? Forget for a moment what we have to deal with as a demographic, all our pain and suffering but even by "Societies accepted practices in the states" THERE is no reason to do anything for a person in prison but food, shelter, and educate (if you give a person a fish they eat for a day, but if you teach them to fish they eat for life). I for one who is in law enforcement will never understand why society has to pay for choices of those who make the wrong ones. What we go through is not a choice I made nor would I wish it on anyone. And do not get me started on insurance companies as all they are is legalized racketeering.

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Guest Melissa Lissa

For clarity's sake, I call Kosilek an it because it's not a human being. It can't be trans because in order to even have a gender to transition, you first have to be human. Unfortunately, that's a societal issue and law isn't as clear cut.

I think it's an unfortunate situation that definitely plays into the hands of people that are transphobic and intend to stay that way and even encourages others to agree with them. On the one hand, you don't want a case like this to cause a government to create laws or even guidelines that justify denying SRS to others or making future cases more difficult to win, if anything you want it to be accepted as a medically necessary procedure regardless of the person, we don't deny cancer treatment based on your standing in society so why should this be any different. On the other hand, this it is not who any of us want representing the community as a whole, and having to defend this awful it in order to avoid future trials referencing this one or future attempts by respectable people trying to have SRS justified by insurance denied by laws or guidelines put in place to prevent someone like it from getting that same right. If it fails to win it's right, it could be referenced and the resulting outcry could result in laws being made to prevent others in it's situation or even no where near it's situation from having access.

It's a bad situation to be in that looks bad for the overall community, the best thing that could have been done would have been to sweep it's attempt to get SRS under the rug and avoid the media attention or maybe encourage a much better representative of the community to champion the cause, seriously, anyone would have been better. Maybe the best thing isn't to support this legal action, but instead to bring up a new one with a new individual, someone who's not a monster in order to avoid dropping the issue, but also changing the individual representing the issue.

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  • Admin

Unfortunately, we cannot so easily dismiss Kosilek as being something other than human. We are faced with the fact that she is part of humanity, and we have to ask how someone gets to be like this. I've seen exactly this kind of person up close and personal, having watched a similar brutal murderer in a courtroom for three months. I don't know the answer to the question of what turns an innocent child into an unfeeling and uncaring brute. If the answer exists, no one has found it yet.

None of that makes any difference to the question at hand, though. GRS is not required to sustain her life, nor is FFS or BA if she wanted those. If she has the money, she should be allowed to find a surgeon willing to do the job. Good luck with that. But for the people of MA to pay for it, I wouldn't approve, and to the core question of this thread, no, I do not think the Community should rally behind Kosilek as a means to any end. We ought to be able to find other champions for our cause. If we can't, we as a Community are in bad shape.

Carolyn Marie

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Guest Rachel2170

I respectfully understand your concern and can see where your coming from but I find it demeaning to the legit community (as ours and not those incarcerated-once they serve their time then I for one consider them part of our community again). By allowing them to ride the coat tails it doesnt make our fight any easier as they will just further "demonize" our community to the rest of the world as it is those who have a problem with us will always tend to gravitate to the idiots( the "it' mentioned above) to bolster their hate stance and prejudices against us. Besides like I commented above there are way worthier causes to dedicate money to than someone who is incarcerated. I believe we are far better off by not championing their cause for fear if we dont it will jeopardize our own.

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Guest Gypsyfeenix
HE decided that HE was transsexual only after HE was tried and convicted of a heinous murder. Before that he dabbled in crossdressing. My suspicion is (mine only) that he thought he would get better treatment if he were to be incarcerated in a womens prison. He'll never get out so he's trying to make the best of a bad situation. I do not consider this person to be a true transsexual.

Nope...not just only your suspicion.

I liken these people to those who "find God" on the inside, then when they get paroled, commit more crimes. I find it laughable that so many find sympathies for convicted felons trying to screw the system to service their own devices on the inside, while good, law abiding, hard working people on the outside scrimp and save to try and find happiness and contentment.

There is no reason in my mind good enough to allow these ******** luxuries that people on the outside cannot afford - people like any one of you. I find it even sad that I read the posts by some of you who are almost suicidal, or worse, who see no end in sight and yet you think it fine for some scumbag in jail to be handed the ability to change HIS world for the better while you all suffer.

These people are being punished ( I think that Sarah Faith pointed this out before); they are not there to be healed. It's not supposed to be Club Med, guys. It's JAIL.

I said I was done with this thread, but honestly, I walked away from Laura's because of the irrational commentary, the derailing from the original thread, and the blindness for such a strong issue. How can anyone here honestly say that handing these rights to a convicted felon is okay while you all sit at home, miserable and in despair because you cannot "be" who you were born to "be".

I just have to shake my head - I feel sad about this whole thing.

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Guest Gypsyfeenix
HE decided that HE was transsexual only after HE was tried and convicted of a heinous murder. Before that he dabbled in crossdressing. My suspicion is (mine only) that he thought he would get better treatment if he were to be incarcerated in a womens prison. He'll never get out so he's trying to make the best of a bad situation. I do not consider this person to be a true transsexual.

Nope...not just only your suspicion.

I liken these people to those who "find God" on the inside, then when they get paroled, commit more crimes. I find it laughable that so many find sympathies for convicted felons trying to screw the system to service their own devices on the inside, while good, law abiding, hard working people on the outside scrimp and save to try and find happiness and contentment.

There is no reason in my mind good enough to allow these ******** luxuries that people on the outside cannot afford - people like any one of you. I find it even sad that I read the posts by some of you who are almost suicidal, or worse, who see no end in sight and yet you think it fine for some scumbag in jail to be handed the ability to change HIS world for the better while you all suffer.

These people are being punished ( I think that Sarah Faith pointed this out before); they are not there to be healed. It's not supposed to be Club Med, guys. It's JAIL.

I said I was done with this thread, but honestly, I walked away from Laura's because of the irrational commentary, the derailing from the original thread, and the blindness for such a strong issue. How can anyone here honestly say that handing these rights to a convicted felon is okay while you all sit at home, miserable and in despair because you cannot "be" who you were born to "be".

I just have to shake my head - I feel sad about this whole thing.

And for those who do not know, I am NOT a transitioning person, though my wife is.

Since coming here, I am frightened at the number of suicidal people who have been isolated by their stage in transition solely because of the lack of funds to make the change to better their lives. THIS is where my anger comes from.

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Koselik should be granted an appendectomy because a burst appendix is life threatening. Denial of SRS, while deemed a medical necessity, is not life threatening. It will not kill this murderous scumbag to be denied SRS. I find it appalling that many in the transgender community are upholding this person as a poster child for the right to have SRS.

I think ME says it very to highlight the difference between medically necessary to save one's life verses "medically necessary" to enhance.

People convicted of crimes and incarcerated forfeit many rights. To not have the right to have their desired "sex change" (as the general population will see it) denied doesn't affect those not convicted/incarcerated. I think that is a specious argument. I don't care if this person has funds to pay for the surgery themselves or not. Are prisoners allowed to just buy anything they want when in prison?

I see no rights gained by this occurring or lost if it were denied. It is a ruling against a policy, not overturning some law. It is something that most non-trans will find quite disturbing to be provided in prison as well as many trans. While this person may have gotten a legal ruling in their favor, it wouldn't be at all surprising for there to be efforts for to amend the law to specifically exclude a repeat or new laws to specifically prohibit gender reassignment for prisoners. Such efforts will likely be successful given the general level of disgust a situation like this creates.

When trans folk support a person like this, the whole community gets seen in a negative way which not only spurs legislation that may be negative to trans in general and generates support for that legislation. In my opinion, to the degree the community supports this sort of action, the more it harms the cause.

I tend to view the holding the status quo policies that have largely been in place as a pretty reasonable compromise. Now if this

Of course if this surgery goes ahead the next thing would be a required transfer to a womens facility if this person isn't already at one. Yet such a transfer would be viewed as another success despite being imprisoned in the first place for murdering a woman.

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    • Lydia_R
      This internet video thing is pretty amazing.  I'd call it Zoom, but there are other platforms out there.  I prefer Zoom over Teams because Zoom puts me and everyone else in the same picture.  I like seeing the whole group in one shot.  Teams of course is about having so many people that you can't get them in the shot, or is it?   Just saying that I have never met any of my counselors in person.  Doctors, of course I have and I am lucky there.  They are 3.5 miles from my house as is the main transgender surgery place in town.  I've been doing virtual visits with the medical doctors lately though.  It feels like once I became steady state, they don't need to interact with me physically that much.  I have enjoyed going into their office in my nice clothing.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I guess a lot depends on where you start and where you wanna end up.  For me, doing the "boy form" thing has come with disadvantages.  Smaller skeleton, thinner bones, and skinny/tiny everything.  I'll never be taken seriously.  I guess the advantage is that my way of blending in is just kind of confusing.  "Mommy, is that a boy or a girl?"    One of the biggest arguments for starting transition early in life is I think it gives a person a greater ability to pass.  My two MtF friends started early, and pass really well.  They never got to the larger bone structure, beard, deep voice stuff.  Me being intersex (which is more complicated) and not getting around to "boy form" until my 30's, my body size and features were pretty much set in stone.      You're lucky.  Some folks pay all that and more, even AFTER insurance.  One of my friends faced the choice last year - pay for her final year of college or pay for her meds.  She's taken a year off from college to work and save up money to finish.    My medical expenses have been more injury-related than therapy or medication   The state covered some of it with a fund for crime victims, insurance covered a lot, but there's ended up being a few thousand dollars spent out-of-pocket since 2022 to put me back together again.  I've never found a decent therapist, but my husband has a psych degree among other things, so I figure talking with him is almost as good.  I do have a good doctor, although I have to drive a long way to a big city to see her.  Mostly she takes a basic look at me, and writes another year's prescription.  Since I'm non-op and only using testosterone cream for a localized effect, its pretty simple stuff. 
    • Lydia_R
      I'm a tracker and I've paid for 100% of my transition costs out of pocket.  Counseling was a huge, huge part of my transition and well worth my money.  Not to be uppity about all of this.  I'm just sharing information I have because I have it and it may be useful for others.  Here is my analysis of my spending on transition over the last 2.5 years:   Medical Doctors and Blood Draws: $2,397 Counseling: $3,800 Medications (brand name): $2,702.85 Medications (generic): $485.39 Total: $9,385.24   I picked up on the internet early in transition that transition is a consumer activity.  I tend to agree with that.   This year (Jan - May 18th, 2024), I've spent: Medical Doctors: $102 Medications: $241.52 Total: $343.52   So I'm on a much more sustainable path with it.  I'm pretty happy with where I am with it, although I do still desire surgery and am nervous about how that will all unfold.  But my doctors have me on this steady state thing.  I could seek out other medications, but what I'm doing is good enough.  Oh, I'm missing something....  I did a bunch of electrolysis that didn't appear to have any effect.  I've always enjoyed shaving and I use pink shaving cream now (I've got some lipstick blond in me).  It's good enough.  Not sure if I'll do electro or laser in the future.  The need to shave my body has become less and less.  Before HRT, I was shaving my body weekly or even every 5 days.  Now it is more like 2-3 weeks.  Everyone's body hair is different.  My beard is very coarse and stiff while my body hair has been somewhat minimal and light.  It's nice to have smooth legs and not have to shave as much.   Counseling was $200/session.  I tried one or two counselors before I found one who resonated with where I really was.  When I was prescribed HRT, I didn't fill the prescription until 4 months later.  I had to take some time to decide that I really wanted to take on that lifetime financial commitment.  And of course the possibly negative health consequences too, but I think I was actually thinking more about the finances of it all.  Maybe 51%.   I did a lot of work to revitalize my career before jumping into medical transition.  I started counseling 3 months before I got the best paying job of my life.  The pressure of wanting to transition was so great that I couldn't wait any longer.  She was coming out.  Even though I had very little money, I splurged on some nice dresses and a full length mirror and then started counseling.  Sometimes you just have to move forward and hope for the best.  Other times it is better to wait and do some hard work.  The grace of it all..
    • Ivy
      And when the pressure is released it sucks in heat.  I had a regulator leaking and it was covered with ice.  It's how a heat pump works as well.   Why do they always pick names like this?  It's like the exact opposite of what it really is. I hate politics so much.  But I still have to follow it.
    • Lydia_R
      Wonderful!  This reminds me of a discussion I had with my brother a decade ago.  I said that things expand when they get hotter.  He said, no, they expand when they get colder.  And I had to think about that for a while.  The weird thing is that H20 is special in that when it reaches freezing, it expands.   The pressure makes the cold and then we see the condensation.
    • KatieSC
      I used to have a really good therapist, however, she does not accept health insurance reimbursement fees as they are too low. I had to pay 130 per session. When she decided to jack the rates to 185 per hour, I cut bait. Without a doubt, counseling is very helpful. What concerns me greatly is that we are a vulnerable population. Unfortunately, we can easily be targeted for some pretty high fees. How many of us have been in the situation where our healthcare provider, surgeons, or counselors, have required cash payments? We get jammed as well by the health insurance companies as they often will not pay for items that could be essential to our well-being. It is my contention that our chances of being targeted for violence, death, or harassment, go up when we cannot easily blend in with the female population.    For those of us that are MTF, some of us are blessed with more feminine features, and many of us are not. We get the whammy of a larger skeleton, bigger hands, bigger feet, a beard, a deep voice, and masculine face. It takes a lot for some of us to be able to blend in. My belief is that the better we blend in, the better chance we have of not being targeted. In this, electrolysis, facial feminizing/gender affirming facial surgery, voice/speech therapy with voice feminization/gender affirming voice surgery, and body contouring are all potentially lifesaving. Unfortunately, many of the insurance companies deem the procedures as cosmetic, and yet there is no cosmetic that fixes all of these issues.    If you pay your money, you can get anything you want in this world. The sad reality is that for us, many of these procedures would enhance our lives tremendously, yet we face ongoing battles with our very existence. Yeah, an empathetic therapist helps, but is it just the concept of reasonable empathy at a reasonable cost? When my therapist jacked her rates to 185 per hour, I said enough is enough. Your mileage may vary.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I don't think the temperature matters as much.  Think about how gases like CO2 are stored in cylinders, and they are basically the same in summer or winter.  Any gas becomes liquid under enough pressure.  What does matter is the strength of the pressure vessel.  If exposed to excess external heat, pressure increases and can burst a tank or a pipe.  Household propane tanks are often painted white or silver and have safety release valves, because sunlight can heat a tank enough to cause a significant increase in internal pressure, even though the contents remain liquid. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      It has been a long week, and I think this weekend is going to be pretty busy.  The high school is having their graduation later today.  Although we don't have any grads in our family this year, my husband is going because he's involved with the school.  And tonight there's the torchlight ceremony for the county cadets who are finishing their program, and the reading of assignments for the new seniors.  One of my stepkids will be a senior this year.  She's talented, and will be assigned a squad leader position.  My husband is really proud of her, and she's well-liked by her peers even though she's very quiet and serious.    I might get to go on a trip to Texas this week.  The storms that hit Houston caused a lot of electrical damage, so no doubt the utilities in that area will be ordering stuff from my husband's company.  When the big hurricane hit Florida in 2022, we made several trips there with badly-needed equipment, and the entire transportation department was involved in the first convoy.  When he travels, I usually want to go along, since 1-on-1 time is kind of rare for us. 
    • Mmindy
    • Lydia_R
      Maybe surface tension?   I was in a political debate yesterday and it got way too focused on social stuff and I just had to steer the conversation back to how natural gas transitions to a liquid under pressure.  One of the people I was debating had a career working in that field and it was a good opportunity to expose stuff like that.  He mentioned that it isn't just pressure, it is temperature too.  So then I mentioned how the lines are running underground and asked how that played a role in it.  He came back saying that natural gas is a liquid under pressure.  I guess I didn't get a straight answer on that, but it did move my thinking one step down the road.  Perhaps I should have been more direct with him and asked him at what temperature and pressure.  Is there a chart?   I feel people would be better off if they paid more attention to the objects in their environment instead of focusing on some of the things that we hear so much of in the news.  People are pretty clueless as to how much trigonometry plays a role in so many things in our society.  Even land surveyors don't really use it anymore because programmers locked it away in a function.  Much like how cascading style sheets (CSS) is a wrapper for math.  I wonder what former president Trump thinks about all of that?  He must have some knowledge of how his buildings are constructed, right?  There certainly is a part of me that thinks he is just putting on a show about all of this.  Perhaps I'm wrong though.  All kinds of people in the world.
    • Jani
      Me as well.  I can use my left hand for many tasks though.
    • Jani
      Hello Jennifer and welcome back.  I find New England to be a great place to live.  I have a number of acquaintances and friends in Maine and I love the state.  It seems you are doing well.     Hugs,  Jani
    • MirandaB
      Oh, my "maybe this person is an egg" story is the (male presenting) piercing person and I discussed body hair removal methods, he says he doesn't want any hair except on his head, which is what I said during a couple hair removal sessions before and just after the egg cracked.     
    • Karen Carey
      I, too, am lucky.  Here in the UK I have a great therapist, a fully supportive GP, and a psychiatrist and endo who look after me and my needs.  I found the therapist on Psychology Today.
    • Lydia_R
      Over the last few years of being on this site and going through medical transition, I've come to own the M->F identification.  Funny, I made a typo of M->T.  It is a curiosity if I'll ever put Gender: Female on this site.  It is my intention to be there someday.   Right now, because of career stuff and a high stress event with an electric hair clipper last fall, I'm feeling much more masculine than I would like.  I think that once I make some decent headway with my third career, I'll settle into a more feminine feeling.   I never really considered gender very much.  I certainly always used a feminine appearance as my presentation goal. I think that when I was young, I briefly had the idea of transitioning, but I convinced myself quickly that medical transition would be a bad outcome, so I put all those feelings and ideas in the closet for decades.  I'm still very apprehensive about medical transition.  I've always taken health to be a high priority for me.  I wrote a book last December about my fears of it all and my conclusion ultimately is that sometimes there is more to life than being a pillar of health.  It's important to take some chances if that is where your heart takes you.
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