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Do I need a hearing for name change? Court said maybe not?

Guest Merc

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It's been a week, and I don't know if I am just being super-impatient with this or not. But I filled out all the documents required to change name and gender and filed them with the clerk in Utah. I told her I'd never stepped foot in a courtroom before, and she told me the judge is easy on name changes and often doesn't require any hearings. My question is, if time passes and the judge still doesn't sign my papers(I've been calling every day since last Friday), when is a good idea to schedule a hearing?

Of course, I'd be willing to do a hearing, but knowing that it takes 2 more weeks on top of that, I might just take my chances for a little while here. Any thoughts?

SIDE NOTE--The clerk was briefly talking to her co-worker about something and said to her, "No, I can't, I'm working with here." After a couple seconds, I realized that she actually used the word 'hir.' That was pretty neat! And Utah, out of all places!

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Guest Sarah Faith

When I had my name change done, I did have to go to court and see a judge.. However I wouldn't call it a hearing.. The judge just called my name and I went up to the bench and he talked with me quietly for a moment (like he did for everyone else seeking a name change) then he handed me the signed court declaration and the other paperwork I needed to finish the process. Then I talked to his clerk, and got the paperwork to file for the name change to be published in the local paper the required two times.. It was relatively painless honestly. (This was back in colorado)

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How far out was your hearing scheduled(again, my impatience is showing a bit). And it's been absolutely painless so far, that's sort of why I was hoping to avoid the hearing to some degree. It really sucks that you had to have your name change put in the paper, and in Colorado, which I thought was a bit more progressive than Utah(and it's rarely required here).

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Ask the court clerk how long it takes to process. Also make sure you did everything you need.

Around here you first to a petition, then there is a second step where you need to publish and file that, and then a final judgment. The process takes a couple months.

A hearing can often be bypassed of there are no objections made within the defined period for people to object after the public announcement.

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  • Admin

I would check with these folks here http://transgenderlawcenter.org/ for what goes on in your state. I did it in California three years ago, and dang it if they did not make it shorter and simpler AFTER I had done it. Procedures do vary from state to state. I did stand in front of a Judge in a large, but pretty empty courtroom and answered some pretty mundane questions. All of my dates were set in stone by the court clerk when I filed the petition. In my case there was a period of four weeks when the notice was published once a week in a newspaper that only lawyers and credit managers ever read, and now that is no longer the law. There were two weeks after the last publication date for people to file objections to the name change, and then it was the Monday after the last day to file the obj. that I was put on the court calendar. Call the court clerk and find out what they say or do what TLC suggests, they are my legal friends.

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Guest Sarah Faith

About a month and a half, and then it took about another 3 weeks to get my publication done.. Colorados process is long though because to start with I had to get criminal background checks through both the FBI and the State Investigative Branch. Those took about 2 months total. For me I started the process in March and had my name actually legally changed by july.

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Guest Carla_Davis

Hi Merc,

I live in NY.

I also had to attend a court hearing.

It was very simple, and no stress.

The judge was very friendly.

The judge asked me why I wanted a name change. I replied”I was a transgender woman, and as part of my 24/7 RLE (Real Life Experience) I needed to live and dress as a female, and having a female name would be necessary.

I also had to publish my name change in the newspaper, but it may not be necessary in Utah.

These Instructions for filing a Name Change-Adult (Utah) may be helpful for you.

If you read Step 2, You MUST Request a Hearing.

The court will not schedule a hearing unless you request one.

I HIGHLY recommend that you Request a Hearing, even though the Clerk told you it it often is not required, I would file a Request.

IMO, Calling every day may also upset the Clerks, and put you file at the bottom of the list

As the saying goes “If it’s not written, it is only hearsay and does not count”

Instructions for Filing for a Name Change - Adult


Steps to Filing an Adult Name Change Case

  • Step 1: Obtain certification that your name is not listed on Utah's Sex Offender Registry. To do this, fill out your identifying information in the form titled "Department of Corrections Certification Regarding Sex Offender Registry." Then mail that form, along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope, to the Department of Corrections at the address listed on the form. After the form has been completed and returned to you, attach it to your Petition for Name Change.
  • Step 2: Complete and file the appropriate forms.
    • Petition for Name Change
      • Fill in all the blanks on the Petition.
      • Attach to the Petition the completed Certification Regarding Sex Offender Registry form, obtained in Step 1 above.
      • Make copies of all documents to keep for your records.
      • Sign the Petition in the presence of a notary public or court clerk, who must verify your identity and your signature. It is best to do this before going to court. Most banks have a notary, although many may charge a fee for this service to non-customers. By signing in front of a notary, you are stating under oath that the document is true.
    • Cover sheet: This can be downloaded here.
    • Request for Hearing. The court will not schedule a hearing unless you request one.
    • Application and Affidavit for Waiver of Court Filing Fees: Complete this form only if your income is so low that you cannot pay the filing fee. For more information and forms, see our page on Fees and Fee Waiver"
  • Step 3: File your case with the court.
  • Take the documents identified in Steps 1 and 2 above to the district court in the county where you have lived for the past year. Locate the counter for the court clerk, and give these documents to the clerk, along with the required filing fee.
  • If the Petition was not yet signed in the presence of a Notary Public, you must sign it before the clerk at this time.
  • Notice for Hearing on Petition for Name Change - PDF | Word
  • Step 4: Send any required notice about your name change petition. It is unusual for a judge to order that an adult seeking a name change must send notice to someone else. However, if the judge orders that you do this, you may obtain the appropriate form here:

Request a Hearing


I hope this information is helpful for you :)

I wish you Success and Happiness in your Journey, and Name Change :wub:



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    • VickySGV
      @KathyLauren This is how the jurors broke down the award:     Being labeled as a molester and sexual pervert can and has done that much actual damage in terms of repair of the damage through a wide variety of means including legal fees and loss of livelihood in any job or profession.  As this said the idea of "reckless disregard for the truth" means that the performer was able to show a level of damage that will affect him now and in the future.  The $900K+ figure was a matter of real evidence of the damage. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, it has been an interesting morning.  I stayed home from service to take care of a partner.  She's the youngest of us, and I'm usually not her first choice for affection.  But this morning she curled up in my lap right before breakfast, and told me she was feeling ill.  And then threw up on me about 30 seconds later....   I guess the smell of the food is what did it, poor thing.  On a hunch, she took a pregnancy test and.... yep.    She's been married to our husband for 10 years, and this will be her 6th, so I'm happy for her.  We took a shower and she got back in our nest to sleep some more, which is probably the best medicine of all.  Maybe she'll feel better this afternoon. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Article said $250,000 of it was "punitive."  To me, seems like the whole thing was punitive...which I don't think is appropriate at all. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Biden himself is driving that "divisive wedge."  Could have done without the anti-gun garbage in his statement....it makes it seem like all LGBTQ+ folks agree with their agenda.  Which simply isn't true, and makes life difficult (and unsafe) for those of us who prefer to live in rural (and non-Democrat) areas.  Pride month would be happier for many (and more socially accepted) if it could somehow be separated from ancillary political issues. 
    • KathyLauren
      I haven't seen the ruling, but it is unlikely that the entire amount was for actual damages.  The majority was likely punitive, as it should be.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Unless somehow this caused a million dollars worth of damage to somebody's livelihood or life, the amount of this judgement seems excessive.  Not something I would call "uplifting" or anything to be pleased about. 
    • Davie
      Thanks so much, @Ivy Good to hear good sense about this. —Davie
    • VickySGV
      You do have what are called Receptor Cells in your body, that take the T or E and actually put them to work structuring your body.  I learned about this from a genetics study being done through the University Of California that I took part in through a Transgender Conference I attended.  Turned out  that my actual T receptor cells had some extra bits of protein in their make-up that they knew inhibited certain (unknown specifically) functions of the hormones.  My Endocrinologist even commented that he was not as concerned about what my blood levels were because the level in my blood stream was not doing anything, it was what the receptor cells did with it that mattered.    That said though, to me it seems like your T actually has done a pretty good job on you from what you say.  Just like my direction of MtF, males come in so many different editions, shapes, and sizes that to me you would fit in there just fine, maybe not in your personal ideal of masculinity, but you seem to fit in the box pretty well from what you are saying.  I  would get back with your Gender Therapist for a bit to get help on self acceptance of where you are.
    • Mmindy
      Good morning everyone,    It’s another rainy cool morning here in central Indiana so in spite of getting up at 06:30 to quickly get Parker outside to do his business, then scoop him up some kibble and fill his water bowl. We’ve been cat napping with the Smithsonian Channel streaming Arial America.    Well said @Willow about being Trans Enough.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🐛🦋    
    • Charlize
      Thanks you for posting.  Is Eli your chosen name?  I'm not surprised that you have heard the complaints of MTF folks and their struggles.  We all see our own struggles as being the worst.  That being said i've known quite few trans men who have gone through a great struggle.  While our social difficulties are real i have found finding peace with myself has been every bit as hard if not harder in the long run.  That has little or nothing to do with passing.       I definitely am privileged as an educated white person in an accepting area.  I have to accept that as well.       As to HRT, the time will come if that is the path you change.  Facial hair, as well as body hair, a deep voice and slight but powerful physical changes will eventually allow you to pass.  As i waited to start hormones i found it was a time when i could start the long path towards self acceptance.  I will never be a cis woman and finding peace with that can still be a challenge for any trans person.   Hugs,   Charlize  
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      Surprise of the day - syncronicity - nice find of a band I'd never heard of ...    
    • April Marie
      Feeling happy, blessed and content today.
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
      Are you able to live in the moment or does your inner demon generally control you?
    • Heather Shay
      Still have anxious moments meeting some.
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