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Guest Konnor

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Guest Konnor

Well, the last time I posted a topic on here I was doing great. To recap, for the past 7 months I've been dating Andrew, a bio-male who ID'd as gay before we met. I met him as Konnor and we dated like that for about a month. Then I told him about myself and he said he couldn't date me because he was gay. So we broke up for a month but stayed best friends. Then right before he left for boot camp for the Navy, he came and spent a weekend with me at college and we got back together. We've been together since then and honestly it's been great. We got along wonderfully, basically the only thing we fought about was being apart because he has been in Illinois the whole time. Since boot camp, we've seen each other once or twice a month though, and we spent a week together for Thanksgiving and 3 weeks together over Christmas and New Years. We talked often about our future together, how we were going to get married and have kids and spend forever together. He was planning on coming to my sister's wedding in June and he was going on vacation with him in July. He even had a seperate bank account and had part of his paycheck deposited towards an engagement ring and our future home. I thought everything was great...

Fast forward to last Saturday. I talked to him that night at about midnight, he had been out with his buddies. He normally doesn't drink much, but he had just found out that his best friend was getting stationed elsewhere. He was leaving soon so they went out drinking. Andrew said he had too much so he was going to bed and called just to say goodnight. I didn't hear from him until Tuesday, when he texted me to say he was fine and he would call me that night. So he texts me that night and tells me all of this in a text: he had started vomiting blood once we got off the phone Saturday night. He went to the hosipital and they found 3 ulcers. They made him talk to a chaplain and a psychologist to figure out what was stressing him out so bad. He decided it was me...he was always worrying about getting stationed closer to me, trying to get home for holidays, worrying about going out with his friends because he didn't want me to get mad, and always trying to figure out what was wrong with me. So he decided that he couldn't juggle me, his family/friends, and being in the Navy. Once he texted me, I called him. He basically repeated what he said in the text and said there was nothing I could change to fix it, and there was no other options besides breaking up. You should have heard him...he sounded so different. So cold. When we were done talking, I said I love you, and he said "I love you too, but I can't do this." He then told me that I could do whatever with his stuff that was at my house and deleted me from his myspace. His mood on myspace was animated and his headline said "Sometimes you just gotta be free!!" When I asked him to promise me that he would talk to me eventually, he said "we'll see."

I'm at a complete loss. I thought I knew him so well. I was positive he was the one, my soulmate. And he always said he felt the same way... He was my life and my world. I feel worse than I've ever felt before and I just don't know what to do. I don't want to whine, but I just needed to vent. I've been to my therapist to talk about it and that helped some, but it didn't help the hurt. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get over him? I know it's stupid, but I keep hoping he'll come back like he did the first time...but I know I'm never going to hear from him again. I just know it. I dunno, I guess I just need some love from y'all right now. I'm feeling pretty crappy. Thanks if you read all of this, I really appreciate it.


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Guest Konnor

I also forgot to add the part about all the trans stuff... When I was with Andrew, I felt okay with being a girl. I wanted to be his wife and the mommy to his kids. He accepted me exactly as I was, dressing male, passing, short hair, and everything. He was okay with it and was attracted to me no matter what. Without him, I'm back to the "not knowing" state. I don't feel like a girl or like a guy really. I'm sure I'm being confusing so I'll just stop. Thanks for reading.


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Guest MrAwesome

I've never had a relationship. However, Everything heals with time... Cry about it, listen to sad music, Every rose has its thorn! :P lol, mope around a few days, Get all the hurt out, talk about it with a few more people. God cut a branch, but only so you can be more fruitful! XD (Don't ask, I'm not a christian, I go to church for the philosophical part.) But basically, things were going good, but it can always get better. I'm sure that it's hard now, but something better's going to come along... :) I promise *huggles tightly*

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Guest ~Brenda~

Dear Konnor,

Listen to me very carefully!! Ulcers are not caused by stress!! They are caused by bacteria! You are NOT the cause of his ulcers!! Never believe that for a microsecond!! Don't let anyone tell you that the stress of being with you is making him sick. You are not the stress factor anyway!! It sounds like your boyfriend has found somebody else, sorry dear to break it to you this way, but I have been there so many times. One day all is good and they love you!! Next, they are cold and give you lame excuses like they are sick and you are the cause of it... bull hockey. Men... ugh... you have no idea, how many times I have heard this same lame excuse!!

Move on my dear... Someone better is waiting for you!!


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Rejection is one of the hardest thigs to overcome, because we think if someone we thought we knew very well would eventually leave us, then everyone will. Time is the only real remedy. I f you could just forget about him in a short time then you didnt really love him, but the fact it is taking you time to do so means you have a heart and you know how to love. It is too hard to find unconditional love these days, and when we do we hang on too tight sometimes. Someone better and someone more deserving of your love will come into your life when the time is right. You need to just go on with your life and let your heart heal properly. Til then you have all of us here at Laura's. If you need to PM me I will talk to you if you just need to talk.

Peace and Love my friend.

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Guest Konnor

Thanks everyone for your support and advice. It helps to know I have so many people behind me here at Laura's. Dan, you're right...I guess it's just going to take time. :( Ugh...hopefully things start looking up a little. Thanks again everyone!!


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Trust me, Sally doesn't lie to anyone here (just about who I am in my daily life) you will get over this and you will find that it is really for the better.

It sdoesn't seem that way now but it is.

Your ex was lying to you about the ulcers being caused by stress - it can produce extra stomach acid that can agravate the condition but if he was coughing up blood from his ulcers he would have been kept in the hospital - they don't bleed until they have perferated and require surgery to repair - nd it used to be followed by a medical discharge.

I would keep that little bit of information in mind if this individual decides that he is tired of who ever he is hanging around with now and wants to come back - you deserve better!

Stay here and talk to us and forget about old what's his name and move on.

Love ya,


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Guest Elizabeth K


I hope you are okay. I didn't post because you had so many people with such good advice - but re-reading I see:

Without him, I'm back to the "not knowing" state. I don't feel like a girl or like a guy really.

We are what we are baby, you are just fine as you are. When you get feeling better - you gonna get back into the grove.

Relationships mess with your head, but you learn from them... So the next one will be better!

Keep us posted on how you are doing!


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Guest Evan_J


I'm sorry to hear what happened. I gotta be truthful with you (and its gonna be that "burning, no that's not it cuz I can't take it if that's it" kind of truth, but its best know who he really is) what Bernie said is true. I hadda hear it about my exwife. She basically did what Andrew did; a sudden "inexplicable" but "I'm exstatic" breakup and claimed it was stuff that really made no sense -a "thrown together hodgepodge" just like the ulcer/can't juggle all these facets malarky, and it actually was that she was floosying around with someone. YOU DON'T WANT HIM. If he can do that you don't even want to miss him. You're a 10, he's a 2 at that point. It "killed" me when I had to know that. But you are a "great" guy, free for someone to be fortunate enough to have. He on the other hand is a sleazy very *friendly* person, slutting around with no loyalty who will inevitably end up slutting around with another, and yet another, and another guy with no real life.

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Guest Sydney_W

Aaaagh, this sounds just like how my relationship ended about a year ago. :blink: I still can't believe it's been so long. I miss that kid.

It was a similar situation, minus the ulcers. Long-distance relationship, most communication over the phone or internet. For the longest time, everything seemed peachy. But she lived away from home at an intense boarding high school. It was slowly taking her over, even down to the point of what seemed like forced socializing. With my having been a social outcast for my entire life, and with several of my few friends having been stolen away from me by excessive schooling, I was extremely resentful of this situation. It also seemed to me that her classes and activities were overloading her, making her very stressed out. So in light of this, I understand what you said here:

They made him talk to a chaplain and a psychologist to figure out what was stressing him out so bad. He decided it was me...he was always worrying about getting stationed closer to me, trying to get home for holidays, worrying about going out with his friends because he didn't want me to get mad, and always trying to figure out what was wrong with me. So he decided that he couldn't juggle me, his family/friends, and being in the Navy. Once he texted me, I called him. He basically repeated what he said in the text and said there was nothing I could change to fix it, and there was no other options besides breaking up. You should have heard him...he sounded so different. So cold. When we were done talking, I said I love you, and he said "I love you too, but I can't do this." He then told me that I could do whatever with his stuff that was at my house and deleted me from his myspace. His mood on myspace was animated and his headline said "Sometimes you just gotta be free!!"

When she told me that she "had to" break up with me despite her not wanting to, I couldn't understand it. My reasoning was that, if you're overloaded and have to cut something, cut out an extracurricular club or one of the five or so honors classes you're taking. Leave behind a few of the extraneous responsibilities that you've thrown onto yourself, not a friend, much less a lover! Don't drown something that (you say) makes you happy.

And I knew I had problems. I was also "trying to figure out what was wrong with me." But when this happened, I was in the early stage of mental repair. I was finally starting to feel better, and personal issues were beginning to clear up. And then this happened. One week she sent me a thoughtful birthday present with a loving note included... the next, she claimed she didn't love me anymore. Naturally, I was extremely hurt and perplexed. My Aspergic inability to perceive subtle social cues certainly didn't make things easier, either.

But anyway, I don't really have a solution for you, man... these things happen, I guess. We may just have to accept them, although I personally am far from content with that. :/ You did a good thing by venting, though. It's healthy to take that internal crap and get it out into the air. I just wanted to let ya know that I know your pain, and it really sucks, but the world won't be a dark place forever. B) Writing this made me feel a lot better about it myself, even now after I've recovered. Good luck, buddy... things'll get better for you in time.

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Guest StrandedOutThere


I'm going to join the "I've got no useful advice" club. I've got life experience I can share, but there's nothing that makes the pain go away. Only time can do that. If this is your first "real" relationship, it'll stay with you for the rest of your life. It won't always hurt like this, but you'll remember. After a while you will remember the pain, but you won't be so deeply affected by it. That's how it has been for me anyway.

The best advice I can give is to have your grief for a while, but then move on. Don't let it go on for too long. Get out and do things. Move on. Your heart might not want to, you have to drag it along at first.

The first time I was rejected was a lot like what you are describing, except in my case it was a woman. She didn't want to be with me because I wasn't "a real boy". I wasn't even IDing as trans back then. I didn't really know what being transgender meant. All I knew was that I loved her and felt like a man when I was with her. At least for a time, she loved me too. She treated me like her boyfriend. Because she was straight identified, and I didn't think of myself as a lesbian, we didn't try to put a name on what we had. In time, it was the stress of other people not being comfortable with our relationship that drove us apart. I don't know how much of your current woes have a similar cause. I suspect the 'differentness" factored in at least a little. People always want to label, sort, and describe things. It's maddening.

You're still a young person, so your identity is still forming up. I mean, you are who you are. Imagine that you are fully formed, but maybe the concrete isn't dry yet. Stuff's still hardening up. Figuring out sexual orientation and gender identity is tough for those of us who didn't get it handed to use. For most people, it seems like that stuff falls into place naturally. For some of us, it isn't so straightforward. The confusion you feel is probably at least a little upsetting. The best thing to do is to take that confusion as a cue that you need to think about things a little more. No need to do that now. Get over this hurt first, then tackle the next thing.

That's all I've got for now. I hope you are doing better!

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Guest B.heard

Hiya Konnor I thought id share my 5 cents just so you know your not alone by any measure.

Cutting a long story shorter a few years ago I was introduced to a friend of my friends and we became like best friends I didnt know he was gay and he didnt know I was ftm anyways we got on so well it ended up turning into more then friends which worked well I ended up telling him I was ftm but it just made me more determined to transition as he liked guys.

Just like the other stories everything was wonderful then one day it got cold and I was given some rubbish reason that we had to stop things... but the long and short of it is no one that truely cared about you would land such blame and guilt trip on you if you accept what you was told was a possible lie to twist things to suit him then what does that say about him? and his respect for you?

I dont mean to bash your ex since I really dont know them but what helped me was opening my eyes to see things I didnt want to see before the guy in my story he was selfish and not respectful and from what you have said your ex he seems just as bad and if you can open your eyes to some of that maybe you can see how silly it would be to allow some confused selfish guy who is willling to lie and twist things for his own gain influence you in any way.

Allow you self some time to grieve for a loss and get angry but at the right person and remind your self daily no one takes your self respect heal up budy be strong and let your friends support you and when things begin to feel abit better -then- maybe think about any confusion about being ftm no other human being should really factor into your thoughts about who you are so if your head feels like a mess right now dont make things worse with worry over that as everyone has said give it time.

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Guest Benzrathe

Duuude, that blows MEGA chunks! I'm sorry you've been subjected to that. Regardless of whatever fable he felt he needed to concoct, the end results is he wanted out, and plans to move on. You can and will do the same as well. Eventually. The point is to do so in your own good time.

You're siblings are all correct. You need to focus on you and your wants/needs now. If you need to cry - CRY! Rant, RANT! Do the Snoopy suppertime dance? Ummm - oook... DANCE! =] Just tend to your immediate needs now, and I'd suggest leaving the heavy life changing decisions until you're more grounded. Don't want you doin' anything rash and then regret it later. (Ya know how hard it is to find a "Bertha" to match the tat? ;-])

So to recap:

1) His loss

2) Take your time

3) Crying, ranting, dancing - good. Tattoos/rash decisions - not so good

4) You are loved at least here (& it shows)

Just figure out what you need right now, and know that you deserve NO less. Peace WILL be yours again...


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im sorry to say as well but bernie is right

i know cus i was once the same kinda guy

any excuse to get rid of you for the next person, but when that person leaves us we want someone so we go back to you

dont give him the chance

and maybe this break is good for you

and you can discover the real you

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Guest Konnor

Thanks everyone for the great advice. You've all told me basically what I figured...that there's someone else and/or he's decided he wants to only be with bio-guys. It's a hard thing to come to terms with...that the man you planned your life with and was ready to marry you doesn't want you anymore. I just don't understand because he hasn't been like this before. Maybe I'm still blinded by love, but he honestly doesn't have any "bad" traits...he's not a bad guy at all. This wasn't my first real relationship, but it was the only one that felt like real love. I honestly feel like if he comes back to me someday, which I very much doubt he will, I'll take him back. I care for him more than I've ever cared for anyone before. I don't mean to sound like a giddy-in-love teenager, because I'm not, but I loved him with every part of me. I don't know how this will ever get any better...every day I have to force myself to get up and get ready, go to school and get my work done. I've even burst into tears in the middle of a resturaunt and in class because something reminded me of him, which I hate admitting because I DON'T cry, especially in front of anyone. I just feel so sad all the time, and I have to force myself to stop thinking about him. I dunno, today is just a really bad day so I'm more emo than usual I guess. I'll keep you updated on how things go. Thanks again everyone for the helpful advice, it means the world to me to know so many people care.


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Here's the only advice that makes any sense for this or anyother situation - that is in the past and the past is gone only a shadow, now is here and gone so fast you can't be sure until it is already in that shadow world of the past, live always facing the light that makes those shadows - the future is the direction to be heading and enjoy the present as it slips by into the past, never look back and you will have no regrets.

The hardest thing for me here at Laura's is when I relate my past to others to help them to better understand what is happening.

I cry and feel all of the pain again - the past is gone but it can still hurt when you let it into your heart - block it off and move forward, you are young and have so much more ahead of you.

Love ya,


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Guest Elizabeth K

Oh Konnor!

I am soooo sorry you hurt!

Please keep venting and screaming and hollering and fussing - right here at Laura's! We will be right here with you! The guy's obviously an idiot! You are a VERY good person, a sweetheart! - my goodness, someday he's gonna wake up and wonder what was he thinking?


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    • Ivy
      I understand your feelings. I have the same fears.  NC has made a swing to the right as well, and I'm not optimistic.  I want to tell myself I'm over reacting.  But seeing what these people are  saying, and doing when they do get into power can't be dismissed.  It's proof of what they will do if they take over the federal government. I'm getting kinda old now anyway.  It took me over 60 years to get here, and I'm not going back.  I suppose they can revert my gender markers, but I will still be legally Ivy.  And I have every intention of dying as Ivy Anna.  If I can't find my hormones somehow, I'll do without.  The physical changes I do have are permanent.   Trans people have always existed.
    • Willow
      @KymmieL I think we all have had to deal with a person who would not apologize when they were wrong no matter what.  In my case it was my MIL. Actually called me a lier I front of my wife.  Even when she realized she was wrong she wouldn’t admit it to my wife, nor would she apologize to my wife for any of the things she later admitted she had done that affected my wife.  I had a boss that accused me of saying things I did not say in a manner I did not use.  Even another employee told him that I had not said the things nor used the words but he still refused to back down.     Unfortunately, all too many people in this world believe they are always right no matter what.  Some are very famous.  lol   Willow    
    • KatieSC
      I wish I could cope as well as others. I feel very defeated in that all of the consideration, and then treatment to transition, could all be wiped out by this time next year with the united effort by the R party to eradicate all that is transgender. I fear that the national election could turn out to our detriment, and we will face a national push to eradicate us. Tracking us down will not be that hard to do. Once they know who we are, forcing the legislation to reverse our name changes, gender marker changes, and other records, will not be that hard. We saw an example when the AG in Texas was data mining the driver licenses for those who had gender marker changes. Who will we appeal to? The Supreme R Court? We would have an easier time trying to convince a Russian court.    We need to get out and vote in November. There is not enough Ben & Jerry's to improve my outlook on all of this. In some ways it is a cruel thing in a way. In the early 1930s, Germany was working hard to hunt down the LGBTQ population and eradicate it. Now Germany has better protections there than we have in many of our own states. About 90 years ago, Germany was seeing the rise of their very own dictator...Now the US is on the verge...Oh never mind. What a difference 90 years makes...    History may repeat itself, but sometimes it shifts the focus a little...
    • Nonexistent
      I have the same problem as you, my face is the main reason why I get misgendered I'm pretty sure. I think it's mostly up to genetics how your face will look (T can help, but still genetics will determine how you end up). You can't change your facial structure really, you can get facial masculinization surgery but it's expensive so not an option for most unless you're rich lol.    Experimentally (I haven't done it but want to), you could see if any plastic surgeons around you will give you Kybella in your cheeks. It is an injection that removes fat, and is usually used underneath the chin/on the neck below the jawline, but some may use it off-label on the face. The only potential problem with this is that if your face would naturally thin out at an older age, it could thin out extra and make you look older (though I'm not certain on this). Another option is to get filler in your jaw/chin, which would make your jawline look more square and your face more masculine. I want jaw filler but I'm poor lol, it only lasts one year up to a few years depending on what kind you get, so it would have to be done every so often and can get expensive. I did get chin filler once, only 2 small vials so it didn't make that big of a difference. I would recommend going for the jaw if you can only choose 1, I wish I had done that.   Those are the only options I know of that will bring legitimate noticeable changes.
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Blake!! We are happy that you found us!!
    • Mmindy
      Good evening Blake.   Welcome to Transgender Pulse Forums.   Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you.    Trans men and trans women each have their own struggles for sure, but I agree, it can be a hard time to be a non-passing trans guy. There is no specific "man clothes" that only men wear. People could just think I'm butch (which sucks to think about, if people think I'm a lesbian when I'm a dude!!). I mean I would feel better if I got gendered correctly even if I don't fully pass, it would maybe raise my confidence to think maybe I do pass well lol! Instead I'm just reminded I don't.   Though I may just focus on the times I don't pass and ignore the times that I do. Because I rarely remember getting gendered correctly, but I hone in on the times that I don't. 
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you, I'm glad to be here. :)   I have been in therapy for 9 years but still can't seem to accept myself. I think it has to do with growing up trans in a world that hates us, especially in the south. I mean I was discriminated against by adults and ostracized as a kid/teen due to being trans. My family is accepting, but the rest of the world is not. I realize now a lot of people are accepting (even unexpectedly, like my partner's conservative republican Trump-loving parents lol), but it feels like my brain is still in survival mode every time I exit the door. I am a very fearful person.   My body still may change over time, but it feels like I haven't met the same 'quota' (don't know the right word) that a majority of other trans guys have on far less time on T. Most trans guys pass easily 1-3yrs on T, I'm double that and still don't pass well except my voice.
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you. I am just used to seeing trans guys who pass at like... 6 months to 1 year, at the most 3 years. And I just don't meet the mark, all the way at 6 years. It is possible with time I will masculinize more, but it's frustrating when I'm "behind" and may never catch up. It threatens my mental health mostly, possibly my physical health if I'm visibly trans (though I don't ever go out alone). 
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Boss is happy with everything with me and said I will be the only one that works on one customer's truck.This customer saw me clean a small grease spot in the inter of his Kenworh last week,on the steering wheel.A new customer too,saw me walk out with my tub o' towels wiping that grease stain off.This one,he cannot stand a grease spot in the interior.
    • Nonexistent
      Yeah, I am grieving the man I "should" have been. He will never exist, especially not in my youth. But I don't know how to healthily go about it instead of fixating on the life that could have been.
    • EasyE
    • VickySGV
      Going to the conventions has been one of my ways to deal with this stuff. 
    • Nonexistent
      Sorry it took me a while to respond!    I would like to get to know you. :) I only have mental disabilities. Schizoaffective disorder, depression, and anxiety. The last two are severe and very treatment-resistant. I did have physical problems for some time, but it was caused by an antipsychotic medication (Invega). It basically crippled me, muscle weakness/fatigue, basically could barely walk (used mobility devices) and doctors were useless since they didn't suspect the medication I was on! I've finally ditched antipsychotics (hopefully for good, unless my symptoms come back). I usually don't share like this, especially in person, but hey, I'm anonymous. :)   I'm not expecting reciprocation at all btw, these things are personal. There is more to us than disabilities, so tell me about yourself if you still wanna talk!
    • EasyE
      thanks for the insight ... good to know things are being well thought-out ... it is no easy topic for sure, as many of us on here have been wrestling with this stuff for years and decades...
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