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Live Chat User Guide


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We've switched to Discord for our live chat service.  Many of our members have never used Discord before, so this guide is intended to outline the basics of how it works.  In this post you'll find screenshots and information to help you navigate in chat.  While you won't be an old pro by the time you finish reading, you will find enough information to be comfortable with using the chat service.


Screen shots were taken from and information is given based on the downloaded version of the Discord application.  For the best user experience, we recommend downloading Discord to join us in chat.  The web interface linked from our chat page works just fine if you'd prefer to use that, but you may run into some differences between that and this guide.


The Left Menu


Discord Panel User.png


There's a lot going on over to the left here, so let's break it down in order.


Top left: the Friends icon / Private Messages


By clicking this icon, you are taken to a screen where you can add and manage your friends.  Discord is like any other messaging app, where you have a contact list.  When you click this icon, the second tab has a "Friends" link at the top and a list of all of your active private messages (called Direct Messages in Discord.) 


Screenshot from 2018-04-15 04-16-39.png


Click on a user's name or icon, and your entire conversation history with that person will be displayed in the chat window on the right side.  (This is the window that takes up the most screen space.)  Click the "Friends" icon to be taken to the screen where you can add or remove friends, accept or decline friend invites, and manage your list of blocked users.


The rest of the far left column: your servers


No, they won't bring you drinks.  :lol: 


"Servers" in Discord are, essentially, giant chat rooms.  Some have voice and text chat.  Others have just one or the other.  It depends on the rules for the server and the preferences of the site or person who owns it.  The TransPulse server doesn't have voice chat, because we can't moderate what people say out loud, and we have to protect our members - especially those under 18.


When you click on a server icon, the center column on the left side displays the server name and the list of "channels" available for that server.  Individual channels are like separate chat rooms - each one exists for a purpose, and you can have separate conversations in separate channels.  When you join a Discord server, you are automatically placed in every channel you have access to.  You can't leave any channels.  If you don't want to get notifications for new messages in a certain channel, you can right-click its name and select the "mute" option.


(Yes, I know, I belong to entirely too many servers.)


Center column, very bottom: user settings


Your user picture, user name, and settings are kept here.  If you click your user icon, you can set your status as "online," "idle," "do not disturb," or "invisible."


The microphone icon mutes your mic, so no matter what server you're on or who you're in an audio chat with, they won't be able to hear you.  The headset icon deafens you, so you won't hear anyone's voice chatter.  This doesn't really apply to the TransPulse server specifically, because we don't have any voice chat channels.


If you click the gear icon, it will open your Discord settings.  The first screen you see shows your user picture next to a big blue EDIT button - with that button you can change your Discord username and password and set your user picture.  I won't go into the other settings as that would be incredibly detailed - if you end up needing something specifically from one of them, we can guide you through it in chat.


The big chat window


When you have a server selected on the far left, the largest window shows the conversation happening in whichever channel you have activated.  If you're viewing a direct message, it shows your conversation history with that individual person.  You send messages by typing in the box at the bottom and pressing the Enter key to send.


The right-hand column


Discord User List.png


This column is devoted entirely to telling you who's here.  At the bottom is a faded list of server members who are either disconnected from Discord or who have set themselves as invisible.  If you set your status to invisible, the rest of the server will see you as offline.


Above that section, you'll see the other members sorted by the role they play within chat.  We also use specific colors.  When you post a message in chat, your name appears in the same color as shown in the user list on the right.  That way, you can tell at a glance who's responsible for what.  Roles in chat are:


  • Unassigned: white (members are only unassigned until Discord confirms they meet the server's requirements for membership)
  • Unverified: Orange (limited privileges)
  • Members: Blue (full member privileges)
  • Greeters: Pale  Yellow
  • Youth Moderators: Yellow
  • Forum Moderators: Pink
  • Chat Moderators: Light Blue
  • Crisis Moderators: Red
  • Supervisors: Purple
  • Administrators: Green


Botscuit, who appears in a lovely shade of seafoam, is a robot designed to help with moderation tasks in chat.  See below for a list of commands you can use with him.


Right-clicking a user name


Discord User Menu.png


When you right-click on a member's name in the right-hand panel, you get a list of options and settings for your interaction with that person. 


"Profile" shows you their profile information. 


"Mention" drops their name in the chat entry box in a way that will alert them when you send the message. 


"Message" opens a private message conversation with them. 


"Call" initiates a voice chat. 


"Add note" allows you to add a note if you need to remind yourself of something where this member is concerned.


"User  volume" allows you to specifically control how loud or quiet voice chat from this person sounds on your device.  It's set at 100% for everyone by default.


"Mute" makes it so you no longer see or hear anything from that member within the server.


"Invite to server" lets you send them an invite to any server you have permission to invite them to.


"Add friend" sends a request to add them to your contact list.


"Block" prevents them from contacting or interacting with you in any way.


A note about private (direct) messages:


TransPulse staff can't see what you talk about privately.  If someone says something inappropriate to you in a private message or otherwise breaks the rules, please take a screenshot and send it via private message to a member of staff so we can handle the issue appropriately.


If you don't know how to take a screenshot, please search Google - I would offer a guide to doing so, but it's done differently on all different operating systems and devices.


You should right-click (or tap on, if you're mobile) the server icon at the left, choose "Privacy Settings," and disable direct messages from server members.  This will prevent random trolls who join from messaging you privately.  If you meet someone in chat and would like to have a private conversation with them, you can add them to your friends list to enable direct messages for them.


A note about chatting by voice


As mentioned above, TransPulse doesn't offer the option to chat by voice as a group.  We can't moderate or control what comes out of people's mouths.  We can't stop you from having voice conversations privately, though.  This means you need to exercise extreme caution.  Keep the following in mind:


  • If you're not comfortable talking by voice, simply don't accept any requests for voice chats.  It's not rude to decline.
  • If a fellow TransPulse member says something inappropriate in a voice chat, TransPulse staff cannot intervene.  There's no way to document or prove that something bad happened by voice, so we can't help you.  If this happens, block that person immediately and tell a member of staff so we can keep an eye on things going forward.
  • Minors are not allowed to enter into voice chats with other TransPulse members.  If we find out that a member has started - or asked for - a voice chat with someone who is under 18, that member will be immediately and permanently banned.  If a member under 18 agrees to a voice chat, the minor will also be immediately and permanently banned, even if both participants in the voice chat are under 18.  Discord logs will show attempted calls, and we will act accordingly.


Formatting Text in Discord


Finally, you can make changes to how your text appears in Discord.  While you can't choose a custom color - something I don't miss, as some colors are either hard to see or painful to look at - you can format it in other ways.


Italics - Type: *your italicized text here* - note the asterisk on both sides of the text.  If you don't have both asterisks, with no spaces on either side, the text won't be formatted.


Bold - **your bold text here**


Underline - __your underlined text here__ - note that's two underscores on either side of the text.  If you only use one, it will show up italicized instead.


Strikethrough - ~~your stricken text here~~ - again, note there are two tildes.


These effects are cumulative, so you can format in multiple ways.  If you want bold, italicized text, use ***three asterisks*** - one for italics and two for bold.




Botscuit can do certain things for members in addition to helping the moderators with things. These commands can be used in any channel.


  • ?emergency - sends a notification to all staff.  Should be followed immediately by an explanation of why you used it so we can handle the issue.
  • ?crisis - sends a notification to all crisis-trained staff.  Use this if you are in crisis and if someone is available, they will PM you.
  • ?staff - explains the various colors involved in the staff roles.
  • ?chathelp - produces a link to this post.
  • ?rules - produces a link to the TransPulse community rules page.
  • ?forums - produces a link to the main forum page.
  • ?resources - produces a link to the resource database page.
  • ?links - produces a list of important links on the TransPulse site.
  • ?emoticons - produces a link to a page where you can download emoticons from our old Java chat.
  • ?avatars - produces a link to a page with free avatars you can use for your Discord account.
  • ?registration - produces an explanation about why we require members to register.




First things first.  In order to play with most of this stuff, you must be in the #bot-fun channel.  Many of these commands produce images, and we don't want conversations to be interrupted with image spam.  If you know exactly which image you'll get and if that image is relevant to the conversation in another room, you can go ahead and use it once at that time.  Otherwise, unless it's on this first list, please keep it in the bot channel.


Use Anywhere


  • ?space - get current information about the International Space Station.
  • ?catfact - get a random fact about cats.
  • ?dogfact - get a random fact about dogs.
  • ?dadjoke - get a random dad joke.
  • ?define [word] - example: ?define antidisestablishmentarianism - get the definition for the word provided.


In #bot-fun Only


  • ?bird - get a random adorable bird picture.
  • ?cat - get a random adorable cat picture.
  • ?dog - get a random adorable dog picture.
  • ?tag [word] - see below.


The tag command is there for random entertainment, and I will be expanding it every day.  In place of [word], type any word or phrase that might be used often in conversation.  We're talking weather, science, animals, senses - you know, normal everyday language.  Maybe you'll type ?tag word one day and get something.  You never know.


If you guess a live word, you'll be rewarded with an image that's relevant to the word you entered.  If there isn't an image tied to that word, the bot will silently ignore you.  (We won't judge.  The bot probably will, though.)  As of this command's debut, there are just over 100 live words.  They're common, so don't overthink it.


Be aware, some of the images summoned with the ?tag command may contain profanity.


New words will go live every day, so if you find a dead one today, try it again next week.  Stay tuned.


Good luck!


And that's Discord!


Welcome to our new chat platform!  If you have any questions, let me know!

Edited by Dev
Added bot commands.
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  • Forum Moderator

Is Java still required? And is this where you go for the Sunday substance abuse support meeting?


Lots of love,

Timber Wolf?

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  • Admin

Java is not required.  Discord is a separate application, one you can download to any device you own.  Even mobile!  I've used it on both Android and iPhone devices and had no issue with it.


This is where the Sunday meeting will happen.  There's a special meeting channel set up for get-togethers.

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  • Forum Moderator

Thank you for this tutorial.  I'm sure it will take time to feel comfortable but it is lovely to make it back to chat.

As  a person with a Mac what is the equivalent of a "right click".  I don't have that ability on my laptop or iPad.





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  • Forum Moderator

It sounds like this could work much better! I was concerned about people who wanted support from chat who were blocked from it because Java wasn't supported by their device.


Lots of love,

Timber Wolf?

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  • Admin
6 minutes ago, Charlize said:

As  a person with a Mac what is the equivalent of a "right click".  


The Mac version of the app should pop up the menu on a single click.  If it doesn't, a double-click should do it.  Failing that, try Ctrl+Click or Cmd+Click.

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  • Forum Moderator


Thanks....  It may take time and mistakes on my part but at least i can get in the door which is wonderful!    Thank you for your efforts.  

I second Timber Wolf's statement.  It will be lovely to know if someone needs a crisis mods help who posts here they have a chance of getting there with some ease. 





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  • Forum Moderator

Ok, I'm signed up on chat with the "discord" app. I'm somewhat confused by  the changing colors of my name. First it was white, then yellow, then pink. I know Saruman had his cloak of many colors, but he went bad and I don't want to go bad! LOL:D I must have "Lord of the Rings" on the brain today. I read it every year.


Is the Sunday substance abuse meeting located in the meeting room on the menu? Thanks!


Lots of love,

Timber Wolf?

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  • Admin

Yes, the meeting room is where the Sunday meeting will take place. 


The changing colors were because I was messing with your role.  White meant you were unassigned, and you turned to yellow after I designated you as a chat moderator.  Then I realized we have several forum mods who visit chat from time to time, so I created a new role - pink - for forum moderators.


You'll stay pink.  No Saruman corruption for you. :D


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  • Forum Moderator

I am also fond of pink.   I do wonder if there is still a staff chat room?  While it was rarely an issue there have been times when i've needed information or help during the substance abuse meeting.

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  • Forum Moderator

Ok, I need help! I don't know how to log out of chat. I thought when I left chat it would automatically log me out, but apparently not. I turned it on and was instantly there without any kind of signing in. Sorry for the trouble, but how do I  sign out on android phone?


Lots of love,

Timber Wolf?

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  • Root Admin

Don't know if it will work on android but these are the instructions that Dev gave to me.


Should be an option on the user cog down at the bottom towards the left.  Just to the right of your name and user picture.

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  • Forum Moderator

Hurray! I got it, as the song says, "with a little help from my friends".:D


Lots of love,

Timber Wolf?

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  • Root Admin

I have to admit that it was a little intimidating at first but now that I've had a chance to navigate around it a bit, It seems easy to use. It's just a matter of finding the right commands to use. Not all that hard.



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  • Dev featured this topic
  • 2 months later...
  • Admin
Just now, ChelseaAnn said:

How do I join the server? 


Go to Live Chat, either on the Main Page link at the left top of the page here, or through the more direct Live Chat link at the right edge of it. 

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Hiya, I’ve just downloaded the app but can see how I join the chat, does the site have a name you need to input like transpulse? 

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I'm having same difficulty. I've tried searching for existing channels w similar names with no results. Sadface

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Frustrating isn’t it, if it’s this difficult there may not be many who chat on there tho?  I’ll keep persevering and let you know if successful :0)

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  • 4 months later...
  • Admin
6 hours ago, My name isn’t Megan said:

How do I get invited into the discord?


Go to the Live Chat option on the tool bar at the top, and follow it in.  It will give you the information you need to establish an account and get into our chat.

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  • 1 month later...

I have Discord under another name for a different site. Do I have to use that, or can I create another for my name on here?

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  • Admin

Hi Louise!


You can use your current name or create a new account, whichever you'd like to do.  As far as I'm aware, no one you know on Discord already can tell which servers you belong to, if that's a concern for you.  You can also join with your existing account and change your display name just within our server if you like.


The only roadblock you'll find is that a separate account would have to be tied to a different email address.  Discord doesn't have any policies against having more than one account, though, so it's entirely up to you.


Let me know if you have other questions!

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    • Nats
      @Sally Stone Sorry, self indulgent, self pitying rant!!!  I'll go back in my box, now!
    • Nats
      @Sally Stone  Yes I know, in my more objective moments.  You're right, of course.      For my part, I've completely lost faith in British voters. They voted for Brexit, and for me the generation that did that (mine) is lost for ever, there's no rowing back from that, and no forgiveness, on my part.    Even now there are large numbers of people who genuinely think that was the right thing to do.    They made Boris Johnson Prime Minister (mini Trump, he played a clown but was actually far more intelligent than Trump - which in my view, makes him worse).  They did that twice (the second time with a bigger majority).     Worse, they then made Liz Truss PM.  And then acted with such surprise when she crashed the economy.  I mean, really?!?  That surprised you?!?    And out there in the UK provinces there are people in Conservative Party branches who genuinely, honestly believe that she was somehow right, in defiance of logic, common sense and evidence. And btw Conservative Party branches in the UK provinces are TERF incubators, with all the indoctrination you could ask for.     I have never felt like this - it's a new thing for me, to be so far, in spirit, from my own country - but I am completely distanced from the majority of British voters. I'm not a party member - left or right - but years ago, Labour was taken over by the extreme left, and the Conservatives by th extreme right.  Labour went back to the centre, the Conservatives didn't.  That party is led by people who are off-the-chart in terms of ideological barminess.  And yes, they have trans people in their sights in the 'Woke wars'.      I feel betrayed by British voters, alienated, I find it hard not to regard most of them as deeply, deeply unintelligent, and not very nice human beings.  I don't want to be associated with them. I look at neighbours through narrowed eyes wondering how they voted, and if I don't know, I'm reserved and withdrawn with them.   I know I take it too personally, but it's hard not to.    There is now a UK Labour (think 'Democrat') Govt with a big majority that generally doesn't do the sort of nasty stuff that's happening in Montana but many of Labour's seats were won with slender majorities, so the win was broad but not deep.      I mean, after everything, large numbers of people still voted Conservative.    What on earth was going on in their heads?      Labour has made some quite big, annoying missteps, but nothing, absolutely nothing in comparison to the car crash bad joke that UK Government was for years, and years, and years.   I know it's not just a UK issue and seeing this utterly idiotic rubbish in the US (which we do all the time, of course) reminds me of that.    *Sigh*.    This too will pass, I guess.  Not sure I'll be around to see it, though.    Didn't someone on here ask if we were optimists or pessimists a few days ago?!?
    • Emilie Spiegel
      Hello, my name is Ash and I’m currently in therapy and I’m trying to come out. The problem is that my therapist isn’t sure if I’m really trans, because I’m not as motivated as other patients. But that is because I’m kinda scared. I alr tried to talk to my mom but she doesn’t seem to understand, doesn’t matter how hard I try and she says that she doesn’t want to call me Ash because my therapist isn’t sure about me wanting to be a boy. Idk if I should try talking with my dad. He seems more understanding. It’s just so hard. Idk what to do. I feel like I have to be two people at once. Idk how to come forward. My therapist suggested to get help through forums. So someone please help me🙏🙏
    • Sally Stone
      The problem with voters is that we are lazy and don't take the time to research a legislator's track record.  If we really dug into a legislator's record to see if their work has been meaningful or effective, there are many we wouldn't re-elect.  A bathroom bill to restrict the rights of transgender; come on, when would that ever be effective or meaningful legislation?  If we keep giving these oxygen thieves a pass, we will keep getting the congress and senate we deserve. 
    • Sally Stone
      In so many ways, it's all about the money.  Bills that deny transgender rights don't cost a lot of money.  Real legislation often carries hefty expense, which is why enacting such legislation requires hard work.  Pass an easy bill, award yourself a trophy, pass a hard bill award yourself a trophy.  It isn't hard to see why we are the target of our legislators. 
    • VickySGV
      "State Representative to people:  I have just introduced legislation to repair Highway ## that goes by your homes and makes all your business and social life possible by removing ??? potholes and dangerous ??? that wear your cars and trucks out fast and endanger your lives daily.   Constituents:  Yes YEAH, golly great !!!   State Rep:  The work is however going to raise you property taxes by 3 cents per square mile of area!!   Constituents:  "Impeach the walrus!!  Get the tar and feathers and a rail to ride him out of state on!!   --------------------------------------------- So the State Rep - introduces legislation against Trans People, and its alright again if he does not tell them what it means for their Highway to cost them next to nothing.
    • VickySGV
      With that on the shelf, now they can turn their minds to such things as recovery from the weather related damage that has been done in their state and improvement of their state owned and maintained roads, public health issues for the general public which are not being addressed while Trans issues are debated and (heaven help them) education can be addressed.  Our health needs are hundredths of pennies (.001 cents) compared to the needs for local water and sewer systems, and even electrical systems that are the shared resources of all of their citizens.  Only problem is that they have to speak of money that is real, and may need a tax increase to see that the majority of citizens who elected them are safe and able to conduct their daily life and affairs.  We can't have that can we!!! 
    • MaeBe
    • VickySGV
      An item that is implied here is to get us out of the limelights and cross-hairs of the politicians long enough to get our real work done which is to bolster science and facts at hand and give the medical profession tools to do its job.  I think that is what Levine is suggesting for our future and I am for it, since she does note our resilience.  We have become the low hanging fruit when an "ISSUE" was needed to show actions to mask their ineffectiveness in the TRUE sense of government involvement in the daily lives of people.  1.6% of the population being the center of focus leaves 98.4% without meaningful representation. 
    • Ivy
      That would be back in the closet for me. I live openly as a woman, but it's not hard to clock me.   Sure, I have the option of getting a male wardrobe, letting my facial hair grow out, tossing my wig, etc.  I could wear loose clothes so my breasts wouldn't be as obvious.  I got away with that for years, and I think I could pull it off again. My name might still be a problem though.  My State only lets me change it once, and I've already used that option.  I wonder if I'd need a health care person to sign off on changing my gender back to male? I suppose I could still wear a dress around the house as long as I never answered the door.  My online history might still be a problem though.   Apparently they do, because they keep electing these people.
    • Nats
      Unbelievable to me that voters accept that an elected body would waste its time on something as idiotic as this.  Have they not got much on?  If they're bored, and dreaming up wheezes to pass their time, then what is their House actually for? Is it worth the expense?   Aren't there any more substantive issues affecting voters?     You could work out what it cost to pass this legislation, at least roughly.   Divide the total annual running costs by the number of hours they sat, so you have an hourly cost, then multiply by the number of hours spent on this garbage.  Add in any additional costs (consultants, suppliers, expenses incured by members on this topic) if they weren't covered in the annual running costs.     I'm guessing it will be $hundreds-of-thousands.  Do the voters really think it was worth that or do they think there are more important things they should have been doing?
    • Vidanjali
      Thank you so much. I literally just got back from the post office where I sent to them my used but unmarked copy of "You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery", the excellent workbook by Dara Hoffman-Fox. I was concerned it might cause an uproar in their household. But they are excited to get it and asked me to not worry and just send it. And that's a nice idea - I'll let them know about TP too.    @MaeBe I also loved the theme song in the closing credits. The film almost would have been anticlimactic without it. But in that sense, you kinda knew it was coming, else you'd think they'd have edited out all the anticipatory scenes. I do think Wiig was sincere - the song struck a balance between humorous and touching while being respectful...and with a jazzy part lol. A friend is a friend is a friend to the end.
    • kat2
      Might the answer be not to identify as Trans? I do not id as being trans
    • kat2
      when i was at ballet school we did yoga every morning at six that was the start of our day, seeing yourself as happy and successful can also help, walking in the countryside and listening to the sounds of nature can also be quiet healing
    • Ivy
      This is going to be our reality for a while.  They figure if they can make our lives miserable enough, we'll go back into the closet.  Then they'll feel like they have accomplished something.
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