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Trump is putting a neon lit target on our backs.


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Never have I hated anyone as much as I hate trump. At every chance he gets he removes the LGBTQ safe guards put in place by the Obama administration. This turd of a human is O.K.ing his base to deny us, attack us, dehumanize us and basically declare open season especially the trans sector. If I was the praying sort, I would pray that he gets a flesh eating disease starting with his penis. Just when things were improving, albeit slowly, we are being shoved backward to where we used to be. Realistically, I don't think he gives rat droppings about us. But to his rabid evangelical base he is giving them what they want...a world to fit their narrow understanding of the world, their Old Testament view on genocide on anyone not of their beliefs. How any LGBTQ person or cis woman could vote for such a  hateful person. His actions could drive many of back underground not mention the possibility of an increase in violence against us.

Edited by Carolyn Marie
Changed starred word to acceptable word.
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27 minutes ago, Erikka said:

I would pray that he gets a flesh eating disease starting with his d**k.


You mean Trumputin?  And his trumpettes?  I'm with you, @Erikka, especially this comment I quoted (love that prayer!).  His mission is to divide people and keep us fighting so no one notices him pulling the underpinnings out of our democracy.  One thing he is hiding is how he is stacking the deck replacing 100's of judges throughout the country that we will live with for years after he's dead and gone.  Worst excuse for a president (actually a fascist) in American history.  And you're so right about using us as targets, one of the reasons I've stayed in stealth for as long as I have.

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I have never being more insult in my TG life that I have being in the past 2months. People are getting more brazen, Drop togo cup follow of soda at me when the drive bye , the name calling , its all getting dangerously close to survival mode for me


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I was attacked last April by a racist walking down Main Street Rochester n.y. Yelling the " N" word, but when he saw a trans he ran after me into the road . Pushed me. I was hit by two cars trying to avoid him while calling the cops. It was obvious from his hate, who his king is.  I'm ok I fell up on the cars hoods  rather then under there tires. Bruised but no broken bones. He  wouldn't have come after me lest he felt impunity taught him by others that hate trans, gays, blacks, and others . May we win over our oppressors . Cops never came. Bus did. This was before the virus 19 lockdown. This guy was crazed to look fo a fight over the hate he felt towards everyone it seemed. I became a target.

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I was responding to Alex C. Is this how this works ?  You have to read  each and approve or not. Could be timely. Hope she can read this . We have similar struggles. I'm new and learning. On mtf/ hrt . I have to go trough electrolysis yet. Then bottom surgery . Looking to learn everything I can and help where I can 

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  • Admin
49 minutes ago, Monica Eaglespirit said:

I was responding to Alex C. Is this how this works ?  You have to read  each and approve or not. Could be timely. Hope she can read this


Hi Monica, we have the newest members of the group here on post review for their first five posts.  That gives those of us on the Mod and Admin  team time to get to know who your are.  Some people who come here to hurt us do it in the first five posts so they are not around here nor are their posts.  This is post two for you and no problems.  A staff member reviews your posts as soon as we sign on, and try to answer them but we can get pulled away by other members who need us.  I hope that explains the problem you are asking about.  When I first got here as a member 9 years ago, you were never off or review until later when a new owner took over the site.

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I just saw that news earlier, I can't believe he did that... How in the heck does he get away with this crap? I don't understand US politics fully as i'm from Canada but isn't a law supposed to go through representatives and senators before the president gets a say? Why are there so many inhumane people taking up these seats and the office? I don't get it. Plus why is everyone old? no offense to the older folks on here haha, I just feel like a world being run by the majority should be run by the age majority such as the 30's & 40's, not 60's and 70's. Because we live in a different age and world than they were raised in...

I'm almost starting to believe the nazi conspiracy where they were transported after WWII to the US and then they figured out a way to take over government agencies and now their kids/descendants are carrying that torch ?

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@The Viv Element, I could go on a while about several points you bring up but I'll just take this one:

2 hours ago, The Viv Element said:

I don't understand US politics fully as i'm from Canada but isn't a law supposed to go through representatives and senators before the president gets a say?


Not anymore, it seems.  Nothing is ever bilateral anymore; Congress is all about control, us vs. them.  Nothing from the minority even gets a vote.  This has left the Executive branch to do everything through "Executive Orders".  Currently, the Senate and President are republican so nothing the Pres does gets reviewed/rebuked by Congress.  Congress is controlled by the 1% creating an Oligarchy there.  During Obama's admin, Congress was republican controlled and they simply refused to process anything Obama proposed (I wondered about racism there too).  In his last year in office he also resorted to the Exec Order to get anything done.  Add to this that only 33% of this country votes and they only care about the Presidential elections and we have become an Autocracy.  Voters now actually treat the Exec office like a king forgetting all about their individual reps in Congress who are supposed to represent the people's will.  Trumputin is riding it for all it's worth, just like his buddy over in Russia does.  Of course, he is really just another arm of the Oligarchy.


The irony in all of this is that our founding fathers considered the option of having no federal government at all for the United States.  They decided that we must have one, though, to control the capitalistic approach to this new society.  Essentially, our federal government exists to control the corporations, not the people.  But now, thanks to a little known law called Citizen's United passed during the Bush admin, corporations have taken control of the fed.  Ironic, eh?  And the people are left powerless to fix it.  U.S. democracy has become a facade.


I'm not the expert on this stuff, but I have a dear friend who eats and breathes this stuff.  He insists that Bernie was our only chance at taking back our government.  He was to be our FDR, who tamed the robber barons of the early last century.  But the democratic arm of the oligarchy pushed him out, twice.

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12 hours ago, Monica Eaglespirit said:

I'm new and learning.

Hi Monica

Since it looks like this was your first post I just wanted to take the opportunity to say Welcome! and nice to meet you.


I read your About Me section, so happy you found this Forum, and I think you will find it very beneficial.  Everybody here is at different stages, for me MtF but not started HRT yet.  So you will have to something to offer/share as well as something to gain from others farther along.


Welcome again❣️

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  • Forum Moderator
7 hours ago, Tori M said:

I'm not the expert on this stuff, but I have a dear friend who eats and breathes this stuff.  He insists that Bernie was our only chance at taking back our government.  He was to be our FDR, who tamed the robber barons of the early last century.  But the democratic arm of the oligarchy pushed him out, twice.


Warren was a better choice, but yeah. We need another FDR. Biden... isn't it. Better than the Tangelo Taint Tumor currently squatting in the oval, but until we get the money out of politics, we're basically boned.



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I. so badly, want to wade into this discussion, but I'm so fed up with the way politics has destroyed our government, I honestly don't know where to start.  As for the emperor, we need to exercise our only remaining weapon and vote him out.  That will get rid of a turd in the WH, but it won't fix the broken, dysfunctional, impotent, useless government.   We need real public servants instead of career politicians.  Hmm, I guess I did wade into the discussion, apologies.

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  • Forum Moderator
32 minutes ago, Sally Stone said:

I. so badly, want to wade into this discussion, but I'm so fed up with the way politics has destroyed our government, I honestly don't know where to start.  As for the emperor, we need to exercise our only remaining weapon and vote him out.  That will get rid of a turd in the WH, but it won't fix the broken, dysfunctional, impotent, useless government.   We need real public servants instead of career politicians.  Hmm, I guess I did wade into the discussion, apologies.


I still admire your restraint.



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Hopefully the electoral college doesn't vote for him this time. I think I'll die if there's a repeat of what Hillary did.

"We must accept this result and look toward the future." "Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead."  Her own words from her concession speech, when she gave him the keys to the kingdom.

I hate the fact I voted for her.... she won the popular vote...Words can't describe my internal rage.

The dude went bankrupt 6 times and his dad paid for most of it... how's that future looking...My faith in humanity drops every second I spend thinking about the turn of events that lead to future I sit in presently. If targets didn't glow like radioactive lead paint etched into my skin. ?

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My lord, talk about corrupt... I'm sorry that this is happening to you all. Hopefully the country can survive another 10-20 years for new like-minded people that Americans can associate with instead of the 1% in office. Hopefully it's just time we need & not an 'mind opening event' that leads to more pain & corruption.

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2 hours ago, Sally Stone said:

exercise our only remaining weapon and vote him out.


That weapon is running out of ammo, too.  Through gerrymandering, voter purging, and precinct maneuvers, they are making our vote powerless.  Because, as a republican party leader was recently heard saying recently at a meeting of 1%'ers, "We can never let all the democrats have the ability to vote or we will never hold another office."  They did a good job of squashing the vote in GA last week.


On a good note, another government office is now held by a trans person in my home state of WV: https://www.wsaz.com/content/news/Transgender-woman-makes-history-with-election-win-in-West-Virginia-571181181.html

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1 hour ago, Suzanne1 said:

we seem to be in a constant quest for superior rights.

That's the same with Trump & anyone that support him imo, Ya'll act like people who don't agree or immigrants are ruining the country but politics and people like Trump is ruining it & that is a fact. He's done more damage to the country JUST from being the role model he is to the people, Saying it's okay to spread hate & violence. A president needs to be a role model & 'puppet' for the american people because in the end, the president is devoted to serving the Americans but Trump isn't doing that, He's only giving more power to the select few who wish to do more harm than others who don't support him. It's pretty brave of you coming out as a trump supporter on here but I feel like sometimes people do this just so they can get a reaction out of others & I hope you're not doing that, because you make people feel unsafe in their own country & on these forums. We're legit afraid of you Trump supporters, Well at least I am anyways. That shouldn't be the way it is. that also should explain why we feel the need to fight for equality because we still don't have it yet, we want to feel safe, to be identified just as any other human on this planet, Not better or worse, or any different and for our own safety and future of humanity. Humanity wants progress, Trump wants the opposite, He wants a source of income & power for his own version of a world he keeps talking about. "Make American Great Again", smh, it never was great to begin with... Things need to be changed.

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May I just add, I didn't mean to offend any americans, I feel like I came off as judgemental & all. I think everyone in your country is great, But i've never seen a country more divided than it is right now. Hence why I feel the US needs a change.

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1 hour ago, Suzanne1 said:

protected from those who wish to destroy it for at least another generation


It's mostly already destroyed and from the top, not the bottom.


1 hour ago, Suzanne1 said:

restore the USA to its former greatness


The current admin has alienated all of our allies and made the U.S. the laughing stock of the world.  Where's the greatness in that?  What WAS the greatness... back when we had slavery and workers had no rights?


1 hour ago, Suzanne1 said:

continue the gains this country has made during his first term in office.


Can you show me these gains?  Don't point to economic gains because the time delay innate to economic changes means that all growth/decline is always the result of the actions of the previous administration.


1 hour ago, Suzanne1 said:

I mean, why do TG's need to be a protected (privileged?) class??? 


People seek protection when they are not receiving equal rights.  It doesn't come up just for no reason.

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52 minutes ago, The Viv Element said:

May I just add, I didn't mean to offend any americans, I feel like I came off as judgemental & all. I think everyone in your country is great, But i've never seen a country more divided than it is right now. Hence why I feel the US needs a change.


I didn't see anything offensive, just observation and curiosity.  Division of the masses is a political tactic... keep the peons fighting among themselves so they won't notice what we're doing over here behind the curtain.  Propaganda is used to keep the divisions well stirred.  Beware... the U.S. is not the only country moving more toward this tactic today.

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If trump had been president in 1970 when I enlisted and served during the Vietnam War at sea and in country, I would have gone to Canada. Almost everything he touches becomes fouled and dirty. I hear his supporters talk about gains. Hva jævla vinneer? All I see is a nation being stripped of its values and morality. If you are not fearful of trump and the christian evangelical right, then you are not paying attention. If you are not appalled by the systematic dismantling or environmental safeguards, then you are hiding your head in the sand, and if the devaluing of education doesn't mean anything to you, well maybe it might mean something to your children and grandchildren.

If money is your god, then trump is your man, if you only care about yourself, then trump is your man, if your quality of life takes precedence over your neighbor's, then the current level of civil religion is your church, and if you cannot see the problem...then you are complicit.

This nation is at a point closer to destruction  than the ever before. We are NOT number one in anything except the number of incarcerations, Defense spending where we spend more than all our allies combined and we spend way more than Russia and China combined, and we are number one in the number of cases of Covid-19 and number one in Covid-19 deaths. Our infant mortality is equal to many of what we used to call third world nations and due to the rules of Transgenderpulse I can not repeat what trump calls those nations. The list of our failures to be considered the greatest nation in the world is a very long, long list. Every citizen in this nation is losing and the only winners are the one percent who with trump's blessings are taking us to the cleaners and depositing those ill gotten gains in offshore tax protected banks. When I go and vote and the names on the ballot are trump and a yellow dog, there will be no hesitation on my part to vote for the yellow dog.


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10 hours ago, Tori M said:


On a good note, another government office is now held by a trans person in my home state of WV: https://www.wsaz.com/content/news/Transgender-woman-makes-history-with-election-win-in-West-Virginia-571181181.html


Thank you! Rosemary gives me hope that where one woman can break through this political barrier to get elected, so can others. This is SO encouraging and I think we all need it right now.

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7 hours ago, Erikka said:

there will be no hesitation on my part to vote for the yellow dog.


Yea, I think Yellow Dog might be a better choice than Giant Meteor, too. ?

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hhh, my dad is a proud Trump supporter, I can't begin to think what he thinks of me now. I am surrounded by a family of trump supporters, all but my stepmom's family who I wish I got to know better because there is a lot of LGBT over there :)) '


Now reading about all of the hate going on, I don't really feel safe to go outside of my house, maybe virus is saving me in a way haha.

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3 hours ago, Aidan5 said:

hhh, my dad is a proud Trump supporter, I can't begin to think what he thinks of me now. I am surrounded by a family of trump supporters, all but my stepmom's family who I wish I got to know better because there is a lot of LGBT over there :)) '


Now reading about all of the hate going on, I don't really feel safe to go outside of my house, maybe virus is saving me in a way haha.

Doesn't surprise me. But it's best you get to safer more loving environment. Virus does make an excuse to not go outside, but don't be afraid of the outside. "Fear is the mind killer." -Dune

Getting trapped in one box and another box starts to get silly. Plus I think you pass fine. Just hopefully your dad doesn't look at bleach thinking it's helpful. It's good for cleaning floors and other dirty inanimate things, but is highly toxic to all living things even diluted. Not for drinking.

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Aidan, if you've been watching the news, then I understand why, I wouldn't go outside either! But imo, Most people usually tend to their own so you should be fine regardless, & if someone does say something, distance yourself but never let yourself lose control because they just want a reaction and once you do that, you're basically satisfying their ego's. pretend they don't exist, Or heck pretend your deaf and you can't hear them LOL... I was born deaf & wouldn't mind if you used that as an excuse because I know my deafness has kept me out of those types of situations alot.

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    • violet r
      From what I have read and heard most people are so.busy with their everyday lives and either looking at their phones or in a hurry to notice you out and about. 
    • RaineOnYourParade
      This exactly ^^^   I actually really liked games where I was required to play a male character. It felt homey, in a way. 
    • violet r
      I been play texas chainsaw massacre game most recently. It free on game pass right now. Just need a good team
    • violet r
      Anyone play war and order on their phones?  
    • violet r
      I can relate.  I have always played a female character when given the opportunity. Not really and reason except I just alway pick them since I was young   
    • MirandaB
      Yes, our little town is having its 3rd annual Pridefest. I've volunteered the first two years  from setup to tear down (though I do take an hour off to eat and drink in the middle).     Then I attend a bigger one a couple towns over that has had some decent entertainment from some semi-famous folks (Laura Benanti, Patrick Wilson, Carmen Carrera, Judy Gold, etc).    This year I made sure to ask off of (weekend) shifts to attend a 3rd one where a group I'm in is in the parade. 
    • Ladypcnj
      Hi Vicky, I agree with you, so far since the time I've been under the new treating doctor's care, she prescribed me medication, but it's for children lol  luckily  my pharmacy warned me from a phone call not to take the medication. 
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, M.A.! We’re happy that you found us. Jump in where you feel comfortable!
    • Abigail Genevieve
      Can you look elsewhere?
    • RaineOnYourParade
      Welcome to the party, M.A.     Sounds chaotic haha, I can confidently say that living with only two children the same age is stressful enough, much less three!
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Service manager screwed up this morning.had to do a service on a Kenworth.Sent me the,wrong filters and forgot to order a valve cover gasket.I had to do valve lash adjustments on it during the service.
    • Birdie
      Things hit the fan today. I was reminded that "this is not a gender fluid establishment."   I had changed my preferred name and gender at the hospital on their app. My x-ray report came in with my preferred name and gender. It was not appreciated by the centre. 😬
    • Justine76
      I'm not a nutritionist but I've gone on bulking diets in the past so I can suggest a couple things to try. Foremost, food-prep stuff that you like to eat. Any 'real food' that usually sounds good to you. That way, you don't have the time-sink or hassle of cooking for every meal. You're more likely to eat if stuff if it's convenient and mostly ready. For example, I'll spend an hour or so one evening prepping burrito ingredients that will last me the next 3 nights. Then it's just a matter of microwaving the beef/beans and throwing them into a tortilla; takes 5 min.   If you need food 'on the go' often, consider prepping smoothies in advance pre-separated out into individual containers. I personally like low-no fat yogurt blended with fruit and, here's the weird part, those water flavor drops. They add sweetness without dumping in excess sugar. Insulated containers will keep them reasonably fresh non-refridgerated all day so they can even be tossed into a backpack.    Hope of those sparked some ideas!
    • KymmieL
      I did get a sorry from the mechanic, saying it was all on him. The boss just said I just went by what I was shown. I didn't look at the paper work. I thought maybe you should before jumping down someones throat.   I am still in the market. Just waiting to find the right one.   Hugs, Kymmie
    • KathyLauren
      Hi, M.A.  Welcome to Transgender Pulse!   I am sure you will find a lot of people with similar stories to your own.  Feel free to ask questions and share your experiences.  THis is one of the most supportive forums.   Regards, Kathy
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