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Theydies & Gentlethem!

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I saw "Theydies & Gentlethem" on a tee-shirt and just found it so delightful.


That's all. That's the whole post, lol.


P.S. Now if only there were a gender neutral version of "ma'am". OMG, I feel I've been ma'am'ed about a hundred fifty million times this week on the phone as I've been attending to a variety of medical appointments and issues...

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  • 5 months later...

theres a gender neutral variation to maam called shazam. funny sounding i know. i would prefer sir over it but at least it adds some comedy relief points

theres also one called mistdam. and a gender neutral plural variation of maam is myren which sounds super cool if you ask me 

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/11/2022 at 8:15 AM, sevan said:

theres also one called mistdam. and a gender neutral plural variation of maam is myren which sounds super cool if you ask me 


"MYREN" oh my gosh!

I love this

do you know how it's pronounced?

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In my opinion, the gender neutral version of sir or ma'am is the omission of such honorifics.


"Excuse me, sir" becomes simply, "Excuse me", or better yet, "Excuse me, please."


"Yes, ma'am" becomes "Yes", or depending on the context, "Yes, it would be my pleasure" or "Yes, that is correct."


Else, to replace it with a commonly known neutral term such as friend, or credentialed or action-role-oriented term depending on the situation such as teacher, doctor, driver, or server.


And learn names when you can. It's a little known fact that MOST people are bad with names. So if you've ever told someone, "I'm bad with names", you're simply affirming you're typical in that way. A name, just like any other factoid, requires effort to commit to memory. And there are strategies which help. 

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On 5/26/2022 at 10:34 AM, Vidanjali said:

I feel I've been ma'am'ed about a hundred fifty million times this week on the phone as I've been attending to a variety of medical appointments and issues...

I used to get ma'am'ed during my 45 years of boy-mode and it drove me nuts. 


Now that I have accepted girl-mode I find it quite pleasant. 


Either way, being miss gendered is quite disturbing. I upon a rare occasion might get sir'ed by strangers and it's quite annoying. 

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  • Forum Moderator
3 hours ago, Vidanjali said:

In my opinion, the gender neutral version of sir or ma'am is the omission of such honorifics.


Around here, a culturally-appropriate gender-neutral form of address is either "dear" or "hun".  It tends to be mostly women who use those, though I did have a man address me as "dear" in a store today. 


It could be startling for a come-ffrom-away to hear themselves being addressed that way, but, locally, it is considered a friendly, not particularly creepy, gender-neutral way to address someone.

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On 5/9/2024 at 11:35 PM, Vidanjali said:

In my opinion, the gender neutral version of sir or ma'am is the omission of such honorifics.



A plain old "Good morning" should always suffice, for example, whether the recipient expects a gender specific greeting or not.

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Yeah, whatever happened to “good morning”? 
I think “hey you” can also work to address people without offense…”you” can be single or plural so that works for any gender, non binary, or any group of people, and can be pleasantly offensive or neutral.


And I am very familiar with the experience of being “ma’amed” while in boy mode, particularly on the phone by customer support people located outside north America for some reason. 

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