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HRT - One Year Later


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This is something I've been meaning to do for a while now. I distinctly recall all the research I did before beginning HRT. I read many personal stories, saw the pictures, studied the timelines, and still I could hardly imagine what it would be like to experience it for myself. Every experience is different. Here I would like to list the changes I've noticed over the course of the past year. I didn't keep very good track of dates or milestones, so this is a broad overview.





*Began at age 30 with normal hormone levels

*1 Year on Estradiol.

*About 6 months taking spironolactone and 6 months on bicalutamide. Orchiectomy after 1 yr mark.

*Progesterone added after 6 months.



Physical changes:

*Rounder, fuller face. Gentler features. Several people have mentioned that my nose shape seems different. I can't verify that.

*Slight reversal of hair loss. No more balding!

*Significantly clearer skin. Softer skin. Less oily.

*Reduced body hair in the chest area. Leg, arm, and face hair remains unchanged. The hair on my hands and feet are still present but are now so light it's basically invisible.

*Less belly/gut fat/slimmer waist. Bigger bum. Jigglier thighs. 36-A bra size. Clothes, especially jeans, fit way different. As they should.

*Shoulders and hips are relatively unchanged, as expected. Overall weight has remained fairly constant.

*I don't know what's up with my feet. My shoes fit different. They didn't necessarily shrink, but I've gone down a half a shoe size.

*Noticeable drop in upper body strength. May have more to do with the MS than the hormones.

*Looking at pictures of myself from a year ago is like seeing an old friend. The person in the mirror is not the same one in the picture, despite the similarities. Side note, occasionally I catch my reflection or see a recent picture and realize how much I'm starting to look like my sister! Suppose that's to be expected.



Psychological changes are difficult to measure. There are so many factors to consider. I DO NOT claim these to be a direct result of hormone therapy!!! But, if I were to list the most significant changes regardless:


*A wider range of emotion. In short, not everything gets sorted through the anger filter. This took some getting used to.

*Interests have shifted somewhat. I'm relearning what I do and don't like. It's a slow process as it always has been, but now the direction it's drifting has been altered.

*My dreams are vastly different. I'm still stunned by this one. Corny as it sounds, it's like switching genres from action/adventure to drama/rom-com.

*I'm happier. I feel *right* as if finally cast in the proper role.

*I want to dance. I've never been a dancer before. Now I catch myself thoughtlessly moving to the music. In public! Weird.

*Libido is, um, different? Hard to explain without going into detail. Contrapoints summarizes it well. "Physical attraction may spark an interest, but it doesn't ignite an inferno like it used to." (paraphrased).



Now for the hard part:

Lest we forget, puberty is puberty. Self-induced or natural. Socially, emotionally, and physically, it's been a process. I won't go into depth, as a textbook could easily be written on this subject alone. Suffice to say, there are growing pains.

As a literal example, I was afraid to give hugs for several months once breast development began. Ouch!

Socially, I did lose some friends. Some family members wrote me off. Society at large can have strong opinions on all sides.

Emotionally, well... It's been a ride, and it isn't over yet. Net positive, but not without incident.




This is not a comprehensive list of every noticeable change. Many are subjective or unverifiable, or I'm obvious to them entirely. Even big changes happen slowly.

There are several significant (let's say "intimate") details excluded as I'd rather not mention them to the whole world.


One year seemed to take forever, yet it went by so fast. I'm thrilled with the progress and optimistic for the future. 

This has been my personal experience. Individual results will vary. 

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I'm looking forward to the year mark. I still have about five and a half months left. I have already experienced some of them. I can't wait till my chest hair is gone along with belly hair. My arm hair hasn't changed much but then again it wasn't really a problem. I'm looking forward to having hips and hopefully a butt. My chest size is 42D which it used to be 42C so I'm glad that it's growing. 


Are you going to go through any surgeries?

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  • Admin

Thank you for your perspectives, @Liz-Liz.  The changes seem pretty typical, and I could not be happier for you.  Your list will help others here who haven't started yet, and give pleasant reminders to those of us who have started, whether recently or long ago.


Carolyn Marie

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@Liz-Liz Thank you for sharing this info! Congratulations on your HRT anniversary!


I have not yet hit the 1 year mark, but have also noticed changes similar to yours. I love my softer skin, softer face, more feminine fat distribution, better mental health, etc. Colors seem more vibrant. I also suspect I have gone down a little in shoe size, but I am not sure. One of the best things I've noticed is that there is life in my eyes and face now!

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8 hours ago, Ashley0616 said:

Are you going to go through any surgeries?

Yes. I've recently had an orchiectomy and I'm on a waiting list for a full bottom surgery.  I expect that's still around 2 years out. After that I may consider FFS or top surgery. 


Also... My chest/belly hair is lighter and thinner but it isn't gone completely. I still feel the need to shave it before I wear low-cut or crop top shirts. I could use some lasers in my life. *Sigh*


1 hour ago, emeraldmountain said:

@Liz-Liz Thank you for sharing this info! Congratulations on your HRT anniversary!


...Colors seem more vibrant.

Thank you!


And that reminded me of something I forgot to list. Things feel different. Emotionally, yes, but also nearly every sensation. Soft textures are softer, sweet things are sweeter, my sense of smell is stronger, pain is more painful. The only way I know to describe it is "I feel more" in every way. 

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1 hour ago, Liz-Liz said:

Things feel different. Emotionally, yes, but also nearly every sensation. Soft textures are softer, sweet things are sweeter, my sense of smell is stronger, pain is more painful. The only way I know to describe it is "I feel more" in every way. 

Yes! I have also noticed that my sense of touch is more sensitive and sense of smell is heightened.

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  • Forum Moderator
14 hours ago, Liz-Liz said:

One year seemed to take forever, yet it went by so fast. I'm thrilled with the progress and optimistic for the future.

As well you should @Liz-Liz. You have so many more wonderful experiences in your future to look forward to. The changes will keep coming and the new freedoms and joy they bring will come right along with them.


Congratulations on your 1 Year HRT milestone. Now hold on to your seat!



Susan R🌷

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@Liz-Liz I am at about 3 months on HRT and I feel I am on a similar path as your own observations.  Looking forward to the 1-year mark.

Thank you for sharing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for posting this. Creates a lot of yearning for me as I read ... the physical changes, yes, but also the "feeling more" aspect that you describe: the more vivid colors, etc. I've always liked about myself that I "feel" - that movies and music and stories touch me in my soul in a deep way. Would love to plunge that depth even more... 


Best wishes on your journey...



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    • MaeBe
      I would prefer a pill for society to forget their prejudices. I would prefer society abstain from the avarice of power. What actual harm have we caused that is worthy of the pain inflicted in that we seek to “remedy” ourselves.   Yes, surely, there is calm in oblivity. A dull, grey, painless calm. 
    • Betty K
      As to the question at hand, would I take some pills to wake up happy as a cis man? No, because I’m happy as a transfemme. But for many years the answer would have been yes. 
    • Betty K
      That’s good. I agree I can see how some folks might conflate the two. 
    • AllieJ
      Betty, I'm not conflating anything. There is no listing for transness, the only formal listing for diagnosis is for Gender Dysphoria. The official bodies have stayed away from using the term transgender as none can classify it. As the only diagnosis is Gender Dysphoria, I can see why the masses would conflate it with trans, and label us as with mental problems, as it is the only information they have!    Hugs,   Allie
    • VickySGV
      Logically taking his argument there, he is simply two in a line of 47 POTUS.  Kamala or Hillary would have been nothing first that way. Its the 2 count that makes her unique.
    • Betty K
      @AllieJ it sounds as though you’re conflating transness and gender dysphoria. The DSM-5 deliberately does not classify transness itself as a disorder. Dysphoria is simply the distress that can arise from gender incongruity. Nobody gets diagnosed as being transgender.
    • AllieJ
      The only formal diagnosis for us currently in place is in DSM-5, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. While currently there is no 'cure', as it is listed as a disorder, it leads towards the concept of 'cure'. In 2018 the WHO reclassified transgender from a mental condition to a medical condition within the normal range of human experience, named Gender Incongruence. Don't get offended by the term 'condition'. Life is a medical condition.    For the next couple of years the APA was asked when they would change the DSM to reflect the WHO classification, as most world bodies quickly adopted it. The APA finally released the DSM-5 classification for Gender Dysphoria, management admitting that part of the driver to their classification was to keep funding available under the American health system as driven by insurance companies. This has not benefitted the rest of the world whose healthy systems are government based.    Mental disorders are the least health condition accepted by the general public as they are generally abstract, and the public views sufferers as 'faulty'. We are not 'faulty' and I believe this classification of a mental disorder is wrong. This is why there is no 'cure' under the current system. But it is also why we struggle for legitimacy in the eyes of the general public, and why there is fear in the community. Think about it, would you be comfortable with your children sharing intimate spaces with someone diagnosed with a mental disorder? It would raise your caution levels, and has for much of the community. Right, or wrong, this is why MAGA gets support so easily.   Would I take the option to not be trans?   Let's see, being trans has given me terror through my childhood, critical distress through puberty, has robbed me the opportunity of ever having close friends lest they discover my secret, cost me 2 marriages and caused me to raise my children on my own, made me live in isolation as an adult so I could be myself behind locked doors and closed curtains, given me chronic stress to the point of a breakdown go my health, caused a heart attack and 2 cardiac arrests, and consigned me to loneliness in my senior years. Would I give all that up to have a so called 'normal' life with more wealth, friends, and a spouse? You bet!   Hugs,   Allie
    • Centered_Self89
      I agree with this also, let people be themselves. I didn't mean to say that anyone is more or less anything, more meant that being true to who you are isn't necessarily determined by outfit.
    • Graceful Curves
      The hormones are doing their thing.  I now have curves, small breasts, and a cute feminine belly.  Mom says I look pregnant, LOL!
    • MaeBe
      Just because we don’t do gender the same, doesn’t mean anyone is less or more so said gender—or a threat to yours. Let the person wear fishnets to the clinic. Wear that hoodie to church. Wear the makeup or don’t. But for the love of all that we hold dear, please stop clutching your pearls when someone dresses outside your boundaries of style or perceived appropriateness. 
    • Ivy
      he can't stop winning.  He beat both Hillary and Kamala to it!
    • Davie
      (Talk about silly) After his executive order on sex, is Trump legally the first female president? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/25/trump-executive-order-sex  
    • Centered_Self89
      Yes! Very much this! Everywhere we are, that's who we are.
    • Ivy
      Welcome Bella
    • Ivy
      I agree.  There is something that is deep inside us that's independent of clothes etc.  They are only how we express ourselves in the moment.
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