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You Need to Know About Project 2025


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Project 2025 has put out an 887 page book entitled Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.


The Mandate for Leadership is the right wing's vision for the executive branch should a conservative president be elected in 2024.


Their vision of the future is a horrendously terrifying and dangerous one for transgender and nonbinary people in the United States.


Project 2025 is organized by the very influential organization the Heritage Foundation and is backed by over 80 conservative organizations. 





Here are just some highlights from the agenda in The Mandate for Leadership:


1. Attack nondiscrimination protections based on sexual orientation/gender identity in healthcare, adoption, education (p. 333, 475, 477).


2. Curtail access to transgender medical care, including for adults (at least p. 471).


3. “Reissue a stronger transgender national coverage determination. CMS should repromulgate its 2016 decision that CMS could not issue a National Coverage Determination (NCD) regarding ‘gender reassignment surgery’ for Medicare beneficiaries. In doing so, CMS should acknowledge the growing body of evidence that such interventions are dangerous and acknowledge that there is insufficient scientific evidence to support such coverage in state plans” (p. 474).


4. Propose that the administration “define ‘sex’ under Title IX to mean only biological sex recognized at birth" and that “sex” is a “fixed biological fact" (p. 333 - 334). Title IX protects students from discrimination in educational settings.


5. Ban people with gender dysphoria from enlisting in military and kick out people from the military people who have gender dysphoria (p. 103)


6. Regarding the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), calls for the VA to “rescind all departmental clinical policy directives that are contrary to principles of conservative governance starting with abortion services and gender reassignment surgery. Neither aligns with service-connected conditions that would warrant VA’s providing this type of clinical care, and both follow the Left’s pernicious trend of abusing the role of government to further its own agenda.” (p. 644)


7. Get the government to research the supposed harm of medical transition, utilizing for example the NIH (p. 462) and Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (p. 490 - 491). "NIH has been at the forefront in pushing junk gender science. Instead, it should fund studies into the short-term and long-term negative effects of cross-sex interventions, including 'affirmation,' puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries, and the likelihood of desistence if young people are given counseling that does not include medical or social interventions” (p. 462).


8. “The CDC should immediately end its collection of data on gender identity, which legitimizes the unscientific notion that men can become women (and vice versa) and encourages the phenomenon of ever-multiplying subjective identities” (p. 456).


9. Attacks transgender/nonbinary people in educational settings. Wants to to erase "gender ideology" from all public schools (p. 5).


10. Uses stigmatizing and demonizing rhetoric in reference to trans people, such as  "social contagion," "radical actors," "radical," "radicalism," "transgender extremists," "poison," "gender ideology," and "gender radicalism" (at least pgs. 60, 88, 89, 254, 259, 342, 346, 358, 450, 475).


11. Falsely depicts trans people as a threat to women and girls (pgs. 332-333, 342, 346).


12. Suggests the president put out executive orders to investigate how federal funding and grants have been used to “spread” “gender ideology” (p. 358).


13. “Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds.” (p. 471). Planned Parenthood is a major healthcare provider of gender affirming care for trans/nonbinary people.


14. Get Congress to legislate that no public employers or contractors shall use a student's preferred name or pronouns that are different from their birth certificate or "biological sex" "without the written permission of a student's parents or guardians," as well as protect an education employee or contractor from a public institution that requires them to use a pronoun that “does not match a person’s biological sex if contrary to the employee’s or contractor’s religious or moral convictions.” They want to use this federal legislation as a blueprint for state legislation (p. 346).


There is much more regarding transgender and nonbinary people in Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. The full book can be read online for free at Project 2025's website.


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The right has lost its keystone pump stumpers: gay marriage and abortion. The former being too accepted and no longer divisive enough and the latter having "won" what they were looking for in the removal of Roe v Wade. The assault on transgender people and care are simply them creating another thing they can easily manipulate conservative voters into to get them to the polls. Codifying it simply makes it seem more legitimate. Calling it a "project" gives it "hype". The answer to all of this is: get your strut on to the polls whenever they come around and all that comes with voting: organizing, informing, being present in the body politic--things that the hard right is trying to keep LGBTQIA+ from doing.

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While being transgender is accepted as 'idealogical' there will always be conservative challenges, but with the rise of right wing politics in the US and Britain, these challenges are now becoming real threats to our health. And this disease spreads to smaller countries like mine, as conservatives here are empowered by what is happening overseas. If Trump manages to get the presidency back, trans people will all but be wiped from the country, then they will go after coloured peoples. 


The answer of course is to wipe Trump and the other conservative leaders from public office, but for us specifically, we need to push for a determination for being trans which can not be debated. 





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I will not be marginalized, erased, or targeted. No way. Sorry Project 2025, I see through your thinly veiled hate rhetoric. No way that this manifesto targeting some 8% (likely more) of the U.S. population will be taken sitting down and without a fight. Fear is the same game they have always played. Fear what you do not know, understand, or agree with.


Many states will create or reinforce protections - this little thing called "states' rights" goes both ways.




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Shades of the early 1930s, Germany, Hitler, etc. The transgender folks of that time were the warm up for the Holocaust. Could we see history repeating itself? Sure we could. I recently read an article about Fox News is targeting us. This is a well-coordinated campaign. Make no mistake about it. This Heritage Foundation is only one of the groups. There are many others. Take a look at this article: https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-nation/how-fox-news-turns-transgender-people-villains


There was recently an article in the Washington Post about a dystopian future for our country depending on the next election. The author, Kagan, outlined how the Blue states would get steam rolled. It is just so crazy to target a sub-population that is less than 1.5% of the population. 

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1 hour ago, KatieSC said:

It is just so crazy to target a sub-population that is less than 1.5% of the population.

Not so crazy. They think we’re too small to matter as a resistance to their agenda and our existence can be easily weaponized to their flock because of our “difference”. So they lie and connive to get swing voters onto their side using an issue they don’t understand, even if they don’t actually hate us, and galvanize their core in one fell stroke: setting up “victories” in the elections and then it’s all just “following the mandate” they were given when they execute on their “promises”.

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5 hours ago, KatieSC said:

Shades of the early 1930s, Germany, Hitler, etc. The transgender folks of that time were the warm up for the Holocaust. Could we see history repeating itself? Sure we could.


Perhaps.  Makes me wonder who is today's "Reich Plenipotentiary of the Four Year Plan...."


Personally, I cringe when people start making projects or agendas with a date goal in the headline.  It just seems Communist or Fascist.  Four Year Plan.  Five Year Plan.  UN Agenda 21.  UN Agenda 2020.  UN Agenda 2030.  Initiative 2045.  All of these things are the stuff of dystopian nightmares.  

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30 minutes ago, Ivy said:

Project 2025 involves a lot more than simply gender issues.  It is scary.

Correct. It is utterly terrifying and I urge people to get serious about researching it. The fate of our nation and our rights are at stake.

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I've been looking into this for over a year. As the elections approach I only get more anxious. I already am trying to speed through transition as fast as I can because of dysphoria, but it makes me even more distressed and wanting to get this done. I worry that if some puppet wins I'll never get there, that I'll be stuck like this forever. 


More than just trans issues are in this plan and if it is seen through a lot of lives are at stake. What a time to be young

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13 hours ago, KatieSC said:

hades of the early 1930s, Germany, Hitler, etc. The transgender folks of that time were the warm up for the Holocaust. Could we see history repeating itself? Sure we could.


Never again.


We can never again allow such atrocities to occur and we can never take for granted that they will not.




Participate in democracy and peaceful activism to prevent such an outcome.


It can happen here.


Never again.



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45 minutes ago, Ivy said:

I fear that if this plan is put into action, Americans like myself would become essentially outlaws.


It is critical that we are involved in the political process, activism, donate to trans and LGBTQ+ charities, vote in the local/state/federal elections, petition legislators/city councilors/school committees/etc. (even the ones against us).


We must educate our friends and families (and have them educate their friends and families) on what the right wing is doing to us now and plans to do. We must get our people to commit to vote out evil, to partake in the political process to defeat hate, and to save our lives.


I know for a fact and from personal experience that there are many good cisgender people out there who care about us. If we can get them to see what is really going on and get them to the polls in droves, we can win.


Don't buy into the narrative that your vote doesn't count. That is exactly what the right wing wants you to believe so that you don't vote and they can take power. Don't give them your power!


Now is the time to raise our voices and get active!


We do not have much more time until the 2024 election. Do what you can now to prevent this dystopian vision from becoming reality.


We can achieve a beautiful world, but we must put in the work.


Keep your hopes up!

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4 hours ago, Ivy said:

I fear that if this plan is put into action, Americans like myself would become essentially outlaws.

Well, our percentage of the population is around 1%. We could be the 2nd set of one percenters in the country...All this mayhem about our very existence.

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20 minutes ago, KatieSC said:

Well, our percentage of the population is around 1%. We could be the 2nd set of one percenters in the country...All this mayhem about our very existence.

1% sounds small, but it's significant. One study estimates the number trans and nonbinary Americans at 1.6%, which is over 5 million people! We are numerous, we are everywhere, and we are strong.

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17 minutes ago, emeraldmountain2 said:

1% sounds small, but it's significant. One study estimates the number trans and nonbinary Americans at 1.6%, which is over 5 million people! We are numerous, we are everywhere, and we are strong.


There hasn't been any accurate census of the trans population, and it would be difficult given the varieties under the trans umbrella. Governments grossly under represent trans numbers so they don't have to provide funding, but in countries where trans people are traditionally accepted the populations are usually estimated around 2%. This is almost all represented by trans feminine people, and doesn't include non binary. As most trans people either haven't figured out they are trans, or are in hiding, accurate numbers are likely never to be known. About 5% of youth in the US have claimed to be gender diverse, and I have read papers which forecast between 5 and 8% of the worlds population could be gender diverse. 


I feel most comfortable with the 2% number as a minimum of people who will take some affirming action, but do feel the total number would be much higher.





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2%, even better! That is over 6.7 million Americans and over 160.2 million people worldwide who are trans. No small numbers! We are everywhere.

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37 minutes ago, AllieJ said:

About 5% of youth in the US have claimed to be gender diverse

One of the reasons the far right is pushing so hard right now. The kids are alright, so time is short for instilling sweeping “conservative” and authoritarian dogma. 

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7 hours ago, Ivy said:

I fear that if this plan is put into action, Americans like myself would become essentially outlaws.


Lots of folks have been feeling that way for quite a while, and for different reasons.  The trick is... become OK with that idea. 


After all, the Founding Fathers were outlaws in the eyes of the British crown.  There's frequently a difference between "right" and "legal."  There's lots of things that are legal, but not right.  And lots of things that are right, but not legal.  According to Jefferson, "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."  The day the system makes me an outlaw, I'll be in good company. 

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On 12/6/2023 at 7:08 PM, AllieJ said:

If Trump manages to get the presidency back, trans people will all but be wiped from the country, then they will go after coloured peoples. 


The answer of course is to wipe Trump and the other conservative leaders from public office, but for us specifically, we need to push for a determination for being trans which can not be debated. 





The part I highlighted in bold font is hyperbolic.  



The best way to prevent this is urging our reps to pass the equality act. As its highly likely trump will be back because of the lack of self awareness of democrats, and democrat assets in the media.  Hyperbolic claims aren't going to stop trump.


Want to stop trump? Here is how to do it. 

Forget about climate change, it is a made up problem by the rich for the rich.  The rich fly on their private jets and lecture us, and the world about an imaginary foot print. Fear sells really well. 

Climate change is some thing they don't like being questioned!  That is a major red flag when you can't question some thing.  Often times they pull the "conspiracy theory ( theorist )" card to shut down questioning.


Stop censoring your opposition, violating the first amendment repeatedly,  you aren't going to be told this is happening on government approved media sources.  


Stop politically persecuting the opposition over political disagreements, as it open the door for them to do the same.


Stop tearing down the border wall and Secure the borders, deport all that are illegally here.


Stop violating constitutional rights.


Dump the toxic political correctness and wokeness, it doesn't help your cause.  


Require establishment approved media sources to fairly report on both sides, no more media blackouts on the truth, facts.  The two party system would fall, and independents would likely win.


Term limits!  No more career politicians.  


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On 12/6/2023 at 7:08 PM, AllieJ said:

If Trump manages to get the presidency back, trans people will all but be wiped from the country, then they will go after coloured peoples. 


The answer of course is to wipe Trump and the other conservative leaders from public office, but for us specifically, we need to push for a determination for being trans which can not be debated. 





I had to re-quote as I didn't get all of it in bold font.  Not being able to edit is annoying.  Any ways the claim in bold is hyperbolic, far out claim.

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@Britney Summers


I respect your right to your opinions, but I'm sorry, I disagree. The United States has a brutal, centuries-long history of racism including slavery, people of color still face racism and the effects thereof, and I don't see why a fear of the ramp up of racist persecution is hyperbole.

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Also, climate change is very, very real. Even some Republicans admit it. The fossil fuel industry has literally known about it for many decades with their own research, but promoted misinformation about climate change. (see article https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/).


You can literally see the effects of climate change by going outdoors and listening to the news of habitat loss, species extinction, wildfires, etc.

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    • Mirrabooka
      Mother's Day, so I thought I'd do the right thing and cook. So, we got Chinese takeaway! 😆   Actually, we planned it days ago, just thinking that tonight we would treat ourselves. Complete with a lovely bottle of Cab Sav.
    • Mirrabooka
      Exactly.   A plain old "Good morning" should always suffice, for example, whether the recipient expects a gender specific greeting or not.
    • Ladypcnj
      Hi awkward yet sweet, yeah, I tried dumping her but my current health insurance keeps directing me back to her as my primary, yet there are other doctors to choose from, but they are far away.
    • Ladypcnj
      Hi Birdie, I can relate to that.
    • Mirrabooka
    • Mirrabooka
      This sort of stuff makes my blood boil. A prospective state politician has gained approval from his party's state council to run in their state election next year.   He once stated that the + part of LGBTQIA+ is where pedophiles are categorized.   For clarity, in Australia the Liberal party is our main conservative party. They have lurched further to the right over the past 10 years or so. Our main progressive, union backed party is Labor.   WA Liberal party approves Dr Thomas Brough, candidate who linked LGBTQIA+ community with paedophiles - ABC News
    • Willow
      Happy Mother’s Day    I have to be at church earlier than normal for a mic check.  I have been going over what I am to say, both silently reading and reading it aloud.  My concern is that my voice will freeze as it sometimes does.     I felt I was honored very highly yesterday by my minister and supporter on my journey.  He and another minister are Standing together to become the next co-moderators of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  They included me to receive an advance copy of their initial submission.  I was one of only 6 people listed on the email to receive this.  Later this week it will go out to all the voting commissioners that will be in Salt Lake City for the meeting.  I have asked to be allowed to attend the meeting to support him and Rev CeeCee Armstrong, whom he is standing with.    We’ll time to get ready .   Willow
    • Mirrabooka
      Nup. Not an option. You need to keep going and keep us all in the loop, and we need to keep seeing your beautiful smile!   Party, schmarty. I'm 61 and haven't had a birthday party since I was 30. Even that was just a crummy meal at the pub with a few friends who we have since lost contact with. Don't sweat it.
    • Mirrabooka
      On behalf of everyone reading your entries here @Sally Stone, THANK YOU for creating such an informative thread. But there is one thing you might have neglected to say at the end, and that is, "And they all lived happily ever after!" ❤️   Reno sounds like a pretty good place to call home. I understand the attraction of living in a place that is not too big but not too small.   I look forward to reading your subsequent posts about specific aspects of your journey.
    • Betty K
      Hi and welcome. A few things...   1. You're right, you can't trust your friends w/r/t the question of passing. How would they even know if you pass or not? My sister used to do the same thing, telling me that no-one knew I was trans and that to her I just looked like a cis woman. I still don't know if she was serious or just trying to make me feel good, but I learned to not listen to her on that topic.   2. Buuuut, having said that, I thought I looked good, and I think that is all she was really trying to tell me, that she liked how I looked as a woman. Maybe this is obvious, but I feel it gets overlooked: passing and looking good are not the same thing, not even remotely. Your friends (I presume) are trying to tell you that you look good as you are.   3. Having said all that, I think non-passing transmascs have a harder time than us non-passing transfemmes. All I have to do to get gendered correctly 95% of the time is wear a dress and makeup and only a few seriously ignorant folks and diehard transphobes misgender me. For you, it's much harder to find signifiers powerful enough to send the same message.   So in short, I don't have any answers, except that you're right, it sucks, and I hope the situation improves over time. But passing isn't everything. Maybe you're right, and in a less conservative state it wouldn't happen so often, because you'd have more people like you surrounding you. I know that where I chose to live while transitioning has been a big part of making the process a positive experience. I'd hate to be in Texas atm.
    • Mirrabooka
      Thank you, ladies.   At the time I went from euphoric (my normal state) to not euphoric in an instant, and the lingering thought was one of self-doubt, manifesting itself with the unsolved question that maybe I never really felt like I had the soul of a woman, I just thought I did. I know I'm not the only one to ever feel this way. All part of the ride on this roller coaster I guess.   Yep, and yep. Makes sense now.
    • Mmindy
      Good morning everyone,   I’m sitting at my gate waiting to board a jet ✈️ home. Happy Mother’s Day.   Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋🏳️‍🌈❤️
    • Birdie
      @Ladypcnj, I found finding a doctor with a good understanding of "intersex" is quite challenging. My current doctor lectured me about the dangers of the testosterone treatments I underwent as a teenager, yet I had no choice in the matter as it was orchestrated by my parents and a sports doctor (I would have never done it in my own).    Having "extra parts" inside and their first suggestion is to remove them because they "might" become cancerous. I'm sorry, but no one is going to remove my uterus unless there is a clear reason to do so.    Then being referred to a psychiatrist to "treat" my gender dysphoria?   Other than a diagnosis of intersex, I find most doctors today are quite vague in understanding how to treat things. It's not something that need fixing, but rather understanding, and each individual case is special.    I know who and what I am, my current care team fails to grasp that. 
    • Heather Shay
      Welcome. I know the pain of misgendering, the best way to feel better is to work on yourself and self-acceptance as we still have the curse of the body not matching the brain and although we can make some physical changes we still have to work with what wee have.   I also agree that you are still young and you have not gone through all the changes yet your body will. So hang in there.
    • Heather Shay
      agree with the ladies above. Comfort and trust are important, especially with health care. If you don't feel comfortable even if it isn't with a specialist, although that would be preferred.
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