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Let's introduce myself


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I'm Olaf a 45 woman waiting to transition to male.

I'm Italian living in Ireland and I'm on the neverending waiting list to be considered for starting an assessment.

I hope to find friends in this forum as I feel so lonely,is a long way and I feel so annoyed that I have no idea when it will happend.

I had an hysterectomy 5 years ago.

I would like to start hrt even privately but I don't know how to move in this country.

I hope to receive advice and useful contacts to look after my health.

Thank you for accepting me🤗

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  • Forum Moderator

Good evening Olaf,


I'm from Indianapolis, IN. USA halfway around the globe from you. Welcome to Transgender Pulse Forums, we have members for all around the world, and I'm sure someone will chime in from Ireland or points closer to help you. There are several Transmasculine threads here as well. The most important thing I can share with you is that you are not alone in your feelings. You are among like minded people here ready to support you emotionally. Look around, feel free to join in on any of the conversations. We do have minors in certain forum threads so we want to keep everything family friendly.


Best wishes, stay positive, and motivated,



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1 hour ago, Olaf said:


I'm Olaf a 45 woman waiting to transition to male.

I'm Italian living in Ireland and I'm on the neverending waiting list to be considered for starting an assessment.

I hope to find friends in this forum as I feel so lonely,is a long way and I feel so annoyed that I have no idea when it will happend.

I had an hysterectomy 5 years ago.

I would like to start hrt even privately but I don't know how to move in this country.

I hope to receive advice and useful contacts to look after my health.

Thank you for accepting me🤗

I don't want to sound discouraging but it's not looking good for transgender at all over here. US government is trying get rid of us. Unless a miracle happens then it will be ok for us here. There are the other freedoms that are still nice though. If I didn't have kids and had the money I would probably go to Japan. It's gorgeous over there. They have cherry blossom trees. Breath taking mountains, awesome cars and the way people treat people is amazing. There is a lot of respect there. You just have to make sure you don't disrespect anyone. There are a lot of mannerisms and traditions. 

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  • Forum Moderator

You are an amazing person Olaf and brave. I wish you good health and forward motion in your transition. You deserve joy and happiness and don't let anything get in your way. So glad you are here. You will find (as you have already above) honest, loving and accepting people hear and many who have similar stories.


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Welcome, @Olaf. What brought you to Ireland from Italy? Have you lived there long? What is your perspective on how trans people are treated in Ireland or at least in the area where you are living? Looking forward to getting to know you better. Cheers.

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Hi live in Ireland 5 years now,I moved because I was looking for job (me and my son)initially and I loved this country,his people and culture.

I live in a small village I never met a trans here but my gp is a very lovely person and she referred me to the national gender service.

I'm a bit sad as I would like to start hrt at least because the waiting list to be seen is around 4 years and I'm  not so young.

I waited a lot,all life a was dreaming to realise this dream and now I would like to find the way...

I hope to have friends here as I don't have one.


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1 hour ago, Olaf said:

Hi live in Ireland 5 years now,I moved because I was looking for job (me and my son)initially and I loved this country,his people and culture.

I live in a small village I never met a trans here but my gp is a very lovely person and she referred me to the national gender service.

I'm a bit sad as I would like to start hrt at least because the waiting list to be seen is around 4 years and I'm  not so young.

I waited a lot,all life a was dreaming to realise this dream and now I would like to find the way...

I hope to have friends here as I don't have one.


Yes I wouldn't mind being your friend. If you need someone to talk to message me at any time and I will get back as soon as possible. I'm on here quite a lot. 

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39 minutes ago, Ashley0616 said:

Yes I wouldn't mind being your friend. If you need someone to talk to message me at any time and I will get back as soon as possible. I'm on here quite a lot. 

Thank you so much.

You can't imagine how much I appreciate it😊🤗

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47 minutes ago, Olaf said:

Thank you so much.

You can't imagine how much I appreciate it😊🤗

I don't have many friends either. You're welcome. 

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@Olaf this is a very friendly and kind community. Please don't be shy jumping into any thread to comment or starting your own to talk about anything that's on your mind. This place is a rare treasure and we all support each other.

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  • Forum Moderator

Welcome to the forums, Olaf!! I'm glad that you found us. There are lots of references and many wonderful people here, too. Jump in and/or ask questions where you feel comfortable. And, feel free to reach out to me personally if there is anything I might be able to help with.

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13 hours ago, Olaf said:

Hi live in Ireland 5 years now,I moved because I was looking for job (me and my son)initially and I loved this country,his people and culture.

I live in a small village I never met a trans here but my gp is a very lovely person and she referred me to the national gender service.

I'm a bit sad as I would like to start hrt at least because the waiting list to be seen is around 4 years and I'm  not so young.

I waited a lot,all life a was dreaming to realise this dream and now I would like to find the way...

I hope to have friends here as I don't have one.


Hi Olaf!

I'm glad you joined this group. I just joined recently and everyone has been super supportive and lovely. I can't wait to hear more about your journey.


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On 1/31/2024 at 2:34 PM, Mmindy said:

Good evening Olaf,


I'm from Indianapolis, IN. USA halfway around the globe from you. Welcome to Transgender Pulse Forums, we have members for all around the world, and I'm sure someone will chime in from Ireland or points closer to help you. There are several Transmasculine threads here as well. The most important thing I can share with you is that you are not alone in your feelings. You are among like minded people here ready to support you emotionally. Look around, feel free to join in on any of the conversations. We do have minors in certain forum threads so we want to keep everything family friendly.


Best wishes, stay positive, and motivated,



Ciao Mindy

Benvenute (i don't know the gender neutral of Benvenuto/a). mio marito è italiano. Spero che troverai buoni amici qui, che possano guidarti o darti aiuto nella tua nuova avventura nella vita.


My husband is Italian. I hope you will find good friends here, who can guide you or give you help in your new adventure in life.

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