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Guest Danielle J

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Guest Danielle J

I am going to buy an epilator and I was just wondering which brand is the best to get. I have never used one so I hope you ladies could help me decide don't want to waste money.


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Guest Donna Jean


One of the other ladies will be here in a minute with that info...

I'm afraid that I can't help you.....I don't DO epilators...ICK!


Donna Jean

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Guest NatashaJade

Don't pay any attention to DeeJay, dear. She had a bad run-in with an epilator once. I recommend the Braun Silk Epil. It has a headlight, which is invaluable.

Happy plucking!



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Guest Jean Davis
Don't pay any attention to DeeJay, dear. She had a bad run-in with an epilator once. I recommend the Braun Silk Epil. It has a headlight, which is invaluable.

Happy plucking!



Aww a headlight :huh: mine doesn't have that. <_<

I think I'm going to put hazard lights on mine so when I meet Donna Jean she'll know when to stay away. :lol::lol::lol:



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I think I'm going to put hazard lights on mine so when I meet Donna Jean she'll know when to stay away. :lol::lol::lol:

Make that hazard lights and a warning siren if I am there too!

I was attacked by the same epilator -maybe they aren't evil in and of themselves but they sure seemed to have possessed Lizzy and turned her into a sadistic monster until Dee Jay and I wrestled the plug out of the wall - it put up quite a fight!

Seriously, I am not a fan but so many girls swear by them I just swear at them!

Love ya,


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Guest Elizabeth K

diJon I think! Anyway - hard to read the brand name - Sally threw it out the window and Donna Jean ran over it with a garbage truck! I grabbed it out from under the tires as Dee Jay was backing-up for another run!


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Guest Danielle J

Thank you for the info and the website, it was $30 cheaper then the site I was looking at. They have already shipped it out so I should have it early this week.


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Guest Susan57

Hello Danielle,

I could not figure out which one you bought (and I am a day late to affect that)...

I use the Braun Silk-epil and am very happy with it. At first I thought I was wearing one out and got a spare. Turns out that I started on longer hair and it was getting inside causing an increase in friction. with one screw, you can take the head apart and just used my tweezers to pull out the long hairs and it was good as new. I have the original yellow one (from several years ago) and eventually got the newer pink one--same design $40 to $60. Sounds like there are several good ones out there. I do occassionally get some ingrown (what a pain) and a few hairs will break at the surface... but most will be removed and not come back for a long time. It is much smoother than shaving. Waxing may be better I think but this is much more convenient. The first time is not fun but in the end I am addicted. Let us know your experience.



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Guest rachael1

Hi Danielle,

Sorry I got here late but if you bought the Braun Silk Epil than you made a good choice.

I use this model as well and am very happy with it. I have bought two of them as a matter of fact.

The model I bought has different applicator heads for use on different parts of the body, it also has a clipper attachment.

It is painful to use at first but if you trim the hairs short it helps immensely and you eventualy get used to the pain. I prefer epilating to shaving or waxing as the hairs take longer to grow back then shaving and if you wax you have to wait until the hairs grow to a certain length between each session so you end up with unsightly hairs in the meantime.

Enjoy your epilating. :P


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Enjoy your epilating. :P

I cannot image that!

But in fairness when Lizzy attacked me with her Dreadnought 1478 (designed for use during the Spanish Inquisition - several Bishops confessed to heresy to avoid it's steely teeth) I had not trimmed the hairs in that area - not knowing that the attack was about to be launched so they were in the two inch range and it got a lot of them all at once!

I wonder if it actually hurts less after multiple uses or if you just become addicted to the pain.

Love ya,


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Guest NatashaJade
I wonder if it actually hurts less after multiple uses or if you just become addicted to the pain.

It's kind of like getting a tattoo. The pain causes the release of endorphins which can be addicting. That being said, you never quite get used to the pain. You just learn to ride the endorphins. Epilating is similar. It still hurts (Although as the follicles weaken, not quite as much) and causes the release of endorphins. It's harder to do because you do it to yourself (self-inflicted sado-masochism is difficult), but eventually you just learn to ride the endorphins.



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Guest Susan57

I don't think anyone does it for the pain. The addiction is for the result. You learn techniques that minimize the pain like not attacking areas of long hair quickly. Some areas seem to always hurt a bit (like the ones with deeper roots maybe) and others almost not at all. The best part is that some hairs seem to give up and not come back. Maybe that is the addictive part (but those are the ones that don't hurt much either).



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Guest sarah f

Danielle, I don't know when you are getting your epilator but it really isn't that bad to use. My only problem with them is how long it takes to use them. I just find myself shaving everything because of how much time the epilator takes.


Sarah F

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Guest NatashaJade
Danielle, I don't know when you are getting your epilator but it really isn't that bad to use. My only problem with them is how long it takes to use them. I just find myself shaving everything because of how much time the epilator takes.


Sarah F

Very true! You need a few hours if you are particularly hirsuit. Sometimes I shave because I just don't have the time and otherwise I'd be too furry for my liking.



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Guest Danielle J

Well I just tried my epilator for the first time. It doesn't hurt to bad on the legs but I'm going to have to take it slow on the stomach and breast area unfortunately my problem area until I get on HRT.



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Guest i is Sam :-)

make sure the hair is trimmed very short. about 1mm. it's best just to shave, then do it the next day. you'll only pick up maybe half the hair and so it doesn't hurt as much. then again the next day, and the next and you ought to have most of it. although obviously some hair doesn't grow until it's back in the anagen phase. so it can leave you with annoying stubble. but if you can't cope with the pain otherwsie then it helps.

once you've done it a few times it doesn't hurt as much, some places now barely hurt for me, but other's i've barely been able to do cos it hurts too bad.

Ideally I'd just get drunk and have someone do it to me a few times, but I don't think anyone likes me that much.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Sannara
Danielle, I don't know when you are getting your epilator but it really isn't that bad to use. My only problem with them is how long it takes to use them. I just find myself shaving everything because of how much time the epilator takes.


Sarah F

Hi Danielle, Iwas just curious, as I have thought about hair removal, a lot of late. And while in a store, noticed products for hair removal, IE: Nair. I'm wondering as I've heard no reconmondations here for the use of these. Is there a reason why, I shouldn't use such a product?

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Guest Danielle J
Hi Danielle, Iwas just curious, as I have thought about hair removal, a lot of late. And while in a store, noticed products for hair removal, IE: Nair. I'm wondering as I've heard no reconmondations here for the use of these. Is there a reason why, I shouldn't use such a product?

I have used the hair removal products in the past and they do work. But the results did not last long, but then I do have alot of hair. The only thing is make sure you do a patch test first to see if you have a reaction to the chemicals. Since getting my epilator I use it once a week and just a quick touch up with the razor between times.

Hugs Danielle

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Guest Elizabeth K

Well - I don't like razors and I don't like creams!

I depilate! Sally recommends it for everything**!


** not true - she runs away actually, just one time with all her chest hairs in a knot - pulled out all at once - commmme-on - it'll never happen again!

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Guest Anna_SF

Hi Danielle,

I am a new epilator user. Don't forget to stock up on a few things to help with the process. Exfoliating sponge/rag/brush, exfoliating body wash (Dove), alpha hydroxy (Walgreens), this will help with in-growns. Witch-hazel to close up the pores afterward. I have the red emjoi but I'm not sure it's working right, I'd go with the Braun. The emjoi has rotators in each direction so you can really go against or with the hair direction. I'm letting my leg hair grow out so it will have more to grab. Don't overdo the process - I did and I think that was a mistake.

You may want to also look into Tendskin - massive discount at amazon.

Please keep us updated on your process!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sannara
I have used the hair removal products in the past and they do work. But the results did not last long, but then I do have alot of hair. The only thing is make sure you do a patch test first to see if you have a reaction to the chemicals. Since getting my epilator I use it once a week and just a quick touch up with the razor between times.

Hugs Danielle

Thank you, I will take care using this product. It was attrative to me because I've little hair anywhere except my face. I was afraid there was some real nasty issues attached to its use. Hugs Sannara.

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    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, I met my two trans friends accidentally.  One was part of the nursing staff when I was taken to the hospital after being assaulted.  She figured out what I was pretty quickly, and stayed near me and we became friends.  My husband helped her find a place to rent near where we live, because she was looking for a change, and now she's a nurse at our county clinic.  My other trans friend was somebody my husband discovered at a job site.  She was in distress, and he figured out that she was trans and brought me in to talk with her and help her feel comfortable.  She's quite a bit younger, but we're pretty close.  My first friend offered her a place to stay, and being roommates has ended up in a romantic relationship for them, which is pretty cool.    Not sure if that qualifies as being some sort of LGBTQ+ pocket but we're here.  Not "Portland liberal," though.  I'm politically independent, one trans friend is a mild Democrat and the other is actually a MAGA Republican.  We're an odd mix.  Sometimes we go to the LGBTQ+ bar in the city nearby, but we don't fit 100%.  We're rural, and there's a rural/urban divide that is noticeable. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I have a thing about only wearing one layer.  I'd rather wear none, but its frowned on at the grocery store.   So if I'm wearing shorts...that's what I'm wearing.  If I was to wear panties...that would be what I'm wearing.  Which I have done back when I was in girl form (and I didn't enjoy girl form).  Boy form has the advantage of less expectations and less attention, I think.
    • Carolyn Marie
      https://abcnews.go.com/US/after-decades-fear-transgender-elders-celebrate-freedom-progress/story?id=110435380     I think there are an awful lot of folks on this website who identify closely, and happily, with the sentiments expressed by the folks featured in this article.  I suppose I'm one of 'em.    Carolyn Marie  
    • KayC
      I went to my first Pride event yesterday (Sunday) @FinnyFinsterHH.  I was dressed rather conservatively compared to some but what I noticed most is what @Carolyn Marie and @VickySGV said ... Everybody is there to celebrate our unique individuality and identity (and that covers a very wide spectrum) and nobody really cares what others look. It's about acceptance and celebration of ourselves and our Community.  Hope you have a Wonderful time! (I'm sure you will)
    • Carolyn Marie
      I echo what Vicky said.  Just be yourself and plan to have lots of fun.  Smile, enjoy the camaraderie, wear whatever you feel comfortable in, and like Vicky said, be sure to say Happy Pride!!  From personal experience, you won't have any trouble picking up freebie merch like Pride buttons, stickers, pins, etc, and more elaborate things that you'll have to shell out for.   Carolyn Marie
    • VickySGV
      You can go to these things as visible, or as invisible as you feel you are able to be.  Major rule, be ready for fun and acceptance, also be ready to see any type of diversity you can imagine.    My second event this year was actually a Pride Garden Party where one of the "contests" was to wear a garden party hat you had decorated and made to stand out.  Another Trans Person won the Activism award with a hat with Trans Pride colored long fringe on the back of their hat.  I just wore one of my normal hats with a blue, pink, and white hat band on it.  I had fun, but no prize.  There were other hats that had really been decorated and were really something to see.   Unless you are standing on a corner telling other people they are going to hell and are angering a deity, whatever you look like will be fine.  The idea is to be the real you as much as you can.  A sticky mailing label with your pronouns on it will do the job if you even want to bother with it, but I would have something that gives your name on it.  I wear a baseball cap with my first name on it to most events and being addressed by the name beats the heck out of "HEY YOU".  If some one makes a mistake either, don't let it bother you, or smile and let them know you preference and don't be afraid to just meet people.  There will probably be vendors at the Festival that will have shirts for the event or just for membership logos of the groups attending. (Bring some extra cash to buy merchandise  there and you will leave with enough to keep you in good shape until next year.)  One rule though is, know how to say "Happy Pride" and mean it, really mean it. You and the others are generally safe and happy.  
    • FinnyFinsterHH
      I am hopefully going to pride but dont really know what to wear despite doing some research. I know the basics about being comfortable and dont get sunburnt and stay hydrated but feel nervous about passing or people knowing my pronouns. Unfortunately i dont have pins or a flag making this harder, Is there any way to signal with body langauge or jewelry? Also is there any unspoken rule to follow so i know what not to do? I am planning cargo but think it will be too hot and online it mostly says bright or rainbow colors.     
    • Ivy
      I'll just do the commando thing sometimes.  I prefer longer skirts/dresses anyway.  Feels better in hot weather, and there's less laundry.
    • Ivy
      Most of my interaction with other trans folks is online, specifically here.  There are a few in my area (largely rural NC county) but the ones I'm aware of are mostly younger and in families.  I might see them occasionally at a monthly Pride meeting.   I do have a support group at the VA hospital (where I get my HRT) but it is an hour and a half drive up the mountain, and only twice a month.  That is in Asheville and there are more trans people up there.  In the last couple of months, some of the people in the group have invited me to stay up there after the meetings and go out to eat together.  That has really been nice.  There is something wonderful in being in the physical presence of other trans people closer to my own age.  And HUGS ! One time I asked one of them if I was likely to get in trouble using the bathroom in a restaurant where we were and they just told me, "This is Asheville."  (they know where I live) I've toyed with the idea of moving up there, but I couldn't afford it.
    • Sally Stone
      I have often wondered about my dreams.  I have never dreamt I was a girl but I have had lots of dreams about being dressed as a girl.  I'm not sure this was telling me anything profound.  Generally the situations I was in my dreams were stressful.  I haven't had dreams about dressing as a girl in a very long time, so perhaps since the anxiety that was associated with dressing female in real life is now mostly gone, so are the anxious dreams.
    • VickySGV
      I was looking for the short piece I had written very long ago by now that I shared at the beginning of this topic.  Yesterday afternoon I was at a Garden Party at the home of my Bishop who is the head of the Episcopal Diocese Of Los Angeles.  The party was to mark the beginning of Pride Month for  LGBTQ people and our families here in the L.A. area and as usual was a lot of good fun and companionship for the people from our 100+ Churches in the Diocese.  There was only one brief sermonette that included reference to one of our basics of belief, and that is that we respect the DIGNITY of EVERY human being.  Yes, Trans too deserve respect for our dignity.  Happy Pride month.
    • LittleSam
      I think it's disgusting that the Tories are using this as a last panicked attempt to gain power. They know there's alot of hate for trans people and it's seems they are using this to gain popularity and not let labour win. They are playing with people's lives and they don't care who they crush on their way to power. It makes me so mad. I really dislike rishi sunak and his values. Labour aren't perfect either, I understand they too are trying to stop trans women from being in single sex spaces. I'm ashamed of my country right now.
    • April Marie
      A blue/green/white floral popover, a light blue skirt and slip-ons. Picture is in my album in the gallery!
    • Mikayla2024
      LOVE IT!! 💯💯💯
    • Ivy

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