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Any Thoughts? Needing Some Help Lol

Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James

I find myself questioning everything about myself...

I was born a biological female and as I was growing up I always felt male...

But lately I been wanting to drop the male label...

I been feeling both at times and then randomly I feel neither...

Like I just feel like a person but like I'm not *anything*...

But for the most part I feel both...

At one point I was identifying as FTM Andro...

Which I guess wouldn't really make sense to some??

Oh well :lol:

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this...?


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Guest Carden


I'm not much for advice or insight.

But, I can tell you this is normal.

I am the exact same way. Some days I feel like both, others I feel like I can't connect with either.

I also notice that I tend to jump between acting like a boy and a girl. Or even dressing like a boy or a girl.

Though, recently I have been dressing more in the middle. Lots of double takes from people trying to figure out what I am. XD Always amusing.

The only suggestions I can make are ... maybe see a therapist that can help you find yourself a bit more or at least stabilize the thoughts so that your not jumping around.

Hope I helped. :P

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James

I'm not much for advice or insight.

But, I can tell you this is normal.

I am the exact same way. Some days I feel like both, others I feel like I can't connect with either.

I also notice that I tend to jump between acting like a boy and a girl. Or even dressing like a boy or a girl.

Though, recently I have been dressing more in the middle. Lots of double takes from people trying to figure out what I am. XD Always amusing.

The only suggestions I can make are ... maybe see a therapist that can help you find yourself a bit more or at least stabilize the thoughts so that your not jumping around.

Hope I helped. :P

I am not able to see a therapist at this time but will be seeing one soon for many reasons. :lol:

I was just wondering what it would be called... Like I just don't understand... I mean like I want to be able to understand what I am going through at the moment and right now not being able to understand all that sucks and it's bringing me down...

I don't know :lol:

When it comes to dressing I dress as male always. I wear nail polish once in awhile but for the most part that's it :lol:

But I act both as well...

At least I know that I am not alone :)

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Guest Micha

Gender queer sounds like it might cover what you're describing, if not androgynous. I'm still trying to understand the differences in a bunch of terms myself, let alone the experience. Reading here androgyny seems like a stop on the way to full transition, and that a lot of times people don't fully transition, so they stay somewhere in between. Anywho, androgynous sounds right to me for what you've said. I don't feel these things have to be permanent though, like you don't necessarily stay the same your whole life. You do grow and evolve from your experiences and it makes sense to me that gender identity may or may not change with you. Identity is only partially physical (and even that changes - maybe not sex without some aid, but your body in general), the rest is psychological so there's less of an anchor in that.

A therapist would be best of course, but for what my two cents are worth. . .

I don't know if I could describe my feelings as you have. I don't really feel like a girl at anytime, and I've never felt like a boy (s'pose that's what androgyny is? XD) but I know my characteristics and behaviors can be described as either masculine or feminine. So I don't really know how to describe it I guess. All I could suggest really is do what's right by you, you'll find your comfort zone and then you'll know.

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
Gender queer sounds like it might cover what you're describing, if not androgynous. I'm still trying to understand the differences in a bunch of terms myself, let alone the experience. Reading here androgyny seems like a stop on the way to full transition, and that a lot of times people don't fully transition, so they stay somewhere in between. Anywho, androgynous sounds right to me for what you've said. I don't feel these things have to be permanent though, like you don't necessarily stay the same your whole life. You do grow and evolve from your experiences and it makes sense to me that gender identity may or may not change with you. Identity is only partially physical (and even that changes - maybe not sex without some aid, but your body in general), the rest is psychological so there's less of an anchor in that.

A therapist would be best of course, but for what my two cents are worth. . .

I don't know if I could describe my feelings as you have. I don't really feel like a girl at anytime, and I've never felt like a boy (s'pose that's what androgyny is? XD) but I know my characteristics and behaviors can be described as either masculine or feminine. So I don't really know how to describe it I guess. All I could suggest really is do what's right by you, you'll find your comfort zone and then you'll know.

I just wish I knew what it was lol. I did identify as FTM and still kinda do but I can't help but feel it's wrong =/ It's just a little annoying, ya know?

I am unsure what all the names mean. I do believe that Androgyny is the feeling of both genders?

I read some on Trigender (that thread in this section...) but I totally didn't understand it... There's a lot I don't understand and I want to learn more so that I can figure out who I am... :lol:

Yeah I will be seeing one and if it's the same one that I had before than she will help me through all this. I hope o.o

What do you identify with and how are you getting through it?

Carden you too... I forgot to ask :lol:

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Guest Micha

Andro, totally. Def not masculine, though some traits are. Not many though, just a few. There's a lot of deprograming I gotta do too, from being raised male. I have a lot of feminine traits, but not to the point where I'd call myself transexual. . .I don't want to be a woman, I'm just not much of a man. So that being somewhere in the middle, or perhaps being neither is why I identify as androgynous. I don't really know what it is to feel feminine or masculine, but I know what traits I have that can be labeled as such.

Getting through, I don't know. . .I'm not sure now how to be anymore. Kinda like I missed out on about twenty years of living and I gotta figure it all out now, while supporting a family and dealing with money and work, etc. . .maybe that's the most difficult. Trying to recondition myself to the point where I feel comfortable being me. That's a slow process. One huge thing though, after being here, is I don't feel the need to talk to anyone about it. Like, instead of announcing it to loved ones I can just be me, and let anyone think of it as they will. I'd like to wear more feminine clothes maybe, try out make up and whatnot, but other than that it's more about how I feel and act than it is how I look, or what my body is. Androgynes can get away with that I suppose, where most trans people can't. My first post here was huge to me, and after that, an issue that felt overwhelming and impossible became something I can actually feel good about. Now it's just a matter of unlearning the man training and rediscovering myself.

The self is all important. It's you, s'all you got. If you don't know yourself, you can't love yourself, and then life is hell, internally especially. I really wish I had advice, but all I got is my own limited experience and a hope that just reflecting on that can give you some insight.

I do understand the need for vocabulary to describe yourself and your feelings. It's not easy for me to just be me without knowing what "me" is, and the vocabulary helps. I'd look up gender fluid and agender too, along with gender queer. Perhaps you shift from one thing to another, then back again or on to something else. Call yourself a chameleon! ^^

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
Andro, totally. Def not masculine, though some traits are. Not many though, just a few. There's a lot of deprograming I gotta do too, from being raised male. I have a lot of feminine traits, but not to the point where I'd call myself transexual. . .I don't want to be a woman, I'm just not much of a man. So that being somewhere in the middle, or perhaps being neither is why I identify as androgynous. I don't really know what it is to feel feminine or masculine, but I know what traits I have that can be labeled as such.

Getting through, I don't know. . .I'm not sure now how to be anymore. Kinda like I missed out on about twenty years of living and I gotta figure it all out now, while supporting a family and dealing with money and work, etc. . .maybe that's the most difficult. Trying to recondition myself to the point where I feel comfortable being me. That's a slow process. One huge thing though, after being here, is I don't feel the need to talk to anyone about it. Like, instead of announcing it to loved ones I can just be me, and let anyone think of it as they will. I'd like to wear more feminine clothes maybe, try out make up and whatnot, but other than that it's more about how I feel and act than it is how I look, or what my body is. Androgynes can get away with that I suppose, where most trans people can't. My first post here was huge to me, and after that, an issue that felt overwhelming and impossible became something I can actually feel good about. Now it's just a matter of unlearning the man training and rediscovering myself.

The self is all important. It's you, s'all you got. If you don't know yourself, you can't love yourself, and then life is hell, internally especially. I really wish I had advice, but all I got is my own limited experience and a hope that just reflecting on that can give you some insight.

I do understand the need for vocabulary to describe yourself and your feelings. It's not easy for me to just be me without knowing what "me" is, and the vocabulary helps. I'd look up gender fluid and agender too, along with gender queer. Perhaps you shift from one thing to another, then back again or on to something else. Call yourself a chameleon! ^^

That sounds like a plan!!! Can someone add Chameleon to the list of genders please!! xD My new identity !!!


I just want to be able to put a label (as much as I hate them!!) on me :lol: I am struggling not only with my Gender Identity but also with my Sexuality... :( That's not going so well... I am "Pan" to put a label on it but I am trying to deal with other stuff around all of it as well...

I want people to see me for me as me... It's hard even for me to except.

I will most likely transition as FtM and then go from there. I can always go back to my "old" identity: FtM Andro...

It worked well and it fit me just fine :D

But... It's a hard thing to have to explain to other people...

Just think though... There are so many people that have to Come Out as something and in my opinion may have it worse off then the Transgender Community because they are less accepted than us... Long story and may make sense to some people as to what I am talking about without having to say it... :unsure:;)

Anyways, I think that I went off track...

So how do you plan on "Transitioning" (and yes to me EVERYONE can transition in one way or another... :) )?



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Guest Carden

If I were to nail myself down, I would say Andro.

For the most part I feel like I am both very masculine but also very feminine.

How do I get through? I just do what i feel is right. The way I dress, the way I act, the way I feel. I don't fight any of it (I used to though).

I agree, having to explain it to others is difficult. Which is why I don't. Initially, I tried. People either got it, didn't get it because they didn't want to or didn't get it because it was too confusing to them. Also, I find it hard to explain something that I don't fully understand myself.

I am just me. XD

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
If I were to nail myself down, I would say Andro.

For the most part I feel like I am both very masculine but also very feminine.

How do I get through? I just do what i feel is right. The way I dress, the way I act, the way I feel. I don't fight any of it (I used to though).

I agree, having to explain it to others is difficult. Which is why I don't. Initially, I tried. People either got it, didn't get it because they didn't want to or didn't get it because it was too confusing to them. Also, I find it hard to explain something that I don't fully understand myself.

I am just me. XD

I am also afraid that if I even tell some people they'll be like what the heck... Because I came out as FTM...

So do you just like... act like whatever you feel? And does it come easily for you?

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Guest Carden

Mmm. Understandable.

Essentially yes. I don't have anything holding me back anymore. At first it was difficult to act how I truly wanted to because I was afraid of what people would think of me and what the consequences would be because of that. Then I realized that my friends like me for who I am, my family loves me, and no one can change my attitude towards myself. So I stopped caring about what people thought and at first it was hard because teenagers can be unforgiving and ruthless. But within a month or so, no one cared anymore. (I shocked myself at first because I am one of the shyest people I know).

Now I am running around dying my hair crazy colours and dressing like a confused boy who likes short shorts.

Now it comes easily. Of course I am a bit on the quieter side but I just try to stay as true to myself as possible.

I hope that made sense, I am sooo tired right now that the thought came and went too fast for me to type it out properly. XD

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
Mmm. Understandable.

Essentially yes. I don't have anything holding me back anymore. At first it was difficult to act how I truly wanted to because I was afraid of what people would think of me and what the consequences would be because of that. Then I realized that my friends like me for who I am, my family loves me, and no one can change my attitude towards myself. So I stopped caring about what people thought and at first it was hard because teenagers can be unforgiving and ruthless. But within a month or so, no one cared anymore. (I shocked myself at first because I am one of the shyest people I know).

Now I am running around dying my hair crazy colours and dressing like a confused boy who likes short shorts.

Now it comes easily. Of course I am a bit on the quieter side but I just try to stay as true to myself as possible.

I hope that made sense, I am sooo tired right now that the thought came and went too fast for me to type it out properly. XD

I just act like me as best as I can... I correct people when they call me she and I say he... Although today in Chat someone called me boy and I got upset over it :blink:

I am glad that you decided to not care what other people think because they aren't worth it if they can't accept you for you :D

Your hair is like a bluish greenish right?

It totally made sense xD


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Guest Carden

I get why you would get upset. I used to get upset about things that didn't even make sense to get upset over. I guess I am more ... numb ... about the topic now. Not in the bad way though. I just can let things slid and never think of them again. XD Which comes in handy sometimes and others it isn't so useful.

Heck yeah. Live to please yourself while still caring for others. Love it.

Yeppers. Only problem with having it blue is everytime my bangs blow in my face I go, "Ohhh, bluuue." yay for ADD. ;p


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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
I get why you would get upset. I used to get upset about things that didn't even make sense to get upset over. I guess I am more ... numb ... about the topic now. Not in the bad way though. I just can let things slid and never think of them again. XD Which comes in handy sometimes and others it isn't so useful.

Heck yeah. Live to please yourself while still caring for others. Love it.

Yeppers. Only problem with having it blue is everytime my bangs blow in my face I go, "Ohhh, bluuue." yay for ADD. ;p


It's really odd the way I feel xD

I just don't understand a lot right now :lol:

I need to work on a lot right now I guess xD

I don't care what people in public think. I don't know them so who cares?

:D :D

Ohhhh blue :D LOVE it :D

Your welcome ;)


psst I love that word btw :D

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Guest Carden

I hate having the confused surreal feeling.

Feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk about life, heavy or light. Or anything, for that matter. XD

Seven faces in one post, I think that is a record. :D

Huggles is a good word. :)

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
I hate having the confused surreal feeling.

Feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk about life, heavy or light. Or anything, for that matter. XD

Seven faces in one post, I think that is a record. :D

Huggles is a good word. :)


I will when you least expect it xD Not really I am pretty predictable =/ Or so I am told xD

No way!!! I made a thread to help people with all the little icons (I have no life...) and I had to go back and delete some because I had put over the max xD

I love the word Huggles :D

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Guest praisedbeherhooves
I find myself questioning everything about myself...

I was born a biological female and as I was growing up I always felt male...

But lately I been wanting to drop the male label...

I been feeling both at times and then randomly I feel neither...

Like I just feel like a person but like I'm not *anything*...

But for the most part I feel both...

At one point I was identifying as FTM Andro...

Which I guess wouldn't really make sense to some??

Oh well :lol:

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this...?


I know how you feel. I feel like a guy mostly but I wish I didn't have to deal with gender in the first place. I prefer to look like a really girly guy. I go by gender queer to people who I know well and male to people I don't know well. I don't act particularly male or particularly female. I have some feminine traits, some androgynous and some masculine traits, but mostly masculine or androgynous traits. I just wish I could do what I want and not have to put a label on what gender the action is.

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Guest Micha
So how do you plan on "Transitioning" (and yes to me EVERYONE can transition in one way or another... :) )?



Hmm. . .well, I guess I have a lot more introspection to do (which used to scare me cuz I'd get all depressed, but now it's kind of exciting). I don't know how far I'll go with appearance cuz I'll never be as cute as I want, so it seems pointless to worry about it at all. I plan on focusing on feeling and behavior, just to find my own comfort zone and call it good. ^^ Sounds simple I guess, but it's not. I just have no idea really how to go about it. Nyeh, I thought I had this figured out!

*hugsback* ^^

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
I know how you feel. I feel like a guy mostly but I wish I didn't have to deal with gender in the first place. I prefer to look like a really girly guy. I go by gender queer to people who I know well and male to people I don't know well. I don't act particularly male or particularly female. I have some feminine traits, some androgynous and some masculine traits, but mostly masculine or androgynous traits. I just wish I could do what I want and not have to put a label on what gender the action is.

I have to ask... What is Gender Queer? I hear it ALL the time but I still don't know the meaning. I have friends from my Queer Youth Center that go by that and well I was wondering for the longest time but just never had the guts to ask them :blush:

Hmm. . .well, I guess I have a lot more introspection to do (which used to scare me cuz I'd get all depressed, but now it's kind of exciting). I don't know how far I'll go with appearance cuz I'll never be as cute as I want, so it seems pointless to worry about it at all. I plan on focusing on feeling and behavior, just to find my own comfort zone and call it good. ^^ Sounds simple I guess, but it's not. I just have no idea really how to go about it. Nyeh, I thought I had this figured out!

*hugsback* ^^

I hope that you are able to figure it all out :D

It does seem hard to figure it out :lol:

*hugs* ^_^

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Guest Evan_J
Andro, totally. Def not masculine, though some traits are. Not many though, just a few. There's a lot of deprograming I gotta do too, from being raised male. I have a lot of feminine traits, but not to the point where I'd call myself transexual. . .I don't want to be a woman, I'm just not much of a man. So that being somewhere in the middle, or perhaps being neither is why I identify as androgynous. I don't really know what it is to feel feminine or masculine, but I know what traits I have that can be labeled as such.
Impulsive thought that I hadda reply on:

I dunno what's "wrong" with being a feminine person who identifies as a man IF thats what you identify as? I dunno I just always see these guys who are real feminine and I think they look guys a bunch of "people" (<<I leave that for who ever wants to) would be after? I might not choose them for a person to date (cuz I like interacting with peeps girly parts ) , and I know mainstream society "craps" on such guys, but when I hear "I definately don't want to be a woman" I think "ok, well, no problem with that, but why ......I guess I image and I could be way outta line....why "avoid" just calling it being a man but really feminine?" Cuz saying its because "I'm just not much of a man" sounds like you're denying it to yourself because you've accepted some kind of judgement against your executing it up to "par". And I gotta shut now cuz I'm WAAAAY out of my field of knowledge but read that and thought what I thought.

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Guest Micha
Impulsive thought that I hadda reply on:

I dunno what's "wrong" with being a feminine person who identifies as a man IF thats what you identify as? I dunno I just always see these guys who are real feminine and I think they look guys a bunch of "people" (<<I leave that for who ever wants to) would be after? I might not choose them for a person to date (cuz I like interacting with peeps girly parts ) , and I know mainstream society "craps" on such guys, but when I hear "I definately don't want to be a woman" I think "ok, well, no problem with that, but why ......I guess I image and I could be way outta line....why "avoid" just calling it being a man but really feminine?" Cuz saying its because "I'm just not much of a man" sounds like you're denying it to yourself because you've accepted some kind of judgement against your executing it up to "par". And I gotta shut now cuz I'm WAAAAY out of my field of knowledge but read that and thought what I thought.

Oh, no, please don't shut up. Especially not after you've confused me so! o.O

I don't physically want to be a woman. I've come to enjoy this "guy's" body. I'd like to be prettier, but it's not that big a deal, just kind of like representing externally what I feel internally, or something like that. I wouldn't change my physical sex at all, as a personal preference. Also, I don't feel I am much of a man, and I suppose that is based on preconceived standards of "manliness," the par for the course of being male.

I guess it may be as simple as being an effeminate man, and then vocabulary such as androgynous becomes kind of redundant, but I think it simplifies things, just from what I've experienced. I'm not clever enough to really clarify though. . . :unsure:

I enjoy your insight, so please keep on going.

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Guest Lee-Asher Geo-James
This non-binary stuff gets complicated. :lol:

Yup it does xD

Impulsive thought that I hadda reply on:

I dunno what's "wrong" with being a feminine person who identifies as a man IF thats what you identify as? I dunno I just always see these guys who are real feminine and I think they look guys a bunch of "people" (<<I leave that for who ever wants to) would be after? I might not choose them for a person to date (cuz I like interacting with peeps girly parts ) , and I know mainstream society "craps" on such guys, but when I hear "I definately don't want to be a woman" I think "ok, well, no problem with that, but why ......I guess I image and I could be way outta line....why "avoid" just calling it being a man but really feminine?" Cuz saying its because "I'm just not much of a man" sounds like you're denying it to yourself because you've accepted some kind of judgement against your executing it up to "par". And I gotta shut now cuz I'm WAAAAY out of my field of knowledge but read that and thought what I thought.

You confused me too Evan :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Roux

I'm so behind on my forum-checking.

The flip-flopping between genders sounds pretty much like my experience. Sometimes I feel like a female; sometimes a male. More often, I'm either a masculine female or a very feminine male. For the last year or so, I started to wonder if I was a FTM; other times I feel like a MTF who woke up in a female body and realized that hey, this isn't exactly right for me, either.

So usually I spend my time rolling around in the grey middle area of the binary, but sometimes I'll slide to either extreme end.

When I have to describe "what I am", I call myself a gender-fluid androgyne. I'm an androgyne. Whose gender moves fluidly around the spectrum. That's the least confusing term/description I could come up with--though I'm not sure that it's exactly easy to understand. Oh well. =)

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    • Willow
      @KymmieL I think we all have had to deal with a person who would not apologize when they were wrong no matter what.  In my case it was my MIL. Actually called me a lier I front of my wife.  Even when she realized she was wrong she wouldn’t admit it to my wife, nor would she apologize to my wife for any of the things she later admitted she had done that affected my wife.  I had a boss that accused me of saying things I did not say in a manner I did not use.  Even another employee told him that I had not said the things nor used the words but he still refused to back down.     Unfortunately, all too many people in this world believe they are always right no matter what.  Some are very famous.  lol   Willow    
    • KatieSC
      I wish I could cope as well as others. I feel very defeated in that all of the consideration, and then treatment to transition, could all be wiped out by this time next year with the united effort by the R party to eradicate all that is transgender. I fear that the national election could turn out to our detriment, and we will face a national push to eradicate us. Tracking us down will not be that hard to do. Once they know who we are, forcing the legislation to reverse our name changes, gender marker changes, and other records, will not be that hard. We saw an example when the AG in Texas was data mining the driver licenses for those who had gender marker changes. Who will we appeal to? The Supreme R Court? We would have an easier time trying to convince a Russian court.    We need to get out and vote in November. There is not enough Ben & Jerry's to improve my outlook on all of this. In some ways it is a cruel thing in a way. In the early 1930s, Germany was working hard to hunt down the LGBTQ population and eradicate it. Now Germany has better protections there than we have in many of our own states. About 90 years ago, Germany was seeing the rise of their very own dictator...Now the US is on the verge...Oh never mind. What a difference 90 years makes...    History may repeat itself, but sometimes it shifts the focus a little...
    • Nonexistent
      I have the same problem as you, my face is the main reason why I get misgendered I'm pretty sure. I think it's mostly up to genetics how your face will look (T can help, but still genetics will determine how you end up). You can't change your facial structure really, you can get facial masculinization surgery but it's expensive so not an option for most unless you're rich lol.    Experimentally (I haven't done it but want to), you could see if any plastic surgeons around you will give you Kybella in your cheeks. It is an injection that removes fat, and is usually used underneath the chin/on the neck below the jawline, but some may use it off-label on the face. The only potential problem with this is that if your face would naturally thin out at an older age, it could thin out extra and make you look older (though I'm not certain on this). Another option is to get filler in your jaw/chin, which would make your jawline look more square and your face more masculine. I want jaw filler but I'm poor lol, it only lasts one year up to a few years depending on what kind you get, so it would have to be done every so often and can get expensive. I did get chin filler once, only 2 small vials so it didn't make that big of a difference. I would recommend going for the jaw if you can only choose 1, I wish I had done that.   Those are the only options I know of that will bring legitimate noticeable changes.
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Blake!! We are happy that you found us!!
    • Mmindy
      Good evening Blake.   Welcome to Transgender Pulse Forums.   Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you.    Trans men and trans women each have their own struggles for sure, but I agree, it can be a hard time to be a non-passing trans guy. There is no specific "man clothes" that only men wear. People could just think I'm butch (which sucks to think about, if people think I'm a lesbian when I'm a dude!!). I mean I would feel better if I got gendered correctly even if I don't fully pass, it would maybe raise my confidence to think maybe I do pass well lol! Instead I'm just reminded I don't.   Though I may just focus on the times I don't pass and ignore the times that I do. Because I rarely remember getting gendered correctly, but I hone in on the times that I don't. 
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you, I'm glad to be here. :)   I have been in therapy for 9 years but still can't seem to accept myself. I think it has to do with growing up trans in a world that hates us, especially in the south. I mean I was discriminated against by adults and ostracized as a kid/teen due to being trans. My family is accepting, but the rest of the world is not. I realize now a lot of people are accepting (even unexpectedly, like my partner's conservative republican Trump-loving parents lol), but it feels like my brain is still in survival mode every time I exit the door. I am a very fearful person.   My body still may change over time, but it feels like I haven't met the same 'quota' (don't know the right word) that a majority of other trans guys have on far less time on T. Most trans guys pass easily 1-3yrs on T, I'm double that and still don't pass well except my voice.
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you. I am just used to seeing trans guys who pass at like... 6 months to 1 year, at the most 3 years. And I just don't meet the mark, all the way at 6 years. It is possible with time I will masculinize more, but it's frustrating when I'm "behind" and may never catch up. It threatens my mental health mostly, possibly my physical health if I'm visibly trans (though I don't ever go out alone). 
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Boss is happy with everything with me and said I will be the only one that works on one customer's truck.This customer saw me clean a small grease spot in the inter of his Kenworh last week,on the steering wheel.A new customer too,saw me walk out with my tub o' towels wiping that grease stain off.This one,he cannot stand a grease spot in the interior.
    • Nonexistent
      Yeah, I am grieving the man I "should" have been. He will never exist, especially not in my youth. But I don't know how to healthily go about it instead of fixating on the life that could have been.
    • EasyE
    • VickySGV
      Going to the conventions has been one of my ways to deal with this stuff. 
    • Nonexistent
      Sorry it took me a while to respond!    I would like to get to know you. :) I only have mental disabilities. Schizoaffective disorder, depression, and anxiety. The last two are severe and very treatment-resistant. I did have physical problems for some time, but it was caused by an antipsychotic medication (Invega). It basically crippled me, muscle weakness/fatigue, basically could barely walk (used mobility devices) and doctors were useless since they didn't suspect the medication I was on! I've finally ditched antipsychotics (hopefully for good, unless my symptoms come back). I usually don't share like this, especially in person, but hey, I'm anonymous. :)   I'm not expecting reciprocation at all btw, these things are personal. There is more to us than disabilities, so tell me about yourself if you still wanna talk!
    • EasyE
      thanks for the insight ... good to know things are being well thought-out ... it is no easy topic for sure, as many of us on here have been wrestling with this stuff for years and decades...
    • Ashley0616
      @KymmieLWOW! He is absolutely horrible! Definitely one of the worst boss's. 
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