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Hey everyone!


So I’ve been reading up on vocal feminization for awhile now, but honestly there’s a lot of information out there and a lot of people seem to have different ideas on how best to start. I was just wondering what other people’s experiences were, if anyone knows how best to start out or which programs/trainers  they’d recommend. If it helps, I have a pretty deep voice naturally. I’d greatly appreciate any advice anyone can offer!




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  • Forum Moderator

I went with the Female Voice Club. It took about eighteen months, but it was well worth the effort I put into it. I'd also recommend an app that lets you track your pitch. It's not all about pitch, but it's nice that you can see it improving. An average woman speaks at about 220Hz. I speak at 210Hz (after training), though I can drop my voice when I need to. Training has really improved my range.



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  • 4 months later...
On 10/12/2020 at 8:28 AM, Jackie C. said:

I went with the Female Voice Club. It took about eighteen months, but it was well worth the effort I put into it. I'd also recommend an app that lets you track your pitch. It's not all about pitch, but it's nice that you can see it improving. An average woman speaks at about 220Hz. I speak at 210Hz (after training), though I can drop my voice when I need to. Training has really improved my range.



What is the app name?

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  • Forum Moderator

The app I use to check my range is Voice Pitch Analyzer from the Google Apps store. I've also got Voice Tools and Trans Tracks, but I don't use them as frequently.



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1 hour ago, Jackie C. said:

The app I use to check my range is Voice Pitch Analyzer from the Google Apps store. I've also got Voice Tools and Trans Tracks, but I don't use them as frequently.



Thanks ?

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2 hours ago, Jackie C. said:

The app I use to check my range is Voice Pitch Analyzer from the Google Apps store. I've also got Voice Tools and Trans Tracks, but I don't use them as frequently.



Got it thanks! Wow I need ALOT of practice.

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  • Forum Moderator

That's why I used it to track my progress through Female Voice Club. It's really hard to change your pitch by itself and there's a TON of feminine habits and markers to use. It's not just pitch and resonance. They're important, but not the whole show.


Some of the habits you might already have (varying my pitch for example, I'm surprised anybody EVER took me for a cis-man), some you might not (training myself not to go down at the end of every sentence was brutal), but there's a lot to learn and there's always plenty of room for improvement (I'm still working on enunciating my words with more precision).


It's a lot of work, but it really pays off. I had a hilarious conversation with someone pre name-change who could not deal with the idea that somebody that sounded like I do was attached to a very obviously male gendered name. I probably could have dropped into male register for him, but I really didn't want to.



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1 hour ago, Jackie C. said:

That's why I used it to track my progress through Female Voice Club. It's really hard to change your pitch by itself and there's a TON of feminine habits and markers to use. It's not just pitch and resonance. They're important, but not the whole show.


Some of the habits you might already have (varying my pitch for example, I'm surprised anybody EVER took me for a cis-man), some you might not (training myself not to go down at the end of every sentence was brutal), but there's a lot to learn and there's always plenty of room for improvement (I'm still working on enunciating my words with more precision).


It's a lot of work, but it really pays off. I had a hilarious conversation with someone pre name-change who could not deal with the idea that somebody that sounded like I do was attached to a very obviously male gendered name. I probably could have dropped into male register for him, but I really didn't want to.



Money is one of my biggest hurdles. I just can't afford all of this.

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Really? I must be grossly informed on what executives make. I just keep remembering my (absolutely useless) manager in the 90's bemoaning that Clinton's tax-plan for people making less than $100K a year wouldn't help him. He nearly didn't leave the office alive that day.


Female voice club is from about $25 to $100 a month. I took the middle program. Eighteen months at about $50 a month. Lessons are all pre-recorded and you can send Nina samples of your voice and she'll send you feedback. You need to be something of a self-starter, but I just made it part of my routine.


All the apps I cited are free though. I'm not made of money either.



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I recommend watching youtube videos about the topic. I'll send you some links.


She is really good at it:



They are good too.




She says that she only used youtube videos, and talks about an exercise at the end.


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4 hours ago, Natalie99 said:

I recommend watching youtube videos about the topic. I'll send you some links.


She is really good at it:



They are good too.




She says that she only used youtube videos, and talks about an exercise at the end.


Thank you for these links.

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21 hours ago, Jackie C. said:

Really? I must be grossly informed on what executives make. I just keep remembering my (absolutely useless) manager in the 90's bemoaning that Clinton's tax-plan for people making less than $100K a year wouldn't help him. He nearly didn't leave the office alive that day.


Female voice club is from about $25 to $100 a month. I took the middle program. Eighteen months at about $50 a month. Lessons are all pre-recorded and you can send Nina samples of your voice and she'll send you feedback. You need to be something of a self-starter, but I just made it part of my routine.


All the apps I cited are free though. I'm not made of money either.




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  • 3 months later...
On 2/21/2021 at 11:58 AM, SheenaT said:

Got it thanks! Wow I need ALOT of practice.

Me too! That tool is a wake up call indeed!

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Thanks for starting this Thread K-Pop!?


I have a MAJOR Psychological hurdle with my voice.?


I feel like this is one area I need to find someone (preferably like me) for honest feed back.


My therapist had encouraged me to try my female voice on her but when it came to show time, no go.?


My go to safety in too many socio-business situations is to go deeper and deeper with my voice...don't know if its bc I think I will be taken more seriously or just nerves...I have ALWAYS hated? my low male voice (even if my Partner found it sexy)?...I blame this on my favorite Grandma (Bless her)☺️ who conspired with my mother to give me some special herbs (She was a 'Doctor of Eastern Medicine') to give me a deeper more manly voice at puberty (since likely I was too effeminate looking)?


I have the Voice Tools App (as she/Therapist recommended). I can hit the range and the pitch pretty well but have to work on sustaining it. I ditto on tailing downwards which I have to frequently watch out for.


The other issue of course is volume. One thing pracitising wee hours at night ?(when kids are gone to bed...hopefully?) and another in real world context trying to be loud enough to get heard without compromise to pitch etc...


One issue I have is whether to start slightly higher or more neutral.


Neutral of course is easier to sustain but then opens the door for 'bad habits' and lazy dropping off of voice back into male range the longer I go.


Higher pitch makes me work harder therefore avoid the trap of sub-conciously dropping off on voice but of course is harder to sustain so for Chatty Cathy like me is a whole different ball game to learn to be more selective and short with my responses etc...I'm like a different person.?


That's one reason prob why I don't quite yet feel 'myself' when employing feminine voice.


One thing I have resolve to try is to practise with Supermarket check outs/store clerks (Since invariably they are strangers and often times a different person, usually reasonably courteous as well since its customer service first). I've yet to do it successfully...I just keep freezing when comes time.?.


AND of course like today, as soon as I start to speak... (complaining about the price of a bag of cherries I wanted cancelled)....I forget to use 'the voice'.?...although at least in lower voice, I kept it classy and feminine if panicky?


Nominally for me to be effective (I kid you not) I 'fake' a Thai female greeting... 'Sawadee-Ka' (as feminine as possible complete with palms together and slight bow).? I don't know why since I am neither Thai (not that I know of anyway) nor conversant beyond the greeting (talk about cultural appropriation)...but somehow it automatically slots me into (start) 'position'. I mean I had great holidays in Thailand, had some excellent food there?...but that's it.


(Perhaps its a soft language? I quite like it)?


I also try to push my voice forward into my chest/front of throat. The Larynx exercise (keeping it up into the top of the throat also has double incentive of improving the jawline).? This seems to work well on many levels.


Anyway work in progress... I'm as lost (and likely nervous) as anyone-else of you trying to sound right.


But I'm also still trying?



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  • Admin

Hint to help and practice -- get hold of some generic  singing lessons if you have not had them.  If you have had them go back and review them on pitch and volume control, and while you are at it, the way in which words are pronounced while singing. since that is going to be a more feminine sounding voice for the M2F voices.  I can give examples via the keyboard here, but the best way it just to do it.  I have almost bored people to tears telling them about my involvement with a Trans Chorus where I live and singing does, especially a feminine part makes you practice tonality which is, a big part of female voices.  A male voice says the word "HELLO" on only a single note or two notes of the same pitch.  A woman will use three notes for the word, with the final note two above the first one.  Sing, learn how and have fun.

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  • Forum Moderator
2 hours ago, swallow said:

I also try to push my voice forward into my chest/front of throat. The Larynx exercise (keeping it up into the top of the throat also has double incentive of improving the jawline).? This seems to work well on many levels.


Close! You want to move your voice out of your chest entirely. Try and speak out of your face/nose. That'll help you with your resonance. The larynx exercise is a good one, especially once you figure out how to breathe when you're doing it. ?


So yeah, female voice is your head-voice. The rest of it is just practice, practice, practice. The problem with those darn apps is that they never show resonance, just pitch. I sound lovely (ask Bri) at 210 Mhz by modifying my resonance. I CAN sound like a teamster (briefly, my muscles have changed to the point that sounding manly is difficult now), but my female voice is much more natural to me anymore.



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1 hour ago, VickySGV said:

get hold of some generic  singing lessons if you have not had them.


OOH, singing is GOOD. I practiced with intoning instead, but the principle is the same: Building endurance keeping your pitch where you want it.



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Ooooo...the choir sure sounds tempting!?


Although I need to build up my nerve first, and I'm not yet on hormones or anything.


I'm trying to incorporate more singing in the shower...although we are having an issue with the consistency of the  hot water at the moment so I have to be mindful not to be in there for too long...?


I still don't really understand what resonance is...I need to watch those vids recommended again.


It will be great if I could get to the fabled land of my very own male vocal muscle dementia...?



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  • 6 months later...

Good info.  I have been kind of confused by the various advice given on YouTube videos.  Mostly what I have done is using voice pitch analyzer like others have recommended....and I sing on my way to work and home in the car in a high register and work on keeping my voice box up.  I have been doing this for a few months and it seems to be working at least to the point that I can keep my voice box up fairly easily now and I can reach a female pitch.  I also have been working with my therapist, trying to use my female voice in appointments with her.  She lets me know if I start to drop or whatever.


What I would like to know is "where do I go from here?"  To me at least my voice just sounds like a guy talking high...and doesn't have those "tonal"? qualities that make a person identify a voice as female.  I don't know how to practice those things I'm missing.  I also don't have the money right now to use services like "female voice club".  Any suggestions?

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Oh, those fiddly bits are tricky. Especially training yourself to not drop at the end of every sentence. That one almost broke me. Good on keeping your voice box up though, that's a great first step.


I think the trick is to break it up into smaller, more manageable chunks. First work on something like expanding your range (women speak in a much wider range of tones than men do, it's not dissimilar to singing). Once you've mastered that and you're doing it without thinking about it, move on to the next bit.


What are you working on right now?



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31 minutes ago, Jackie C. said:

expanding your range

I am still having hard time understanding this. What is the metric that corresponds to measuring the range? Is it just a fluctuation of pitch? And how wide is wide? Are there any acceptable/baseline widths?

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So I just hunted through my notes and found jack-all for a quick and dirty graphic (that wasn't copyrighted), but generally you want to average (around) 220 Hz (I'm averaging 210 Hz, I know cis-women who are lower. Maybe 100 Hz on either side of that. Here's a good exercise: Sing what you're trying to say for practice. It'll sound goofy, but it'll give you an idea of how women talk.


From what you're telling me, you might also be having resonance problems. Can you tell me where your voice is coming from when you talk? A woman talks through her face. You should be able to feel the vibration under your fingers if your put them to either side of your nose.


A man speaks from the chest. Again, singing. People who sing know the difference between chest-voice and head-voice. Women, with their smaller voice boxes, don't speak from the chest.



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1 hour ago, Jackie C. said:

Oh, those fiddly bits are tricky. Especially training yourself to not drop at the end of every sentence. That one almost broke me. Good on keeping your voice box up though, that's a great first step.


I think the trick is to break it up into smaller, more manageable chunks. First work on something like expanding your range (women speak in a much wider range of tones than men do, it's not dissimilar to singing). Once you've mastered that and you're doing it without thinking about it, move on to the next bit.


What are you working on right now?



Thanks Jackie for your help.  Currently I am still working on keeping pitch up, resonance down and voicebox high...mostly because I wasn't sue what to do next.  Expanding my range sounds like a good thing to work on, but I'm not sure how to go about practicing it.  I think it may be happening a little bit by itself as I practice the other things, but I wish I had some examples to practice repeating or something like that.

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    • KathyLauren
      Welcome, Emilie!   It sounds like you may need a new, better therapist!  I have never heard of one recommending online forums in preference to qualified therapy.  But hopefully the members here will do a better job than your therapist.   One technique that my therapists have used when I was in a situation like that is the "what if".  What if I could wave a wand and magically guarantee that no one would react negatively to your coming out?  Would you come out then?  I am not going to answer that for you: you will have to provide your own answer.   But when I was asked that question, my answer was "Heck, yes.  If everyone was supportive, I would come out in a second."  My answer indicated that my hesitation was not because I was not trans.  It was because I was scared.    Being scared does not mean that you are not trans.  Make sure that your therapist knows that it is the reason for your hesitation.  Being scared is totally normal.  Coming out is a scary process.  We can't predict other people's reactions, and some of them are likely to be negative.  On the other hand, you probably know some people who will be supportive.  My experience was that the reality ended up being a lot less scary than I had feared.
    • Nats
      @Sally Stone Sorry, self indulgent, self pitying rant!!!  I'll go back in my box, now!
    • Nats
      @Sally Stone  Yes I know, in my more objective moments.  You're right, of course.      For my part, I've completely lost faith in British voters. They voted for Brexit, and for me the generation that did that (mine) is lost for ever, there's no rowing back from that, and no forgiveness, on my part.    Even now there are large numbers of people who genuinely think that was the right thing to do.    They made Boris Johnson Prime Minister (mini Trump, he played a clown but was actually far more intelligent than Trump - which in my view, makes him worse).  They did that twice (the second time with a bigger majority).     Worse, they then made Liz Truss PM.  And then acted with such surprise when she crashed the economy.  I mean, really?!?  That surprised you?!?    And out there in the UK provinces there are people in Conservative Party branches who genuinely, honestly believe that she was somehow right, in defiance of logic, common sense and evidence. And btw Conservative Party branches in the UK provinces are TERF incubators, with all the indoctrination you could ask for.     I have never felt like this - it's a new thing for me, to be so far, in spirit, from my own country - but I am completely distanced from the majority of British voters. I'm not a party member - left or right - but years ago, Labour was taken over by the extreme left, and the Conservatives by th extreme right.  Labour went back to the centre, the Conservatives didn't.  That party is led by people who are off-the-chart in terms of ideological barminess.  And yes, they have trans people in their sights in the 'Woke wars'.      I feel betrayed by British voters, alienated, I find it hard not to regard most of them as deeply, deeply unintelligent, and not very nice human beings.  I don't want to be associated with them. I look at neighbours through narrowed eyes wondering how they voted, and if I don't know, I'm reserved and withdrawn with them.   I know I take it too personally, but it's hard not to.    There is now a UK Labour (think 'Democrat') Govt with a big majority that generally doesn't do the sort of nasty stuff that's happening in Montana but many of Labour's seats were won with slender majorities, so the win was broad but not deep.      I mean, after everything, large numbers of people still voted Conservative.    What on earth was going on in their heads?      Labour has made some quite big, annoying missteps, but nothing, absolutely nothing in comparison to the car crash bad joke that UK Government was for years, and years, and years.   I know it's not just a UK issue and seeing this utterly idiotic rubbish in the US (which we do all the time, of course) reminds me of that.    *Sigh*.    This too will pass, I guess.  Not sure I'll be around to see it, though.    Didn't someone on here ask if we were optimists or pessimists a few days ago?!?
    • Emilie Spiegel
      Hello, my name is Ash and I’m currently in therapy and I’m trying to come out. The problem is that my therapist isn’t sure if I’m really trans, because I’m not as motivated as other patients. But that is because I’m kinda scared. I alr tried to talk to my mom but she doesn’t seem to understand, doesn’t matter how hard I try and she says that she doesn’t want to call me Ash because my therapist isn’t sure about me wanting to be a boy. Idk if I should try talking with my dad. He seems more understanding. It’s just so hard. Idk what to do. I feel like I have to be two people at once. Idk how to come forward. My therapist suggested to get help through forums. So someone please help me🙏🙏
    • Sally Stone
      The problem with voters is that we are lazy and don't take the time to research a legislator's track record.  If we really dug into a legislator's record to see if their work has been meaningful or effective, there are many we wouldn't re-elect.  A bathroom bill to restrict the rights of transgender; come on, when would that ever be effective or meaningful legislation?  If we keep giving these oxygen thieves a pass, we will keep getting the congress and senate we deserve. 
    • Sally Stone
      In so many ways, it's all about the money.  Bills that deny transgender rights don't cost a lot of money.  Real legislation often carries hefty expense, which is why enacting such legislation requires hard work.  Pass an easy bill, award yourself a trophy, pass a hard bill award yourself a trophy.  It isn't hard to see why we are the target of our legislators. 
    • VickySGV
      "State Representative to people:  I have just introduced legislation to repair Highway ## that goes by your homes and makes all your business and social life possible by removing ??? potholes and dangerous ??? that wear your cars and trucks out fast and endanger your lives daily.   Constituents:  Yes YEAH, golly great !!!   State Rep:  The work is however going to raise you property taxes by 3 cents per square mile of area!!   Constituents:  "Impeach the walrus!!  Get the tar and feathers and a rail to ride him out of state on!!   --------------------------------------------- So the State Rep - introduces legislation against Trans People, and its alright again if he does not tell them what it means for their Highway to cost them next to nothing.
    • VickySGV
      With that on the shelf, now they can turn their minds to such things as recovery from the weather related damage that has been done in their state and improvement of their state owned and maintained roads, public health issues for the general public which are not being addressed while Trans issues are debated and (heaven help them) education can be addressed.  Our health needs are hundredths of pennies (.001 cents) compared to the needs for local water and sewer systems, and even electrical systems that are the shared resources of all of their citizens.  Only problem is that they have to speak of money that is real, and may need a tax increase to see that the majority of citizens who elected them are safe and able to conduct their daily life and affairs.  We can't have that can we!!! 
    • MaeBe
    • VickySGV
      An item that is implied here is to get us out of the limelights and cross-hairs of the politicians long enough to get our real work done which is to bolster science and facts at hand and give the medical profession tools to do its job.  I think that is what Levine is suggesting for our future and I am for it, since she does note our resilience.  We have become the low hanging fruit when an "ISSUE" was needed to show actions to mask their ineffectiveness in the TRUE sense of government involvement in the daily lives of people.  1.6% of the population being the center of focus leaves 98.4% without meaningful representation. 
    • Ivy
      That would be back in the closet for me. I live openly as a woman, but it's not hard to clock me.   Sure, I have the option of getting a male wardrobe, letting my facial hair grow out, tossing my wig, etc.  I could wear loose clothes so my breasts wouldn't be as obvious.  I got away with that for years, and I think I could pull it off again. My name might still be a problem though.  My State only lets me change it once, and I've already used that option.  I wonder if I'd need a health care person to sign off on changing my gender back to male? I suppose I could still wear a dress around the house as long as I never answered the door.  My online history might still be a problem though.   Apparently they do, because they keep electing these people.
    • Nats
      Unbelievable to me that voters accept that an elected body would waste its time on something as idiotic as this.  Have they not got much on?  If they're bored, and dreaming up wheezes to pass their time, then what is their House actually for? Is it worth the expense?   Aren't there any more substantive issues affecting voters?     You could work out what it cost to pass this legislation, at least roughly.   Divide the total annual running costs by the number of hours they sat, so you have an hourly cost, then multiply by the number of hours spent on this garbage.  Add in any additional costs (consultants, suppliers, expenses incured by members on this topic) if they weren't covered in the annual running costs.     I'm guessing it will be $hundreds-of-thousands.  Do the voters really think it was worth that or do they think there are more important things they should have been doing?
    • Vidanjali
      Thank you so much. I literally just got back from the post office where I sent to them my used but unmarked copy of "You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery", the excellent workbook by Dara Hoffman-Fox. I was concerned it might cause an uproar in their household. But they are excited to get it and asked me to not worry and just send it. And that's a nice idea - I'll let them know about TP too.    @MaeBe I also loved the theme song in the closing credits. The film almost would have been anticlimactic without it. But in that sense, you kinda knew it was coming, else you'd think they'd have edited out all the anticipatory scenes. I do think Wiig was sincere - the song struck a balance between humorous and touching while being respectful...and with a jazzy part lol. A friend is a friend is a friend to the end.
    • kat2
      Might the answer be not to identify as Trans? I do not id as being trans
    • kat2
      when i was at ballet school we did yoga every morning at six that was the start of our day, seeing yourself as happy and successful can also help, walking in the countryside and listening to the sounds of nature can also be quiet healing
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