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Covid quarantine weight gain anyone else?

Teri Anne

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Just curious more than anything I can't be the only one.

I am bigger now than I have ever been. Staying home makes food too accessible.

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I've got the weight gain, but not from covid quarantine.  Mine is from complications of my GCS.  I can't walk more than 2 km, and I can't even do that every day.

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What exactly is GCS in your case?  I have heard of the Glasgow scale but don't know much about it other than gauging head injuries.






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Because I have been home cooking and not going out, I have actually LOST nearly 20 pounds since last July.  I know I eat too much if I go out, but I am super lazy on that stuff.  The mess in my kitchen from the last week is scaring me.

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10 hours ago, Teri Anne said:

What exactly is GCS in your case?


Vulvoplasty, a.k.a. zero-depth vaginoplasty.

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I've gained back over 10 pounds that I had gotten rid of and I'm upset about it. I know what I need to do, but it's just finding the strength and energy to do it. Normally I'd walk a lot either around my neighborhood or the downtown area where I work, but I barely go outside anymore. I shouldn't eat as much and I should cook healthier meals. I should try to work out at home in my small apartment. I'm just so completely worn down from everything that it's a struggle to just do basic things most days now.

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I used to walk around the neighborhood after dinner in the summer but now that its getting colder I haven't for a month or so

I doubt I could make it around the block without stopping now.

I never used to be self conscious about my weight the few times I have been over weight but I have gained so much this time that I am very self conscious   and kind of embarrassed by it now.

I know I eat too much and too often but I can't help it and have no self control.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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I've lost 30 pounds since March 2020, on purpose through portion control and working out. The last 15 days have slowed the loss, because COVID-19 stopped me from going to the gym. My sister-in-law said that with all the coughing I was complaining about I should look at the cough sessions as ab workouts. The most important change Suzie and I made to our eating schedule is when to eat our big meal. Since we're mostly working from home we eat a small balanced protein and fruit with high fiber content breakfast. Lunch is more along the standard Supper or Dinner Meal, protein, starch, and leafy greens. Our evening meal is small fresh fruits and veggies. Water, water, water, water. I'm still not at my goal weight, however I'm as healthy as I've ever been, my blood work panels have my doctors happy with this 64 year old.


Know your body, know your metabolism, calories in versus energy output.


Hugs (masked)





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30 lbs Wow that is awesome!! good for you.

This year its been a constant struggle with my weight.

Up and down during the first of the year and I thought I was finally getting somewhere but the lock down happened.

By April I had gained back what I had lost and kept gaining some here and there.I wasn't too worried about it at that time.

Then I started letting my old binging habits take over and just gave up even trying to control it .Needless to say my weight has gone up and is still going up because I haven't done well trying to control it.

I know I need to just doing it is something else.







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@Teri Anne first and foremost I want you to know this isn't a competition, and no mater your weight or size, being happy and at ease with who you are is the most important. I follow several ladies on twitter who are doing well with the Curvy Big Girl fashion blogs. My very first follower on twitter is a lady from Chicago and her screen name is @Curvatude, she was the first person to actually engage with me in conversation. I only 5' 6" and use to weigh nearly 300 pounds and always enjoyed how Richard Simmons made sure that everyone was loved, felt important, regardless of their metabolism. We're all on different glide paths to our comfort zone, don't give up, it's a lifestyle not a diet, because diets never work or last.


Hugs, stay positive, and safe,



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I was fine being the  semi curvy chubby girl in the crowd and actually liked it. Fashions were easy to put together and I followed several plus size Vlogs and watched all the clothing haul videos.

I was happy at 215 220 and loved how I looked.

Being 5'4" I was ok with the low 200s. Still considered past chubby I guess.

I passed 300 in Oct and 326 lbs as of today. I hope my week or so trying to stay on the wagon  will help to stop the gain.

I have to do something I am just too heavy at this point.


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Holidays are tough on the waistline. Holiday cookies. Holiday meals. Holiday chocolate. Peppermint everywhere.


All you can really do is diet and exercise. Try to cut out emotional eating and eating when you're just bored. Stay busy. It'll come off.



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On 12/3/2020 at 10:15 PM, Teri Anne said:

I used to walk around the neighborhood after dinner in the summer . . 

       It's COLD in KY, just like Georgia? I used to daily walk the dog and babies but now she's annoyed at me, sleeps a lot and gives me dirty *growls*! There is no real COVID where I am, it's more-or-less "business as usual" with help-wanted signs everywhere . . 

Am always UP 'bout 4 or 5AM then @7:30 go to my part-time job driving landscape supplies 'round  town then generally home by 2.


TIPS sometimes included!


      Eat nothing prior 'cept black coffee but recently had to exchange an expensive large dress for an "XL"? Aren't we all supposed to look like our grandmothers? Tall, thin as a rail and dreaming of being the teen girl that we never once was? lol THAT DRESS is definitely not "age appropiate"!  At 6', 175lbs last time I checked anyone here LUCKY in the "desirable" dept, have any interest in the attentions of boyz to MEN?


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6 hours ago, Kiera said:

Aren't we all supposed to look like our grandmothers?


Depends. Which grandmother am I supposed to look like? One of my grandmothers had a little weight problem. The other was rail thin, but she worked out like a fiend.


I look more like the second one, but my shoulders are broader and my chest is... well, the less said about that the better.



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Holiday season this year isn't going to be a food filled one thank goodness because of covid with my family anyway which sucks in a way but might be a good thing for my waistline.

Yeah it has been getting colder here in Ky like it always does but in the 30s and 40s which is not bad for Dec.

Winter here can be light one year and brutally cold with tons of snow the next year.


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Two households. Mine and my sister in law. It's going to be seven people. I am in charge of dessert. Because my niece and nephew are both picky eaters (plus dietary restrictions and because I am a soft touch), I will be baking three types of cookies, cupcakes and a peppermint swirl cheesecake. Again, for seven people.


I expect there will be leftovers that my spouse can take up to her dad the day after.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't lost any so as 2020 ends Again I have made no progress in losing any weight.

Have not been binging which is a good sign.

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  • 5 weeks later...

My weight over the course of the COVID lockdowns has stayed pretty stable. I started walking in a nearby park in July, but the arthritis in my ankle made me stop. I don't like gyms and I'd rather actually go for a walk or do manual labor than use a treadmill or weights.


One of my New Years resolution was simply to eat better quality food, so no more fast food or processed food from the groceries. I've also started eating ovo-lacto vegetarian and only having meat as a treat or on special occasions which has worked for me in the past. (I don't do salads, but I love beans.) Once the weather improves I'll probably start walking again.

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I doubt I will ever lose any weight as long as I am on anti seizure meds they really do affect my appetite and not in a good way.

I have just no will power when it comes to food.

5lbs here 10 lbs there really adds up quickly at least on me it does.

One thing tho it will not stop me from being my true self.


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I was on antseizure drugs about 20 years ago to control bipolar disorder and reached my lifetime heaviest weight while on them. When my doctor took me off them them I lost 100lbs with minimal dieting and bicycling. Of course, I was 25yo at the time and that's an age you can still gain and lose weight easily. I'm fat and over 40 now and it's a lot harder.

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I have been overweight a few times in my life and lost weight by just walking and hiking but yeah I was a lot younger.

I've just gotten so big now I doubt I will ever lose it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to gain weight in January as I was going the more raw vegan route as a test and so far in Feb still gaining so I am not so sure raw vegan is a good choice.

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    • Lilis
      Ackward-yet-sweet you make a strong point.      Me too, and I think we all are, and it's tiring. My hopes are that future candidates see things as they are from both sides. Not an easy task I know, but something has to give for our own good.  
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I certainly believe in that.  Using medical facts to dispel the "its just a choice" mentality and emphasizing common ground is a pretty good two-pronged approach.    In the USA, I'd add in the idea of consistency with the principles of liberty... that ultimately one of the biggest features of a free society is bodily autonomy.  Both major parties in the USA lack consistency in that area, and its something I find baffling.  
    • AmberM
      I've been working on a custom campaign setting for a D&D campaign that I am just now starting to run (just finished session 0) and we will kick-off at the end of March. I wanted to share what I created and would be curious what others think, but also if there are practical tips or suggestions. I've been watching a lot of Ginny V and a few other YouTubers on this subject, and I'm feeling more confident, but was curious if there were any small things people did that they enjoyed.   Eclipse of Divinity Community Page (World Anvil hosted) - https://www.worldanvil.com/w/eclipse-of-divinity-codeamber0621
    • Lilis
      So, would it be fair to frame it this way?   All the medical and scientific research seems to suggest that being transgender means I was born with a handicap.    Meanwhile, @VickySGV argues that focusing on our shared humanness is a more effective approach to advocacy in combating 'gender ideology.'   Is that right?   How about a well rounded advocacy strategy that might incorporate both?    Leveraging scientific research when necessary while prioritizing human connection and lived experiences to drive cultural acceptance.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Ugh.  The snow is coming back!  I thought we already went through the coldest part of the year, but apparently this storm is going to bring a nearly record-setting cold for this date.  Probably getting at least a foot of snow, and maybe lower than -5 overnight Tuesday and Wednesday.    I really, really, really want to just hide in my nest.  I'm not meant for this.  My arctic GF and her 5 little clones are probably going outside to scamper and revel in it.  I have at least been successful at convincing my GF that she should stay home from work.  Even with the new cardiac stent, she's been insisting she's able to go back, but the fatigue is noticeable.   My husband will be home for a little while tomorrow, since his company canceled most tasks for the next couple of days so people can stay home to take care of their families.  But once the snow starts falling he's probably going to be dealing with emergency stuff part of the time.  He's already got his county-issued Humvee ready to go.  My sister is planning to be on duty, and has switched her usual patrol car for a 4x4.  With so many kids at home, it probably means less time for me to nap and stay warm...
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I both give and take.  But I often warn people that my advice may be worth what they paid for it...
    • Samantha Rose
      I hope so too, because I can REALLY use the help, LOL.  
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. I hope TransPulse helps you as it has helped me. 
    • Samantha Rose
      It sounds like we share a lot of the same experiences and preferences.  It is nice to be in a place where I can meet more People like me.  Thank You for taking the time to share Your thoughts with a Newbie.
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. Growing up in the 70s and 80s with a healthy dose of unrecognised, suppressed dysphoria and a severe degree of bullying and stigmatisation within my family attached to my gender nonconformism, I also am frequently amazed at how far we’ve come. Just to be able to walk down a city street in broad daylight without being harassed feels like luxury to me even now. Unfortunately I feel, when it comes to sexuality, we have an especially long way to go. As a transfemme who is exclusively attracted to men, I am painfully aware of the amount of shame most men attach to being attracted to someone like me. It takes an effort not to let that shame rub off on me, but I’m trying.
    • AllieJ
      In regards to dysphoria, I doubt many people or trans care professionals really understand it. For most of my life I suffered with dysphoria, even when nobody around me kew I was trans. When I was young I tried to understand why I had compulsions to engage in feminine things, and through puberty I realised that my internal view of myself was at odds with my birth sex. I realised then it was this incongruence which resulted in my dysphoria, but in 1967, there was no terminology for any of this. Through my teens I learned that affirming activities reduced my dysphoria, and this gave me a strategy to manage my life.   I came out at age 65 and was universally accepted and supported, but this did nothing to alleviate my dysphoria, which was very strong by then. Starting HRT and living full time made a significant difference, but when my HRT failed me (inexperienced endo), my dysphoria increased. I was surprised by how much my dysphoria was reduced after my GCS. Almost gone. I realised then that my genitals were my biggest trigger for dysphoria.   I struggled to find a descriptor much of my early life, and as I learned, it changed. Then I realised I never fit neatly into boxes, so I stopped trying. After six decades of studying myself, and others, and lots of reading  and talking to hundreds of other trans people, I have come to the conclusion that all trans people have dysphoria, but not everybody recognises it. it changed for me with life events, and at times I didn't feel it, but I realised that even while it was benign, it was still there. Not as a profound feeling, but as background 'noise' which was easily covered by other events. This 'noise' would just prevent me from enjoying other things fully, or add to other frustrations.   I also started to realise that Dysphoria is a reaction to incongruence, just as euphoria is. It is akin to pulling your hand away from a flames that are burning you, or moving closer to the flames when it is cold. A natural reaction more than a mental disorder...   Hugs,   Allie 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Actually, no.  Its a good song, and sadly it always seems to remain relevant. 
    • Samantha Rose
      Thank You for explaining that.  It does make sense and I can see how this would help.  For me it was never about access to health care but about the stigmatization of anyone not following gender norms.  Today it is so. much better than when I was young.  It is easy to see that we have not come far enough, but we often forget how far we have actually come.  I still suffer from societally instilled distaste for my sexuality.  It sometimes gives me tunnel vision, that is why it is refreshing to hear new ideas suck as Yours.  Thank You again.
    • Betty K
      Hi Samantha. The way I see it, while a certain amount of dysphoria may be inevitable in some people, dysphoria could be largely avoided if trans folks were accepted, affirmed, and given access to medical treatment earlier. For eg, I know a trans child who has never known friction around her gender; the moment she told her parents she was a girl they accepted her and did not push against her. She is still very young so chances are she may experience dysphoria in puberty even with access to medication, but then again if that medication is delivered in a timely fashion she may not, or at least that dysphoria may not be extreme. The real problem arises, imo, when people are made to wait for treatment or to prove themselves worthy of it, especially by suffering a certain level of distress. For eg, in my country it is possible to access early release of superannuation on compassionate grounds to cover gender-affirming surgeries, but only if you can find a psychiatrist to testify that you are suffering. Well, why not just let people the access the money *before* they start to suffer, if at all possible, or at least before the suffering becomes critical? That, to me, is an example of the government and medical profession prioritising cure over prevention.
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