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Occasional under eating turned into a regular occurrence ( is this bad)


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Let me start by saying that I am roughly 35-40 pounds overweight (215 as of 6 weeks ago). The weight is mostly pregnancy fat that I have struggled to get rid of.  I was around 170 or so before then, and in good shape. I have a naturally bigger frame because of broadness. I set a goal of at least getting back down to 180 two years ago. I managed to get to 189 before I bottomed out through pure diet and exercise ( I cannot live on less than 1500-1700 calories a day consistently). I slowly gained weight back until that 1 became a 2 again. My health then took a horror turn for about 6 months. Between residual side effects from that and Covid-19 issues, I'm now at my heaviest ever.

The family member i live with loves to point this out, and tells me to stop eating so much. On an average day, I eat around 2,000-2,400 calories. I also cannot exercise allot due to physical limitations. (I try to walk 2-4 times a week for at least a mile.) My diet could use some improvement, but I live in a food desert (nearest grocery store is 18 miles away) on a limited income. I also don’t force myself to eat, except for something for supper to take a medication that requires food. 


Anyway, the last half of this semester of college, I tried to do some mild intermittent fasting. I stopped eating by 7 or 8pm and didn't have breakfast until 8 or 9am. Sometimes,  I'd just have coffee (and water) and no food until noon or 1pm on days when my schedule was booked. Sometimes, I couldn't find the time to eat. (Professors now let us eat in class because of scheduling issues). My body has adjusted to not always having food every morning and also not having allot of it at one time (just having a cereal bar or a thing of yogurt) fairly well. I used to snack frequently, but I rarely snack anymore (unless at college when I didn't have time to eat the full lunch I'd brought from home). Today, for example, I had coffee for breakfast and a small sub sandwich at 11am. I didn't eat anything else until around 6:30pm because I was gone all day running errands. (I had a ham and cheese sandwich, yogurt, small bag of chips, and a chocolate pudding for supper).


Over the past three weeks or so, I've noticed that when eating, I'm not eating as much, and it's not me keeping myself from eating. I'm rarely hungry for a full meal (meat, 2 vegs, bread) any more. I also don’t find myself craving food much. I've skipped meals because of this. At Thanksgiving, I didn't eat but half of what was put on my plate. I think part of this is my brain negatively reacting to my family member criticizing my weight and eating habits.  I know that my caloric intake is down to well below 2000 on the average. (1200-1800 roughly). I go to my cardiologist on Monday, and will be weighed then, and I'm hoping that I haven't gained anymore weight. If I have, stress is probably the contributing factor,  not my eating habits).


I'm sorta concerned about my sudden change in eating habits. While I don't deny myself food for hours on end, I don't always give myself the full amount I think I need. I know that only a doctor can provide any medical insight, but I'm curious as to what y'all think. Am I ok doing this (is it a good thing?). Have I gone too far? 


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I forgot to say that I started this around late September. I haven't eaten around 2400 calories in a day since then. I'm not subsisting on around or a little more than what I couldn't about 18 months ago. 

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  • Forum Moderator

Hey there @Motormouth95your screen name is what I used as a CB Handle way back in the 1970s and 1980 during the Citizen Band Radio craze. As for you eating habits @Teri Anneis correct, speak to your doctor about safe ways to cut weight without hurting your health.




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There is a suggested amount of calories that one needs daily but not all people are the same and may be fine with a lower number.

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4 hours ago, Mmindy said:

Hey there @Motormouth95your screen name is what I used as a CB Handle way back in the 1970s and 1980 during the Citizen Band Radio craze.  





It's funny that you mentioned this Mindy. While this name party came from my nickname as a child, it has also been my CB Handle. When I was a teen, both of my uncles frequently communicated through the use of CB, along with a dozen or so other guys in the area. I would sometimes join in on weekends with the uncle I live with now, and obviously needed a Handle, so Motormouth it was ('95 references my birth year). 

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  • Forum Moderator

That's a cool...


Best wishes, stay positive, and safe.



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  • Forum Moderator
1 hour ago, Teri Anne said:

my big truck for 40 some odd years on the road.

Break, Break, Break @Teri Anneyou have your ears on? 40 some odd years on the road, I'll bet some years were more odd that others.


Best wishes,



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Had several handles over the years.

Knothead, Paddleduck, Goat roper just to name a few.

Owned several of these back in the 80s.


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@Motormouth95 Grocery desert is difficult. ? When you do get to the store, you can grab produce that keeps well. If you cut off the bottom of broccoli stems and soak them, the florets will firm up, then wash with 30 percent vinegar / water mixture and dry well, it keeps for several days fresh. Roast broccoli is awesome. Same with cauliflower. Apples keep well too, and frozen fruits and veg. Hummus keeps well if it's still sealed, and is good with broccoli.


I've been getting some foods from Target for delivery through the mail. They don't deliver regular perishable groceries, but you can get high-fiber cereals and snacks / granola bars, and shelf-stable tofu, at least, some things are in stock most of the time, it varies.


Obviously only your doctor can tell you whether your eating habits are safe, and I'm not trying to give medical advice, but if you're energized and feel good your body is possibly pretty much telling you you're not doing much harm yet, if at all.


Some of what you said suggests solutions, such as: there's no problem with skipping the bread and just eating a meat or cheese, or an egg, and two veg. Then the "bread" course could be a high-fiber cookie or granola bar at another time.


Walking is great! If your physical limitations allow for it, I would think that you will feel better emotionally and physically if you can find some way to move around six days out of the week, in addition to the longer walks you take. You could ask your doctor about that, too.

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