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I'm no good with paper, but I like wax


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Here's a few of my favorites.

The decorative molded ones are unscented since I'm still figuring out the wicking.

The one that took the longest was the 16oz pride jar. Each color is it's own scent.

And the mug is a pumpkin spice chai latte fragrance. 😋 




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    • April Marie
      I also think it's important to focus on what makes you happy as opposed to feeling comfortable. Which is the real you? Perhaps it's not even just one or the other. Perhaps it is both. Or, perhaps it's more of the feel of presenting as a woman instead of the desire to be a (trans) woman?    Those are things to explore and solidify in your own mind with your therapist before you open up to your girlfriend.   Hang in there! None of this is easy. And, we're here if you need us.
    • Heather Shay
      thank you for the sources and I agree - research and learn the facts about subjects to speak about to have a strong basis for your researched discussion. It's better to quote sources that discuss both sides of the issue and encourage others to do the same, with an open mind, before committing to an opinion.
    • Heather Shay
      Welcome snailbella. I'm glad you are here. I went the other way MtF but I know several FtM who talk about their journey.  Everybody's journey is different and we all react differently. I wonderful if you've discussed this with a therapist to help guide you and determining what YOU want. There is such a spectrum in gender that you are well within your rights to feel the way you do. If it brings you discomfort about the denominators or any aspect with your wife telling tohers, discuss it openly with her and be honest. A compromise is definitely in order. In regard to the beard, I would think T in your HRT would promote hair growth but again it's an individual thing. If you like it - let it grow and test the waters, if nervous at this point, shave.  It is also quite ok to fantasize as long as it doesn't cause you discomfort. These are my opinions so don't take them for gospel but know I'm using myself and many trans friends discussion.  
    • kat2
      Since we are all different in our approach, think about the long term consequences and what you hope to gain going forward? huggs       kat
    • April Marie
      I am so sorry to read this @Birdie. Hopefully it is just benign. You will be in my thoughts.    I can empathize with you - have been monitoring cysts on my kidneys and liver as well as a small cyst in my pancreas for several years.    Stay positive.
    • Heather Shay
      This is fascinating. Thank you so much. I was aware of two spirits and was under the impression that two spirits were respected and considered a privilege to be both with that extinguished.  I am happy to become better acquainted.   
    • kat2
      Gosh, thats horrible news to hear for the beginning of a new year, my thoughts and preyers are with you, god bless. Try and i know its hard to stay positive and get on with doing the things that you love to do. I am sure everyone on the forum will be sending positive thoughts towards your healing and that you continue to enjoy the up and coming new year, bless you. xxx kat
    • kat2
      My first thoughts on reading your post were, is your therapist a transgender specialist?. If you are asking for an opinion, then perhaps more therapy with someone that is qualified? before you commit to doing anything else 
    • Birdie
      Tumor found in my liver in ultrasound. The specialist has ordered MRI and biopsy ASAP.    Even though the specialist has ordered MRI and other tests ASAP, the doctor at the centre sees no reason for any rush.   If the tumor is benign, then it should be removed to prevent it from turning cancerous in the future. But again there is no rush.   If the tumor is malignant, the very low life expectancy and curability of liver cancer outweighs the cost of treatment. The centre's belief is that any form of liver cancer should be treated with "Comfort Care only."   The centre's doctor says we can only hope that the tumor is benign, we can go in in a couple months and remove it and that would be the end of treatment. He sees no wisdom whatsoever in the "urgency" of the specialist for the MRI and biopsy. Although those orders will be processed and approved, it will be all within due time.  
    • Nats
      @AllieJ That's a really thoughtful response and actually, I agree with all of it.     Your specific points: Yes.  Poor quality papers are more easily available, which is helpful to anti trans extremists, but makes it more important that those of us with the will and determination do access good quality, well reviewed papers.  That's our power.     Quite.  In any campaign, there are those who are absolutely against you.  Don't waste your time with them because changing minds is unlikely and far too time consuming.  It doesn't secure outcomes.  Then, there are those who are with you.  You support them, make sure they have the information they need, and try to harness their power, but since they are already with you they aren't your main focus.  Finally, there are the vast majority in the middle ground, who either don't care, don't understand or haven't registered any of it.  Strategically, in terms of securing an outcome, those are the people who you should focus on.  They're the people who can deliver change, if you can generate enough interest.     Quite.    I agree totally.  That's a different topic, though, to me.  See below.       OK in some democracies (less so the US) it's the civil servants which provide consistency, and our experience has been a little different, here.  I've found it highly effective to get them on side but yes, you do have to box them in, show them how there is overwhelming evidence to support your cause, then they'll give advice accordingly.  My experience is not in the field of trans campaigning, admittedly (it's in a different area) ... but whatever, I'd argue you have to do both.       I think we actually pretty much agree, overall.     When campaigning on anything, you have to talk to people in a language they understand, and that means ‘translating’ academic work into every day conversational English.  Sometimes, it means wearing your academic knowledge lightly, so that you don’t alienate those you’re trying to influence, but that’s about presentation. The core of what you say needs to be based on solid ground, and for us, given the nature of the subject, that often means academic work.  But yes, of course, you need to be equally smart about how you use that at the interface with Government, civil servants, political parties or even allies.  (I’m not academic, btw – a Century or so ago I scraped a so-so 2/2 from a nice-but-not-Russell-Group university, which I somehow sneaked in to.  I regarded fellow students who sailed through Double Firsts and got on the Dean’s List as beings from another planet.) Campaigning is multi-pronged. But the most effective campaigning takes place quietly before entrenched public positions are taken. Politicians in senior positions rely on briefings from senior civil servants, whose job in democracies like ours is to understand the direction of policy and provide informed advice as to how that should be achieved. In the US, of course, senior civil servants may change with the Administration, and are more politicised, which makes things more challenging, but doesn’t change the principle. In countries with a Permanent Civil Service, which serves whichever party is in power, you at least have a personal continuity (though they’re quite matter-of-fact about simply changing their position with a change of Government; you seldom know their private own view).  Those people (often very smart) are able to understand academic papers, or at least have someone explain them – in my experience, they devour them.  That’s been demonstrated to me on more than one occasion in eye-opening moments, in a different subject field, where apparently dull civil servants asked penetrating questions from a deeply informed base. Getting to a politician before they have made a public statement on anything is s-o-o-o important.  Once they’ve announced an unhelpful position, you have to get them to row back, in public, and that’s usually impossible.  Quiet briefing at an early stage helps; they don’t necessarily have to grasp the details of academic work themselves to get the key messages.   Many of us will have been in a position where we lead a group of some sort, in the corporate or military worlds, politics, campaigning, or voluntary work.  We soon learn can’t be experts in everything (engineering, HR, the law, logistics, R&D, whatever) and we have to take advice from team members who have expertise in narrow-band areas; we actually become experts in knowing whether we’re being a fed a line, or whether someone is likely to be right.  We develop trust in certain people who (we learn over time) really know their business.  That’s because they have read all the relevant academic work, have real life experience, and have been there and done it. It’s hard to fake.  It comes through in their spoken language, body language, tone, confidence, and in particular in their light command of facts and precedence.  Military officers can often see it easily in senior NCOs who give them advice.  We’re all motivated to do campaigning by different things.  Me too.  I get annoyed by irrational people presenting bigoted views assertively from an uninformed base.  I can be quite reactive to that.  But in my quieter more thoughtful moments I know that’s just shouting into the void and a waste of my time and energy. It would be much better to focus ruthlessly on outcomes.  And whilst it would be nice to think you could achieve all your outcomes in one go, I know, in reality, that the outcomes I would want for the trans community won’t be achieved in my remining years of life.  But some of them will be and if I can support that, I’ll be happy.  And the contribution I’ll try to make to that is raising the level of debate, from the emotional to the factual. I won’t abandon the emotional side – I’m an emotional person, and I am seized by moral outrage, but I know that whilst expressing that will periodically help me feel better (and it does), it won’t deliver the fundamental change I’d like to see (fairness, tolerance and equality for trans people).  In the end, whatever populist right-wing anti-trans zealots say or do, it is science and a growing body of genuine knowledge that will stand the test of time. 
    • kat2
      Meanwhile, back at the cat cafeee, Mia cannot cope with her customers err....next? what do u want bog brush? who me??? i am a customer,,yeah yeah do u want mc nuts with your fries?
    • Heather Shay
      I hope someone on the forum can help. I live up North but visited and liked Richmond.
    • April Marie
      Welcome to TGP! Each of us are unique but still often have much in common. I can't answer your question regarding facial hair since, for me, the desire is to totally eliminate it but there may well be others who can. Feel free to wander about the forums, ask questions and jump into conversations where you feel comfortable. You are safe and accepted here.
    • SilasG
      Hey my little Rain-bow 🌈🌈🌈 I’ll be sure to be around today Tuesday January 14 I have old like to hear about what has been going on and how it made you feel. I’m here for you sweetie. We’ll talk soon  Your Nonbinary Buddy  Silo
    • SilasG
      My Little Rain-bow 🌈🌈 I’m sorry that this didn’t turn out well. I’m sorry I wasn’t available earlier to support you I’ve been in quite some pain lately. I’m happy you were able to look at a positive and realize they weren’t that nice anyway. It still hurt I’m sure please know that it will get better and that the right people who love you and support you for who you are will enter your life and never judge you or leave you feeling unaccepted. I’m sorry again I could be there for you earlier. Your Nonbinary Buddy  Silo
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