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Hatred towards transsexualism


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Seems like there is a lot of hatred from the transgenders against the transsexuals. This is just from my experience of course. Being banned from any transgender forum just because you mention that you have the diagnosis transsexualism... and I've tried several places. I don't understand. What harm is it that we do to you guys just by existing? I don't know exactly what transgender means - fair enough, but considering that transsexual means needing to change ones sex, I assume that transgender means needing to change ones gender, or in simpler words change ones brain. If this is correct, then even though they could be considered opposites, they could also be considered the same - since the brain is also a part of the body. So shouldn't we be able to find common ground in the whole trans aspect?

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  • Admin

I'm sorry to hear that you've had those experiences in other forums.  Maybe it's a European thing.  In this forum we really don't differentiate between the two.  We consider transgender an umbrella term that covers just about everything.  In the U.S., transsexual is usually considered an out of date term that isn't used, or heard, much.  But for me, and most here, it is not a cause for derision or negativity. 


I've actually not heard that explanation for transsexual vs. transgender.  To me, changing one's sex is the same as changing one's gender.  It requires the same medical procedure(s), whether HRT or surgery.  It is a distinction without a difference.  Bottom line is that whatever you call yourself, you are welcome here as long as you abide by the Community Rules.  😄


Carolyn Marie

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Thanks Carolyn for your answer. Funny if it's a European thing, can they ever stop lol??? I still don't fully understand why transgender is a more positive term than transsexual. As I read, transgender is supposed to be an umbrella term that includes even transsexuals, however this rarely seems to be the case. I think the term transgender in order to describe me would be derogatory since it implies that I need to change my gender even though it's always been correct when it's just my body that's been wrong. Whenever I mention that I'm a transsexual in the transgenders forums it fuels people into all sorts of anger. It's like they can consider me and my diagnosis to be derogatory but they stole our word and repurposed it for a wider audience and block any of us who the word came from. Off topic but blessings to all our forefathers/mothers who have made sure that we still are alive and can sort of live until this day. You are my everything. 

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34 minutes ago, Carolyn Marie said:

I've actually not heard that explanation for transsexual vs. transgender.


@serpentil1 I can give one explanation for the difference.  The term Transsexual over here on the American continent was grabbed and held hostage by a group of Trans people who insisted that they were the only ones to whom "Trans" itself could be applied, they HAD TO HAVE been diagnosed specifically for the condition, and many also referred to it as Harry Benjamin Syndrome, for which BOTH hard core injectable hormones and the most complicated (at the time) SEX CHANGE surgery were mandates to be part of their following, now days called TRUSCUM.  They also required their adherents to NEVER let any person know you were anything other than your desired gender. It had to be, life long total stealth living with those who could out you and deny you were born fully a female being the vilest enemies and people who did not go the ultimate total surgical routes to be sexual perverts imperiling the lives of  "True Transsexuals"


On the other side of issues, with American Continents Cis people being real touchy about the word "Sex" being a horror driven realm of imagination, using the term Transsexual was interpreted to mean it was ALL about the worst type of depraved sexual urges involving men who wanted to have sex with men as a woman who would and steal a man's sacred bodily secretion from use by Cis women.  This is something that is still with us today, and why those who are Non-Surgical, and in some cases, non-Hormone, rejecting the Transsexual label and instead making it about your life in a total gender body using Transgender. that was not what the doctor or midwife at your birth guess that you were.


The hatred you are shown from some of the Transgender Labeled folks is that they were denied their place by the old TRUSCUM groups who could be vicious and brutal to those who would not live their ideal of life.  Here, You can BE YOU, we do understand and keep it friendly for others.  The old sticky group has not been here since before I got here, and their stuff was lost long ago in a server crash.


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Just want to explain the situation, I don't want a fight, I just want people to show each other respect. No hatred, just love and if capability is there, understanding. But love is the one thing that everyone who is alive has, I believe, whether you're in a coma, have severe dementia or not. I'm asking questions so that I can be more understanding and maybe say the right words so that I don't get banned wherever I go for uttering the word transsexual. I want to be a transgender. Maybe I'm transtransgender? Although I just want to be a cisman mostly so transcisman would be more correct. Regardless I'm tired with being alone with all this and would like to make friends who are similar or different, I don't care, honesty is all that matters.

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Didn't read your last post before posting sorry. You're funny and the explanation makes sense and your post is very good. I understand things much better now I will tell you. You're way better than wikipedia 🤗


I still believe that the term transsexual is relevant and that those who belong to this group should be treated with equal respect. Sex = genitals. If you're transsexual you need to change your sex. Transgender I don't know and don't feel comfortable being labled as such. And also, to have this wide variety of people who need so much medical help in order to survive compared to those who need none and to put them all together into one single term, it's a bit strange to me but more importantly is telling people off who need actual help. I'm beyond saving but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only transsexual in the world. The people who are left need a safe place to speak. What's making matters bad is that the transgenders have different goals that they are striving for, make use of the word trans, and making sure that their little agendas are being served like for example; having their special pronouns being depicted in their passports, when transsexuals want to maybe lets say raise the question of developing better genital surgery or lets say put more money into research into transsexuals so that the poor bastard who come after us maybe will get treatment before they have to suffer through childhood and teenage years without it. 

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Interestingly, I joined this forum because the previous one I belonged to, as a longtime member, I might add, chastised me and censured a post of mine when I used the word transsexual.  The post was about labels and how they can be helpful when we are struggling to describe ourselves.  I intended no malice nor was I being biased while using the term, yet I was told I couldn't use it and if I did again, I would be banned from the website.


I was flabbergasted and decided immediately, I didn't want to belong to a site that openly practiced overreaching censorship.  I believe the site in question was an American website.  

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Thanks Sally, 

It's strange why it is like that. We're the core of the community but we're being burnt like we're the -crap- that hasn't been properly flushed out of the toilet yet. This is exactly the response that I've been getting. Sad to find out I'm not alone. But also thankful that I'm not alone.

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Have no friends in "real life" maybe there's a reason for that. I just want to make friends. Trying to find a place where I will be accepted. Not very easy apparently. When I'm not even accepted because of what I am then how could I even possibly get to the stage of being accepted due to my moral standing or god forbid my personality.

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Language and terminology evolves over time, and will continue to do so. People will weaponise both as it seems to be a regrettable human trait. While I personally don't subscribe to any description, I realise that there is a practical need for various reasons.


My medical charts have Transgender marked on them, as doctors need to know I have different needs to cis people. When I need to quickly describe myself I use the term Transwoman so the recipient has some idea who I am, and I don't need to give long winded explanations.


While I know people will misuse them, I believe the terminology we use needs refinement. Transgender infers crossing between genders, but many of us aren't. Our Gender Identity was born in us, and we are just trying to become congruent. We can't change our Gender Identity, so some of us alter our genitals, or sex organs. So Transsexual seems more appropriate. 


As an umbrella term, I prefer the term Gender Diverse. It doesn't imply one or the other, or transiting between the two. It doesn't imply a binary at all, but a diversity which encompasses all. From there, we could break it down into groups who are questioning, fascinated, expressive, closeted, socially transitioning, or medically transitioning (their secondary sex). This may help many have better understanding, and could improve our treatment in society, but, could also be used against us.


It is sad that people with similar interests to our own engage in tribalism and hate, but this seems to be part of human nature. It is why I don't like flags, and shy away from terms, but I can see an overall benefit in better understanding across the whole community. 


@Sally Stone I am a member of that forum you mentioned, and have been moderated many times for trying to help others, to the point that I have drifted away like many others. This forum seems to manage the balance between respect and free thought quite well, with the benefit to members being the priority, not to enforce personal beliefs. 





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  • Admin
9 hours ago, serpentil1 said:

still believe that the term transsexual is relevant and that those who belong to this group should be treated with equal respect.

Stay here and @Carolyn Marie , myself @MaryEllen, @Petra Jane as Administrators and all the Moderators will see that that happens, since our rules here call for the RESPECT of all other members.  Edit your profile's signature line like I have done to mine, and tell us there what your Label is, and what your pronouns and titles should be and all of us will honor that information.  I do not always fit one particular label, but that is me and I will get grumpy if that is not honored, but I try to respect the dignity of every other person here which prevents me from deliberately misusing what dignifies another person.

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12 hours ago, Carolyn Marie said:

We consider transgender an umbrella term that covers just about everything.  In the U.S., transsexual is usually considered an out of date term that isn't used, or heard, much.  But for me, and most here, it is not a cause for derision or negativity. 


I've actually not heard that explanation for transsexual vs. transgender.  To me, changing one's sex is the same as changing one's gender.  It requires the same medical procedure(s), whether HRT or surgery.  It is a distinction without a difference.  Bottom line is that whatever you call yourself, you are welcome here as long as you abide by the Community Rules.  😄


I'll echo this ^^^😊 


I've seen that transgender is the preferred term, although some folks still use the other word.  I guess they are kind of interchangeable?  I don't think anybody here will have an issue with what word is used.  Its more about tone and context which reveal intent.  And while English is the standard language here, there's people from around the world from different cultures.  I certainly don't expect everybody to use the same words that I do, and I understand that people may not always read what I write exactly how I meant it.  We work it out and try to be polite. 


To me, there is a nuance between transsexual and transgender.  Can you change your sex?  Well, I guess that's what surgeries do.  I mean, sometimes they're called "sex reassignment surgery."  Surgeries and hormones change physical function and appearance.  Gender is intimately linked to sex, but goes beyond the physical to encompass feelings, mental health, social role, etc.  Sex reassignment is a component of gender transition, but it isn't the whole.  And there's folks like me who adjust role and appearance, but without significantly changing hormones or undergoing medical procedures.  So, am I transsexual?  The way I see it, I guess not.  As my body has been  anatomically between sexes since birth, the term "intersex" is a better fit for me.  Am I transgender?  As I started life identified as female but I'm now more aligned with male appearance, that term is probably a better fit (although not 100%). 


Words are complicated!  Patience and goodwill can succeed where language falters.




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I like "gender diverse" as the umbrella term.  The problem with TG being an umbrella term is a bit like saying New York:  Do you mean a city or a state?  


When a person has a brain/soul/identity in conflict with their assigned gender, we call them transgender.  Simple enough.  But then we also call transgender the people who are anywhere from erotic crossdressers to men who want forced feminization as a means of being humiliated.  And these people generally have no interest in becoming a woman.  In fact, many are repulsed by such a thought.


I really have nothing against any of those people.  That is their thing.  OK.  But if TG is an umbrella term, then what term expresses who I am clearly enough that I am express the difference between me and these other people?

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/9/2023 at 3:38 PM, serpentil1 said:

Seems like there is a lot of hatred from the transgenders against the transsexuals. This is just from my experience of course. Being banned from any transgender forum just because you mention that you have the diagnosis transsexualism... 

I think it might be that  word 'transsexualism' as in 'ism'. 


I'm  not  sure why this hasn't been noticed  before. It's not a European  thing. 'Ism' implies it's political or extrem'ism'. 


Right now there's a religious  bigot in prison in Ireland. He is happy there  because he sees himself as a marytr because of his objection to Transgenderism. He's a fool because he's in prison for something entirely different. 


Transgenderism implies some sort of political agenda like  racism or activism. 


I'm  not sure if the  OP understands  this? 


This and no other  website that I  know of involving trans people are actively politicising being  trans. 


I should point out that that transgenderism is a false misrepresentation of who we are. 


I seen it described as 'militant transexuals'. A bizarre  idea.


Terminology is important.



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You have been born a certain way and CAN change how you are perceived on the outside straight from Merriam-Webster:


Gender Identity: a person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female


Sex: either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures


You aren't able to change your sex. This however doesn't mention intersex but a medical professional will look at your genes and then determine which is wrong on so many levels. 

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      @KymmieL I think we all have had to deal with a person who would not apologize when they were wrong no matter what.  In my case it was my MIL. Actually called me a lier I front of my wife.  Even when she realized she was wrong she wouldn’t admit it to my wife, nor would she apologize to my wife for any of the things she later admitted she had done that affected my wife.  I had a boss that accused me of saying things I did not say in a manner I did not use.  Even another employee told him that I had not said the things nor used the words but he still refused to back down.     Unfortunately, all too many people in this world believe they are always right no matter what.  Some are very famous.  lol   Willow    
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      I have the same problem as you, my face is the main reason why I get misgendered I'm pretty sure. I think it's mostly up to genetics how your face will look (T can help, but still genetics will determine how you end up). You can't change your facial structure really, you can get facial masculinization surgery but it's expensive so not an option for most unless you're rich lol.    Experimentally (I haven't done it but want to), you could see if any plastic surgeons around you will give you Kybella in your cheeks. It is an injection that removes fat, and is usually used underneath the chin/on the neck below the jawline, but some may use it off-label on the face. The only potential problem with this is that if your face would naturally thin out at an older age, it could thin out extra and make you look older (though I'm not certain on this). Another option is to get filler in your jaw/chin, which would make your jawline look more square and your face more masculine. I want jaw filler but I'm poor lol, it only lasts one year up to a few years depending on what kind you get, so it would have to be done every so often and can get expensive. I did get chin filler once, only 2 small vials so it didn't make that big of a difference. I would recommend going for the jaw if you can only choose 1, I wish I had done that.   Those are the only options I know of that will bring legitimate noticeable changes.
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Blake!! We are happy that you found us!!
    • Mmindy
      Good evening Blake.   Welcome to Transgender Pulse Forums.   Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you.    Trans men and trans women each have their own struggles for sure, but I agree, it can be a hard time to be a non-passing trans guy. There is no specific "man clothes" that only men wear. People could just think I'm butch (which sucks to think about, if people think I'm a lesbian when I'm a dude!!). I mean I would feel better if I got gendered correctly even if I don't fully pass, it would maybe raise my confidence to think maybe I do pass well lol! Instead I'm just reminded I don't.   Though I may just focus on the times I don't pass and ignore the times that I do. Because I rarely remember getting gendered correctly, but I hone in on the times that I don't. 
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you, I'm glad to be here. :)   I have been in therapy for 9 years but still can't seem to accept myself. I think it has to do with growing up trans in a world that hates us, especially in the south. I mean I was discriminated against by adults and ostracized as a kid/teen due to being trans. My family is accepting, but the rest of the world is not. I realize now a lot of people are accepting (even unexpectedly, like my partner's conservative republican Trump-loving parents lol), but it feels like my brain is still in survival mode every time I exit the door. I am a very fearful person.   My body still may change over time, but it feels like I haven't met the same 'quota' (don't know the right word) that a majority of other trans guys have on far less time on T. Most trans guys pass easily 1-3yrs on T, I'm double that and still don't pass well except my voice.
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you. I am just used to seeing trans guys who pass at like... 6 months to 1 year, at the most 3 years. And I just don't meet the mark, all the way at 6 years. It is possible with time I will masculinize more, but it's frustrating when I'm "behind" and may never catch up. It threatens my mental health mostly, possibly my physical health if I'm visibly trans (though I don't ever go out alone). 
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      Boss is happy with everything with me and said I will be the only one that works on one customer's truck.This customer saw me clean a small grease spot in the inter of his Kenworh last week,on the steering wheel.A new customer too,saw me walk out with my tub o' towels wiping that grease stain off.This one,he cannot stand a grease spot in the interior.
    • Nonexistent
      Yeah, I am grieving the man I "should" have been. He will never exist, especially not in my youth. But I don't know how to healthily go about it instead of fixating on the life that could have been.
    • EasyE
    • VickySGV
      Going to the conventions has been one of my ways to deal with this stuff. 
    • Nonexistent
      Sorry it took me a while to respond!    I would like to get to know you. :) I only have mental disabilities. Schizoaffective disorder, depression, and anxiety. The last two are severe and very treatment-resistant. I did have physical problems for some time, but it was caused by an antipsychotic medication (Invega). It basically crippled me, muscle weakness/fatigue, basically could barely walk (used mobility devices) and doctors were useless since they didn't suspect the medication I was on! I've finally ditched antipsychotics (hopefully for good, unless my symptoms come back). I usually don't share like this, especially in person, but hey, I'm anonymous. :)   I'm not expecting reciprocation at all btw, these things are personal. There is more to us than disabilities, so tell me about yourself if you still wanna talk!
    • EasyE
      thanks for the insight ... good to know things are being well thought-out ... it is no easy topic for sure, as many of us on here have been wrestling with this stuff for years and decades...
    • Ashley0616
      @KymmieLWOW! He is absolutely horrible! Definitely one of the worst boss's. 
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